by L Baker
A low howl roared from Eric’s chest when he noticed the low growl that came from her muzzle, and we joined the rest of the clan yelling to the moon. Eric jumped off the stage and begin digging his front nails into the grass.
He looked back to me and I knew what he was saying although he didn’t speak.
Every wolf in the pack got the same message I did.
Tonight we hunt.
I jumped off the stage and Lucas who was a dark grey, walked up to me and ran his head under mines. Eric came over and roughly nudged him with his shoulder, and Lucas ran back to my mother’s side.
All eyes were on the black wolf next to me, awaiting a command.
He lifted his head and howled the loudest call I had ever heard, and the wolves took off towards the stoned wall. They easily jumped over the barrier and were disappearing into the trees. Eric shot off in the same direction, and my legs moved me towards the scent of the men. Through the trees I could see wolves darting past me from both sides. They raced against each other, knocking their bodies against one another to slow down their opponent.
The hunt was a game to them and they enjoyed the thrill. I slowed my pace reminding myself that I had no interest. I approached the smell of running water, knowing the river was near, and the screams of a man echoed through the trees. He was being torn apart and mauled by the pack. I shook my head and ruffled my fur to get the sound out of my head.
It was quiet again and then another long howl filled the sky. I raced towards the call and saw the other wolves heading in the same direction. When we entered the clearing I recognized it immediately. It was the same field Eric marked me in, and the same field he had torn Christian away from me.
I wanted to run away from the scene, but the other wolves arrived, and I turned to look at the human who was standing behind the marked tree.
He held a long pocket knife in his hand, swinging it wildly.
“You, you, said if I make it to the tree I live!”
His voice came out frightened as his eyes darted from left to right at the bullying wolves.
Members snarled and growled about ten feet away from him but never stepped forward to at-tack. Eric walked into the clearing slowly. He was threatening and taunted the human unnecessarily.
Eric bared his incisors and a nod of his head sent the wolves for the man, he tried to run but was unsuccessful as the wolves tackled him and begin tearing him apart. I watched from where I entered the clearing. Two voices in my head opposed one another. My wolf wanted to join in on the fun, and the human me felt guilt rise from the merciless killing.
The wolves circled the opening as the man’s screams grew silent and the remains of his mangled body lay there. Eric stood in the center with all eyes on him. Once again his loud howl rose above us, and everyone joined in harmoniously. Lucas and my mother had disappeared from my sight during the chase, but I could distinctively hear their howls to my left. Eric let out another call, and so did everyone else. This went on for a few more cries before it was quiet while the clouds covered the moon.
Chapter 15: Christian
Low growls begin to emulate around the semicircle as my ears came up in defense. I looked towards the opposite side of the field past Eric, as did all the other wolves around me. We could sense danger approaching, and everyone was on high alert. Eric’s fur was standing on his back as the danger inched closer.
From the darkness of the trees three wolves approached, their lips were pulled back as they approached slowly. I saw Christian’s massive dark brown wolf in the center and my heart stopped.
Eric growled loudly and the sound resonated through the trees. A few wolves flinched back at the sound but Christian and the two wolves flanking him stood still. Snarls begin to snap from their mouths, and Eric growled again.
In an instance Eric and Christian were running towards each other, attack clear on their minds. The pack wolves growled and snapped at the air as the two smashed into each other in the center of the field. Christians teeth ripped through Eric’s back and they rolled biting at each other. The pack wolves looked on, some were in a crouched position as if ready to attack.
A light grey wolf lunged forward ready to defend his pack master and double team Christian. The wolf that was to Christian’s right intercepted his strike and a battle ensued between the two. Three other wolves raced forward to the third wolf.
My feet were moving under me as I realized my body was compelling me to defend him. I ran towards them and through my peripheral vision I could see Amarogs greyish black wolf battling Gabriel’s light grey form. I jumped knocking one of the three wolves over. She jumped to her feet and I knew it was Eric’s mother from the eyes that glowered at me.
She lunged forward. I snapped missing her throat breaking the chain off, and she retaliated with a bite to my back. She was knocked down by my mother’s small coffee colored form. She and Lucas were now in front of me, and Isabelle was stepping back. She ran towards the two wolves she was initially with and Lucas ran after her. I whimpered as the pain ripped through me and I dropped to my side. Christians head snapped towards me distracted and Eric lunged forward knocking him down.
My mother nudged me urging me to get up as she whimpered. I stood slowly as my body was slowly healing and turned towards Christian. He and Eric forcefully lunged at each other as their teeth connected with each other’s bodies. Neither was giving in although Eric’s alliance had quickly faltered and stood helplessly looking at the battle. Amarog held Mr. Gadreal at bay as Lucas and the unknown wolf stood in front of Mrs. Gadreal, and Marcus Walker.
All eyes were on Christian and Eric as they snarled and ripped at each other. My heart pounded furiously in my chest and I wanted to run towards the fight. I stepped forward only to be blocked by mother. She knew my intentions and growled at me. She didn’t move and blocked my view of the fight.
A body thudded across the field and I could hear bones slam against a tree with a loud thud. A loud yelp was released, and my heart stopped. I feared Christian had been hurt, and I jumped away from my mother’s view. I didn’t know how to respond, whether to run to the one I loved or the one I was drawn to.
Relief washed over me as Eric’s black wolf lay slumped in front of the tree. He tried to lift his body but fell back to the ground. He finally stood challenging Christian who was walking towards him but ran into the woods. His mother and the wolf besides her raced off behind him with Mr. Gadreal close behind. Around the opening several other wolves ran off into the woods as well, stating their loyalty to the Gadreal family.
Christian’s legs weakened as he fell to the ground and I ran towards him. At his side I shifted and my naked body dropped. I sat his head in my lap and he shifted laying completely bare on the ground. Blood ran down his neck onto his chest, and I feared he wouldn’t make it.
He looked up at me “You promised me you wouldn’t be here, you almost got me killed” He joked.
I laughed and kissed him. We stood at the same time and he pulled me close to his side to cover as much of my body as possible.
He stood up straight and proud. One by one around the field the wolves dropped their heads in a bow and acknowledged their new pack master. Loud howls rang through the woods in celebration and everyone begin running back towards the house.
Eric and I stood there for a long moment holding each other.
“But how did you” I begin to ask
“I told you I was taking back what was rightfully mine,” he smiled and kissed me. “And that included you.”
I blushed and we walked uncovered through the trees, his fingers intertwined with mine.
Chapter 16: Rightful Place
As we reached the house we could hear normal chatter as everyone settled back into the party. My mother and Amarog walked to us as we cleared the trees. She rushed to me to cover my body with the black dress, as Christian met Amarog half way.
“Put some clothes on, why don’t ya” Amarog chuckled throwing Christian a pair of black pants, and a t
owel to wipe away the lingering blood from his healed wounds.
We quickly dressed and the two turned back to the party, his arm was around her waist as he escorted her to the stage. When we came into the view of the party, claps flowed full of patronage as everyone turned to have a look at us. Christian walked onto the stage his arms around my waist tight as if he would never let me go.
“I apologize for the series of events that have interrupted our valued blood ceremony”
Christian spoke with dignity and pride in a voice that suited a king, he stood tall and firm and his place as our leader was justified with his presence alone.
”My first order of business is to introduce Amarog as my beta……. and my uncle”
Shocked whispers came from the crowd at the admission.
“I am the son of Silas Ravine…I have claimed my position as the rightful pack master of the Carmen wolves that was stolen from me at birth. As your new pack master I decree the exile of Eric Gadreal from our territory.”
Everyone bowed silently without objection, before raising and approving of our new pack master.
He pulled me off the stage still holding tight to my waist. I stayed at his side as he shook hands and offered hugs and kisses to the extended family around us. After a while of greetings and congratulations he pulled me to the side.
“Come with me” he whispered in my ear and led me into the house that now belonged to its legitimate owner. He walked me to a dark room just before the study and pulled me inside. He released me from his grip and walked to the shelving that was lined with books. Other than the shelves of books the room was empty. The hardwood floors were so shiny that I could see my reflection. As I marveled at the books lining the walls, Christian slid a heavy shelf to the side with ease. A small black door had been hidden behind it and dust fell from the ceilings from the lack of use. He disappeared through the door and I looked for any indication that he would return. I eased towards the entrance and my heart stopped as his hand grabbed mines in the darkness.
“Glad to know my touch alone takes your breath away” he teased as I punched his chest pre-tending to be angry.
“You scared me”
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to show you something.”
He locked our fingers and led me down a set of long stairs. It would have been completely dark had the candles not flickered along the walls. We continued to descend until the air was now damp and cold and I knew we were underground. At the bottom the room could have been easily mistaken for a dungeon.
Had we not walked through a second door I would’ve thought as much. On the opposite side was a brightly lit room. There was a long table in the center with markings sketched deep into the thick brown wood. Books covered the shelves along the entire back wall and huge old paintings hung all around the room.
I walked to the table and marveled at the deep sketches as I rubbed my hand along the wolf that was carved into the table.
“That’s my father” Christian spoke and I turned to him. “Your father fought beside him.” He said pointing to the wolf next to him. “It was inevitable for us to be together.”
“Every wolf on that table is a part of our history. I thought I’d show you the lineage.”
I continued to observe the table before looking at Christian and taking his hand. He kissed my fingers.
“I thought you’d like to see me family history…… to see our family history.” he whispered into my ear.
He looked into my eyes and swept my hair back from my neck and my head dropped with embarrassment. I didn’t want him to see the scar above my shoulder.
He lifted my head and my free hand flew to cover the mutilation.
“I don’t want you to see what he did to me. I don’t want you to remember.” I whispered ashamed.
He grabbed my hand away from the scar.
“Our scars make up the ties that bind us, I don’t ever want to forget.” He stated truthfully and kissed my neck.
“Because of this I’ll never forget, I’ll always know, that you never belonged to him.”
He grabbed my hand and turned it so that my wrist was facing up. He brought his mouth down and placed a gentle kiss on my artery.
His teeth punctured my skin smoothly and tenderly. It was soft and gentle as I felt my blood being pulled into his mouth. There was no comparison in the way Christian lovingly marked me and the brutal assault Eric had left me with.
I looked down and saw his bite on my wrist, no blood flowed from it as it sat perfectly on my wrist as a half bracelet.
“Now, you belong only to me, and I only to you.”
Chapter 17: Suspicious Attacks
Weeks passed and Christian moved to Wake Forest in the Pack Master Quarters. I quickly followed soon after renovations were made to rid the house of the Gadreal family crest. Eric and his family was still missing as Christian sent word for the packs to be on the lookout.
I stayed by his side as much as possible, but our time was often cut short by the business of the pack. With Amarogs help he swiftly took control and continued to meet with other Pack Masters to forge new alliances as the new leader. Every week someone new was at the house for this meeting or the next, and I grew tired of playing hostess. I knew Christian and I would marry and the Pack would belong to me as much as him but I preferred to keep my distance from the business aspect of this world.
My birthday passed and I appreciated that no one made a big fuss about celebrating. With a few additions to my unused jewelry collection I happily accepted the subtle gifts over a party, and cake. The one additional piece I couldn’t throw in a box sat perfectly on my left hand. The blue diamond lotus flower engagement ring stood out against my pale skin, and although it looked heavy on my hand it was lighter than I expected.
I spent my time in the cellar going through the books that lined the wall. I continued to look for any clue that could lead me to Lorena Ravini. Christian had no idea what my true intentions were as he entertained his different guest. I searched through as many books, rolls, and letters that I could in the short time I had to be alone. The stories of our ancestors flooded the pages, but Lorena Ravini somehow managed to elude the documents.
A knock on the door broke me from my research, and I scrambled to put the papers away fearing Christian would question my sudden curiosity. Sara peered through the door and relief washed over me.
“Forgive me for the intrusion Ms. Jameson, but Master Christian is requesting your presence upstairs.”
The use of the formal title made me uncomfortable.
“Thank you Sara, and I’ve told you Annalise is fine.”
“I don’t think Master Gregory would approve.”
I grabbed her hand with a light squeeze.
“Anna, is fine Sara, and leave Christian to me.”
“Yes madam” she responded before lowering her head. I released her hand and proceeded to put away the research under Sara’s observant eyes.
“Yes madam?”
I looked into her eyes with the deepest sincerity
“I never apologized for the way I treated you from our first encounter.”
“No madam it’s quite fine.”
“It’s not, I formally apologize for my rude behavior, and I hope that first impression, was not a lasting one.”
“No madam, it’s quite alright. I know how hard it must be for the young ladies around here sometimes. To be forced into something for the sake of the family. It was never your fault and your behavior was just a product of teenage angst.”
“Thank you Sara.”
“It’s my pleasure Madam Anna, now let’s get you upstairs before Master Gregory bites my head off.”
I chuckled at her comment, and proceeded out the door. She led me to Christian who was in his office. Through the door I could hear him making arrangements and decided to wait before entering.
I pushed the door open and his sweet smile crossed his face. He stood as I entered and made his way
towards me. Somehow he had changed, there was something different about him. Weeks ago we were only teenagers in love with only one hindrance.
Now, Christian was the leader of our territory, and no longer a boy but a man. Taking over the pack, left him with a presence that screamed dominance and superiority. He was a graceful leader, the opposite of Gabriel and Eric apparently, but he was now obviously a leader in every way. Instead of his simple t-shirt, jeans, and boots, his wardrobe switched to slacks and button downs. I admit he was sexy in the more formal attire but his attitude was an immediate change that I was still getting used to.
His lips crashed into mines and his fingers twirled through my hair as I swayed at his touch. He still sent chills through my body that conflicted with a burning heat and made me scream inside. I grabbed his lower back and pulled him closer to me, reveling in his touch and wanting to rip his shirt off. He pushed me against the wall and I quickly flipped him fighting for dominance. His back now against the wall, he gripped my hair and yanked my head back.
I gasped in pleasant pain as his mouth explored my neck. I wanted him even more as he ran his hand through my hair with small tugs. I was weak from his touch and I needed him. He flipped me back to the wall and his dominating nature only made me desire him more. I yanked at his shirt popping the first few buttons and made my way to his belt. Before I could go any further my hands were pulled to our chests.
“Patience Anna” he said smiling surprised at my forwardness,
I shook my head slightly
“Its ok Christian, I want you.”
“Trust me the feeling is mutual, but I’ve never disrespected you in that manner and I won’t do it today.”
I sighed in frustration but being honest with myself I knew he wouldn’t go any further until we were married. Losing my virginity was not something that often crossed my mind before, but knowing that Christian and I would be together, our wedding night often played like a movie in my head.
The phone rang again and I focused my attention back to him away from my thoughts. He released me from his grip and picked up the receiver. I listened carefully as he spoke to the caller on the other end. He was talking about the upcoming trip again and I knew he was going to visit a neighboring pack. I couldn’t help but ask as he hung up the line and sat in his chair. I jumped onto the desk and swung my legs loosely ready to question the situation.