Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows

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Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows Page 19

by L. A. A. Law

  A moment later, someone returns with a jug. Reginald’s nail grazes David’s arm opening a vein. Placing David’s arm over the opening, he collects David’s blood before handing the container to Cecil. “Keep it cold, it may give us answers.”

  Lifting David’s body, he moves forward. “We need to leave.”

  We travel in silence. Andrew carries me, but appears as stunned as the rest of us. As reason returns to me, the realization that the danger is not over hits me. “We have to contact the others, if they try to reach David or if the ones who were in the estate contact them, they will kill Nicole.”

  One of Reginald’s party hands Gabriel a cell phone. He speaks softly. “Ryan it’s Gabriel have them capture Mia and Jacob, we are all fine. Call me back at...” Eva almost crashes into him as he halts. “What happened, say it again.”

  My blood runs cold as Andrew and the others stop.

  “Are you absolutely sure? I’ll call you back shortly.”

  Andrew turns to Gabriel. “What’s going on?”

  “The one who was Jacob has been destroyed. He tried to attack the others when their Mia began screaming that it had to be a trick and demanded to know what they did to her.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The one who was Mia keeled over in pain and Ryan says her heart is beating. She is being well guarded, but they can’t understand what is going on. They think it is some kind of a trick.”

  “Where is Nicole? Is she safe?” I ask panicked.

  “She is fine. When that Jacob began to lose control, Catherine got Nicole out of there. She is on her way back to Sanctuary with your children, Emma. Victor wanted them off the grounds as well. Relief registers in her eyes and we being moving forward again.

  We’re back in the woods and have covered about half a mile when angry growls rip through the trees as menacing wolves surround us about to attack. One bursts through the tees, transforming and running towards our party. Paul and Julianne run towards him, throwing themselves at him and hugging him fiercely. Putting me down, Andrew slips me behind him. Standing stalk still, some of the others slowly transform, coming out from behind the trees to join us. A woman moves towards Reginald, her nostrils flair before her facial features freeze.

  After a moment, she moves closer, inhaling deeply. Her eyes scan David and then focus on Reginald. “Is this him?” The surprise in her voice is unmistakable.

  “Yes.” He responds quietly.

  Her eyes tear away from his as she grabs David’s arm. “Is this some type of a trick to get us to leave?” She retorts coldly.

  “This is no trick. Feel free to search the grounds, you will not find the one you are looking for because this is him, but be advised, there were still three in the estate when we left and I don’t know if the ones who had run off will return.”

  Her eyes scan David once more before she grabs his other arm, slits his skin and brings the open wound up to her nose. Dropping it, she jumps back.

  A man comes behind her, putting his hand on her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

  She turns to him, disbelief evident in her features as he enfolds her in an embrace. Her voice is soft, but audible. “It’s his scent, I can smell it in the blood, but that’s impossible.”

  The man steps before her, shielding her, the way Andrew is shielding me, his eyes cold and fierce. He motions for the others with them to back off. “What are you people?”

  I pull myself around Andrew, who holds me close to his side. “We are just a family who wants to go home and these are our friends who helped save my son and some of your own.”

  The man who was hugging his children moves toward me. “I’m glad that you are alright. My children told me that you negotiated their freedom. Thank you.” He hugs me.

  “Thank you for coming back for me when you did. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. He glances at Andrew. “Grant, this is my husband, Andrew.”

  Andrew releases me and they shake hands. “Thank you for all you did to help Mia.”

  Elizabeth moves closer to us finally. “Grant it looks as if we are done here now that David is dead. I think it is best if we leave here. Although the others are nothing without him, I have some men in need of medical attention and do not want to risk encountering any problems.”

  Andrew interjects. “If you accompany us back to the hospital, I’m sure that we could treat your men.”

  Her features reveal her shock. “You’re physicians?”

  “Yes we were working at a local hospital here with Lucas before this all started.”

  Her eyes light up. “Is he at the hospital now?”

  “No, he returned to the states to fool the woman pretending to be my wife into thinking we lived on a farm.”

  “How is he doing? Is he happy?”

  “I hope so. He’s married to my sister.” He laughs. “He is also a doctor and has been working with us intermittently over the centuries at a hospital we established in Maine and has now settled there.”

  “When you see him could you let him know that I could never thank him enough for saving me that night and that I didn’t stay with Florence because I was ungrateful for all he did, I just desperately missed my mother and it was comfortable with her. I heard him return one night, in fact I saw him, but I wasn’t ready to leave the possibility of feeling safe with a family instead of hiding out waiting to be caught by someone.” She sounds wistful.

  Andrew’s features soften. “Elizabeth, Lucas wanted you to stay with Florence. He understood completely and knew that he could never give you a normal life. All he ever wanted for you was to be safe and happy. I’m sure that he would love to hear from you. When we return, we could get your men healed and ready to travel back home and give him a call.”

  Traveling back, I didn’t realize Andrew dialed Jacob. “Jacob it’s dad we have mom and everything is alright. I’ll put her on.”

  “Jacob, are you alright?”

  “I am now that you are out of that awful place too. Mom I can’t believe you came for me when you couldn’t see.”

  “Honey, I would come for you anywhere and in any condition. I’m just so glad that you are safe.”

  “Mom, I just spoke to Nicole, she is fine too. She arrived at Sanctuary a few minutes ago and already saw Nicholas and Kayla. Where are you?”

  “We are leaving the estate and heading toward the hospital, some people who came to help us got hurt. Are you there?”

  “No, I’m at St. Stevens with Uncle Jackson. They didn’t want to return to the hospital, they didn’t think it was a good idea. Is Uncle Gabriel, Aunt Eva and Emma alright or did they get hurt?”

  “They are fine. Some of the people who came to help us from around here got hurt. I will be there as soon as I can. Are you sure you’re alright?”

  “I am, but I’m really sorry you got hurt mom. Do you think you will ever be able to see again?” His voice betrays how upset he is thinking I’m hurt.

  “Jacob, I can already see again. You are amazing. I could...” I stop knowing it is not wise to reveal anything to those surrounding them, despite all of their help.

  “Mom, are you alright?”

  “Yes, we are traveling back with the others. I will see you soon. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Mom, hold on, uncle Jackson wants to talk to you.”

  Knowing he wants to speak with Eva, I hand her the telephone. The cars come into view as she hangs up.

  We travel back with Eva, Gabriel, Emma and Reginald. Andrew cradles me in his lap as Gabriel drives. Emma is on the telephone with Victor. As my head lay on Andrew’s shoulder, I drift in and out of sleep. Reginald’s hand moves to my shoulder and he is asking me what happened between me and David, but Andrew interjects. “Why don’t we wait on that and give her some time to recuperate.”

  Chapter Eight - Heading Home

  The car stops before the hospital. Andrew lifts me out. “I can walk. I’m fine, really.”

  “We need to get fluids in you.
I’m not sure what is going on or why you haven’t transformed, but you have two bites on you and while you were sleeping, I spoke with Reginald, his transformation was not delayed.”

  “Andrew, I feel fine, really. Is Jacob on his way?”

  “Yes he is returning with Jackson and Grant’s children. They should be here soon. In the meantime, I need to get you settled and help the others.”

  “Where’s Reginald?”

  “He took Sebastian’s body to the morgue. James wants him to extract certain organs and prepare the body in a certain way to assist him in his research.” His tone reveals his continued surprise. “Mia, I heard his heart beating and could easily smell the fresh blood as Reginald extracted it into the jug.”

  “I don’t understand. I thought he was a vampire.”

  “He was. He was turned over three millennia with Reginald. He was Reginald’s older brother. They were attacked one evening, Reginald witnessed his conversion and they were together for a few hundred years before Reginald thought Sebastian had been destroyed in an ambush.”

  “But if you heard a heartbeat, how could he be a vampire? Could he have just been some sort of demon?”

  I don’t think so. When we found him, I heard him inquire how you made him human. He and Marlena both accused you of doing something to them to convert them back.”

  “But I didn’t do anything. I couldn’t even think of a spell to cast other than the repellant spell and witches use that on vampires all the time.”

  Placing me on a bed in the room, Andrew is hooking up IV solutions when Gabriel enters. “Andrew, we have a problem.” His grave features concern me.

  “Is it the kids?” I ask as my heart rate spikes.

  “No, it’s Jamison. He was very surprised to see us arrive back here. At first, I thought it was because we had so many in need of help, but then he became very nervous.”

  Andrew interrupts. “I know when you’re beating around the bush. What are you afraid to tell me?”

  “Andrew you need to stay calm and remember he is human.” As Gabriel stares at Andrew, it clicks. I grab Andrew’s hands knowing what Gabriel is about to reveal. Reading my fear, Gabriel puts his hands on Andrew’s shoulders, bolting him to the floor.

  “What is it?”

  “Jamison is the one who told David, I mean Sebastian’s family where to find Lucas and the kids.”

  The guttural growl tearing up Andrew’s chest frightens me. As much as I understand what he is feeling and what he wants to do, I fear for those in the hospital and, in truth, for Andrew if he takes revenge. “Andrew, please stop. There are others here.”

  Fury blazes in his eyes just before he closes them. When he finally opens them, they are filled with confusion. “Why would he do that?”

  “The ones who grabbed the children came to him after seeing a picture of the dedication and offered him immortality to tell them about Lucas and where he was.”

  “But they’re children. Why would he do that?”

  “I don’t think he knew what was going to happen honestly.”

  “Is Reginald done preparing the body for transport?”

  “He should be done shortly.”

  “Take Jamison down to him and have Reginald make him forget about those two and what happened. I need to help some of the others. Margarite and Charlie are hurt pretty bad. Someone told me a wolf named Amelia is critical. I don’t want to risk running into Jamison while I’m here and we can’t leave with him knowing of our kind.”

  Gabriel nods and is out the door.

  Andrew turns back to me. “Will you be alright if I leave for a few minutes?”

  “I’m fine go see what you can do to help the others. I want to call the children anyway.”

  He kisses me gently and hands me my telephone before departing.

  I speak with Nicole, Nicholas and Kayla. Thankfully they are all feeling better physically, but I could hear the change in their voices and know that the repercussions of this terrible event have forever changed them. I always knew that this day would come when they would have to deal with the dark side of the surreal, but wished it would have been when they were much older. Although we can help them, this course of events opened my eyes. I only hope that Reginald will not be too preoccupied with this new mystery to return with us and teach the children everything he knows. Either way, I need to ensure that they feel empowered and ready for any future challenges. Closing my eyes, I know that this time, someone was watching over them and offer a little prayer of thanks for His bringing them home.

  A cold hand upon mine pulls me from introspection and I open my eyes.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m doing much better now that the children are safe and we are out of there. Did Andrew send you in?”

  “He thought you might like some company. He is going to be a little while. Although he could start the healing process with our party easily, Elizabeth is watching her men closely and Andrew doesn’t want to reveal anything to them so Eva is helping him make it appear as if everything is happening with the hospital instruments.”

  Taking Damian’s hands, “Thank you for risking yourself to get messages to the kids.”

  “Mia, please, what I did was nothing. You are the brave one. Besides, you know how much we love them.”

  “I do know, but what I don’t know is how you and Andrew traded places?”

  “That was actually Andrew’s idea. Once you left and he learned you couldn’t see, he became desperate to get to you. He was going to go in as a small animal, but knowing how weak transformations make us and how they had already seen Jacob go from a mouse to human, we figured that wouldn’t give him enough of a surprise factor, especially since he was already weak from transforming to get Jacob away from the estate. He called Reginald and asked if there was a way for Emma to make him appear as Jacob. As Reginald was explaining how that could backfire, Reginald asked Andrew if we had ever transformed into anything but animals. In truth, we had never transformed into animals much because of the side effects. It was always a last resort. It’s my understanding that Jackson experimented so as not to impair Andrew further and as soon as he accomplished it, Andrew was off and Reginald shook me until I came back.”

  I gasp. “I didn’t know that was possible.” I say more to myself.

  “We were surprised too. It was probably good that we didn’t know because when we were fighting, we could have killed each other.” His head shakes as if dismissing a disturbing image. Rising, he closes off the drained IV before taking my blood pressure, pulse and listening to my heart. “How do you feel physically?”

  “A little tired, but otherwise alright.”

  Removing the IV, he holds his hand out to me. “You should try to eat something. Let me take you to the cafeteria.”

  As we walk down the hall, the outside doors open and I fall to my knees to catch a running Jacob. Hugging him tightly, another set of arms wraps around us both.

  Feeling his tears, I loosen my grip to wipe them away and kiss his cheek. “It’s alright. You’re safe and we’ll be going home soon.”

  “I know, it’s just I’m so happy to see you. I was so afraid when you made me leave that I’d never see you again.”

  “I know sweetie, but you listened to me, dad got you right away, just like I said, and you were safe.”

  “I know, but I couldn’t help being afraid. I’m sorry.”

  “Jacob you have nothing to be sorry about.”

  He interrupts. “But if I was stronger, they wouldn’t have taken us.”

  I always knew Jacob’s personality was similar to Andrew’s, but at this moment, I know he is his father, taking everything onto himself regarding everyone around him. “Jacob, you are strong and it’s not up to you to protect everyone. That is our job. Jacob, I am the one who wanted you to grow up as normal as possible and wouldn’t let you fully explore your powers.”

  Andrew interrupts us both. “Both of you stop right now.” He states authoritatively
and puts his hands on Jacob’s shoulders. “Jacob, we know how strong you were for your siblings and how you kept a level head through it all. Despite being scared, you proved to be wise beyond your years and your heart is filled with compassion, but you need to remember, you are still a child. I know your mother blames herself for not allowing you to learn how to use your powers fully and you feel weak because you couldn’t utilize them to their fullest potential, but both of you need to understand that the reason you are so strong in character is because of the choices we made for you and the realization that real life takes hard work, compromise, and love. You will get stronger as you get older, but with that strength comes awesome responsibility and temptations, that is why we wanted as much of your developmental childhood to be normal and for you to learn how to be patient and work for what you want. You saw how evil that family was. They gave in to temptations and saw how they could use their strength against those who are weaker to get what they wanted without having to really work for it and despite the cost to others, but you, always think of others, trying to make them feel better. You are a remarkable young man. I know that what you saw and experienced makes you feel weak and that you were afraid, but you are stronger than all of those who held you. In time, you will learn more about your strengths and I know that you will use them to help others like we do and to protect those who are weaker than yourself, but never lose yourself or isolate yourself because you are taking on the guilt for everything that happens around you. There will be times, when the circumstances cause the outcome to become something other than what you desire, but never forget there are others who are around you to help you and to hold on to the good that this life has to offer you.” He shakes his head slightly. “I forgot that until your mother came in to my life.” Rising, he holds my hand and hugs Jacob.


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