Guilty Sin

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Guilty Sin Page 15

by Chelle Bliss

  After some digging into Diego’s past, we learned he’d been previously investigated in the disappearance of two females in the last ten years. They were never found, though, and there wasn’t enough evidence to charge him. But with the recent crackdown on immigration laws due to the new presidential administration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement could toss him out of the country and send him back to Mexico where he was a wanted man. The police there didn’t want him—they were as corrupt as the Atlanta cops—but there was more than one Mexican cartel that placed a bounty on his head.

  “Pop and Sam, you two find the girl while the rest of us work on securing Diego.”

  “I’m all about the rescue.” Pop rubbed his hands together. “But…”

  “You going to just handcuff him?” Sam asked, interrupting my dad.

  “I don’t know. We’ll see how everything unfolds.”

  That was a lie. After hearing everything Nya went through, I couldn’t just hand Diego over to the authorities without making him pay for what he’d done to her. Not just her, but to every unsuspecting and trusting female he’d gotten his claws into over the years.

  The sun hung low in the sky, almost hidden by the trees lining the long street near Diego’s place. “I’ll go in first.” I squeezed my hands into tight fists, stretching the gloves I’d bought just for this occasion.

  Sure, this wasn’t a covert operation, but I was more than happy to fuck up Diego a little bit before we handed him off to the proper authorities. With the cops on his payroll, I didn’t want to leave a trace that I’d been inside. There was nothing worse than crooked cops, depending on supplemental income and suddenly at a loss. I was sure heads would roll, but it sure as hell wasn’t going to be any of the guys at ALFA on the hook.

  “Let’s discuss this as a team,” Morgan said as he climbed out of the truck.

  The fucker was trying to block me, but it wasn’t going to work. I’d already discussed the entire operation with James and Thomas, and they were on board.

  James swept his fingers through his hair, waiting for our team to join the others between the SUVs. “Let’s go over this one more time. I want zero fuck-ups.”

  “I’m ready to fuck shit up.” Pop cracked his knuckles, hungry for blood.

  “Ret will go in first. We’ll secure the perimeter before he enters. Once he’s inside and verifies the girl’s location, we’ll enter as backup. Bear and Morgan will retrieve the girl and escort her to safety. The rest of us will be Ret’s backup as he takes down Diego.”

  “Immigration is on the way. They should be here in ten,” Sam added.

  James gave Sam a quick chin lift and rubbed his hands together. “We better get moving, then. Any last-minute questions or issues?”

  “Nope.” I shook my head, ready to get moving.

  I walked ahead of the group, sneaking around to the back of the property to enter through a rear door I’d seen when I cased the place to rescue Nya.

  The lock was easier to pick a second time. Maybe he had a false sense of security with the piles of money he tossed at local law enforcement, but his careless mistake made it easy for me to gain access to the lower level of his home. Nya told me he often spent time in his study, which was located on the second floor near the front of the house.

  I took a few steps inside, careful not to make a sound as I moved. The door to the closet Nya told me about had the lock engaged and two dead bolts fastened. What kind of sick fuck would think they actually needed so many locks to keep such a little girl inside? Maybe it was part of a sick, twisted mind game, the sound of each lock closing more terrifying than the last. Maybe it was the sound of them opening to reveal the monster on the other side that got his rocks off.

  “Girl’s locked inside,” I said softly into the microphone so the rest of the team would start to move. “I’m going up.”

  “We’re right behind you.”

  I moved so quickly, my feet barely touched the floor as I headed up the stairs, straight toward his study. I couldn’t stop thinking about the way I found Nya, the sadness and hurt in her eyes as she told me about her time in this very house, and the countless women he’d done the same thing to over the years.

  My insides were practically vibrating by the time I pushed the door to his study wide open.

  “What the fuck?” Diego jumped to his feet, coming at me with the same burning anger in his eyes as I had raging in mine.

  He swung at me, missing as I ducked and jabbed him in the gut. The loud grunt coming from his mouth as he crouched over screamed easy target. The man loved to hurt women, he thrived on their pain, but he couldn’t take a small hit without crying out like a little bitch.

  My blood boiled as Diego stood in front of me, breathing the same air I did when he didn’t deserve to live. No man who did what he did deserved to exist in the same world as the ones he hurt.

  Before he came at me again, I lunged forward and thrust my fist upward, connecting with his jaw. His head snapped back, spittle and blood flying from his mouth as he staggered and tried to maintain his footing.

  “This is for Nya,” I said before striking again, harder than before. He didn’t just stagger that time. His body jolted as his feet left the ground, and he fell backward onto the hardwood floor.

  I could’ve stopped then. Just rolled him over and put his hands in cuffs, but I couldn’t. The feelings Nya had stirred in me, coupled with my experience as a Dom, made it so I couldn’t let that be the end.

  I stepped over him, placing my feet on either side of his writhing body, and crouched down. “You like to beat women?” He reached up, trying to push my face away, but I didn’t budge. I grabbed his hair, lifting his face closer to mine. “You like to scare them?”

  “Fuck you,” he spat, blood dribbling down the corners of his mouth.

  I laughed and tightened my grip, figuring I’d fuck with his head a little. “I bet the cartel in Mexico is going to love getting their hands on you.”

  His eyes widened, and he started to swing his arms, trying to break free of my hold. I slapped him, stunning him, but totally loving the wild look in his eyes.

  Lowering myself, I sat on his chest, giving him all of my weight and making it hard for him to breathe. “You deserve a slow death, Diego. The cartel may make it too quick for what you deserve.”

  “The girl’s secured,” James said from behind me, but I didn’t turn around as I glared at the piece of shit below me.

  “Can I kill him?” I wanted nothing more than to slowly choke the life out of him. Watching him gasp for his last breaths, knowing they would be his final few, would give me more pleasure than just about anything in life.

  “Don’t do it. We have too many hands involved now. Let the Mexicans take him out.”

  I still slid my hands around his neck as he bucked and pleaded with me, with us, to release him. As I tightened my grip, squeezing his neck so hard that his eyes started to bulge and loving every second of watching the sick fuck struggle for air, James placed his hand on my shoulder.

  “He’s not worth it, man.”

  I could’ve argued. I wouldn’t feel remorse for ending his life. Trash like Diego didn’t deserve any pity or guilt. The world would be a better place without him in it, and if I had to kill him myself…I would.

  “Son,” Pop said, his heavy footsteps sounding against the hardwood as he came up behind me. “ICE is here.”

  “Fuck,” I hissed, wanting to at least choke Diego to the point that he passed out, but maybe his knowing he was being carted off to the one country he didn’t have protection was the way to go. He’d be terrified and maybe feel an ounce of the fear he caused his victims.

  I lightened my grip but slammed the back of his head into the floor before I climbed to my feet.

  “You’ll pay for this,” he said in a strangled voice as he rubbed his neck and gasped for air.

  The room erupted in laughter because whether he knew it or not, his time for making threats was over and so was his



  Alese and I had danced around the topic of my being part of their relationship for days. Sometimes I felt like an interloper, like I’d inserted myself into their relationship without being invited. Not just their day-to-day life, but their bed too.

  She’d asked me to never leave, but maybe it was because she was still healing from her accident and couldn’t get around. The number of pain meds she was on didn’t help her make any decisions either.

  “Is this awkward for you?” I asked, sitting next to her on the couch, curled under the blanket.

  She glanced at me with her eyebrows furrowed, looking confused by my question. I didn’t know how I’d feel in her shoes. Before Diego, I’d had boyfriends, but nothing long term and no one I truly loved. I don’t know how I’d feel if I were put in her situation.

  “What? The three of us?” She rolled her eyes and curled the blanket closer to her chin. “Don’t be silly. I love you being here with us.”


  “The only thing I’m jealous about right now is that you can come and I can’t,” she told me, letting her head fall to the side to stare at me.

  “I’m sorry,” I said like it was my fault.

  “I was so close last time. So, so close, but I need my damn muscles to cooperate. It feels like it’s going to take forever for me to get better.”

  “It won’t,” I lied. The doctors said her incisions would heal, but her leg would take much longer. Once the cast was finally removed, she’d need therapy to build up strength.

  “Maybe if my incisions would heal. I don’t know.” She chewed her lips, glancing back at the television. “God, I love this part.”

  I glanced toward the screen, watching as the characters fell onto the bed, wrapped in each other’s arms in a deep kiss. I smiled, sighing at the easiness they had with each other.

  “Fuck, seriously. Even this tender shit is turning me on,” she groaned and pulled the blanket over her head. “I can’t take it.”

  I pulled the blanket away from her face. “Can I help at all? Do you think if we…”

  “If we what?” she asked, a playful smile on her face.

  “I don’t know. Maybe if you get worked up enough, it’ll just happen.”

  She looked at me almost cross-eyed, like I was speaking another language. “Like a spontaneous orgasm?”

  I shrugged and laughed. “Dumb. I know.”

  She was quiet for a moment, staring at me as I peered back toward the television, suddenly feeling like a complete moron. “It may work. I mean, anything can happen, right?”

  “Maybe. Can’t hurt, can it?”

  “Seriously?” She gaped at me, and I realized what I’d said.

  “I mean, it would suck if it didn’t work. Maybe we shouldn’t.”

  “Fuck you. We’re doing it.”


  She shook her head and giggled. “When Ret gets back, silly.”


  “Thank you,” she said quickly, reaching down and grabbing my hand under the blanket.

  “For what?”

  I couldn’t imagine what she was thanking me for. I should’ve been the one thanking her. She could’ve very easily turned her back on me and not welcomed me into her home and into her life. But that wasn’t Alese. She didn’t have an ounce of meanness in her body.

  “I don’t know what I would’ve done the last few weeks without you.”

  I felt the same way and couldn’t stop the tears from filling my eyes as I stared at her beautiful, warm face. “I love you,” I blurted out, saying the words for the first time.

  She smiled, squeezing my hand tightly. “I love you too, Nya. Don’t ever doubt that you’re wanted and loved. Oh my God. Do you know what this means?”

  “No,” I said softly.

  “I’m going to have a sister wife.” She smiled.

  The tears came faster, falling harder as she spoke. My parents never even said those words of love to me. No one on this planet had uttered such a thing before now. Just Alese, and although Ret didn’t say it, I felt the unspoken words in his touch and burning in his eyes.

  “Hey.” She brushed away the tears from my face with a tender smile. “Can we watch something else? I can’t take all this sex and sappy shit. We need some killing or laughs.”

  I leaned forward, wiping the tears away from my face as I grabbed the remote. There would be no more tears and no more sadness. I was done being that girl. I was part of something bigger, something better. I had two people who loved me, accepted me, and wanted me in their lives.

  My phone vibrated next to me, and I practically jumped from the couch. “Fucking hell, that scared me.”

  “Is it Ret?” she asked, looking over as I pulled the phone in front of me.

  “It is.”

  We both read the screen and exhaled in unison.

  Ret: He’s captured. It’s done.

  She was thankful Ret was okay and so was I, but I was happy to know Diego would never hurt another woman again. What I went through and probably dozens of women had gone through before me, no one should ever have to experience.

  I was strong enough to withstand his mental games and torture, but others probably weren’t as tough.

  She pushed her head back into the couch cushion and smiled. “Thank God he’s okay.”

  “Yeah,” I said, staring at the screen again because I was a little bit in shock.

  I’d never thought Diego would be brought to justice. Men like him, with more money than any human should be able to amass, usually found ways to skate the law because their bank accounts were so big.

  But Ret and the guys at ALFA couldn’t be bought.

  * * *

  I woke to soft voices mumbling back and forth and blinked a few times, stretching my sore muscles as I yawned. Ret sat on the coffee table, talking to Alese as she sat next to me.

  “You’re home?” I asked, my voice rough from sleep.

  He smiled, leaning his upper body over his legs with his elbows on his knees. “Just got back.”

  “Everything go okay?”

  I’d sat on the couch last night, trying to pay attention to the movie, but couldn’t stop thinking about Ret and Diego.

  “He’s on a plane to Mexico right now. I give him twenty-four hours.”

  I knew in my heart I shouldn’t be happy about someone dying, but if anyone deserved to cease to exist, it was Diego. “That’s good.”

  “It’s the best fucking news ever.” Alese smiled, pulling herself upright with her hands without so much as a wince.

  “Your hands,” I said, finally letting my eyes roam Ret’s body. His hands were bruised, and his knuckles were swollen.

  He glanced down, squeezing his fists tightly. “I’m fine. You should see Diego’s face.” He smirked. “You ladies do okay without me?”

  “Yeah. I think so.” My eyes closed for a second, and sleep threatened to pull me back under.

  “Nya had a fabulous idea, though.”

  The sleepy feeling was short-lived as my eyes flew open, knowing exactly what she was talking about.

  Ret raised an eyebrow and stared at me. “I can’t wait to hear this.”

  I glanced toward the ceiling, keeping my mouth shut because I was sure Alese could pull off my words better than I could. I’d sound crazy, but somehow, she’d say it in a way that would sound convincing and rational.

  “I need to come.”

  I held back my laughter as Ret smiled and nodded his head. We both knew she could be a handful, and soon, if she didn’t get her way or an orgasm, she’d probably be brutal to live with.


  “We’re going to try for a spontaneous orgasm.”

  His eyes darted to me before going back to Alese. “Spontaneous orgasm?”

  “Yep.” She smiled.

  “Want to explain that one to me? Like what… I look at you, and you come?”

  She shrugged and laughed. “
Not exactly.”

  Oh God. I wanted to crawl under the blanket and hide because she wasn’t pulling off what I told her at all. I wasn’t about to enter this conversation to clarify my statement either.

  “Nya?” Ret stared at me, but I kept my eyes trained on the blank television behind him, pretending to be in a trance.

  “You know how you get me all worked up?”

  I breathed a sigh of relief when she started talking because it was becoming impossible to ignore Ret. This was more awkward than any other moment with them, and there were some that should’ve ranked right up here with this but didn’t.

  “Yeah.” He smirked. “You like when I do that.”

  “Like sometimes when you only need to blow on my clit and I explode.”

  “Uh-huh.” His smile widened.

  “We gotta do that.”

  “So, lots of foreplay until you don’t even need your muscles to push you over the edge.”

  “You got it.” She laughed and folded her arms in front of her. “Just like that.”

  “I’ve never heard it called spontaneous orgasm, though.”

  “It’s the best we could come up with in a pinch.”

  “You love to be pinched,” he told her, winking while he moved his two fingers together like he was pinching her nipples.

  “Jesus Christ,” she groaned.

  “What’s wrong, baby… Horny?”

  “Someone better get me off before I leave wet spots on every damn surface in this house.”

  I burst out in giggles. I didn’t know if it was the crazy expression on her face or the tone of her voice, but I couldn’t stop. I tried to swallow it down, but every time I almost got my composure back, I’d look at Alese and lose it all over again.

  Alese didn’t find it nearly as amusing as I did. “You won’t be laughing if he doesn’t let you come, ya know?”

  My gaze flickered to Ret, and I instantly sobered. “I wasn’t laughing at her.”


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