Tides of Passion

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Tides of Passion Page 43

by Sara Orwig

  He caught her hair in his fist, twisting it so that she had to look up at him. His voice was a growl as he demanded, “What are you after? Why do you want to save Marcheno? He means nothing to you.”

  “No, he doesn’t. But you do.”

  “Ah, Lianna!” he cried, releasing doubts and surrendering to her with a harsh cry. Then he lowered his head and his mouth covered hers, his tongue penetrated her lips, his body demanded all.

  No heady wine had ever sent her senses reeling as much as Josh’s kisses and his touch. She was blinded by white-hot desire, deafened by the roaring of heated blood pounding in her veins, but beyond that she was consumed with the need to pour out her love to him.

  With trembling fingers Lianna untied the laces to his shirt and tugged it free from his breeches; then she slipped her hands beneath the white cambric to touch his flesh. This physical need linked to one that went much deeper—to the soul.

  Josh leaned back to look down at her bare breasts, which longed for his touch. Lianna closed her eyes and tilted her head back, kneading his back with her fingers, letting her hands drift over the slope of his firm buttocks.

  Gasping, he bent down to circle a taut nipple with his hot tongue, to make her cry out and ache with longing while she swayed and clung to his powerful shoulders.

  Her hands went to the fastenings on his breeches, and his fingers closed over hers. “Lianna,” he whispered, catching her hands up in his, to kiss her fingertips. He started to unfasten his breeches and she pushed away his hands.

  “No, love, let me.”

  His muscles tightened while he stood still for a few more seconds; then with a groan he crushed her to his hardness, his mouth meeting hers in an almost savage desperation.

  He swung her into his arms, lowering her to the furry hides, then knelt over her, his manhood throbbing while he devoured her in a burning gaze.

  She lay tumbled on the thick golden hides, her ivory skin pale in contrast to the golden hides, her black hair fanned beneath her head with locks spilling over her shoulders, her enormous blue eyes framed by thick black lashes. She moved her hips sensuously and naturally. She had a slender grace to her limbs that he loved, yet there was a sensuality to her full, lush breasts and her deep enjoyment of bodily pleasures that made him want to prolong their touching.

  He closed his eyes, dropping down to pull her to him. “I want to give you everything, love. All the happiness possible…”

  She locked her arms around his narrow waist and held him close while she turned to kiss his salty flesh that smelled faintly of leather.

  Josh shifted. “You’re in my blood, Lianna! I’m ensnared…” he whispered. He cupped her breast in his rough hand, her warm flesh filling his grasp as his thumb flicked over her nipple. “I love you.”

  Josh was fire and warmth to her. She locked her fingers in his hair, pulling his mouth to her breast, giving her eager flesh to his kisses.

  “I love you,” he whispered again and again. His head roamed lower, his moist tongue touching her intimately as she gasped with pleasure.

  Love and desire wove through her like threads binding her together until they were one cloth. Lianna’s fingers touched his legs, gliding upward to caress him and make him groan with need.

  Spreading her pale, slender legs, Josh moved between them, pausing to watch her as she clung to his shoulders, whispering, “I want you so badly…forever.”

  When her hips came up to meet him, he thrust into her soft depths and she gasped wildly. And this time she tried as desperately to give to him, moving her hips to meet his deep thrusts until her senses spun and thought was gone.

  How long he had waited! How many nights he had dreamed of this! Josh watched her until he too was lost to the wild surging passion that consumed them, hearing her soft cry dimly above the pounding of his heart.

  “Lianna!” he gasped hoarsely.

  He moved urgently, feeling whole. In a burst of ecstasy, he shuddered with release as her hips rose to welcome the gift of himself which he offered her.

  Lianna stirred when during the night, she felt his arms tighten around her, and in the morning she opened her eyes to meet his gaze.

  “It’s time to ride. It’s dawn, and the men are ready,” he said, reaching down and pulling her to him. In the tense silence he kissed her in a hard, hungry way that took her breath.

  Within the hour they were saddled and riding across the mountain, and later that morning they caught sight of José de San Martín’s Army of the Andes.

  “Look!” Josh halted and stretched out his long arm, pointing ahead.

  Lianna and the others stopped. In the distance, on another mountain, a line of blue-and-red uniforms wound for miles against the snowy slopes. Lianna’s pulse quickened at the sight. Hundreds of mounted men, soldiers on foot, then pack mules inched their way slowly upward toward a peak covered by gray clouds.

  “There’s the hope of Chile and freedom from Spanish tyranny,” Josh said. “Let’s join them.”

  Moving at a dangerous pace, Josh led them along frozen ground, across a raging river, and over rough terrain. They reached the trailing end of the army by late afternoon.

  Josh slowed to ride beside Lianna. “I’m going ahead to tell San Martín we’re here.” He grinned suddenly. “I won’t introduce you until we’re out of the mountains.”

  She smiled in return. “I don’t mind.”

  “Keep your hat on, love. Don’t let that long black hair fall down.” With a wink, he turned his horse to ride forward to talk a moment with first Fletcher, then Collo. She watched him leave, his hat pulled low as he passed the long line of mules and vanished from view. All day, since they had left the cave, she had been aware of his gaze following her. Occasionally she turned to catch him studying her; he would shift and look away, but each time her breath caught. The night had been both renewal and discovery. In giving without reserve, she had found rapture. She ached to touch him, to lie in his arms again.

  The rest of the day she watched for his return, and disappointment became as nagging as the cold. That night Fletcher helped Lianna pitch a tent. She ate with soldiers, keeping close to Fletcher’s side and finally crawling into the tent alone, seeing no more of Josh.

  During the night she awoke to find hard arms closing around her, and Josh pulled her to him.


  “Shh. I didn’t intend to wake you. I’ve been with San Martín and Bernardo. Go back to sleep. Tomorrow will be bad.”

  In spite of the layers of clothing between them, Lianna felt every touch as if it were branded on her naked flesh. She nestled against him and kissed his throat beneath his beard.

  “You’re so sure of everything,” she said sleepily, almost to herself.

  “Not everything, Lianna,” he answered, surprising her that he had heard her statement.

  Unable to resist, she moved her hand over his thighs. His voice was a rumble. “Lianna?”

  She shifted, moving so she could raise up to kiss him, and in seconds he turned her beneath him while he showered her with kisses. “You’ll freeze without clothes, even in this sleeping bag.”

  “I don’t care,” she whispered, tugging frantically at his shirt. She wanted him more than she had ever wanted anything before.

  Later that night, his deep voice was a rumble in her ear as she lay on his chest. In drowsy tones he said, “I saw Rinaldo Sepulveda.”


  “Aye, remember he fled to the mountains to join the patriots.”

  “Does he know…?”

  “That you’re here?” Josh laughed. “Yes, your secret is safe with him. He told me one in turn.”

  She waited, and when he was silent, she propped herself up to look at him. Josh ran his fingers through her hair. “Rinaldo and Madryn were secretly wed the night before they left Santiago. Only their parents and his brothers know. One of his brothers, Lucas, is with General Salas.”

  “I’m so glad they’re wed!” she said, settling against h
is chest, thinking of Madryn and her happiness. Long after Josh had fallen into an exhausted sleep, Lianna lay awake in his arms, her flesh tingling as she remembered their lovemaking. She awoke in daylight to find Fletcher shaking her.

  “Get up, Lianna. We need to saddle the horses. Josh has gone up front with the generals.”

  After eating quickly, Lianna mounted the horse Fletcher had ready. When the terrain permitted it, Fletcher and she rode forward, passing the long line during the day, moving ahead of the mules and provisions.

  Days ran together as they climbed higher across the mountains, and there were few moments alone with Josh. After the first few days, he returned to ride close in front of her. Rinaldo came with him, greeting Lianna with joy and laughter lighting his eyes.

  “If I had known, I would have brought Madryn along. How I miss her.”

  “You’ll soon be with her,” Josh said.

  Rinaldo grinned and shrugged. “We have a secret, but by the time we’re out of these mountains, our secret will no longer be something to hide. We expect a child.”

  “How wonderful!” Lianna exclaimed, hugging him as his brown cheeks flushed and his grin widened. Josh and Fletcher congratulated him, Josh clapping his hand firmly on Rinaldo’s shoulder. “Take care, compadre. Get back to that pretty wife of yours.”

  “I intend to, sir.”

  They moved into line, and after that Josh and Rinaldo and Fletcher rode near Lianna. Each day the march was slower and more dangerous. The first time they reached one of the yawning chasms that had to be bridged, the line waited long hours while a rope bridge was secured in the rocks and finally anchored on the other side.

  Lianna held her breath when she crossed, the bridge swaying in the air far above a river rushing through a rocky gorge.

  Later, they encountered a ledge so narrow that it looked impossible. One by one, they began to file across, horses hugging the mountain as they traversed the ledge. Ahead, Rinaldo’s mount moved cautiously, following a long line of soldiers. Behind him, Josh came just as cautiously, Lianna trying to follow and ignore the fright that made her head swim.

  Suddenly there was a resounding bang above them, one Lianna had heard before.

  “Get back, Lianna!” Josh roared, and jumped off his horse, squeezing between it and the mountain.

  She looked up to see a wall of snow crashing toward her.


  Josh pulled Lianna off her horse as the animal whinnied and started to rear. Its feet slipped and it plunged over the ridge. Lianna screamed, snatching at the bridle, her fingers catching the leather. Josh yanked her to him, knocking the breath from her lungs as the bridle tore out of her hands and her horse went down the mountain.

  Ahead, Rinaldo flung himself off his horse.

  “Jump! Jump, Rinaldo!” Josh cried while Lianna screamed.

  Rinaldo lurched toward them as white snow cascaded over him, sweeping him down, his hands grasping at air and snow while his scream was swallowed up by the roar of the avalanche.

  Blackness swamped Lianna as she stared at Rinaldo tumbling hundreds of feet below. Her head was jerked around and Josh crushed her against his chest. “Don’t look,” he snapped. “He’s gone.”

  The line of animals and men backed up, while ahead, the army disappeared from view in a blinding torrent of snow.

  Tons of rock and snow thundered in front of Lianna only a few feet away while Josh held her tightly. She clung to him as if he were the one solid thing in the world.

  She felt hysterics threaten. She wanted to scream and cry, to turn and run from sliding snow and the terrifying drop inches in front of her. And the thought of Madryn’s deep love for Rinaldo tore at her heart with the sharpness of a knife.

  Gradually the snow stopped moving and silence descended, broken by horses whinnying, shouts from the men who were on the other side of the snowslide, the jingle of harness of the horses behind them. Josh turned slightly, waving his hand.

  “Get back! Move those animals down the mountain!” he shouted to the men behind him. While they gradually inched back the way they had come, Josh led Lianna back to safety, then took charge.

  “We’ll have to cut through the ice and snow to get to the others. Fletcher, Collo! I need some more men.”

  Lianna sat down, shaken and weak as hot tears began to flow. Josh pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly.

  “Josh, they loved each other so much, and they have a baby coming!”

  “I know, Lianna,” he said gruffly, clinging to her tightly. She looked up at him and saw him wipe away tears as he gazed at her solemnly.

  “How do I know when it’ll be you? Please, let’s leave this country and go home! I love you and I don’t want to lose you because of a cause that will mean nothing to us a year from now!”

  He held her tightly against his chest. “Lianna, how I wish I could take you and go, but we’re caught in this. I have to see it through.”

  His voice was filled with agony and she clung to him, unable to resist the sobs that came as she thought of Rinaldo. “Josh, she loved him so much!”

  “I know,” he said softly, holding her until she finally quieted.

  How long they stood with their arms wrapped around each other, she didn’t know, but finally Josh moved away a fraction, keeping his arm around her shoulders and holding her close as Fletcher spoke to him.

  “Sorry, Josh, but we need you to get a bridge over the expanse that fell.”

  “I’ll be back,” he said, looking into her eyes, and for once she felt as if she could tell what he was thinking as he squeezed her hand. His eyes were filled with sadness, but also his gaze lingered as if the love between them had just become deeper and more important because it was threatened by danger. He kissed her cheek and left. Watching him square his shoulders as he strode away, she sat down, breathing the cold air deeply while she fought nausea. Numbly she watched Josh and the others climb back onto the narrow ledge and begin to work their way across, digging a path through the snow to reach the others, working on a precarious slope of loose rocks and snow that could give way at any moment. Suddenly she turned her back; she couldn’t watch him, feeling fear chill her more than the ice and snow.

  Rinaldo was gone; her horse was gone; how many men had been swept to their deaths? How close she and Josh had come! If he hadn’t dismounted and pulled her down, they too would be gone.

  She put her head between her knees, fighting another wave of nausea while worries plagued her. Would the army cross the Andes? Or would they be lost or trapped in the snowy peaks?

  Hours later, after eating, they mounted new horses to cross the ledge again. Lianna stared straight ahead at Josh’s back, not once looking below at the new slope of snow that had taken Rinaldo and so many others with it.

  Days ran together as they fought danger and dizzying heights, finally to come out of the mountains twenty days after they left Mendoza.

  They came down to the warm Chilean valley in the summertime, to Chacabuco, where the Spanish were waiting.

  Josh pitched a tent on a grassy slope in the shade of a tree. He took Lianna to it, lifting her off her horse. “We’re going to meet the Spanish, and there will be fighting. Lianna, you’re a damned stubborn woman, but you’re to stay out of the fighting.”

  “Don’t worry, Josh. I want no part of it,” she answered solemnly. She fought the urge to plead with him not to go. She could see the glitter in his eyes, and knew he relished the conflict. “You’re still a bloodthirsty pirate!”

  “I’ve waited a hell of a long time for this.”

  “Go, then, and kill all the people you can!” She entered the tent, a mixture of emotions churning in her until she was sick. She didn’t want to watch him ride to war. She hated his eagerness to fight, and she feared for his life.

  For a long moment Josh stared at her back. She deserved better than he was giving her, yet years of habits couldn’t be changed instantly. He dropped his hand to his gunbelt and left her, swinging into the saddle to
ride away without looking back, and within minutes his attention was taken by the battle.

  The sound of gunfire had already commenced, and Lianna stood in the cool shade of the tent listening to the deep boom of cannon. They had crossed the Andes in an impossible trek, yet perhaps even graver danger lay ahead. And how long before Josh would return? If the Spanish won and he were taken prisoner, she knew what the penalty would be for treachery.

  Nausea that had threatened overwhelmed her. Lianna rushed outside behind the tent and leaned over, retching. She straightened as a chill struck her. Every morning lately, she had been sick. And she finally acknowledged the fact that she was carrying Josh’s child. She gazed up at green leaves rustling overhead, and beyond them a blue sky, while her spirits soared with joy.

  Tears stung her eyes as she said a silent prayer of gratitude. To this child she would give all the love in her power to give. She clutched her middle in a fierce determination that she would have this baby. For a moment she was tempted to tell Josh, then thought better of it. Not until the battle was over and they had settled their future. And with thoughts of the future came thoughts of Edwin. She wondered where Edwin was at the moment, and fears rose as she realized she had to get to him before he encountered Josh. She had to tell Edwin that it was Josh, and only Josh, she loved.

  Before the day was over she saw a broad-shouldered hatless rider approach. Sunlight glinted on his brown hair. His dark beard and mustache, the spurs on his dusty boots, made him look more ruthless than ever, yet her heart leapt with joy and relief at the sight of him. Dust and ragged clothing couldn’t hide the tempered leanness of a body that was vital and strong.

  A small bloodstain darkened his collar, and a cut ran across Josh’s temple, but his eyes gleamed with triumph. He leaned over, jubilantly scooping her up on his horse before him. “We did it, Lianna!”

  “Did what? What’s happened? You’re hurt.”


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