Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)

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Charming The Warriors (The Charmer) Page 19

by Sanderson, Danielle

  Getting up, he stands at the foot of the bed, his gaze travelling my aroused body from head to toe.

  “Beautiful,” he growls, “Join me in the bath Zara?”

  “Yes.” Is all I can manage, I’m so turned on, I would do anything he asked of me. He goes to the bathroom to run the bath. While I lay in bed, pleading with my heart to stop racing.

  When he returns he is only in his underwear, he is so breathtakingly handsome. Climbing back on the bed with me he lays on his side facing me he says, “I love you Zara.”

  He really does I can see it in his eyes. I’m so happy knowing he feels the same way.

  “I love you Sallack.”

  Sallacks eye’s glow a brilliant gold, as he runs his hand down my stomach to my thigh, his fingers press into me as he lifts my leg and places it over his muscular thigh. Running his hand back up my leg he stops at my thong, his fingers lace around them, with one sharp tug and a low growl from him, their gone!

  After another mind-blowing experience, Sallack takes me in his strong arms placing me into the bathtub, well more like a small swimming pool. He climbs in behind me, and starts spilling water down my back and kissing my neck. I move beside him stroking my hand down his abs working my way to his hardness.

  When the water starts to cool he gets out and picks up towels. Sallack wraps one round his waist and brings one open in his hands for me to walk into. I carefully climb out the tub into the open towel as he wraps me in it, making me feel cherished.

  “I will love you all my life Zara”

  “As I will you Sallack”

  We walk to his bed lying down together naked in an embrace of lovers.

  I want to tell him everything about me, I don’t want to keep things from him. I love this man with everything I am. I will have to keep it from him a little longer. My promise to Dallah cannot be broken.

  The following morning I wake but to a naked Sallack sleeping beside me. Yum.

  “Kill me now!” I whisper careful not to wake him. I go to climb off the bed to get dressed for the day, when I am suddenly yanked back, letting out a scream of excitement, knowing who it is.

  “Where are you going beautiful?”

  “I was going to get dressed, I’m butt naked?”

  “Yes you are! And I’m not finished with you yet.”

  He pulls me on top of him, our naked bodies pressed together as he brushes my breast with his lips; I scream from the friction of his stubble on my delicate skin.

  “Stop, please stop!” I scream at him whilst trying not to pee myself, which makes him to it more. I have a fit of the giggles while trying to get away. Just as he lets go laughing, the door bursts open and Ruk and Julian storm in ready for a fight.

  “What the fuck!” Sallack shouts with a hint of laughter in his voice.

  I am completely and utterly mortified. I’m butt fucking naked! I position myself over Sallack’s chest to hide my breasts, thinking Sallack will hide by butt! He doesn’t.

  “Sallack!” I scream his name to bring him from his enjoyment of the situation.

  He snorts and pulls the sheet over my exposed buttocks.

  “Sorry beautiful. Guys what the hell?”

  “Shit sorry, we thought you were in trouble Zara, we heard screaming!” Julian says with a big grin on his face.

  Why are they still here! Can’t they see the state I’m in? Oh my God, they have seen me butt naked on top of Sallack. I want to die from embarrassment!

  “Oh this isn’t what I was expecting!”

  “Dallah?” We all in sync, but mine is more of a scream for help! Dallah is standing right next to me and Sallack, on the opposite side is Ruk and Julian who still stand watching. I want to run out screaming but unfortunately, until they go I’m stuck. Everyone is laughing hard, not me, I’m mortified. Dallah falls on the bed laughing so hard I think she is going to die. Seeing her rolling around trying to catch her breath is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time, I can’t help but I laugh along with everyone. Up until Mickey and Dom walk in, to see what the fuss is about.

  “Sallack for fuck sake?” I shout at him.

  Sallack rolls me over so that I’m underneath him and he’s on top, naked! In front of everyone!

  “Ok, shows over,” Sallack tells them, but they find it even funnier as his butt is now on show! I slap his arm, to stop him laughing but he ignores me by bringing his mouth down on mine, gently biting my lip for entry, his tongue searching my mouth. I push him off me for trying to make me more embarrassed then I already am. Dallah screams with laughter, as the brothers’ let slip their low growls. SHIT! I have shown everyone my boobs! AGAIN! I yank Sallack back down, and ignore the wolf whistles and low growls coming from the brothers’.

  “Dallah please help me?” I look at her with a smile, hoping she will do some magic on me, like make me disappear, and forever maybe. She tries to stop laughing and waves her hand at me. I feel clothes covering my body so I push Sallack of me and jump out of bed to stand.

  “This is not funny. What the hell is this?” I say pointing to the small sexy nightdress I have on.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself,” She says trying to catch her breath.

  “You are one lucky man Sallack,” Says Mickey winking at me.

  “Yes I am, give us a sec guys?” He tells them with a big grin, looking at me head to toe growling in appreciation. His big hand comes out, taking hold of my butt through the black translucent material.

  “Yeah. I don’t think so Sallack. I’m going to get some breakfast.” I say laughing at his attempts.

  Grabbing Dallah by the hand and pulling her to her feet, we walk past the brothers’ who are just standing there gazing from me to Sallack with grins.

  When Dallah and I get to the kitchen, I sit at the breakfast bar while Dallah stand the other side, smiling mischievously at me.

  “You’re bad!”

  “Ha, coming from you!” I say pointing to the ‘clothes’ she has put on me.

  “Ok ok, I’m sorry. Here”

  I am now wearing a white tank top and jean shorts.

  “Oh that’s so cool, thanks Dallah, I would have stayed and changed, but I need to get out of there, I’m so embarrassed. How am I going to live that down?”

  “Zara, you will never live it down.” She says as another fit of laughter takes her, again!

  “Hey why did you pop up like that anyway, except to pee yourself?”

  “Well I was having…oh shit I was having breakfast with Den! Then I felt your emotions, and poof,” She says raising her hands up in the air mimicking her words. I burst into laughter, just as the brothers’ walk in. Sallack comes right up to me and kisses my lips, lifting my body in his arms as if I weigh nothing; he takes my seat with me now on his lap. God I love this man.

  “Im sorry I have to go, Den will be freaking out,” Says Dallah. Sallack asks why Den would be freaking out and I quickly fill him in. He nods and says to Dallah, “So why did you appear like that?”

  “Oh ...Um I was ..Um just wanted to find Zara, to tell her I have made breakfast!” She lies, and not very well.

  “Umm humm” Sallack says not believe a word she says.

  I change the subject quickly before more questions come.

  “Hey you wanna come out with me today?”

  “Yeah sounds good, I'll meet you back home, k?”

  She’s gone before I can reply.

  Sallack and I eat breakfast with the brothers’, before he has to head over to ‘Quirks’, his bar.

  “Shall I take you back or are you staying?”

  “I’ll come with you if that’s ok?”

  The brothers’ start laughing, While Sallack pulls me into him closely.

  “Um that sounds good, beautiful,” He growls out sexily.

  “Ok, let’s go,” I tell him rolling my eyes. I love Sallack like this, fun and playful. When we are around others, he is the boss the Alpha, and frankly scary as hell, but not to those he cares for, luckily! If any man
comes close to me when Sallack is around, that’s when he acts the big bad Alpha that he is, frightening those men half to death, but when he tells people that I am his or ‘mine’ as he likes to say, it makes me feel cherished and wanted.

  I say goodbye to the pack brothers’, and head out with Sallack, jumping into his pickup, moving to sit right beside him.

  “Hey I’m sorry about this morning.” He says with a ghost of a smile.

  “No you’re not!”

  “No your right I’m not really. I like knowing my pack brother’s see you as mine. I’m so happy you chose to love me.”

  Ah, how sweet is that? However, he could have found another way. At the time I could have died, now though I do find it funny, and if it were Dallah, I would have acted the same way. If I do become this powerful Charmer, I’m gunna be messing with lots of people!

  “I do love you Sallack, but please let's not do it again, I’m so embarrassed.”

  “You shouldn’t be Zara, the brothers’ will think themselves very fortunate to have seen you that way…” He caresses my face. “…But they won’t see you like that again I promise. If another man should see you in that way again I will rip their eyes out!” He says with a wink.

  However, I know that he is being deadly serious; by the way his eyes are glowing at me and from the growl begging for release. Nevertheless, I can’t wait to be lying in bed with Sallack again, or having the bath together, it was everything I could have dreamed and more. He’s perfect, sexy, strong and mine.

  “What are you doing tonight? Will you stay with me?”

  “Thought you’d never ask,” He says with a low growl.

  We pull up outside my home 20 minutes later and share a beautiful kiss. Sallack tells me he will come by around 10, as he will get Mickey to lock up the bar. I hate leaving Sallack, everything goes back to normal, but when I am with Sallack it is as if I am living a fairytale, then again fairytales are not real, unfortunately.

  Chapter 17

  Dallah and I go shopping at the closest mall, which is over an hour away. Dallah buys everything in sight, and get myself new underwear set for tonight as Sallack is staying over I want to impress him. After having some lunch we decide to head home as our feet are killing us from walking around for hours in heels.

  Later that day, we’re relaxing outside on the swing chair soaking up the rays, listening to my I pod. My thoughts drifting to Parrise, how sad I am for the loss of our love. When I’m not with Sallack, Parrise appears in my mind, his beautiful face when I told him we couldn’t be together, but how much I really wanted to just give myself to him. I keep giving myself headaches trying to get my head around the thought of being the Charmer, chosen by destiny!

  “Why are you sad sweetie?”

  “Parrise,” I tell her simply, as we have spoke a lot about him since I last saw him.

  “It will get easier.”

  “Yeah, I hope your right.”

  Dallah starts to speak her enchanting words in hushed tones. She must be silencing any ears from our soon to be conversation.

  “Zara, I know that being the Charmer is hard to grasp, but it will all work out, there will be hard times, but there will be happy times too. There will be many who love you Zara and many whom which you will love in return. This is not what being a Charmer is all about. You are extremely strong; when the time comes you will be the Warrior that is inside you.”

  “You talk as if you know that something will happen?”

  “I do not know sweetie, but I know that nothing is easy, you have to fight for what you want.”

  “Have you fought for what you want Dallah? Have you been in love?”

  “Love is not for me, I won’t have the opportunity of being with the man I see myself loving wholeheartedly.”

  “Why would you say that?” I ask, putting my hand on her knee to comfort her, as notice her sit up a little straighter.

  “I was going to tell you when the time was right, but there hasn’t really been one, so I’ll just tell you now,” She sighs and goes on, “I’m promised to a Warlock, I have only got 6 months until the ceremony of bonding.”

  My eye’s nearly pop out of their sockets, as I was not expecting her to say that!

  “You don’t want to be with this man?”

  “No he is a very dark soul, Richard is the most powerful and vicious man in his Coven, The Dark Coven.”

  “But you want another, Julian?”

  She looks up at me shocked, her eyes swell with tears threatening to spill, and she takes a deep breath to keep them at bay. I know they feel for each other, the way they share secret looks, now filled with sorrow for her.


  “Why can’t you be with him, if you don’t want Richard?”

  “The bonding to Richard is set in stone, there is no way out, it’s what will keep the Dark and Light Covens in harmony. There would be no more fighting, no more loss of lives.”

  The light Coven, that Dallah is the Royal Princess to respectable good-natured Witches and Warlocks. Then there is the Dark Coven, made up with disrespected and hardhearted Witches and Warlocks. The light coven keep themselves to themselves as they wish to live in peace, but the Dark coven associate with the most evil of the supernatural. This is what Dallah has told me.

  “Why you? Why does he not choose someone who loves him in return?”

  “He revels in the power of knowing I will be going unwilling to our bonding. Love does not come into this, Richard has never, and will never love anyone; he does not have it in him to love, there is no heart! There are many to choose from, I have cousins that would give their life to be with him, and hundreds more powerful Witches but Richard desires what he cannot have. After our bonding I will have to give myself to him, as intolerable as it seems, it’s for the good of the Coven.”

  “I won’t let it happen, I don’t know how, but I will stop this Dallah.”

  “I love you for that Zara, but it’s the way things have to be, this is my destiny and please I don’t want this mentioned again, I don’t want to think about or be reminded until it’s time.”

  Like fuck it is! I won’t see Dallah with such a man. Powerful or not I will fight him for her myself if I have to. I can’t stand to see Dallah this way, she is such a happy playful person but as soon as she spoke this man, she noticeably changed into the sad even scared girl that I had not yet seen.

  Den gets back just after 6pm with a takeaway, that we munch our way through. Dallah tells Den about the ‘incident’ this morning, he laughs in the right places, but it’s fake, something’s wrong! I’ll wait until we are alone to speak with him, I hate the thought of him being anything but happy.

  it’s 9 pm when I run up to my bedroom have a shower, slip into my sexy new underwear, I wrap a large robe around me and fluff up my hair for volume. I hear Sallack come in and speak with Den and Dallah, as I rush down stairs to meet him.

  “Hey Sallack how have you been?” I ask sweetly, not wanting to give my surprise away. Standing up and walking to me at the doorway, he wraps his arms around my middle pulling me in close to him, while he caresses my butt.

  “Hey beautiful, I have been looking forward to seeing you all day,” He tells me in a sensual voice, placing his head in the crook of my neck with a sexy growl.

  “Yeah well this was fun. I’m going go watch a DVD, Dallah?” Den says sarcastically.

  “Oh yeah, can I pick?”

  Den sighs dramatically and takes Dallah by the hand, leading her to the sitting room.

  “Hey come up stairs I got something for you?”

  “Lead the way.” He says excitedly. I take him to my bedroom hand in hand, shutting the door behind us; I kiss him hard leaning into him against the door.

  “I'll be back in 1 sec, go sit down,” I say to him making my way to the bathroom. I whip of the dressing gown, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. I’m wearing sexy lingerie, in black with lots of sexy frills, the bra pushes my already large breasts up perfectly and t
he thong; well it’s just string! I have never dressed up for someone in this way. Opening the door, I walk to Sallack, whose chin is on the floor. I walk to stand right in front of him and put my hands on his broad shoulders, as his hands slide up my thigh’s, taking hold of my buttocks.

  “Do you like?”

  “I love,” He answers with a growl and his eyes glowing a brilliant gold, making my heart skip a beat from the way his eyes are digesting me as if his Wolf was trying to come out to play. He stands with me moving his hands to my face holding me still as his lips touch mine and I lose myself in him. He is everything I have ever wanted, needed. I love him wholeheartedly. He is dangerously sexy!

  It is mind-blowing being close to him in this way, he is all I have ever wanted and needed. I love him wholeheartedly.

  When I wake in the morning I put my arm out to feel Sallack, but he’s not there, I hope he hasn’t left already I would have liked to say goodbye to him. Waking down stairs into the kitchen Sallack is sitting reading a paper with a coffee in his hand.

  “Hey Alpha, I missed you in bed?” I wink at him mischievously.

  “Ah come here. I’ll make it up to you beautiful.”

  He pulls me onto his lap so that I’m straddling him and opening my robe a little as his large hand takes hold of my breast, stroking my nipple with his thumb, while he takes my mouth with his almost angrily as moan slips from my lips. I forget we are at the kitchen table, when we hear Den walk in. I quickly pull my robe together and spin in Sallack lap to face Den, where he has taken the chair opposite us. Sallack rests his head in the crook of my neck and placing delicate kisses, sending bolts of desire through me.

  “Hey Den I though you was at work?”

  “Obviously,” He says with a fake smile only I would see. We lock eyes as a frown forms on my face trying to work out what his problem is! Dallah walk’s in raising her eyebrows, giving me a knowing smile, and breaking the tension between Den and me. What was that, why is Den acting so strange? Luckily Sallack also did not notice the way Den reacted, the last thing I want is there to be a falling out.


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