Tame Me (Alpha Four, Book 2)

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Tame Me (Alpha Four, Book 2) Page 12

by Mia Dymond

  “You have exactly three seconds to tell me no,” he whispered.

  He ran his thumb over the surface of her soft, pale cheek and waited patiently for the two–letter word to cross her lips and put them both out of their misery. Although neither of them wanted the moment to end, it would be best.

  Instead, she gave her head a slight nod. “Yes.”

  Her emphatic, whispered response tore through any bit of remaining resistance and he moved his free hand to the opposite side of her face. With a tender tug, he moved her head closer and then placed his lips on hers.

  Red, hot lust moved his blood through his veins at light speed as he moved his mouth over hers, the need to claim her heavy in his heart. Her lips, sweet and pliable beneath his, returned his kiss with a vengeance, proving to him that she wanted this as much as he.

  Desperate to touch her, he moved one hand down the front of her blouse, encouraged when her nipple tightened under his fingertips. Once he reached the bottom, he slid his hand underneath her clothing and caressed the soft skin of her abdomen with his thumb.

  She drew in a hard breath while the muscles fluttered beneath his touch, fueling his desire to show her just how good things could be between them, as he moved up her body and finally settled on one breast. Gently, he rubbed his thumb over the nipple.

  A soft whimper slipped from between her lips and she smashed her chest against his hand. In response, he moved his free hand to the opposite breast. His cock stood at attention, spouting all sorts of promises if he’d just release it.

  His fingers played over the tight peaks while his mouth continued to move over hers and when her fingers found the zipper of his jeans, he almost cried like a baby. With her palm pressed against his cock, she applied a slight pressure and rubbed the length. Up, down, and up again, taking time to mold her fingers around him and then squeeze.

  Lost in raw, pure desire, he caressed each breast in his palms while he imagined how he could take them both to Heaven if his zipper was down. She continued to whimper under his touch and those soft, breathy moans – damn … just damn. His cock was now severely pissed off that things hadn’t progressed and he wanted them to as badly as he needed his next breath. But it was impossible. He simply couldn’t take the chance.

  With one last long, gentle kiss, he lifted his mouth and released a heavy, long breath while he moved both hands from beneath her top, placed them on her shoulders and then eased her away from him.

  “I’m so damn sorry, Kat,” he whispered. “This cannot happen.”

  Although she didn’t say a word, unmistakable hurt clouded her eyes. Compassion pushed him to explain, to spill his bloody guts to ease her pain. But the nauseating memories that plagued him prevented any kind of coherent explanation. Still lost in her gaze, he slipped into the darkness of his mind.

  “I love you, Melaina.”

  Her sweet smile wrapped him in unbelievable comfort. “What took you so long to admit that to yourself?”

  “Duty. I have no idea how I’ll protect you now.”

  “You are stubborn.”

  “I can’t let my emotions control me.”

  “Emotions are not always our enemy, Jace.”

  “Not true, in my case.”

  “In my experience, you are a man of many emotions.”

  He had to grin at the honesty in her observation; no one had ever made him as emotional as she.

  He grasped both her shoulders, urged her near, and placed a soft kiss to the top of her head. “You think you know so much.”

  She released a soft giggle against the skin at the top of his chest and then lifted her gaze to his. “You won’t be any less of a protector. You’re much more focused than you think.” She lifted both arms and wrapped them around his neck. “All this conflict will be over soon. Our love will keep us safe.”

  God, he wanted to believe her. To lose himself in the depths of her love and forget all about the men who wanted to kill her.

  And just when he’d taken the chance, threw caution to the wind, and believed that love conquered all, the harsh bitterness of evil had taken it all away.

  A faint, sharp sting on the surface of his right biceps caused him to blink several times to clear his vision and he glanced at his skin, now pink from an assault issued from an obviously–irritated Kat. He forced his gaze back to hers.

  “I’m sorry,” he repeated. After all, he owed her a thousand apologies.

  “And just what exactly are you sorry for?”

  “For leading you on. Taking advantage of you is not what I intended.”

  “Do you honestly think you took advantage of me?” She laughed while her eyes shot daggers at him. “Don’t flatter yourself, soldier. I would’ve never allowed that to happen if I didn’t want it to.” She stepped back and re–folded her arms under her breasts. “You’re not sorry for what happened just now. No, there are deeper issues at work here.”


  She held up one hand to silence him. “Do not feed me the line about how you can’t protect me if we’re involved, Chaos. Give me the courtesy of telling me the truth.”

  The fire in her eyes suddenly tempted him to tell her the whole sickening story. Then maybe she’d see just how screwed–up he really was – how much of a risk she really took by putting her life in his hands. But, it wouldn’t matter. Women were emotional creatures and just like Melaina, Kat would brush his concern to the side. No, he absolutely refused to go back down that road.

  So he looked her right in the eye and lied through his teeth. “You’re absolutely right. I can’t protect you if we’re involved.”

  He waited silently for the argument he knew from experience would come next, prepared to make her hate him in order to save her life. Instead, she gave him a long, hard look – one between severe rage and pure, unadulterated passion – and it scared the hell out of him.

  “Have it your way,” she said finally. “I’ll see you in the morning.”


  Morning sunlight nearly blinded her as Kat descended the stairs, headed for the kitchen where the decadent smell of coffee taunted her. Obviously, Chaos was already awake. By admission he didn’t sleep; lucky for her, the coffee was already brewed. And he made the best coffee.

  She stepped off the last wooden step and tossed a glance at the sofa where he lay, his head propped on a pillow, his mysterious green gaze directed at her. She swallowed, not sure if she should speak since they hadn’t exactly parted on good terms last night.

  Luckily, his smooth, husky drawl made the decision for her.

  “Good morning.”

  “Good morning. I’m going for a cup of coffee. Can I bring you one?”

  “Are you planning to make me wear it?”

  “No.” She smirked. “But only because you made it.”

  “No, thank you. That’s the second pot.”

  “Geez, Chaos. I don’t know how you manage to drink so much coffee and not bounce off the walls.”

  “Practice,” he mumbled. “Do you want to take a walk?”

  “You’re going to let me?”

  “I figured it would be good for both of us.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Your coffee’s waiting on the counter in an insulated cup.”


  “I heard you moving around upstairs.”

  “Well, thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  She hurried to the kitchen, grateful she’d taken time to throw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. At least she’d get a little sun while they walked. As soon as she returned to the living room, coffee in hand, Chaos stood next to the front door with her sandals hanging from his index finger.

  She couldn’t stop her eyes from widening. “You went upstairs to get my shoes?”

  “No.” He grinned. “I found them in a pile on the chair.”

  Well, even so she was still impressed by his thoughtfulness. It was either that or he wanted major brownie points. She t
ook one sandal and slipped it on her foot with her free hand.

  “You’re just full of surprises today.”

  “I know how slowly you move in the morning.”

  “I told you from the beginning I wasn’t a morning person.” She stepped into the remaining sandal. “Don’t say you weren’t warned.”

  They moved toward the front door and he nodded while he disarmed the security system and then turned the doorknob.

  “There’s several things I should’ve been warned about.”

  The warm breeze gently blew her hair back from her face while she followed him around the house, through the back gate, and then finally walked next to him on the beach while she sipped her coffee. The private area was a much–needed oasis for her and she was eternally grateful he had suggested the walk.

  Hot grains of creamy sand tickled the skin between her toes as she attempted to keep up with him, an impossible feat since his legs were practically double the length of hers. He kept a distinct, rapid pace, almost as if he were determined to cover the sand in record time. He obviously had a totally different definition of taking a walk. At the urgent request of both her lungs and her legs she finally gave in and planted her toes into the sand.

  “Are we racing?”

  He stopped and turned to face her, his brow wrinkled. “No. Why?”

  “My leg muscles are on fire.”

  A sexy smirk split his lips. “Short stuff.”

  “Yes, well, I am short and I’d appreciate it if you’d slow down.”


  They started across the sand at a much easier pace this time and she resisted the urge to slip her hand into his. Despite the trainwreck–of–an–evening they had, she couldn’t dispute her undeniable connection to him. And, the magnetic hail storm that brewed between them made ignoring it impossible.

  She’d been furious with him after he rejected her yet, she’d spoken honestly when she told him she wouldn’t accept his explanation. She saw the stolen glances he shot her way and no man in his right mind would tolerate her independence if he didn’t care for her. It took a strong man to love a strong woman and he had both physical and mental strength in spades. Although, love might not be the right word to describe the emotion between them.

  Would it?

  Even though the question gnawed at her mind like a cheese–loving mouse on a wedge of Swiss, something told her to leave it unanswered for now. Maybe she could explore it better when her life wasn’t threatened. In the meantime, she’d do her best to figure out why he was so reluctant to act on his feelings. He could deny them all he liked; a blind man could see them.

  She cleared her throat and prepared to break the silence. “I figured you’d think a walk on the beach would be dangerous.”

  “At first.” He shrugged, “I pulled the aerials; the only way someone can get to this beach other than through your gate is by water, which would take some advanced planning.”

  “The fresh air is amazing.” She closed her eyes, raised her face to the sun, and took a deep breath. “I love the smell of the salty air, don’t you?”

  “I never really thought about it.”

  She opened her eyes and turned to face him. “You don’t spend much time on the beach, do you?”


  “Any reason why?”

  “Not really. I’m usually caught up in something.”

  “Don’t you ever get tired of saving people?”

  He released a soft laugh that slid down her spine and settled between her legs, making her edgy. “Never. It’s what I do.”

  “Let’s walk.” She grasped his forearm and urged him forward, desperately attempting to disguise the fact that he affected her simply by laughing. She quickly dropped her arm and let it hang beside her.

  “You know everything about me. Tell me more about you.”

  “Not much to tell.”

  “Have you ever been married?”

  Although he directed his gaze forward, his eyes disguised by black Aviators and his face devoid of emotion, she didn’t miss the slight wince in his right cheek. Oh …. hit a nerve, did she?


  “Do you have any children?”

  “Thankfully, no.”

  “ You don’t want children?”

  “Maybe someday. I prefer to have a wife first.”

  She weighed his confession in her mind. Although she, too, preferred to be a wife before having children, the notion wasn’t always necessary. Yet, the thought that he was somewhat of a traditionalist made him all the more desirable. She swallowed a groan. Was there anything about him that didn’t draw her to him?

  “What about your family?”

  “My parents are both still alive, thank God, and just celebrated their thirty sixth anniversary last month. My sisters and I took them to Vegas for the weekend.”

  “How many sisters?”

  “Two. Younger, before you ask, and just as fascinated by pink as you are.”

  She smirked. “See? It’s a tasteful color.”

  “If you say so.”

  “Any brothers?”


  She released a soft sigh. “I miss my mother and always wanted a sister. I think it would have eased the pain of losing mom if I’d had a sister to grieve with. Dad did what he could, but he was grieving too. He hasn’t even dated anyone since he lost her.”

  “It’s obvious he loved her very much.”

  “Have you?”

  “Have I what?”

  “Ever loved someone?”

  A pregnant pause filled the conversation and she wondered if she’d pushed too far. Darn her curiosity – she should’ve left well enough alone. And then, his very soft, very low voice told her the very thing she waited to hear.


  Her heart jumped as she began to carefully assemble the pieces of the puzzle. He fought his attraction to her, claiming it would get in the way of protecting her. He had loved in the past. She had a pretty good idea the two were related. And, although that thought explained many, many things about him, she would not use it to invade his space any more than she had already.

  They continued to walk in silence for a few moments before she finally grabbed his forearm again and urged him to stop.

  “Are we ever going to discuss the white elephant in the room?”

  His brow wrinkled. “What?”

  “You know what.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Last night, Chaos.”

  He released a hard sigh. “Somehow I knew you wouldn’t let that go.”

  “I don’t completely understand, that’s all.”

  “I thought I explained last night.”

  “You did and I acted harshly. I’m sorry.”

  He tilted his head to one side. “You’re apologizing to me after the way I acted?”

  She simply nodded. She was sorry – sorry for her anger, sorry he stopped playing her body like a finely–tuned instrument, and sorry that he refused to admit he could still protect her while he loved her.


  There was that L word again.

  “You don’t owe me an apology.” He stepped near and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. “You had every right to be angry.”

  She tried hard to distract the goosebumps that danced on her shoulder. Good Lord, all the man had to do was touch her hair and she turned to goo.

  “Despite what you think, I don’t need to pick it to death.”

  “Good. I want us to be friends.”

  “With benefits?”

  He grinned. “Let’s just see what happens.”


  “I think I just made a deal with the devil.” His upper lip twitched. “But I think it might be worth it.”


  Seated in his plush, leather, executive’s chair behind his desk, he glanced out of the large bay window in front of him at the sun that now hung high in the sky. Perfect. He knew Miss Abbott well enough to k
now she wouldn’t risk the dangers of the sun and that would allow his associate to call shortly with a report.

  Right on cue, his phone vibrated against the desk.

  “Do you still have eyes on them?” he asked without introduction.

  “Yes,” the other man snapped.

  “You sound distraught.”

  “I’m perched in the top of a damn tree.”

  He squeezed the bridge of his nose. Why must he deal with such an imbecile? “Explain.”

  “It’s the only vantage point I have. The trees you suggested were thick enough to disguise me, but I had to climb one in order to see anything.” A muffled curse crossed the line. “I’ve almost fallen out three times.”

  “Do not fall from the tree! You must focus so you can complete the task. It’s time to get his attention. Did you acquire the ingredients like I asked?”


  “You do realize that if you fail, you’ll go down with her?”

  “I won’t fail. You’ve given me a task I have plenty of experience with.”

  “Good. Tell me what you see.”

  “Just Taylor and the woman. There’s no way to access the area except through the gate, but I have a clear shot from here.”

  He couldn’t help but release a laugh at the man’s absurdity. “And Taylor would pluck you from that tree like the acorns around you. You said it yourself, there will be no mercy once he puts his hands on you.”

  Another muffled curse. “Point taken.”

  “Have they left the area?”

  “They’re headed toward the house. Once I’m sure it’s safe, I’ll climb down and proceed.”

  “Very well. I’ll expect confirmation when the job is complete.”

  He disconnected and then immediately tapped another button to provide information that would elevate his status.

  “The target will soon be eliminated,” he said with confidence, “I will call when it is done.”


  Several hours later, Chaos sat in the middle of Kat’s sofa with his head leaned back against the pillows and listened to the sound of water running in the upstairs shower. All sorts of inappropriate images danced across his mind, all of them featuring a very sexy, very naked Kat Abbott. Water droplets racing down her smooth skin while he chased them with his tongue; one shapely leg braced against his hip as he stood between her legs and sucked water from the nape of her neck; her forearms braced against the tile while he took her from behind.


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