Her Maine Man

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Her Maine Man Page 7

by Owner

  She was breathing hard at least. Good. He didn’t want to be the only one panting like a dog in heat. Jon scrambled onto the sofa and into a sitting position as awkwardly as a one-legged bandaged man with an erection could scramble.

  Lifting his foot, she plopped it onto the pillow on the coffee table. “It’s normal for a patient to become attracted to his caregiver,” she sputtered. “I shouldn’t have allowed it to get this out of hand. I’m sorry.”

  Sheesh, she’d apologized for his striking out. How much more pathetic could his life get?

  “I forgive you.” He grinned. “Want to kiss and makeup?”

  She plunked his bowl onto his lap. Cold, soggy soymilk lapped over onto his shorts, saturating his dick. If nothing else the stuff was a good softener.

  Maddie sat opposite him on a brown plaid wing chair. With her legs crossed, tight, she munched her cereal and swung one foot. At least she didn’t have on those honkers she called sneakers.

  “Looks like we’ll be spending the night again.” With a nod toward the windows and the pelting rain, he tried to hide his rising enthusiasm.

  “I discovered the bedrooms both have plenty of blankets.” She smiled, pleased.

  “But we’ll still need body heat,” he blurted.

  “I doubt it.”

  Why was she so damn hard to get? “I might.” He winced and adjusted his foot on the pillow. “I’m injured.”

  “We’ll see how chilly it gets.” Maddie spooned up her cereal, but her eyes held sympathy.

  Jon smiled. Looked like he still had a shot at crawling into her warm bed next to her hot body and showing her the kind of gymnastics he was skilled at.

  Chapter Eight

  Jon crunched his granola, settling back onto the clumpy sofa cushion, intent to brainstorm the woman seated across from him, eating her cereal with gusto. If she had a weak spot when it came to men, he was determined to find it. “So tell me all about you, Maddie.”

  “I don’t think that’s wise.” She shook her shiny head of long blonde hair and erotic visions danced in his head.

  Maddie astride him while he lay in bed. The ends of her luxuriant hair well oiled and teasing every inch of his flesh with slithery, slippery strokes. Her silky strands sliding over his male erogenous spots, flicking at his dick and balls. The rousing scenario vibrated his nerve endings, and a groan smothered low in his belly.

  “You haven’t seen any oil in the cottage?” He hadn’t, not baby oil, vegetable oil, or even motor oil.

  “We should keep some distance.” She ignored his question and plunked her empty bowl onto the table. “After the intimacies we shared last night.”

  “Intimacies.” He choked on a nut. “Did I sleep through something?”

  “I guess vulnerabilities would be a more accurate word.” Sitting across from him, she looked efficient and logical and enticing—anything but vulnerable.

  “That would sum it up.” He agreed with her in part. His part. He’d certainly let his defenses down. He’d bared both his emotional and physical weaknesses. Hell, she probably had him pegged as a dipstick. No wonder he wasn’t getting anywhere with her in the sack.

  “You can see how it’s best we remain strangers.”

  He spooned up more of the cereal while his mind raced to randomize her reasoning. “I think we’re past strangers.”

  “Okay, acquaintances.”

  Pushing his cause, he said, “I’m only trying to get better acquainted.”

  “It’s more practical if we don’t.” She drilled her point home with her lavender eyes. “Keeping secrets about a person none of your family or friends are acquainted with is the best way. You told me yourself, you have this need to problem-solve for the women in your life.” Her eyes sparkled knowingly. “That’s why you pick emotionally shallow women so their problems will be easy to handle. But I’ve already dumped my heavy stuff on you so it’s best we don’t get too chummy.”

  “I suppose.” He conceded for now. With a glance toward the gloomy, wet windows, he clattered his spoon into his empty bowl. “Looks like we’ll have to spend another night here. Any ideas on what to do for kicks to pass the time instead of talk?” He arched an eyebrow. His choice of a pastime hadn’t altered despite her contrary opinions.

  “Typical, bored patient.” Maddie reached over and plucked his bowl from his hands and nested it with hers.

  His smile drooped to a pout. “You could un-bore me.” Or drill me until my ears spin.

  “Yes, I can.” She stood up.

  His dick stood at attention. His eyes widened. He hadn’t figured her for the type to buckle to a man’s pout. He hoped she’d start with her blouse. Whip off her top like she had when she’d turned it into an icepack earlier. Her creamy, ample breasts and perky nipples were sure to race his adrenaline. Her breasts were far from boring.

  She trotted over to a shelf. “Scrabble or Monopoly?”

  “Scrabble.” He sulked as she set up the board game, but played well.

  As the afternoon ticked away into early evening, he’d beaten her twice. In his line of work, a mastery of words was necessary. He’d wanted to show her something he was good at, but it hadn’t been his vocabulary.

  During the third game, she fixed them a snack from the last of her food. “Rye bread, hummus, and berries.”

  “Hummus isn’t so bad.” He mopped up the paste with a crust of bread. “When you’re starving. I think I lost an inch off my waistline these past two days.”

  “A few sit-ups could cut and tone you.”

  A few pushups with her beneath him could make his stay in Maine remarkable.

  “I suppose a loss of weight saved my trip from becoming a total bust.” He popped the bread into his mouth. No shipboard romance, no mile-out club, no island affair.

  “Sorry your business friend didn’t show,” she said.

  It was just as well. Jon preferred if he never set eyes on his mother’s lover. That had all been his sister’s doing. He wondered if she’d made him an uncle yet.

  “Sorry about your biz, too,” he said to be courteous.

  “Maybe next year.”

  She must’ve meant next time, but they’d quibbled over enough words during the scrabble game so he let it slide. “The candles are burning down, we’d better wrap this game up.”

  The wind and rain shook the doors and windows, and the shadowy room darkened as it got closer to bedtime. The thought of bed made him eager to score, and quick.

  He studied his letter tiles, placing them onto the game board so they spelled out, I WANT U. His eyes met hers, eager for her response.

  Unruffled, she said, “That’s just patient gratitude. It happens a lot.”

  He shook his head. Hell, what he wanted had nothing to do with gratitude. “No. I wanted you long before my accident. Back on the boat when I first saw you. You’re beautiful, smart, and fun.”

  And built. But he didn’t figure that would speak well for his case.

  “I thought you were cute, too.” She began tossing tiles back into the box.

  “Cute.” Cute sucked. Women didn’t fuck men they thought were cute. Sexy, yeah, they got laid. Handsome, of course, those guys bumped lots of bellies. Great buns scored. Brains or a winning smile even got lucky. But cute never shot its wad. “Thanks, I guess,” he grumbled.

  “Ready for bed?” she asked after shelving the game box and cleaning up their few dishes.

  “Yeah, I’m ready.” Willing and able.

  “I’ll help you to a bedroom. She put her arm around his waist to support him as he stood up.

  His head buzzed at the touch of her lush body against his torso. Gawd, she felt good. Firm, but soft. Curved yet lean. Her body aroused him faster than last year’s profit margin.

  He leaned into her heavily, just to feel her breasts crush into his ribs. The buzz in his head got louder, shouting obscene notions to him.

  But obviously not to her. “I thought I’d put you in this first bedroom. It’s closer to the bat
hroom. Do you want to use the facilities now?”

  “No.” What he wanted was to see what was behind door number two. Her bedroom door.

  After she settled him in behind door number one, she scampered back to the living room for the extra pillow to prop up his leg. While she was gone, he shed his shirt and tugged the coverlet up to his waist. Damp and chilled as the room was now, it was going to get a lot warmer with Maddie next door, tormenting his dreams with her long, toned limbs and mouthwatering breasts.

  “I blew out the candles. All but this one,” she whispered in the flickering dimness. Placing the votive on the night table, she fussed over his ankle, fluffing the pillow under his foot and then the one under his head. “Comfy?”

  With her bending over him, her hands on either side of his pillow and her hair curtaining their faces, it seemed the most natural thing to kiss her in reply.

  “Hmm.” He murmured his agreement against her lips with a feathery touch before he pulled her down on top of his chest and kissed her more fervently. Her mouth was hot. She tasted yeasty like rye bread and sweet like honey. The combination whetted his appetite and fed his burning attraction for her. He suckled her bottom lip, the flesh soft and pliable. He delved his tongue into her mouth. Her teeth grated his tongue’s surface, teasing him until his breathing became ragged and heat surged to the tip of his cock.

  When he broke away, her eyes shimmered with passion in the light from the votive. Her hair was mussed and sexy, and her breasts rose and fell with her heaving breaths. Her desire excited him like no other woman’s ever had. His heart hammered and his blood pulsated with sexual anticipation.

  “I wanted us to remain strangers,” Maddie protested, but her voice sounded unsure.

  Jon eased away, and that was all the chance he intended to give her. Twisting toward the night table, he puffed and put out the candle, descending the room into blackness.

  “In the dark, we’re complete strangers,” he whispered.


  When Jon softly touched his mouth to hers, Maddie accepted his lips. Her mouth was hotter, wilder, greedier. Her tongue thrust into his, setting a tempo that made his cock rock-hard. His erection strained beneath the confines of his shorts and the covers, pushing upward toward her crotch and the sexual confrontation that had been firing for days.

  Jon dug his hands into her hair. He’d wanted to grab that silkiness in fistfuls since it first fluttered into his sight on the ferryboat. He wrapped the strands around his hand, and she lifted her chin and tugged on his bottom lip with her teeth. He growled with satisfaction.

  Nothing about Maddie disappointed him. With a flick of the wrist, he angled her head and kissed her until he was breathless. He couldn’t get enough of her. Or get close enough to her.

  “I need you naked.” Panting, he pulled her shirt over her head, nearly suffocating both of them while trying not to lose contact with her mouth. The lace of her bra prickled his bare chest and roused his nipples. “I want you,” he groaned.

  “I recall that was a double-word score.” She nipped at his lip.

  “I intend to score more than twice.” Sealing his promise with a kiss, he felt her mouth grin against his.

  After unhooking her bra, he flung the garment out into the blackness of the room. Her full breasts spilled onto his chest, her peaked nipples rigid and exciting. He rubbed the coarse hair of his chest against her stiffening buds.

  “You feel as good as…as…” Words failed him. As if he were love starved. Well, maybe not starved but malnourished. No woman had ever made him this horny, mentally and physically, let alone left him speechless.

  He hugged her. Kissed her, worked his tongue over her tongue and her teeth and gums. Her hands gripped his neck and pulled at his hair. Her tongue answered his, doing tricks inside his mouth that rated more than double-word scores.

  Grasping her slender waist, he lifted her toward him. Her skin felt smooth and hot in his hands.

  “I need to taste more of you.” He lapped his tongue across her nipple, which tasted as sweet and honeyed as her mouth. She arched into him and he sucked the bud into his mouth, plucking it with his lips, rolling it between his teeth, laving it with his wet tongue.

  Audible gasps filled the dark. Their breath mingled with their urgency, as did their moans of pleasure. He lavished kisses between her breasts and onto her nipples again and again. He could kiss her breasts all day, and then he couldn’t.

  He wanted all of her, naked and open beneath him.

  Damn, but protection was in the living room, tucked safely away in his overnight bag. Always responsible, he never left home without it. But until he hobbled out there and back, not only would the mood be shot to heck, but Maddie might cool down. And frankly, that wasn’t an option he wanted to consider. His erection would die a slow death while he expired of blue balls.

  “Could this stranger bother you to get a condom from his overnight bag? Please, hurry,” he begged.

  “Call me a Samaritan.” She hopped from the bed and padded down the hallway, using the wall as her guide.

  She returned shortly. He heard the metallic click of her zipper and the rustle of material as she peeled off her short skirt in the darkness of the bedroom.

  He shimmied out of his shorts, kicking them to the bottom of the bed and held out his hand for the square packet. Instead he heard the tear of foil, followed by her delicate fingers cradling his penis. He almost squirted.

  Sucking in a deep breath, Jon prayed for control. The feel of the latex against his flesh promised relief was soon in sight. Not really in sight, he couldn’t see much in the darkness, but he knew what was within reach.

  He grabbed Maddie and pulled her down on top of him, then kissed the daylights out of her until he couldn’t hold out much longer.

  “Maddie,” he moaned her name over and again. He was starting to sound like a schoolboy begging for his first lay. “Let’s change positions.” Frantically he tried to roll over, but she resisted.

  “Your injury. I’d better stay on top.”

  Yeah, mount me. Ride me into hell. At this point he didn’t care.

  But once she straddled him, and her eyes looked down on him, glimmering even in the dark, he remembered his plan. He’d wanted to show her he was good at something more athletic than scrabble.

  Although, she was quite enjoyable perched up where she was, her body lithe and naked, her breasts swaying and her vaginal opening a plunge away, he was at her command. She was in charge of momentum and timing and orgasms.

  “Nope,” he protested and lifted her from her lofty place.

  “No?” Her pliant body went rigid.

  Kicking the pillow from under his sore ankle, he rolled atop her and tucked her stiff form beneath him.

  “Yes.” He kissed her luscious lips, suckling the bottom one for good measure.

  “Yes, now, but not before?” she mumbled, confused.

  “My foot was getting cramped.” Close. His style was getting cramped.

  “Want me to massage the muscle and ease the contraction?” Ever helpful.

  “Nah, it worked itself out.” The only muscle he wanted her to work over throbbed between them, rigid and ready.

  Jon caressed her all over again from his new vantage point. Her mouth, her neck, her breasts. As he worked his way ever downward, he felt her stomach quiver and her hips jerk. When he reached the vee between her thighs, he favored her with kisses and tongue movements to merit at least a triple-letter score.

  Her moans said so anyway.

  Spreading her thighs wide, he lapped at her clit and blew on the turgid nub, suckling it over and over until she begged, “Jon, Jon, please.” Her mewls and moans echoed so gut-deep, he swore he felt the tremble in her vaginal lips.

  He dug his fingers into the curve of her buttocks, maneuvering her sweet opening closer and higher. With his tongue to her labia, he flicked at her willing flesh. She bucked against his mouth while he licked her folds. He allowed the heat from his open mouth
to titillate her as he edged lower to her wet, glistening slit. When her bottom writhed in his hands, he worked his tongue into the well of her slickness and tasted her musky sweetness.

  “You’re very good with your mouth.” She stilled and gasped, gripping the sheet in her fists.

  He grinned. As much as he could grin with her curls tickling his chin. He was in control at last.

  Then she lost control. Her gasps came quicker. She grasped the sheets tighter. He pressed his hand onto her stomach and dragged his thumb across her clit. He licked at the sensitive opening with renewed fervor while he thumbed her rigid nub, faster and faster. She arched and jerked her hips, once, twice, and with a sharp cry she came. He tasted her sweet cream against his lips and tongue. A surge of pride ran through him. His cock shuddered and his ankle ached.

  Her muscles went limp as her fingers relaxed and her legs collapsed onto the mattress. “That was amazing, you were amazing.” Maddie heaved a breathless sigh, reached down and ruffled his hair and his ears.

  Jon worked his way back up. “One down in our triple play,” he vowed as he kissed her grateful mouth.

  Then he entwined his crossed fingers into her hair, cradled her head, and hoped she’d take the top next time.

  Chapter Nine

  When Jon took her in his arms and entered her, Maddie’s breath hitched. His shaft was so hard and hot and filled her completely. Her pelvic muscles clamped snuggly around him, putting her Kegel exercises to good use. Within his first few lunging strokes, she popped her cork, a spasm rocking her body. She’d been ever so lonely and horny. It had been a long year since her last time.

  And Jon was exceptionally adept at bringing her to climax. She didn’t mind telling him so as he sank into her again and again. “You feel good inside me,” she murmured. “That feels fantastic.” The words poured out of her while she wrapped her ankles around his waist and held on, his performance improving with her every utterance.

  For a man she’d considered out of shape, he had hip action she’d never experienced before.

  “What was that move?” she asked, hoarsely, panting hot breath on his neck as he withdrew and plunged, high and hard.


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