Tame Me (Alpha Four, Book 2)

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Tame Me (Alpha Four, Book 2) Page 2

by Mia Dymond


  Still caged in her chair by two very large arms attached to biceps the size of rump roasts, Kat took a deep breath. Although offering her body to Sgt. Taylor was a fascinating gesture that caused several waves of goosebumps to invade her skin, he didn’t need to demand it.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Oh no?”

  “No.” She lifted her chin and managed to fold her arms across her chest while she locked her gaze on his. “I need specifics.”

  “In due time.”


  For several seconds, he simply stared, his face free of emotion while his delightful five o’clock shadow tested her resolve. He continued to indent the leather of her chair’s arms with his fingers as if he needed to prevent her escape.

  “Someone wants to kill you,” he said finally.

  “I already know that. How do you know it?”

  “Your father told me.”

  “My father receives quite a few threats.”

  “This one is directed at you.”

  “The judge called you?”

  He nodded.

  She tilted her head to one side, analyzing the severity of the situation. Like she, Judge Abbott did not panic. Since he summoned Alpha Four, there must be cause for concern.

  “And now you’re my shadow.”

  “Yes. Until I figure out what the hell’s going on, we’re stuck like glue.”

  “I see.” She cleared her throat. “And how do you plan to do that?”

  “Simple. I lead, you follow.”

  “Hardly,” she answered without hesitation. “I lead, you follow. After all, you’re the shadow.”

  “Logistics.” He shrugged. “Long story short, I promised to keep you safe and I intend to do just that.”

  “On my terms.”


  “On what?”

  “On how well you cooperate.”

  “I’m very cooperative.”

  Her admission earned her a full–on, heart–pounding, knee–weakening smile.

  “See now,” he said while he shook his head, “that’s something I find very hard to believe.”

  “I am,” she insisted. “I just need a good explanation of how you expect me to cooperate.”

  “No,” he said while he stood. “You are the least cooperative person I know.”

  “You really don’t know much about me.”

  “True, but what I do know may save my life.”

  As badly as she hated to admit it, Chaos knew more about her than she expected. Well then, if he had done his homework, he expected her next statement.

  “Good luck holding me hostage.”

  “Not my intention.”

  “You’ll have to spend quite a bit of time here.”

  “I’m fully aware.”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed with the force of a swallow and she couldn’t resist another jab. “Pink’s not your color?”

  “I don’t mind the color.”

  “I think you do.”

  “No, it’s just that this place is pink from top to bottom.”

  “Does that threaten your masculinity?”

  “Hell, no. I have two younger sisters. Believe me, I am not intimidated by anything pink.”

  “Then I don’t understand your resistance.”

  He released a hard breath. “All I’m saying is that I’m not the spa type. This place is the opposite of masculine.”

  “Relax Rambo, my clientele is entirely female.”

  “I’m not female.”

  Thank God. “No, you’re not.”

  “You gave me a massage.”

  “I did.”

  “On your pink table.”

  She gave her brain several seconds to process one remarkable flashback. Previously when he’d arrived to interrogate her about Sophie’s art thief, she’d retaliated with an interrogation of her own; she spread him out like a five–course meal and then welcomed the opportunity to run her hands over every inch of his strong, chiseled, bare back. She enjoyed that massage as much as he.

  Finally, she gave him her best I–knew–exactly–what–I–was–doing smile, but refused to explain further.

  “Half naked,” he continued.

  “Right again.”


  She looked him straight in the eyes and hoped to God he wouldn’t take her seriously. It was way too early in the game to let him see her hand.

  “I couldn’t wait to get my hands on you.”

  “Yeah, that’s it,” he drawled.

  “You don’t believe me?”


  “We’ll save that discussion for another time.” She opted for a safe change of subject. “What kind of threat did my father get this time?”

  “Verbal, over the phone. The perp told him to keep you close or you were as good as dead.”

  “Have you checked the phone records?”

  “We will as soon as I brief my team.”

  “You haven’t notified them?”

  “Your father placed the call.” He lifted his wrist and lowered his gaze to the watch buckled there. “ETA, most likely three minutes ago.”

  “I haven’t heard the bell over the door.”

  “Ace probably disabled it.” He glanced at the closed office door. “And from the muffled voices on the other side, he has company.”

  She paused a moment to listen and then a grin split her lips. “Carley.”


  She nodded. “She was on her way over about the same time you stormed in and hustled me back here.”

  “I followed directions – your father suggested an ambush.”

  His admission didn’t surprise her, but still she refused to surrender. “I have clients booked solid for the next two weeks.”

  “Duly noted.”

  “You plan to stand guard the whole time?”


  She moved her gaze first up his body, then down, and then up again, taking great care to appreciate the scenery along the way. “You just might be good for business.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  She rolled her eyes at the obvious ego boost she’d inadvertently provided him. “Don’t you need to brief?”

  “I do.” He nodded at the door. “As soon as my back–up gets here.”


  The minute Carley Kensworth pushed opened the front door of Relax and Renu, she knew something wasn’t right. Not only did the bell hung over the door fail to announce her entry, but the appointment desk stood empty. Granted, it was five o’clock p.m. but Kat never left the station unattended – if she wasn’t there, an employee monitored the area.


  When her friend did not answer, she frowned and walked through the reception area into a hallway that lead to the back of the spa. Ten steps later, the dark–haired Adonis standing with his arms crossed in front of Kat’s office door confirmed her suspicion. Something was definitely not right.

  Although the man was familiar to her, familiarity did little to settle her nerves. Sgt. Gage Moore, or Ace as he was known to the civilian world, was a member of Alpha Four – if the elite team of investigators was here, there was a problem.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked by way of introduction.

  “Hello to you too, Miss Kensworth.”

  “Sorry,” she mumbled. “Hi, Ace. Where’s Kat?”

  “In the office.”

  She nodded and reached for the doorknob, except his mountain of a body blocked her movement. When he made no effort to move, she raised an eyebrow.

  “I only need a few inches.”

  He simply smirked. “Only?”

  “To reach the knob.” As soon as the explanation left her lips, heat burnt her cheeks. “The doorknob. Scooch to the left.”

  “Can’t do that.”

  “Oh, really? You’re physically challenged?”


  “There’s glue on your boots?”

  “Then, move.”

  She bumped his hip with her own but only succeeded in bouncing right off and the minute she realized she would most likely kiss the tile, she found herself smashed against his incredibly hard chest with her head tucked beneath his chin. His warm, strong hands rested on both of her hips, as if he exerted little effort in keeping her upright while his fingers pressed several newfound pleasure points. Her heart pounded while her breasts tightened and her thighs began a nice, warm hum.

  She took a deep breath and inhaled the clean, masculine scent of musky soap from the base of his neck. Her hormones gave him a standing ovation while her tongue left her mouth and threatened to lick the surface of his skin. In fact, if she stood on her tiptoes, she could unbutton the first two buttons of his shirt, press her lips against the surface of his chest, drag her tongue up his neck, over his right cheek, and then close her lips around one earlobe.

  And then she realized she was irritated.

  She swept her wayward tongue across her bottom lip, laid her palms against his pectorals, and pushed herself off of him. Much to her annoyed delight, his hands remained in place.

  “Was that necessary?”


  “Using brute force to keep me from entering.”

  “You’re the one who attacked me sweetheart, and I think you liked the consequences.”

  Oh, yes I did. She bit her tongue to keep the admission buried deep, a feat nearly impossible since his thumbs now caressed the tops of her hips.

  “I did not accost you, I just want to see Kat.”

  “They’re busy.”


  “Chaos is with her.”

  “Doing what?”

  He arched one eyebrow in response.

  “They aren’t doing that.”

  “What exactly do you think is going on in there?”

  “Stop teasing me, Ace. Please move away from the door.”

  He gave her another of his panty–dampening smirks as he lifted one hand from her hip, reached for the knob, twisted it, and then pushed open the door.

  Very carefully, she regarded him with narrowed eyes. “What’s the catch?”

  “No catch.”

  “Oh, there has to be a catch.”

  “No catch,” he repeated. “You’re just in time to relieve him.”

  “Relieve him from what, exactly?”

  At least three seconds of silence followed while his green, hypnotizing gaze locked on hers. Both mischief and amusement sparkled in the depths and she locked her knees to keep from swooning. Good grief, did women even swoon anymore?

  “You ask a lot of questions,” he said finally.

  She shrugged, not bothered in the least by his accusation. “You’re very secretive.”

  He simply nodded in that same smooth, suave manner while her patience thinned.

  “Never mind.” She stepped past him and grasped the doorknob. “I’ll find out myself.”

  The same nagging feeling of worry climbed her spine as she entered the room and saw Kat more or less trapped in her chair. This time, she remembered her manners.

  “Hi, Chaos,” she said as she scurried past him and perched herself on the edge of the desk. “Super Spy is waiting outside.”

  Chaos released a low chuckle while his gaze remained locked on Kat. “Don’t leave the building.”

  “And if I do?”

  “If you do, the consequences won’t be pretty. Challenging me is dangerous, Kat.”

  Carley’s mouth fell open. Obviously, Kat was in the middle of something serious. Yet, she found the ultimatum that Chaos issued to be somewhat, well, interesting. And from the sparks that flew from Kat’s gaze, there was no doubt about her feelings.

  “She won’t,” Carley answered for her.

  Chaos gave them both a nod and then left the office, closing the door behind him.

  “It’s awfully warm in here.” Carley swung both legs back and forth over the side of the desk.

  “We’re in Florida,” Kat drawled.

  “Nuh–huh. I think the sparks between the two of you could start a fire.”

  Her friend gave her a mischievous grin. “I know, right? There’s just one teeny–tiny problem.”

  “I don’t think there’s anything tiny about that man, Kat. Or any of Alpha Four, for that matter.”

  And she spoke the absolute truth. Besides the fact that they all stood six feet tall or more, the masculinity and confidence that oozed from each and every one made them gigantic.

  Kat narrowed her eyes. “Did you run into Ace on the way in?”

  “Literally,” she mumbled. “You could bounce quarters off his abs.”

  “Did you?”

  “Yes. I mean, no!” She waved a dismissive hand in the air. “I ran into him but I didn’t get near his abs.”

  Liar, liar, her conscience taunted. She sighed hard. Okay, she was near them but she didn’t have any change on her at the time, so the point was moot. She quickly turned the conversation back to the original subject.

  “What’s the problem with Chaos?”

  “The man is a wild tyrant. All do this, Kat, or else.”

  “So, tame him. Sounds like a challenge to me.”

  “It is. In fact, I’ve given him a few ultimatums of my own.”

  Although she understood her friend’s plight, Carley couldn’t help but feel there was cause for him to invade her space.

  “I realize he cramps your style, but obviously there’s a reason.”

  “Oh yeah, that. Someone wants to kill me.”

  Carley’s eyes widened to the extent her eyeballs cramped. “Oh, Kat! Who?”

  “We have no idea. My father received the threat this afternoon.”

  She wasn’t surprised to see the other woman poised; Kat rarely came unglued. What surprised her was that she dismissed murder as if it was just a pesky ant in her picnic basket.

  “How can you be so calm?”

  “The judge receives threats all the time. It’s probably nothing.”

  “This sounds serious. Please tell me you’ve agreed to let him hang around until he figures out if you’re safe.”

  “I have.”

  Now much more relieved, Carley studied her nails. “Might be fun.”

  “A real blast.”

  She giggled at her friend’s feigned enthusiasm. “You don’t sound convinced.”

  “It won’t be all bad,” Kat admitted, “but I don’t intend to hide.”

  “Are you sure about that?” She raised her gaze and turned it back on her friend. “Something tells me hiding with Chaos might be insanely gratifying.”

  “Stop.” Kat giggled and rolled her eyes. “I’ll cooperate enough to stay safe, I promise.”

  “Good.” She pushed off the desk to stand. “Let’s go find out what they know.”

  “Don’t get too excited. They probably won’t tell us much.”

  “Yes, they will. I called the cavalry – Sophie and Liv should be here too.”


  Squeezed into a chair with a pink cushion – of course – at a conference table with an equally pink top – big surprise – Chaos listened while Captain Beck Raines, known as Thunder to everyone else, spouted details.

  “Phone records indicate our perp placed the call to Judge Abbott’s chambers at four o’clock p.m. Coincidence or not, the judge’s secretary is on vacation so Abbott answered the call personally.”

  “My money’s on the fact it’s no coincidence.”

  Chaos fully expected Lt. Dagan Caldwell, or Rebel, to jump in with analysis. The tracker’s uncanny ability to ready people by action alone proved to be a secret weapon in the team’s arsenal.

  “The judge will provide a list of frequent fliers through his courtroom,” Thunder continued. “In the meantime, I’ve got sources tracking the call and monitoring the phone line.”

  “He needs an escort.” Ace folded his arms across his chest. “With Chaos on Kat, our
guy may pull a 360 and turn on him.”

  Thunder nodded. “He’s taken care of that.”

  “Is there a Mrs. Abbott?”

  “No. The judge has been widowed for the last fifteen years.”

  Thunder’s admission grabbed his attention and Chaos suddenly understood Judge Abbott’s urgency. No wonder he insisted Alpha Four work around Kat’s resistance. However, there was more than Kat’s resistance to work around.

  “What about her entourage?”

  Thunder didn’t hesitate to issue the solution. “Four of us, four of them. Any more questions?”

  “Just one.” Ace ran a hand over the top of his head. “Am I correct in assuming I need to keep an eye on Carley?”

  The captain nodded. “I’ll do the same for Liv.” Thunder glanced back at him. “Make absolutely sure you have Kat covered. If the perp realizes the relationship between the four of them, I have a feeling he can make our lives a living hell.”

  “I’m on it.”

  “You need back–up?”

  He shook his head. “Piece of cake.”

  “That’s what you think,” Rebel mumbled under his breath.

  He took a moment to analyze Rebel’s comment. True, Sophie gave Rebel a run for his money when an art thief targeted her, but Kat seemed cooperative – for the most part.

  “Maybe Sophie can talk to her.”

  Rebel just shook his head.


  “Don’t count on it.” Ace lowered his head and squeezed the bridge of his nose.

  “I wouldn’t hold my breath over Liv’s assistance either,” Thunder added. “Face it, Chaos, those women are joined at the hip. Whatever Kat says, goes.”

  “There won’t be a problem,” he insisted. “I’m protecting her life so I’m calling the shots and that’s reason enough to keep her in line.”

  “Sure of yourself aren’t you, soldier?”

  Something close to doom turned his stomach as he heard the feminine voice. Very slowly, he moved his gaze around the table and over his teammates first, buying time for a half–assed explanation.

  “Aw, hell,” Ace muttered.

  Rebel gave him a look that he read very plainly as idiot.

  Thunder smirked, obviously not willing to take pity on him.

  Finally, he moved his gaze onto Kat, prepared to face the firing squad. She stood in the open doorway, arms crossed over her very tight, enticing breasts, with Carley next to her on one side and Liv and Sophie on the other. Although he knew she wasn’t happy about what she overheard, he couldn’t help but be aroused. Even pursed, her lips beckoned his kiss. His cock picked that exact moment to stretch.


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