Alaskan thrust into the cross-to-Asia scene. Vast multitudes
of birds, innumerable birds, congregate here, Springing and
Falling, for the refueling will take them countless thousand
miles to their life destinations. The place a Park, inviolate in
theory. Now minute population on the Refuge edge calls for
a road right through the Izembek to reach a border town for
groceries and such. The population problem. End of the You-
S-A? The politics is shit. The economics shit. And the reli-
gion shit. Bright dreams once dreamed in that small hut on
Eastern shores one July Fourth now Mickey Mouse. But why
not cut the nation into seven parts: all such environs sound?
Persistence must persist undoubtedly. I’m of this nation for
good or worse, I’ll live the rest of it. To die here is my hope.
In silent tropic forests the Rats have crept and get to work. A tree
comes down. Bribes to the ranger to desert his charge and take
substantial naps in hut. Bribes to the men who drag the logs down
to the river. Bribes to the watchers at river’s edge hailing the rafts.
Bribes to the raft racers braving the rapids down to a silent pool.
Bribes to the canoe coxswains take logs from pool to roadside.
Bribes to the middlemen move logs from rafts to trucks. More
bribes at police check points on road to logger mogul’s station.
Bribes from the logger mogul to the government. Bribes once
again to the export guys. Who bribe the buyers in distant lands.
Who bribe our buyers to source illegal lumber. In the vacant
forest, the land sports oil palm in its ugliness, its dust-dry mi-
litary ranks, its killing fields for infant animals lost there and
starving. Meanwhile the Rats eat monkey meat, bush soup with
menaced species drowned in it. Cash waltzes round the universe
filling our time, our jobs, our confidence. Whether the planet goes
to waste or not, what matters is our jobs. “Better to die tomorrow
than today” the proverb goes: these children who need feeding
must be fed, no matter they will go to war a little later for their
fathers’ sins. The water wars. Crop wars. The population wars
& “more”! We have forgotten dearest goddess, we have forgotten!
Whatever our persuasion, we now take. Land and, sky and. Grab
air, water, forest, oil, our wholesome diamonds, rubies, emeralds,
and—leaving the first born natives of the earth homeless, dead.
Our forest fathers at their work dream their opium dream. Our
mother faints, losing her arms dropped one by one into the forest
rivers and floated down for sale. World sold to whoredom now!
Just never said enough. But word unheard, warnings silenced.
8. cold unmistakable
Raising the images of birds up out of books
since they no longer fly the fields and forests,
no longer darken skies in their migrations, or
sing dawn out on greening boughs. Remembering
dawn walks, a land deserted—no other humans—
thinking the love borne for one bird atop her tree
outweighed the love for one last human race. Ice,
Ice. Ice now turns again. Not some sheets moving
down to cover some cold parts, but a totality of
ice, the world made ice down to its bones, and,
Look! there’ll never be another broiling summer
to melt this ice away! Seasons disappeared. A
flatness about earth and sky; all lines run parallel,
not up and sideways, old authenticity. Change,
most “eternal” of our principles, motionless. Such
distant memories of deal termed “Climate change”!
Is it because, before the ice, a fire had blazed, razed
every landscape (nature or culture) down, propelled
to final, wandering loss the earth’s last populations?
Today, far off beyond the nearest ridges, the sound
of one sea howling, one sea barking: all prey has
faded from the land; there is no food; even the taste
of food has been forgotten. The rabbit you remem-
ber suffers a new leukemia: loses its use of limbs,
spring of the muscle, fire of the blood, falls now
from left to right, from right to left, trying to eat
the bird seed scattered here. And is no food for us
who lie at home on beds of nettles, waiting for
the old lady in her wagon—she never seems now
to remember us. Her priests emasculated catamounts
wanting from us only a sandwich where there is no
sandwich: interminable begging. Ice given in return.
In the selfsameness of the latitude, it’s all one taste
we fill the mouth with—whatever we may swallow,
stiff with brine, reaches no novel flavor in our throats
whose backs all parched, all burning, will fail to
recognize that joy once married in our hearts to each
beloved mouthful of a life. So that the lastness when
it comes one day out of earth’s loss, the lady in her
wagon reaching out a pinkie—why merely backs us
where she’d engineered us: each single his, or hers,
into an origin no longer loved—and so much less
worth waiting for through our unending holocausts.
9. laughing, singing, praying trees
With intent. Never explaining, never justifying,
never requesting anything for self (its vulpine
face, ferocious eyes), determined on a task no
one had trained her for, no one ever suggested
the task was feasible for one of such low caste.
Year upon year, into insanity, the move enacted
to breaking-point. Had not enrolled for such. Not
drafted. Trees laugh, sing, pray for this one while
this one prays for them. Sits among waves waiting
for the next mission. No one is ever at this concert,
no one ever configures music will continue. There
is no possibility that solitude resolves itself, that
conversation can turn thinkable, that there might
be some contact between the proposition and the
solution. Who can imagine a solitude so massive
the consciousness of other cannot be formulated,
spoken? But can be shown? A fright to neighbors
who may ignore her, but hear her sometimes being
her being. How beautiful the scene that this takes
place on, how lovely forth to tears the landscape
plays: green alleys lined with flowers lead to vast
meadows; these to green seas beyond the visibility
today when flight is limited. This girl has never seen
a sea. “Not to be purchased I” says girl. “Succored
& helped, yes, but never, never bought” she swears,
refusing every shadow of any hard salvation. As if
there could be some salvation—in any different life!
Voice of a mouse, a timid mouse—unfitted to the
vulpine mouth which would devour this voice if the<
br />
scenario allowed it. O sweet beloved of ancient days
(beyond a thousand wars, always the same, always
from one disaster to the next—the characters pay no
attention), lover resolved, but grown inoperative
beyond the confines of the body, that body grown
immense as terra mater. And had not single son, nor
single daughter to populate the nation. On knees, mixed
herbs, mixed drugs, balms, elixirs, mixed all the cures
would lubricate the eyes—as if her sockets illuminated
heaven. The stars! I now remember: she never did see
stars. She was so much the day’s light was this maternal
Earth, no night could drown a Sun she would forgive
if only love could manifest at last and enter solitude, in
such a way that solitude perdured. But now forgiven
and annealed. At last a pregnancy self-generated by this
love. O Child of light come down to visit us! Child of a
captured fire silver & gold! Child, driven, innervated light!
exitus generis humani, ii
a. as if philosophy
An awakening. But that nothing can leave its boundary,
to stray outside of it. Unmake the new. Return to zero.
Do not pass go. The sense of swimming in an undefined
possibility’s air. The other is an I. Now you will hear
a buzzing of the world above you—to sting you till you
fry. Ah poet! so totally subjected to your genius theory
or U die. Ich kan nicht wissen was in ihm vorgeht. Death
as the wrist watch, closest to you heart. As close as heart.
When will you wear this? When will you ever listen?
Except, of course, under supratern discourse. Think:
it is essential to keep in mind, always to keep in mind,
not for a moment failing, that interruption is permitted,
indeed will seek you homing and never fail to find you.
As though it flew over the world, hope is committed here,
and leaves it as it is. Observing it from far below in flight
such divine heels waft you to disappear into oblivion.
All heavenly activity is shut. But lack of scientific trust?
The camera you bracket now to every creature’s back:
you’ll witness eagle soar, a lion pounce, slither of lizzies.
But all you’ll actually see’s a head looks sideways, back.
Technology has failed among its great successes. Again.
The first creations of the gods perished as sinning apes,
unable to praise their Makers, their Lord Substantiators.
Again, they tried to build the future for a human world;
the gods tried to be gods, the demons demons, breaking
over & over. Of brittle mud. Of splitting wood. To name
the names, honor the kings. And finally of flesh they wept
the future failure. Nothing has praised the true visage of
Earth—nothing has risen to the godlike level. A race alas
lacks all humanity. To be destroyed. Here come the latter
days, O Ragnarök washed in the blood of dragons! Those
cretinized by the religions (mostly the Abrahamics) sing
psalms finding no one will wish to save them. The giant
surface of a sea, seen from below by sharks, is the huge
mouth of hell, not one bird born up onto blinding air. It’s
claimed at last and graven down in rock: (laugh loud) that
poetry ought to be written faintly stoned, as if philosophy.
b. responses
Look at parts of the wave but (even if), there is thus
boundless movement from each part to each other,
the ocean, still, nevertheless extinguished. Bardis-
mally, a fearful prophet drops down into your life,
encounters image, not in a mirror, but in manure.
A terrifying battle for sense to make some sense.
Never will s/he exclaim at an encounter with (wave
follows wave) for there is no discovery, only the
one wave simultanymous with all the other waves:
and thus with the whole ocean. Far much too much
of ego-satisfaction. What one illusion, referencing
wave, wishes to offer, above all information, is an
absence of gender difference. Wave permits many
voicings from water textiles’ loosest to the most
firm entanglements (sailing to far Sargassos!). Thus
patterns reach to parallel in all their scintillations.
Over such wholes, she who should never seem a
visibility is seen in all magnificence. Below: scales
on the wings of flying fish, the multituding crests
of the one wave in its innumerable changes. Wring-
ing the changes of the cell, the paradise, the sentence.
Go home and rest! There is no transmigration! All
things have to endure the sempiternity! Interminable is!
Isness of is.
Text into text, thought into thought & text: exchanging
souls. So difficult to enter and evermore to exit. Aha!
Especially when you ignore the locus is you aim for.
Such finding of the inner life has become desperate:
everything sunk so deep and far there is no light, no
tunnel. Heart, from too great frequencies of melting
in its solitude, has turned to ocean without lands that
can contain it: it is impossible to find a bearing there
from which some comfort may derive. You’ve died,
perhaps, and do not know it. Crimes you’ve committed
without an end in sight condemn you to the gallows a
hundred times—if justice could divine your heart and
thus condemn you. All of us naked under our clothes
the doctor said—but not naked enough. There would
be murder in the streets, intense revenge, a hell of pain
and cruelty from everyone to everyone if truth were
told. Meanwhile, heart, liver, lungs: these three a war-
ning. We crawl on laboring lately—as if human beings.
c. hootless at heart & flying
Hootless in high water. Not giving one for. The urge
to tears rends the insides, a.k.a. guts, from pubic bone
to throat. Birth of our inner waters mysterious as that
of certain secret rivers in the most fragile continents.
Now, tears suppressed throughout the conversation.
Back then. Need to relive the past without a hooter
contribution. Since poets’ hearts are a world’s heart,
dixit Herr Heine, then they must surely tear to shreds
in a terrible time. And you should curse at what the
sandman says in his silliest, arbitrating hours? On
back. Scents are the flowers’ feelings says the same.
As if the ocean were the soul itself he swears again.
And should you be depleted re belief in soul? Back
off. The worst is entering a lion’s room and finding
it quite empty. Yet, moments later, a lion roar rends
the blue sky over the palace. Where is the lion now?
Asleep on roof? Curled up among the battlements,
and looking down at crows below? The crows, the
ravens of our choice memories? Who walked in fie
of flowers—abundant temples by classic architects
filling the fields while, summer-mad, the bees drove
knives into the flowers gathering their honey and “O”
the sun burning its way through brain and sinews, with
maddening hopes, broke open all of memory! Out of
it steps the girl as if she’d never left us for the darker
side—as if her love were ours alone “forever and a day.”
exitus generis humani, iii
i. paris old
Mind now roaming where body roamed ago
thru fields, woods, forests, hills... valleys
& caverns. Our holy planet Earth summons all
bodies to herself—a flesh of glorious, ethernal
summer light. Humeur / Humour / Amour—
its incarnating process was discovered here
in these three bodies signifying choice: in time
beyond remembrance under these golden skies
frequented one time by a divining prince. (I
should remember and I don’t.) One spelled
incarnate Love by name—the others Wisdom &
Imperium, but all were love here indiscriminate,
trapped in this memory. What comfort Earth has
now all man is meltdown, the insane race dis-
solved, while Earth alone remains inviolate in
her fertility? How I would love to bring around
that triad body now from memory—and live
with them alone, roaming their fields, woods,
forests, hills, valleys & caverns as the mind now
roams. Hardly a day forgets to bring, crossing the
winds below these eyes, some form the mind could
perish for—could “die-for” as they say today—yet
cannot. This helpless mind devoid of hands, of
mouth to speak its love, incarcerated in a useless
prison—that less and less is guarding anything
beyond some photocopies of judgment long ago:
when war roared on the Earth burning lost lovely
flesh and terminating every chance that body ever
held of keeping down the mind it manifested like
a frozen flag now failing on winter’s battlefields.
The line attempts survival, time and time too it fails.
Gondwana Page 7