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Blaze Page 7

by Christa Tomlinson

  “Yes. I want to be tied, chained...”

  It was on the tip of Jordan’s tongue to say Next time. He barely managed to hold the words back. There wouldn’t be a next time. He refocused his attention on the here and now. Danny continued to respond beautifully, arching into every touch. But their play couldn’t last forever.

  Jordan began to ease Danny down, using slower and lighter touches, gradually prolonging the time in between each caress. Danny calmed, his breathing evening out, muscles going lax rather than tense from anticipation. Finally, Jordan took his hands away entirely. Danny closed his eyes, drew in a deep breath, and let it out in a long, shuddering exhale.

  “You can let go of the hand grips now.”

  It took a few seconds before Danny loosened his hold and opened his eyes. But he didn’t move. He continued to lay there with his arms raised over his head.

  “You okay?” Jordan asked, already switching to after care mode.

  Danny licked his lips once and nodded. “Yes.”

  Jordan slid an arm beneath his back and helped him to sit up. “We’re going to go over to the couch to sit and relax for a few minutes.” He held Danny steady as he slid off the table. On their way to the couch, he grabbed a bottle of water from the cart. Jordan sat down, tugging Danny onto his lap. His weight was warm and precious, even more so when he leaned in and rested against Jordan’s chest. Jordan held up the bottle of water.

  “Here. Drink.”

  Danny lifted his head to slowly sip from the bottle. When he finished, Danny raised his lashes to look at him, eyes still soft and languid.

  “We didn’t talk about it before. But will you kiss me?”

  Jordan’s answer was swift. “Absolutely.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to Danny’s. At first, they were cool from the water but they quickly warmed beneath his own. The kiss was pure and lovely, their lips gently melding together. Jordan held himself back for all of a second before he nudged Danny’s lips apart so that he could slide his tongue into the wet heat of his mouth.

  Those intimate sparks returned, lighting a fire beneath his skin. He cupped the back of Danny’s head, holding him steady as he deepened the kiss far beyond what he had intended. And Danny, sweet Danny, opened for him, returning each kiss with equal passion. It took every bit of Jordan’s will power to end the kiss and ease them apart.

  “Thank you.” Danny whispered.

  “Did you enjoy that?” Jordan asked as he brushed a thumb over kiss-damp lips.

  “Yes. You made my first time wonderful.”

  “It was a pleasure watching you experience it.”

  Danny smiled and laid his head back on Jordan’s chest. Jordan held him in a loose embrace, trying to ignore the growing feeling of attachment he had for this new, untrained submissive. That he should be the one to lead him into dominance and submission. That Danny was supposed to be his. He hadn’t felt this strong of an attachment since-. No. Jordan cut that thought off. Bad memories had no right to intrude on this time of quiet and after care. He refocused his attention on the man sitting on his lap, rubbing soothing circles on his back and thighs.

  “Before you get dressed, I want to apply a cream to make sure your skin doesn’t get irritated from the Wartenberg wheel.”


  Danny nodded but didn’t move. Jordan didn’t want to either. It had been too long since he’d cuddled a submissive in his lap and he didn’t want it to end. But making sure Danny was taken care of was more important. He gently squeezed his hip. “Up.”

  Danny slid off his lap and Jordan rose to get the cream from the cart. He scooped out a generous amount, warming it in his hands first before gently massaging it into Danny’s skin. By the time he finished, Danny leaned into him so loose and relaxed it was a wonder he wasn’t sleep on his feet. Jordan was absolutely charmed. If they were at his home, he would finish caring for Danny by tucking him into bed. Then he’d hold him close as he fell asleep. That’s all he wanted, a sub to spoil and care for.

  Regret started to settle in his chest as he held Danny until he was one hundred percent recovered from their play. Tonight might have been a mistake on his part, a harsh reminder of what he couldn’t allow himself to have, but he hadn’t been able to resist the chance to spend a few hours with this little sub.

  “Let’s get you dressed and I’ll take you home.”

  Danny stirred enough to take a step back and look up at Jordan. “Oh, I can get an Uber.”

  Jordan was absolutely not going to put a sated sub who’d just experienced kink play for the first time in an Uber by himself. “I’ll take you home, Danny,” he repeated firmly.

  Dark lashes fell to rest against Danny’s cheeks as he bowed his head. “Okay.”

  The gorgeous, easy submission Danny displayed nearly rekindled Jordan’s arousal. He clenched his jaw once in an effort to keep it banked then moved to grab Danny’s clothes from the floor.

  After Danny was redressed in that sexy romper, they left the club together. Jordan placed a hand at the small of Danny’s back, guiding him, keeping him close to his side. The valet quickly brought his car around. Tonight it was a late model Chevy Camaro. He was glad he’d driven an automatic as it allowed him to have a hand free to rest on Danny’s knee. They drove to Danny’s home mostly without speaking, but the mood was comfortable and relaxed, with soft R&B playing on the radio filling the long spaces of silence.

  “Turn right here. Fourth house on the left.”

  He pulled up to the curb at the house Danny indicated. A two-story white stucco with dark trim, a big yard, and a small front porch. Jordan got out and went around to the passenger side to open the door for Danny.

  “I’d like to have your number so that I can call and check on you,” Jordan said as they went up the walk.

  “Of course.”

  Danny stopped, so Jordan stopped as well and took out his phone. He thumbed to his contacts screen, then passed the phone to Danny so he could type in his number. They continued up the walk and onto the porch once he was done.

  “Good night, Danny. I hope you sleep well.”

  Danny leaned against the door and smiled up at Jordan. “I have a feeling I’m going to sleep like a log.”

  Jordan quietly agreed with him. “You probably will.”

  They’d said their goodnights but neither of them moved. It felt wrong to leave Danny instead of staying with him. Jordan had to remind himself that one night of play didn’t mean this sweet submissive belonged to him. His chest tight, he waited as Danny finally went inside and closed the door before walking back to his car.

  Before he got in, he looked up at the house. A light flicked on in a window upstairs, in what he assumed was Danny’s bedroom. He pictured him moving around, getting ready for bed. Neither of them had broached the topic of a second night together, but Jordan knew in his gut that regardless of what he’d promised himself, one night wasn’t going to be enough for him. He had to see Danny again.

  Chapter Six


  onday morning, Danny sat at the kitchen table, a mug of hot tea cradled in his hands. He sipped slowly, his head filled with thoughts of last night when he’d been under a Dom’s hands for the first time. Under Jordan’s hands. His first time had been everything he’d dreamed of. More actually. Sensation play was definitely one of his kinks. He shivered at the remembered feel of the Wartenberg wheel gliding over his skin, followed by the sweep of Jordan’s calloused palm. He’d loved every moment of it.

  And the aftercare. Danny ducked his head, staring into the tea with a soft smile. He’d never felt as warm and secure as he had with Jordan’s strong arms wrapped around him. Those few minutes tucked onto Jordan’s lap beat any post-coital canoodling he’d shared with lovers in the past.

  Danny could have sat there all morning, day dreaming about the way he’d trembled and moaned, and how close he’d come to tossing out his limit and asking Jordan to make love to him. Unfortunately, he had work to do. There were several commiss
ions he needed to finish, and details for the web comic he planned to start later that year had to be ironed out.

  He rose and dumped out the last bits of now cold tea in the sink before heading to his workroom. His desk was a mess as usual, so he had to push a few things aside to find his sketch glove. Once he had it on, he grabbed his tablet to begin with a warm-up. With Jordan on his mind, it was no surprise he started drawing the gorgeous Dom. Jordan had been in all black last night, so Danny sketched a bust of him wearing a tight black tee. As he outlined Jordan’s full lips and low beard, another man’s image slipped into his mind. Without consciously planning it, Danny’s hand moved over the screen, covering most of the face he’d drawn with a dark mask.

  Danny stopped, his brow furrowed in thought as he studied the image. With the mask filled in, Jordan’s face had too easily morphed into Blaze. Could they be the same man? No... The two were roughly the same height but Blaze was bigger, more muscular. Wasn’t he? And their voices were different. Jordan’s was low and smooth while Blaze’s every word came out in a deep, rough growl. Blaze was hard and intense. Jordan was tempered and calm. No way they could be the same man.

  Shaking his head at his silliness, Danny erased the mask layer. His mind had simply melded the two men together due to meeting them both around the same time. And they’d both made huge impressions on him, albeit for different reasons. Maybe Scott was right and he did have a crush on Blaze, since apparently, he couldn’t stop thinking of the superhero, even imagining him as the man he’d had an amazing night with.

  He needed to put both men out of his head so he could get to work. Deciding to work on commissions first, he took out the spec sheet for a piece with the line art already completed and looked it over before settling down to draw. It wasn’t long before he fell into a groove. He worked for hours, switching projects as necessary, stopping for lunch, and then getting right back to it.

  Late in the afternoon his phone rang, pulling his attention away from the color palette he was studying. Danny looked up, blinking in surprise at the distraction before grabbing the ringing phone. His heart thumped when he saw Jordan’s name on the screen. Jordan had said he was going to call and check on him but Danny hadn’t expected him to follow up so soon. He swiped up on the screen to accept the call.


  “Hello, Danny. How are you?”

  “I’m fine. I spent the morning distracted by thoughts of last night before I was finally able to get to work.”

  Jordan laughed, husky and low. “I’ve been thinking of our time together all day.”

  “Really?” Danny got up from his chair, suddenly feeling the need to move while they talked.

  “Yes. I told you I enjoyed watching you experience kink for the first time.”

  “I bet you say that to all the subs,” Danny teased.

  “Not at all. But you’re okay today? No ill effects from the wheel?”

  “I feel... perfect. Happy that I finally got to try it and also really peaceful and clear headed. I think I got more done today than I did all last week.”

  “That’s good to hear. Sounds like your submissive side got what it needed last night.”

  “And you gave it to me,” Danny whispered. The line went quiet and Danny thought for a moment that maybe Jordan didn’t hear him. Until the man softly growled his name.


  Danny’s fingers tightened on the phone. “Yes, Jordan?” His heart jumped into his throat as he wondered if the other man knew he’d really wanted to say ‘Yes, Sir?’ That was something they hadn’t discussed but he wanted to call Jordan ‘Sir’. Thinking it might be something reserved for established Dom sub couples, he hadn’t brought it up during their pre-scene negotiation last night.

  “Don’t say my name like that.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’d rather explain it in person. Come with me to the club tomorrow night. They’re hosting a demonstration on impact play followed by an exhibition. I thought you might like to see it with me. Then afterward we can spend some time together alone and try more sensation play.”

  Danny stopped his aimless wandering to stand in the middle of the room. His skin tingled as he thought of another night with Jordan. “I-I’d like that,” he said faintly.

  Jordan’s voice deepened, sliding across the cell lines into Danny’s ear.

  “So that’s a yes?”

  The rough voice had a note of familiarity. Danny started to frown in question, but the front door slammed with his roommate’s return, distracting him. He cleared his throat and answered Jordan. “Definitely a yes.”

  “Good. I’ll pick you up at seven. See you then, Danny.”

  Danny clasped the phone to his chest after they ended the call, every inch of him shivery and warm and happy. Something about that man just did something to him. He couldn’t wait to see his sexy Dom again.


  Blaze approached a small warehouse down near the riverfront. He moved silently, blending in with the shadows to hide and scope out the building before making his next move. The hour was late but the place was fully lit, with lots of people moving within. It wasn’t unusual for warehouses to be active at night but at this particular location, the people inside were up to no good. According to the intel he’d gathered the night he’d observed Danny at Club Decadence, this was the place where the shipment of Croton would be delivered before it hit the streets.

  As soon as he thought the name Danny, an image of the other man rose in his mind. Danny, who’d been so sweetly aroused during their session. Jordan hadn’t yet decided what they would do for their second night together. Maybe he’d use a feathered riding crop. He could work Danny up, alternating between soft tickles and stinging slaps. Or they could play with vampire gloves. Then he could have his hands on Danny the entire time. That idea had fantastic appeal.

  Headlights suddenly swept over the spot where Blaze was hiding. He quickly took a step back, narrowly avoiding being exposed by the high beams. “Get your head in the game, Blaze,” he grumbled to himself as the car drove into the warehouse.

  Blaze leaped up, first onto the low overhang of the loading dock and from there onto the roof. He landed in a crouch, surveying the area around him to make sure there were no guards before he crept over to a dirty skylight window. He’d checked out and oiled this window earlier to make sure he could open it without drawing attention. Now, he raised it and silently slid into the warehouse.

  He could have turned the information for tonight’s operation over to the cops. But time was of the essence. The police would have wanted to verify tips and set up stings and a bunch of other bureaucratic bullshit. By the time they were ready, the Croton would already be out in the populace. Which is why he was up here in the rafters, waiting to strike. He could take care of the immediate problem now and give the authorities the information they needed to put a stop to future shipments later.

  Below him, the L Street crew assigned to this gig loaded the product into the back of a nondescript delivery truck. They had to go through and check multiple pallets, finding the crates marked with a discreet C. Once they got the crate open, they dug through the packing peanuts and legitimate products for the boxes of Croton hidden inside. They were each about the size of a shoe box, wrapped in white paper and then shrink wrapped in red cellophane. A tall, heavy-set man directed the operation, checking each package off on his clipboard as it was discovered.

  Blaze waited until they had the full shipment loaded. It would be easier for him to destroy the entire cargo if it was all in one spot. After about twenty minutes, he got the signal he’d been waiting for.

  “Last one, fellas. Get it loaded so we can get out of here and go eat.”

  A woman with a black ball cap hiding most of her bright green hair leaned against the truck’s side. The keys she twirled around her finger indicated she was the driver.

  “Want to get some White Castles?” she asked as she opened the truck driver’s side door and got in.

  “Nah, I’m not going home to my lady with onion burger gas.”

  Blaze grinned. Offending his girlfriend with flatulence was about to be the least of this guy’s problems. The truck started up. Before it could pull out, Blaze dropped down from the rafters, landing right in front of it. At Blaze’s sudden appearance, the foreman dropped his clipboard and stared at him in shocked silence. It took several seconds before he snapped into action and yelled at the driver.

  “Go! Run him down!”

  Blaze could see the woman’s panicked expression through the windshield but she shifted into drive and gunned it. Unfortunately for her, Blaze wasn’t letting that truck leave this warehouse and he damn sure wasn’t going to let her run him over. He pulled his hands back against his chest then threw them forward, sending enough voltage at the truck to shut down the engine. Black smoke curled from under the hood, and the acrid smell of fried circuitry stung the air.

  “Damnit!” the foreman yelled again. “Everybody! Take him down.”

  The other crew members approached as ordered. Blaze settled into a fighting stance, fists up, electricity crackling, ready to take on all comers. Before the fight could kick off however, a car door opened and a quiet voice came from behind Blaze.


  Blaze froze. That voice. He knew that voice. Blaze slowly turned and came face to face with the man he never thought he’d see again. His former lover and the last man to wear his collar. “Kyle,” Blaze growled the name in disgust.

  The tall redhead ran his fingers through the sweep of hair on his forehead and smiled. “Surprised to see me, lover?”

  “Surprised that you’re still with Leon? Yes.”

  Kyle laughed. “No. We were never together. That was simply sex for the thrill of it.”

  Blaze stayed on guard, ready in case this little chat was simply a diversion to get the drop on him. “Then what are you doing here?”

  “I realized that spending my days being a good little corporate stooge while the only thrills I had in life came from nights wearing bondage wasn’t the path for me. So, I asked Leon for a job. He gave me one and I worked my way up through the ranks. This new life suits me far better than my old one did.”


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