Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)

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Charming The Warriors (The Charmer) Page 24

by Sanderson, Danielle

  “Always Parrise. Never think any different.” I kiss his cheek, as the breathtaking smile come back to his face.

  They set off with incredible speed as I close the door and whisper,


  Chapter 22

  Dallah takes me to the brothers’ at our house. We are in the sitting room surrounded by the pack brothers’ who have shock playing on their handsome faces. They all start to talk at once. Wow too many deep voices at once makes my head ache.

  “Please let me speak it’s important!”

  They all stop in their tracks and wait for me to speak. Julian and Dom are sitting on the couch. Mickey is on the one-seated chair while Den, Ruk and Sallack stand by the window. Where they were looking out when I first arrived.

  “Parrise and Angus will be here soon they want to speak with you all.”

  The soft growls begin as my eyebrows pull into a frown.

  “Stop it! They are not here to fight. They have promised not to lift a finger to anyone. I trust them; it’s you who have to respect them for that!” I tell them angrily.

  I don’t want to rub in the fact that they are in the wrong, they should be apologizing to Angus. They did kill him! Not that they know that.

  I look at Dallah for a little help, which she jumps at.

  “The first man to make a move, gets their head blown up!”

  “We want to talk to them babe, we don’t want to fight them, We will talk like men,” Den says walking up to me kissing my forehead.

  “We will trust them if that’s what you want Zara, we believe you. Dallah please stop threatening our head’s with explosion!” Ruk says to her, a smile playing on his lips, as he takes me in his arms, welcoming me back.

  The brothers’ step up to me, telling me they are sorry for how things went that night and giving me hugs. Sallack waits by the window for the brothers’ to finish speaking, his eyes never leaving me. I walk up to Sallack, wrapping my arms around his neck, looking into his intense beautiful eyes.

  “I love you Sallack, please talk to them for me?”

  “Beautiful I have missed you so bad, I will do anything for you, we all will.”

  His lips take mine, it’s a beautiful kiss, it’s been to long since we both shared a kiss.

  “Thier here!” Ruk says from the window.

  The pack brother’s go on edge, as Parrise and Angus make their way to the front door. I run to meet them, opening the door just before they get there.

  “Please come in.”

  “Thank you, love.”

  Parrise kisses my cheek followed by Angus with a kiss on my forehead. The pack brothers’ stand by the window on the opposite side of the room that Angus and Parrise now stand. Dallah and I position ourselves in the middle of the room looking to and from the Vampires and Werewolves, waiting for someone to break the silence.

  “Angus, we regret the way we handled the …situation. Zara is very important to us, as is Dallah, so if you hurt them we will rip your fucking HEAD OFF.”

  “SALLACK WHAT THE FUCK!!!” I scream at him in shock.

  I look to Parrise and Angus, to see how they are dealing with Sallack’s threat, their smiling! What the hell?

  “Calm you self dog. Zara and Dallah are safe with us, but if YOU,” He shouts the word ‘you’, “Hurt Zara again I will personally gut and stuff you. DOG!”

  “ANGUS!!!” I shout at him, they both smile, pleased that they got their point across. Men!

  “Listen, I need you to get along, I won’t choose between you all don’t make me do it, I love every single one of you. If you don’t like it then go. You will never know how broken I will be if any of you do!” I lock eyes with everyone. Taking Dallah’s hand I carry on, “I know you’re natural enemies. It hasn’t got to be that way anymore, You’re so alike….. Stop growling Sallack!”

  “We are here for Zara. We will not ask your permission to be around her, we love her as much as you all do, we’re not going anywhere! We will forget about the attack for Zara’s sake, not yours,” Parrise tells the brothers’.

  “We understand, but we won’t go when you decide to visit. She is MINE!” Sallack tells Parrise with a harsh growl.

  “SHE IS MINE!” Shouts Parrise with a rumble to his voice. They both jump into a pounce, ready to clash into each other. Dallah is quicker than they are, by raising her hand, putting up an invisible barrier. We see them crash into it and bounce back to their feet; Sallack and Parrise are infuriated, as is Dallah.

  “How can you both act this way, you both promise Zara you’d do right by her. You claim to love her, but neither of you deserve her!” Dallah shouts at them, dropping her hands allowing them movement.

  “Im sorry little one. We will leave now. Wolves this was fun,” Parrise says. He looks to the brothers’ with a smile then comes to me, wrapping his large arms around my shoulders, dipping his head level.

  “We will see you tomorrow night. Please stay away from Warlocks love?” He says concentrating on my face. OH MY GOD! He is trying to mind rape me the little sneak! I quickly picture Sallack taking him from behind, not actually having sex, which would be weird, just like Angus was playfully doing to me earlier.

  “love you will give me nightmares!”

  I laugh hard at the disgusted expression on his handsome face, kissing his cheek to bring back a smile.

  “Good night Parrise, I’ll be fine I promise,” I tell him.

  He then goes over to Dallah and places a kiss to her hand telling her goodbye and giving the brothers’ another grin, enjoying their annoyance with him being close to Dallah. He then stands at the doorframe, waiting for Angus. Angus walks to me and wraps his arms around my waist as I lay my hands on his hard chest, letting our connection overwhelm me.

  “My sweet, I will miss you in my bed.”

  The brothers’ growl loudly as Sallack and Den take a step forward.

  “I was taking care of him as you nearly killed him.” I tell them irritably. They stop their growling and Angus gives a little chuckle.

  “Are you having fun Angus?” I question him.

  “More then you know. I’m so happy I have got to know you so well my sweet. I really do love you.”

  I lean back of his chest, and kiss his check, as he lifts me of the floor and hugs me tightly. Being close to him somehow makes me feel safe. I enjoy our embrace a little too long, as the brothers’ start snarling at us, I don’t mean to anger the Wolves but the connection we have is new and extremely fresh, I want him with me.

  “I love you Angus.”

  tiptoeing, I kiss his cheek tenderly as he puts me down. He walks over to Dallah and takes her by the arms.

  “Dallah, you’re an amazing Witch. You are both lucky to have each other.”

  “Thank you Angus, it’s good to see you well,” She says to him meaning every word.

  “Thanks to you Princess.”

  He takes her in his arms with a tight hug, and surprisingly, she lets him do so with no fear, but a smile on her face, which warms me to see.

  When Parrise and Angus leave, we all go out on the porch. It’s the early hours of the morning and I feel extremely tired. We have been out here over 3 hours while the brothers’ ask me questions, and only when they know I am happy and safe they say their goodbyes. I invited them over for a late lunch this evening after we have all slept and are feeling a little better. Sallack stays with me, holding me in bed tightly, as if I will be taken from his very arms. He whispers sweet nothings into my ear whilst I fall into a deep sleep, holding on to the man I love.

  This afternoon Sallack and I woke around 1pm, heading down stairs hand in hand. Den is sitting at the table staring out the window with a depressed look on his face, which breaks my heart. I look to Sallack for an answer.

  “He took it very badly when you left beautiful. Go speak with him, I’ll find Dallah.” He kisses my lips and turns into the sitting room.

  “Hey Den,” I say as I enter the kitchen.

  His brilliant gre
en eyes catch mine as he tries to smile at me but he fails. I walk over to him and sit in the chair beside him, pulling it to him as close as I can.

  “Den, what’s wrong?” I ask taking his hand.

  “Nothing I can’t handle babe.”

  “You haven’t got to handle anything, you can tell me anything Den.” I squeeze his hand, smiling at him as he smiles a real smile.

  “I know babe. Hey come over here. Sallack tell you not to love me anymore?” He says it teasingly, but there so much emotion behind his words.

  “I won’t be told to do anything I don’t want to. I would never let anything come between us. I love you now and forever Den.”

  He lifts me under my legs and places me on his lap, with his face in my neck, sniffing strongly. I’m at home now, with Den.

  “God, I love you Zara.”

  We all sit around the table and have our late lunch while the brothers’ give me the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ for work tonight. I do appreciate them taking care of me but when Sallack insisted I should to take him to the bathroom at work, it had gone too far. Dallah seemed to find this funny though.

  2 weeks go by, and stressful those weeks are, with Parrise and Angus coming nearly every night, for an hour or two, the brothers’ really don’t like it, and Parrise likes to remind them how little he cares! Angus and I never speak of our connection, I try extremely hard not to think about It in front of Parrise, he says he won’t get in my head, but I think he worry’s so much, that he feels obliged to do so. Sallack and I have become inseparable, I love being with him, being held by him.

  Dallah went back to the Coven, telling us she had some business to deal with, saying she will be back in a few week’s! When I asked, “Why so long?” She changed the subject quickly, avoiding my eyes. I could see and feel she was hiding something, but when I confronted her, she did what she does best, disappeared with a weak smile on her face.

  Den insists on waiting for me to come home from work for the whole two weeks, except for the nights I spend at Sallack’s home. Sallack and I told Den he didn’t have to worry about me getting home Safely, as Sallack stays close to me every day and night. Nevertheless, this made Den a little pissed off to say the least. Den doesn’t like being told what to do, especially when it comes to me. I do love the stubborn man.

  Work tonight was fun, Abbey and a few of the pack are here dancing and enjoying themselves. Den has been sitting with Candy and Kim for hours, who have their hands all over him, Please God don’t let him go home with candy again, or worse, the both of them!

  “Hey beautiful, I have missed you today.”

  I turn to see Sallack dresses in black jeans and top. He so hot!

  “Hey you. I have missed you to, are you staying?”

  “If you want me to?”

  He pulls me in by the waist even closer to his solid frame.

  “I do. Will you come home with me tonight?” I say with a wink and kiss him lips gently. Sallack’s grins widely down at me with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Are you coming on to me Zara? If so, I like it. I will come back with you if you kiss me like you mean it?” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

  I put my tray down and jump on him, wrapping my legs around his waist, kissing him with all the passion I have for him. He kisses me back just the same manner, grabbing me by buttocks with his big warm hands. I slip of him and wipe his lip where my lipstick has smudged.

  “Let's go now?” He asks, eyes glowing a brilliant gold.

  “I’m still working Sallack, we only have an hour!” I say laughing. He kisses me lightly and pats my bum for me to leave.

  Picking up my tray of drinks, I get through the last hour of work.

  When it is time to leave, I look to see if Den is with the brothers’ counting money at the tables. He must have gone home early, I can’t see him.

  “Hey Mickey have you seen Den?”

  “Yeah he left about an hour ago babe.”

  “Oh ok thanks, see you soon.”

  I kiss his cheek saying goodbye, as do Sallack and I say our goodbye's together to the rest of the brothers’.

  Sallack and I get back to mine. As soon as we are through the door he takes me in his arms and runs upstairs to my bedroom throwing me on the bed slipping my skirt of me then his own trousers, we both whip our tops off and meet in the middle of the bed. Our tongues clash together as excitement fills my senses. making love to Sallack is as bind blowing as the time before. He makes my eyes roll back in my head, although they are closed, and even when it’s over it feels like the beginning. I ride out the waves of ecstasy all night through till morning, stars in your eyes weak legs sort of love, with the man of my dreams and future.

  Waking in Sallack’s arms the next day I lean up on my elbows and kiss along his jaw.

  “ARRRHHHHHH,” A girl’s screams.

  What the hell!!! We both jump up running to the door, Sallack is butt naked but I wrap the bed sheet around me. The scream comes again, Den’s room! Just before I tell Sallack not to open the door. He is already standing in the middle of the room, naked!

  OH. MY. GOD. Den has candy riding him like a mechanical bull!

  “Oh sorry did we wake you. Uh Sallack join in if you like?” Candy asks with her eyes fixed on Sallack’s crutch! While still riding Den! Uh, I’m going to be sick! Den pushes her off and throws a sheet over himself. Wow, he looks amazing. That was a sick thought, what’s wrong with me?

  “Definitely not!” Sallack tells her, turning me around from looking at Den in all his glory.

  Den and I lock eyes for a split second, his face is full of regret and something else, but before I can work it out Sallack turns me around walking to my bedroom.

  “I Was not expecting that!” He says with a laugh.

  “That’s Den!” I say deadly serious.

  Sallack and I sit on the porch, me with tea and him with coffee, when Den walks out holding Candy’s hand smiling at her. How can he like her? She’s horrible!

  “Hello Zara, Sallack!”

  “Hello candy, it’s nice to see you…in clothes!” I say to her, Sallack beside me burst’s into laugher. I love hearing his deep laugh. I see a hint of a smile from Den, Candy on the other hand looks pissed, Oh well.

  She takes a seat on the step beside Sallack making small talk; I see Ruk in Wolf form by the edge of the woods, looking upon us. I wonder what he thinks of her, he is a good judge of character.

  “You guys aren’t at work today, right?” Candy asks.

  For the love of God, do not answer Sallack? I can see where this is going.

  “No. it’s our day of rest.” He pulls me tighter around the waist and kisses my head. He’s so sweet. I’m so in love with this man, but he has just dropped us right in at the deep end!

  “Its settled then double date, 7 tonight at Walker’s, right baby?” She asks Den. Baby! Uh, No way in hell am I sitting to eat dinner with her, with all the weapons on the table.

  “Yeah sounds good to me.” Den replies with a smile.

  Huh! Did Den just really say that? What is wrong with him?

  Sallack shrugs his shoulders not wanting to hurt Den’s feelings, I sigh loudly, to get my feelings known.

  “If it makes Den happy.” I say around my cup to stop me yelling. NOOOO!

  “So what are you going to wear, it’s Kinda posh there. Will you be able to find something in time? Hey maybe you should put a little make-up on, try to look good for your man?”

  What a Bitch! Sallack goes stiff beside me, trying hard to suppress a growl, from her attitude towards me. I place my hand on his leg giving him a wink before turning to Candy with a raised eyebrow.

  “Uh hu, maybe I should start head butting chalk boards and look like you?”

  Sallack and Den both snort a laugh, while candy kills Den with her eyes.

  “Ok, come on Candy I’ll drop you back home.” Den tells her now looking miserable.

  They finish their coffees quickly, heading off hand in hand! How the he
ll am I going to do this tonight, even worse I really do need to find something to wear. I’ll show her how to dress!

  “Beautiful we don’t have to go, I can tell Den something’s come up?”

  “Ah that’s sweet, but it fine. Hey we have all day, you fancy coming up stairs Alpha?”

  The growl in his throat is the only indication I need. Getting up I run to the stairs, only making 3 steps before I’m thrown over his shoulder and heading straight to bed, laughing hard.

  Chapter 23

  Pure heaven, that’s what it like being with Sallack, He has to be my chosen I feel so much love for him. He does things to me that bring me pleasure that’s unspeakable. I want to be with him until the day I die. He is the one. We are meant to be.

  Sallack walks into my bedroom after going home to get changed, he wears a white shirt and black dress pants, the white of his shirt makes his skin look even more tanned, and his longish hair is brushed back. Wow! Just wow.

  “You look amazing Sallack. I am the luckiest girl alive.”

  “I love you Zara.”

  He says sweetly looking at me from head to toe, I spin around to show him the whole outfit, just as I face him his lips are lightly touching mine and his hands are all over me.

  “I want you so bad. Never in my life have I seen beauty like yours Zara. I do not deserve you” He says against my lips, sending shivers down my spine. I take hold his face in my hands.

  “I love you Sallack with everything I am.”

  The dress I have picked for tonight is gold sequin with short sleeves, with a v-neck showing the roundness of my breast. The back, well there is no back, It is my favorite dress. I have on black 4-inch open toed shoes and a small clutch bag. I have worn my hair up in a big bun on my head. Unlike Candy’s clown face, I put on mascara, blush and a lip-gloss, I feel good, sexy.

  We pull up outside the restaurant and head to the big glass door entrance. Den went to pick Candy up so we will be meeting them inside. It is a very nice place low lights and candles, very romantic. If only it was just us.


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