Only To Me (Secrets of the Past)

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Only To Me (Secrets of the Past) Page 5

by L Baker

  I tried to run towards him but was grabbed by the driver. He held both my arms behind my back as I struggled furiously against his hold.

  “Calm down, little wolf.”

  His voice was calm and smooth. I ignored him and continued to struggle. He swiftly turned me around with one motion, and looked me in my eyes.

  “Calm down” his voice now harsh and deep. I stopped, looking at him scared and pleading.

  “My name is Amarog. I assure you no harm will come to the boy.”

  I stood there looking at him confused before turning around to look back to Christian. Amarog who now had a hold on my wrist looked towards the other four men.

  They walked towards Eric and Christian in the opening. As they reached them, Eric begin approaching us.

  I screamed when I saw Christian was being beaten again, and the fire overtook my body. I snarled and crouched. Before I could realize what was happening I was on four legs and racing towards the beating.

  My teeth sunk into the first man’s neck and he dropped to one knee. Before I could begin to mangle his body, a huge thud knocked me to the ground. I struggled under a big paw and a huge black wolf towered over me.

  ‘Shift back,’ his words hit me although his mouth did not move. I snarled and my lips pulled back showing my fangs in defiance.

  Shift. His voice demanded, and I obliged unable to ignore the order. I lay on the ground, now naked as my clothes had burned off my body during the change. The black wolf stepped back, and Eric stood above me naked.

  “Don’t move.” he ordered, before jogging towards the car and grabbing his clothes from the ground. He pulled his black pants up, and walked towards me throwing me his shirt. I immediately pulled it over my head when I saw that all eyes were on me.

  Eric gave out a loud growl and everyone but Christian averted their eyes away from me laying on the ground. I stood up and pulled the shirt down as it fell just above my knees.

  He pushed me into the front of the truck which had been to my left when we arrived, but was now to my right. I looked to the ground and realized that in my wolf form I had been knocked several feet across the field.

  “Impressive” He smiled, looking at me shameless, as I tried to disappear into the truck that my back was against. He walked away from me and to Amarog who was now at the side of the guy I had just bitten. He was still on one knee gripping his neck, and I could see Christian behind them looking directly at me bewildered.

  My eyes darted to the forest and realized my senses were heightened. I could hear everything clearly, the birds, the animals, even the road as a car passed, which I knew was at least a mile away. My eyes darted back to Christian, he stared at me, before Eric’s frame cut directly be-tween us.

  He was now in front of me. I looked in his eyes terrified of the blackness staring at me. He lifted my hair to his nose again and frowned. I assumed he smelled Christians scent from the woods.

  He walked away, leaving me by the car as he paced several feet ahead. I could see his body trembling, and I stood there frozen not sure what to do or say. I watched him until I saw him turn around glowering at me.

  I immediately tensed up with fear as he made his way towards me. I stood there, the urge to run filled my body, and I could feel my feet, ready to sprint. Before I could make myself go, his hand had already come across my face, and I was on my hands and knees at the tire of the truck. I could taste my blood in my mouth.

  I gripped the grass under my hand with the urge to jump up and strike him. He grabbed my hair in his fist, and lifted my head, so that I was looking at him.

  “You have tried my patience for the last time” he snarled, and I saw the sharpness of his teeth.

  A harsh pain radiated through my shoulder and neck. I screamed loudly as the sting of his bite broke through my skin. He lifted his head and released my hair as he swallowed a mouthful of my blood. I reached up to where the pain was and saw the blood on my hand. Before I could respond in any way, my body gave up on me, and I felt myself falling towards the ground. I could hear Christian scream and struggle to break free.

  I heard the snapping of the rope and Christians growls as I saw him for the first time in his wolf form. A completely gray massive wolf with sprinkles of black that circled his neck like a neck-lace began running towards us. He was interjected by two other wolves who knocked him back as the fight ensued into the woods. I was terrified because he was out numbered.

  Still on the ground I heard a loud yelp from the trees and terror and anger overcame me. I could feel my wolf wanting to escape but everything went black, and the smell of the moist grass filled my nose.

  Chapter 7: The Meeting

  |I opened my eyes to a room I didn’t recognize. The sun was shining too bright through the three windows to the left of the bed. They stretched from the ceiling to the floor, with bars coating the inside. I immediately jumped up, but a piercing headache gave my body other instructions as I fell back down on the bed. I closed my eyes, and the blackness took over yet again.

  The smell of food woke me up, and I sat up in the same bed to the same windows and the penetrating sun. I slowly lifted, careful not to move to fast.

  I looked down at the heavy blanket that was covering me, and threw it off to get up. I realized I was wearing a black silk pajama set, that I was sure didn’t belong to me. I begin to panic searching for the exit. I jumped out of the bed, that sat too high from the floor for an average person. I rushed to the first door I saw and gripped the knob. Realizing it was locked, I hammered on the door, until I heard the lock click. I stepped back expecting to attack whoever would step through the frame.

  My actions were cut short when a round lady peered through the door holding a tray with every breakfast essential on it possible.

  She flashed a homely smile. I stepped back surprised as she came through the door humming. She kicked the door closed with her foot and walked towards the small circle table that was next to the bed, still humming her happy tune. I stared bewildered by this woman who never once glanced back at me, and continued to hum.

  She was short with salt and peppered hair, and a plain face, I could tell she was a human.

  “Who are you, and where am I?” I ordered.

  She continued to hum until she fixed everything on the tray to her liking. She then turned towards me and smiled again.

  “My name is Sara, and you are at Master Gadreals home,” she stated cheerfully, “I have your breakfast here, I’m sure you’re hungry.”

  As she said those words my stomach began to growl furiously as if I hadn’t eaten in days.

  My feet instinctively moved towards the food, and I picked up the banana and begin devouring it, finishing the two blueberry muffins next, and gulping down the orange juice. I hadn’t realized that Sara was watching me intently until I finished the glass, and begin reaching for the sausage that was next to the pancakes. I pulled my hand back and watched a smile plaster her face.

  “My, I’ve never seen someone as small as you enjoy food that much.” She chuckled

  I starred at her for a moment, then my questions begin overflowing into my mind. I opened my mouth to speak but Sara was already packing away the tray. The door lock snapped again, and I saw Eric enter and Sara exit briskly.

  Instinctively I stepped away from him, as I remembered the last time I saw his face. I threw my hand up to my neck recalling the bite, and moved my finger to my shoulder until I found the ridges of broken skin.

  “You son of a bitch, what have you done to me? And where is Christian?” I yelled as I made my way in front of him to strike. He grabbed both my wrist, and marched me towards the bed backwards. He let my arms go and began to walk away from me. I took a step forward and his voice halted me.

  “Don’t move.

  “What have you done to me?” I asked rubbing the bite on my shoulder.

  “Where is Christian?” I asked bravely before the realization of him being hurt sunk in.

  “Is he ok?” I managed to w

  He was instantly in front of me angry.

  “You continue to piss me off with your constant lack of respect.

  His intense gaze bore a hole through me and I stepped back to give myself space. He turned back around and walked to the table taking a seat.

  “I’ve marked you.” He looked at me strongly with a smile.

  “You marked me,” I repeated angrily “you have no right and”

  “I have!” he yelled slamming his fist on the table before calming himself “I have told you be-fore, I have every right, although the decision should have been yours… I warned you of my patience,” he stated coldly, his eyes on mine, “You’ve known you would be my mate. Now, it is official. I grew tired of your behavior and decided to take matters into my own hands.”

  I listened unmoving as he continued.

  “This is where your actions have led us, and now that my mark is on you, my claim is on you.

  Immediately after his words hit me I began to think of Christian.

  “Christian.” I exhaled before clamping my hand over my mouth. Eric jumped up so quickly I barely saw him leave the chair, and he was heading towards me furious as I stepped back determined to make it to the other side of the bed.

  “You will never speak that name in my house again,” he growled.

  A low knock came from the door, and I was immediately grateful for whoever was on the opposite side.

  Relief washed over me and I began to breathe again. I watched him carefully as he opened the door, to see his mother standing there, beautiful but stern.

  Her light brown eyes seemed cold and her straight blond hair hung to her back.

  “Mother.” he said coldly

  “Eric” she responded before walking through the door uninvited.

  “Hello Annalise, you look much better.” She assessed, looking at the mark on my neck.

  “Unfortunately Eric has caused a big stir around here embossing upon you before the ceremony, for this I apologize,” she said never taking her eyes off of me.

  “I am sure Eric hasn’t told you the reason you’re here and I’m sure you have many questions; but for now you should get dressed and meet us downstairs.”

  She began walking towards the door, I stood there frozen in the same spot, afraid to move an inch.

  “Eric I expect you to behave yourself,” she finished before walking out of the room.

  My head snapped back to Eric.

  “You will find everything you need in the closet, Sara will bring up toiletries and I expect you to be prompt with your preparations, I’ll see you downstairs,” he was now calm as he stepped out of the room pulling the door closed behind him.

  I headed towards the door to check the lock. I was annoyed that I was trapped yet again by this monster, and I still had no answers about Christian. My annoyance turned to fear, and tears rolled down my face as I stood there in the room thinking of him.

  The door clicked again and Sara came through holding a towel with miscellaneous items on top of it. She placed them on the bed, and rushed to me when she saw I was crying. I was being smothered by her arms.

  She released me and reached into her pocket.

  “Oh no dear, this is not a time for crying, you should be excited,” she said pulling out a tissue. “Many girls would love to be paired with Mr. Eric” she said handing me the tissue enthusiastically.

  “There will be no pairing of me and Mr. Eric.” I quickly retorted.

  Her hand flew to her mouth shocked, as her eyes grew big.

  “Excuse me” she whispered before rushing out the door.

  I was embarrassed for snapping at the old lady who was nothing but sweet but pushed it from my mind. I walked towards the items on the bed and headed to what had to be the bathroom in the far left of the room.

  I had to admit that the entire room was beautiful and the bathroom matched the attractive-ness. I walked to the circular tub and turned the water for a bath. I stripped and was taken aback by the image in the full length mirror. My body was pale and I could see marks on my arms that were black and yellow. I could see the bite mark above my collar bone that was red and swollen. I turned to see the right side of my body and a black and yellow bruise coated my ribs. I touched my side and flinched at the pain.

  Disgusted with the image, I turned towards the water, and turned the nozzle. I eased into the tub and relaxed, Christian still on my mind.

  After an hour or so the water had grown cold and I decided to get out. I went back to the mirror in my towel and noticed that the bruises on my arm had faded. I knew the healing process had begun and it wouldn’t be too much longer before I was back to normal. I evaluated the bite which looked the same and wondered why it wasn’t healing. Dismissing the thought I headed out the door for the closet. I opened the door and saw the row of clothes and shoes layering the walls with the gold mirror dead in the center of the room.

  Dresses were lined colored coated and I scanned the room looking for any sign of jeans and sneakers. I grabbed the first pair of pants I saw. They were dark black, and looked as close to jeans as I could find. I matched them with a white V-neck, and black flats. I wasn’t expecting the clothes and shoes to fit me so perfectly.

  I took one last glance in the mirror after combing my fingers through my hair. I went to the door twisting the knob yet again. It was locked, of course and I knocked on the door, and the switch clicked. Two sentinels stood opposite of each other.

  “Down the stairs and to your right,” the one closest to me spoke.

  I stepped out and made my way down the hall, and to the stairs. In a massive foyer I could see Eric, his mother, two older gentleman, Eric’s father, and Amarog waiting.

  The counsel I thought

  In the light I could see Amarogs features. His jaw was strong and his frame was large. His hair was black with streaks of grey, he reminded me of Christian, as I found it hard to take my eyes from him.

  Eric was standing behind his mother as she sat opposite of the two men, while Mr.Gadreal flipped through a book at the bar. He placed the book down and looked towards me as the other men stood.

  “Have a seat darling.” Mrs. Gadreal spoke tapping the seat next to her. I walked to her and sat down looking at the men across from us who had sat back down.

  “Hello Annalise.” the man in the center spoke. I assumed he was in his late forties. He was wearing an old leather jacket, with short salt and peppered hair and a scruffy beard to match.


  “I take it you don’t know why we’re here.”

  “No, I don’t as a matter of fact.”

  “My name is Marcus Walker, this is T.B. Breuer,” he motioned to his right, “you’ve met Gabriel and that’s is Amarog. He spoke absolutely,

  “We are the counsel of the pack. Have you been aware of the crimes brought against you?

  I looked at him shocked at what had just flowed from his mouth.

  “Crimes?” I released exasperated, “what crimes?”

  “We have been informed that you refuse to follow your pack master and has consorted too comfortably with another male wolf with complete disregard for your mate…. Are you aware these crimes are punishable by exile, or even death?”

  I was dazed by what he was saying and words failed to escape my lips.

  “Annalise are you aware of the bylaws of our clans?”

  “I am aware. I also stand by my word that I have not broken any laws. The male wolf that you are referring to is a friend, and I have not gone against Master Gadreal and”

  Before I could complete my plea I was interrupted by Amarog.

  “The friend is no longer a threat Marcus I assure you of that.”

  I looked to Amarog and his gaze broke mine before taking a seat at the bar and pouring a drink. I continued to look at him shocked as I thought about Christian’s fate.

  “Annalise?” Marcus called and I turned to him “Mr. Gadreal will no longer be pack Master as Eric will soon take his place.”r />
  “That being understood, Mr.… Walker, I assure you no laws have been broken against my Alpha.” I remarked smartly as I stood and begin heading for the door.

  “Annalise before you go, you should know your friend, Christian Gregory has been exiled and can no longer enter pack territory, I suggest you take heed in the decisions you make from now on.”

  The words hit my back hard as I continued to exit.

  Eric was right behind me.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “If I’m allowed,” I remarked sarcastically, “I’m going home.”

  “That’s reasonable, I’ll drive you.”

  “I prefer to run.”

  With that being said I walked out of the front door. I found the closest set of woods that would camouflage me, stripped my clothes off and jumped to my wolf form. When my clothes were comfortably between my teeth, I took off running. Although I didn’t know exactly where I was in our settlement, I could smell my own scent and followed that trail.

  Chapter 8: Home

  This was only the second time I shifted and the feeling was exhilarating. The wind brushed through my fur. It was the same color as my hair with sprinkles of grey at the end.

  I could feel the essence of Eric, coercing through my body and I hated feeling him within me. My body wanted to force me towards him, so I dashed through the trees so fast they became a blur. My steps faltered and I rolled as Christian’s image shot into my mind. I shook my head and huffed in defiance before getting back up to run.

  I promised myself I would wait until I was as far away from Eric as possible to break over his absence. I picked my speed up to top gear and shot through the trees, determined to get there as quickly as possible.

  When I was on the side of my house, I shifted and dressed myself quickly. I couldn’t feel him anymore and was thankful for that provision. I walked into the house to meet my mother at the door as if she was expecting me. I ran straight into her arms and collapsed crying uncontrollably.

  She stood there holding me as tight as possible. She remained silent and I was grateful as the tears streamed down my face and my body weakened. We sat in the front hall just by the door. When my sorrow begin to retreat I wiped my face, and looked to my mom. She placed her hand on my cheek.


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