Tides of Passion

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Tides of Passion Page 54

by Sara Orwig

  His free arm circled her waist and he leaned down to kiss her lightly, whispering, “Now you are mine, Lianna, truly and forever.”

  Outside, the rain had stopped, the sun peeping out from behind gray clouds, and a rainbow arched across the sky. She glanced to the west and saw no sign of smoke.

  “Josh, it’s beautiful out!”

  “We’ll go home.” How marvelous the words sounded! Only one dark worry nagged. She thought of Josh’s temper, his need for revenge—what would happen when she told him about Edwin? She couldn’t bear more bloodshed.

  In the carriage, Phillip cooed, patting chubby fingers on Josh’s knee. “Look at his smile, Lianna! It’s yours.”

  She laughed, dabbing at Phillip’s chin. “I do hope I don’t drool down my front. Josh, he’s so sweet.” Talk centered on Phillip as they rode home, and nothing was said about their future. By the time they had reached Lianna’s front door, the sun had dipped below the horizon and the evening was chilly. Lianna gathered her skirts, but Josh’s hand closed on her arm.

  “Wait here, love.” He jumped down, carrying Phillip in his arms. He went inside for a few moments, then returned to climb into the carriage.

  As they started down the street, she scooted close beside him. “I had forgotten how arrogant you can be. Where are we going?”

  “Home.” The word sent a thrill coursing in her. She looked down at her plain blue woolen dress. The hem was dusty from the old manor.

  “Josh, I should have changed. Look how dusty this dress is.”

  He laughed. “Lianna, your dress is of little interest!”

  His words in a husky voice kindled flames that heated her. He slowed the carriage and handed the reins to a lackey, then jumped down and lifted Lianna out of the carriage to carry her inside his house.

  She gazed at a house filled with plants, French cherrywood furniture covered in pale blue velvet. A butler took Josh’s coat and she heard him turn to talk softly to the servant.

  “Pritchard, this is Mrs. Raven.” He lowered his voice. “You have tonight off, and will you inform the others the same?”

  “Yes, your grace.”

  Lianna glanced at her husband, thinking about his title. Josh was a duke. It meant nothing. What was important was the love she felt. His cuts were healing, but he would always have scars. In spite of the wounds, he looked handsome enough to take her breath. She wanted to be in his arms, to kiss him.

  It seemed like eternity before the butler left, Josh took her arm, and together they went upstairs to his large bedroom. Remembering the terrible empty room at Cathmoor, she gazed around at an enormous room with a fire burning in the fireplace, a large bed covered with a fluffy blue comforter, oil paintings on the walls, and a blue velvet chair.

  “This is beautiful. You like blue.”

  “The color of your eyes.”

  “Oh, Josh!”

  He closed the door behind them and his voice dropped to a husky rasp. “How long I’ve waited…Come here, love.”

  And all the things she had intended to talk over with him, to ask him about and to tell him, went out of her mind. She was lost to smoldering eyes that set her afire. He crushed her to him and his mouth came down to kiss her hard, to discover again her sweetness while she returned the kiss hungrily.

  “Lianna, I couldn’t have survived the wreck if I hadn’t been driven to get back to you…”

  Dimly she heard his words; then they penetrated and she became fully aware of them. She pulled away a fraction.

  “I thought I saw your ship go down. Josh, can we forget…”

  He raised his eyelids, looked dazed from her kisses, then straightened and frowned. His voice became harsh. “That damnable Stafford tricked me. Like a fool, I followed him into the rocky shoreline and El Feroz was torn to shreds.”

  For the first time, the extent of Edwin’s treachery dawned on her. “Josh, when did you arrive in England?”

  “In early March.”

  “Oh, Josh!”

  He frowned. “Why the shock, Lianna? That damnable Edwin has done something.”

  “It’s over.” She shook her head. “I thought I knew Edwin, but he has changed…”

  “He grew into a man, Lianna. You knew him as a child. Are you the same?”


  He smiled. “You have the same blue eyes, but inside, we’ve all changed.” While he talked, his fingers rested on her collarbone and he toyed with the fastenings on her dress. The slightest touch was a burning caress, and her attention began to drift from his words. His voice became husky as he said, “Take your hair down, love.”

  She smiled into eyes darkening with passion.

  “Thank you, Lianna, for changes you wrought in me.”

  It took seconds for his words to register in her mind. She blinked, focusing on him. “What changes?”

  “I let the Marchenos go unharmed.”

  “Josh!” His hands steadied her, closing firmly on her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck, gazing at him in shock. “Thank heaven!”

  He tilted her chin up, his gaze lowering to her mouth, making her lips tingle as he drew closer. His lips brushed fleetingly, but she felt as if something had slammed into her middle, taking all her breath. Her lips parted and she stood on tiptoe as he crushed her in his arms and kissed her passionately with all the hunger that had built up for so long.

  Lianna returned it fully, her heart pounding in hammer-blows as her fingers trembled and eagerly tugged at his clothing. Josh shifted her, loosening buttons, then he raised his head to look at her as he pushed the dress off her shoulders.

  “Josh, how I’ve dreamed about you! I consented to marry Edwin because—”

  “Forget it. I know you love me, and I know how unscrupulous Stafford has been. Shh, no more…”

  He slipped off her chemise and his gaze lowered, taking in the sight of her, making her tremble for his touch.

  Lianna pushed away his clothing, gazing eagerly at his muscles and lean body. She ran her fingers across his chest, down over his flat stomach, and heard his swift intake of breath.

  He scooped her into his arms to carry her to the bed, and placed her down carefully, then stood over her, looking down.

  “You have filled my dreams and now you’re here. I won’t sail again. I’m here, Lianna, to stay.”

  She held out her arms, her heart beating wildly. “Come here, love.”

  He caught her hand, turning it to kiss her palm. His voice was as breathless as her own. “First, Lianna, let me show you how much I love you…how very much I love every inch of you.” He moved to touch her foot, to stroke her ankle, to kiss her lightly, watching her all the while.

  As his kisses moved higher with slow deliberation, she felt as if she was being consumed by flames. She couldn’t lie still, but moved her hips, wound her fingers in his hair, stroked his shoulders, his strong neck. His tongue flicked hotly, seeking intimately, driving her to cry out for him until she sat up swiftly and pushed his shoulders to the bed, to turn above him. Her dark hair mingled with the short locks on his chest as she stroked and touched a body she had dreamed about countless nights.

  Finally he moved over her, still watching her hungrily. Lianna’s legs held him closer as he slowly filled her and waited, poised. “I love you,” he whispered.

  She gasped, raising her hips to his, impaled by his manhood, seeking and, as he moved, so swiftly finding the rising ecstasy that banished the world. Together they moved, thrust meeting thrust as they renewed their love. Josh’s harsh cry mingled with Lianna’s gasp. His release drove her to rapture, to her own release.

  Josh lowered his weight, crushing her into the feather mattress as he clung to her and showered her with kisses, with murmurs of love.

  Finally he turned on his side, pulling her close as he stroked her cheek and pushed damp tendrils of hair from her face while they continued whispering endearments to each other. They each had unspoken vows they longed to voice.

She paused, dreading to tell him, yet knowing she must explain. “Within a month after Phillip’s birth, Edwin came one afternoon with news.”

  Josh shifted, propping his head on his hand.

  “He said you were in London and refused to see me or Phillip, that you wanted nothing—”

  “Damn the lying bastard!” He ground out the words, and a vein throbbed in his temple as his face darkened in a flush. “Lianna, I won’t, but I could kill Edwin Stafford with joy.”

  “I think I might have,” she whispered.

  Josh’s gaze returned to her. “I had something in mind a little stronger than a broken heart,” he said dryly.

  She touched a lock of brown hair that tumbled over his forehead. “So did I, Josh. I struck him over the head with a poker last night. When I left his house, he was lying on the floor in a pool of blood, unconscious, and I sent Charles—”

  She stopped as Josh fell back on the bed with a whoop of laughter. He held his sides and rocked with glee.

  She sat up, annoyed, yet feeling mirth bubble up in spite of her conscience. “It isn’t a cause for laughter if your wife goes to prison for murder!”

  “Lianna! Damn, I chose well! I hope you split his head in two! How I wish I could have peeked in the window.”

  “Joshua Raven! Stop that scandalous laughter!”

  He sobered, firmed his lips, looked at her with his green eyes dancing like devils.

  “Not another laugh from you. I didn’t intend to slay him!”

  Josh swallowed hard and closed his eyes.

  “You’d better hold it in, your grace! Not one laugh more!”

  He gazed at her solemnly, but she saw the corners of his mouth twitch. “So, while I tried to protect myself with an army of men, my sweet little wife downs the scoundrel with a poker!” His brows arched. “What forced you to take such action?”

  “I told him I wouldn’t marry him and he was determined that I would. He intended…” She blushed.

  Josh’s merriment faded instantly. He caught her chin. “Did he hurt you?” His gaze was searching.


  “Now I would like to find him and give him another blow.”

  “Yesterday after you left, I went to see my solicitor. I let Edwin handle all my affairs because I was too ill—”

  Josh swore and pulled her to him. “I should have been with you, dammit!”

  She returned his hug and sat up again, stroking his chest as she talked. “I went to see my solicitor. My family always lived in such a frugal manner. My father hated to spend a shilling.” She turned a lock of his dark hair around her finger, continually having to touch him, as if to make sure he was truly there. “I knew my father owned two ships and our house. Edwin sold one cargo for a good sum. I inherited three hundred thousand pounds—and that, not me, is what Edwin wanted.”

  Josh touched her chin. “When did you stop loving him?” he asked huskily.

  “I don’t think I ever loved Edwin. When we parted in Portsmouth, I realized he cared. He was the first person to care for me, but he cared for my possessions really. I loved you long ago, but there were differences, and your anger…”

  Josh’s arms enveloped her and he pulled her down on top of him, crushing her tightly. His voice was rough as he stroked her head. “Neither of us had love. I didn’t know how to recognize it when it came. I didn’t know…”

  “And I, Josh, didn’t know how to give it—not until we were in the mountains. I saw that I had spent my life trying to get love—my father’s, Edwin’s, yours—when all I needed was to give it.”

  “You’ll have it now,” he said, his voice dropping to a rumble. “Lianna, how much love you shall have! All that’s within my power to give.”

  Her throat burned as she clung to him until she felt his chest shake with laughter.

  She sat up and looked at him. “You’re thinking of poor Edwin again.”

  “Poor Edwin—never poor. The man is a devil, but how I would have enjoyed the sight of you bashing the rascal with a poker!”

  “I see I shall have to do something to make you forget Edwin!” She trailed her fingers across his stomach.

  “Edwin falling to the floor from your blow…”

  Her hand drifted to his thigh.


  She looked up.

  “The next time, I’ll be with you for the birth of our child.”

  A week later, they stood on the quay, Josh holding Phillip as they both waved. Sunlight made a golden halo of Fletcher’s hair as he waved back from the deck of the Challenge.

  Lianna linked her arm through Josh’s and leaned close. “How beautiful his ship is. And how thankful I am that you’re not on it!”

  Josh turned to her, his expression alight with love. “Sail away from you? Not ever.” A twinkle developed. “Nor will I take you on another voyage—at least not soon.”

  “If I was a bad companion, it was your fault.”

  “I’ll admit that you’re right.”

  She laughed. “Well, perhaps not all your fault.”

  Phillip batted his hand against Josh’s chest and they looked down. Josh stroked the baby’s cheek. “I was frightened I’d come home and discover you had named him Edwin.”

  “Come home? You knew before—”

  “You left something behind.”

  “The blanket Madryn gave me. I knew it was gone. You knew all that time…”

  “Aye. It still makes me want to find Edwin and finish the job.”

  “Thank goodness he lived!”

  “He’s sailed from England. It proved too much of a disgrace to be laughed at for almost getting killed by an angry woman with a poker.”

  “No one knows that but the three of us.”

  Josh’s eyes twinkled. “You might be surprised, Lianna, how news spreads in London.”

  “Josh Raven!” She blushed. “You spread that around…”

  He laughed. “It was a sweet revenge, if a damned mild one! Ah, Lianna, how I love to see you blush.”

  She laughed. “That’s a strange thing to enjoy.”

  “Your pink cheeks are pretty.” He glanced at the frigate, moving fast now. His voice lowered. “Your blush is fetching, but what I like to see most of all is your blue eyes darken with love as they do when I kiss you.”

  She felt her cheeks grow warmer.

  “Josh, someone will hear you.”

  “No one except you, but shall we go where there’s sure to be no danger of being overheard, where I can kiss you and hold you?”

  He swung her into his arms while she clutched Phillip tightly. “Josh, people will stare.”

  “Let’s go home, where we can be alone,” he said huskily. “We have a honeymoon to plan.”

  More from Sara Orwig

  The Comanche Series

  Comanche Temptation

  Honor Roth has spent her life dreaming of only one man, a handsome cowboy named Luke McCloud. But her childish illusions become a harsh reality when, on her father’s deathbed, his final plea to save the family ranch means wedding his daughter to Luke. Honor finds herself trapped in a marriage that is nothing more than a bittersweet pretense, with a man who will only love her in her fantasies.

  Luke McCloud is on the run for a crime he is innocent of, and wants nothing more than to pay his debt to Honor Roth’s father and be gone again. But first he must survive poachers and bounty hunters that are hot on his trail and the blazing yearning for Honor that is hot in his heart.

  Comanche Eagle

  When Travis Black Eagle loses his wife in childbirth, he storms the doctor’s home and demands justice. Crystal Spencer, the small town’s Justice of the Peace, knows she can’t be forced to marry Travis because of the doctor—her brother’s—mistake. But her own integrity won’t allow her to let an innocent child go motherless, nor can her heart deny the intense feelings she has for Travis.

  What begins as a marriage of convenience soon grows into a consuming love and a tormenting conflict. Travis
has seen far too many injustices to have faith in the law—the very law that is Crystal’s responsibility to uphold.

  Comanche Passion

  Savannah Ravenwood is traveling to Texas when she is captured by the handsome, dark-haired Red Hawk, a powerful, half-Comanche warrior. Red Hawk needs Savannah’s help to rescue his orphaned nephew, but as they set on the mission that can cost them their lives, they find themselves surrendering their hearts—to one another.

  But Savannah knows a future with a man whose only desire is to return to his Comanche people would mean abandoning her own life. Not even true love can bridge the gap between their two very different worlds. But when tragedy strikes, they discover that the only future worth fighting for is their future together.

  Sweet Desire

  When Comanches threaten Caroline Brandon, a spirited young orphan fleeing the ruins of life post-Civil War, handsome army scout Sawyer Day agrees to accompany her to her uncle’s Texas ranch. But as they brave the dangers of the wilderness, an undeniable attraction tempts them both, and soon they find themselves surrendering to one another’s embrace.

  Suddenly awakened to the heat of desire, they promise their hearts to each other. Even when Sawyer leaves to reclaim his stolen fortune, Caroline vows to wait. But can their love survive the test of time, or will it fade into the vast distance between them?

  Texas Passion

  Rachel Kearney expected a heartfelt reunion when her father returned home from the War Between the States, but instead, she was greeted by a man on the run from the law. Now, Rachel and her family must flee, leaving behind the only home they’ve ever known.

  Dan Overton is pursuing an elusive killer when he stumbles upon the spirited beauty who calls herself the Widow Kearny. From the moment he sees her, he knows he will do anything in his power to protect her and her brood from the dangers of the rugged post-war frontier.

  But something more than a shared passion connects them, and it may be the very thing that tears them apart.


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