Cold Mark

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Cold Mark Page 11

by Scarlett Dawn

  "We think it is," Killeg replied, a mischievous flicker entering his gaze.

  I froze when he blurred, and his lips were suddenly on mine.

  This ... kiss ... was nothing like when Jax's mouth had brushed mine.

  I didn't move.

  Not at first.

  His plump lips glided over mine. Repeatedly.

  And I couldn't stop myself.

  I lifted my hands into his chaotic hair and gripped tight. This may not be the Human way, but I sure as hell didn't live on Joyal any longer. His lips were like the candied treats I was occasionally given as a child. I wanted more.

  Uncaring that I didn't completely understand what I was doing in the art of kissing, I hungered for his embrace. He grinned as I moaned loudly and pressed my lips harder against his, stroking his mouth just as demanding as he was mine. Killeg's tongue slipped inside my mouth, massaging against mine, and I shuddered as heat unfurled between my thighs.

  Though I grunted in surprise when Phila gripped my dark hair and yanked my face away from Killeg's. In my lust filled haze, I blinked. "What—"

  Phila stopped my words as he bit my lower lip.

  Oh, Mother Joyal.

  I moaned as he laved over the sting lip with his slick tongue ... before his mouth devoured mine.

  I had to be in some kind of paradise, not a demented alien planet. Nothing was supposed to feel this good. It really wasn't. There was no way ... and it was. I arched up against Phila and ran my fingers through his long silken hair.

  More. I needed more of them.

  Then they were gone. Literally. Both gone from the bed. Only a breeze left to indicate they had been there in the first place.

  I shook my head rapidly. It was so damn hard to focus. But I spotted them across the room by the door leading out of their quarters. Huh?

  Phila ran a hand through his long hair, his chest still heaving. His tone was the glorified growl of a man left wanting. "Not yet, Braita. You haven't decided about your Vaq."

  With that, Killeg opened the door. He wasn't in any better shape, his cheeks flushed with color as his eyes bore into mine. "We'll sleep on the couch today."

  They exited the room.

  Leaving me more confused than I had ever been.

  'Awkward' didn't even begin to explain how I felt leaving their room the next evening for breakfast. My palms were damp, and my cheeks burned fiercely. Everyone was in the kitchen while Jax cooked us breakfast, and the only person I even dared to glance at was Stiller.

  That was the wrong move. Too late I had forgotten the Mian had supreme hearing. By the way he was silently evaluating me and his Plumas, he had heard everything. By a small blessing, he said nothing to me as he sipped on his water, just continuing to watch me silently.

  Jax hadn't even peered at me yet. He pointed absently with a spatula toward the far white cabinet. "Braita, can you get two plates. Our eggs are almost done."

  Moving on auto-pilot, I did as he asked. Though I was surprised when I walked behind him, he slipped a small piece of paper into my left hand. Keeping my head down, I didn't alter my course to where the utensils were. Discreetly, as I opened the small drawer, I tucked the paper into Killeg's sweatpants I was wearing.

  Jax and I finished serving up our breakfast and sat at the counter while the Plumas sipped on coffee, completely ignoring me, as they started up a conversation with Stiller. I had no sooner breathed a small sigh of relief when Phila glanced in our direction and asked evenly, "Braita, would you like to stop by the Lavano's lair where you hid your rings before we depart for Center?"

  I choked on the large mouthful of eggs. Coughing, I grabbed Stiller's water bottle off the counter and started chugging it. Eyes wide, my gaze caught on Phila's. "How did you know?" It came out a garbled sputter, but he understood.

  He snorted softly, no indication in his gaze of what had happened the day before between us. There was only a steady calculation in his regard as he watched me wipe my mouth off with my sleeve. "As Stiller has stated twice already, you are a dreadful liar." His head teetered in thought. "Plus, you reeked of a Lavano when we first captured you."

  Killeg chuckled softly, but he kept quiet. Just ... watching me.

  I found the willpower to glare. "No, I don't want to stop before we go to Center." I was not about to allow just anyone to have rings that could indicate my emotions and track me down like an animal. "When will we be going to Center?"

  Killeg answered calmly, "With no stops, we will land there near midnight."

  Instantly irritated, I raised one brow. "Then my Vaq know you're bringing me to them?"

  "Yes, we contacted them an hour ago."

  "Lovely," I growled. I was no longer nervous. Instead, I was just irritated at the Plumas staring at me with unwavering perseverance. "This is not what I want."

  Killeg shrugged one shoulder. Took another sip of his coffee. "The three of you need to figure your shit out."

  Ah ... and there was the look I had feared. Possessiveness creeping beneath his lashes.

  "I'm not hungry anymore," I mumbled quickly. Tossing my fork down, I stood and headed straight for their bedroom. "No one come in here, please. I'll be taking a shower."

  Swiftly shutting the door, I exhaled heavily. A few times. Shoving myself even farther away from the Plumas, who had lit a fire within me that I didn't even know existed, I stalked into the bathroom. Towel in hand, I started the shower. It was when I was undressing that the note Jax had given me fluttered to the white tiling. Feeling guilty for forgetting about it, I quickly picked it up and viewed its contents.

  It read: I wasn't sent to Triaz for the reasons you think. If you wish to escape, be ready.

  I stared as I froze in place.

  I read it again. And again.

  I had no clue what he meant ... but I knew that, yes, I would be ready.

  Half-naked in preparation for a shower, I held Jax's note in a white-knuckled grip.

  I read it again. And again. I skimmed the contents too many times to count.

  Escape. I wanted my own life so badly I could cry.

  A person doesn't know how blessed they are until their freedom is taken away.

  I may not be behind laser blocks in a Mian prison, but Triaz was my own personal jail cell.

  With too many unanswered questions trapping my thoughts, I prayed with all my might for patience before I scrutinized the bathroom for a place to dispose of the note—without it being found. My eventual grimace was warranted. The safest hiding spot would be if I ate the piece of paper. Many waste receptacles—including toilets—sounded an alarm if an item was placed inside it that shouldn't be there.

  With my lips thin in determination, I tore the note into tiny pieces and quickly stuffed them into my mouth. I scrunched my nose in distaste as I chewed the wad for a gruesome minute. I swallowed it down.

  It sure as hell didn't taste like candy.

  More like paste and cardboard. But the deed was done.

  I removed the rest of my clothing and lifted my left leg to step into the bathtub.

  And froze.

  One leg still up in the air, I stared down between my naked thighs.

  And screamed as if the room were on fire.

  It sure felt like my vision was.

  "What in the mother fucking hell?" I shouted.

  My eyes were glued between my legs.

  I patted my intimate flesh repeatedly, even wiping back and forth.

  Nothing changed.

  That just wasn't right.

  The gawking couldn't be helped—hell, no—but reality brazenly intruded when I heard the door bash open to the Plumas' bedroom. Moving like a panther, I lowered my leg and grabbed my large towel. I would not be caught naked with a blatant ... issue. Using lightning-quick actions, I had it wrapped around my bare body just as the bathroom door ripped off its hinges and flew inside, slamming like a rocket against the double vanity. The halo-mirror above the sinks vibrated and then wavered as the two Plumas entered the sil
ent bathroom, making their reflections appear like they were deadly spirits straight from the pits of the underworld.

  The door teetered further to the side and hit the tile floor with a resounding thunk at my feet.

  Phila and Killeg's eyes smoldered, the glow so harsh in the contained room, I almost lifted one of my hands to shield my own gaze. Wrath permeated the air like I was caught in a sticky web, and a petrified shiver wracked down my spine. I would never want to be on their bad side—ripped limb from limb with no real effort on their part. Their chests heaved as their blazing eyes took in my person from head to toe, and then swung across the room, scanning the area for an enemy—a foe they wouldn't find.

  I held perfectly still in light of their fury, though my thoughts started to calm as a suspicious awareness hit. My regard altered between each of them, focusing on their hair, silently analyzing the bold, white hue—until their glowing gazes slammed back in my direction. My eyelashes swept down as I blinked ever so slowly.

  Holy ... shit. I couldn't be right. There was no way. No ... way.

  But if I were, I held one hell of a power chip over their heads. One that could end their lives.

  And quite possibly wreck mine even further than it already was—which was a valid reason to keep my mouth shut on this assumption. It was only a speculation needing further assessment—not to mention, a cunning scheme on how to complete said assessment.

  Bless Mother Joyal, I was trained in tactics and had scored high on all tests involving stratagem.

  This night was either the beautiful beginning of many possibilities. Or my ruin.

  Staring into their radiant eyes, I decided I wanted to go back to bed. And stay there.

  It was too damn early in the evening to act a cool-headed role.

  And, apparently, I sucked at lying. Joyal teachers really should have a technical course on it.

  Killeg's brows snapped together. His breathing had relaxed. "Why did you scream?"

  I stayed silent for a moment, collecting my thoughts. I needed to play it cool. Lie better than I had ever lied before. This meant ... I kept my mouth shut. I lifted a finger and pointed at the toilet.

  Both blinked in confusion staring at the harmless white bowl. Phila asked, "Yes?"

  With overly exaggerated, cautious steps, I walked to the toilet. Flushed it.

  The water roared to life inside it with suction that could take my hand with it if it were down in the bowl. Quick thinking. The 'dangerous' toilet was all I could come up with. Though, on an honest note, the sound it made the first time I used it had frightened me enough causing me to jump off it. The story wasn't too farfetched.

  They watched me like I had lost my blessed mind.

  Hmm. It would probably be smart to keep my eyes wide in terror for this 'show.'

  And damned if they didn't buy it. Poor defenseless Braita.

  After staring into my doe eyes, Killeg's head tipped back. He bellowed with deep laughter.

  Phila—at least—managed to contain his hilarity with a hard snort behind a fisted hand.

  I narrowed my eyes and then jammed a finger at the exit. "Get out."

  Killeg's lips were tilted up in the most delectable grin. He held up both his hands. "We're leaving." A slight head tip toward the toilet. "Don't fall in next time."

  Another jab to the exit. I growled, "Now."

  On silent feet, though their amusement of their 'dangerous' toilet wasn't as quiet, they both left the bathroom without another word said. When I heard their bedroom door close, I walked to the halo-mirror, the reflection now steady. Ever so deliberately, I peeled my towel away from my body.

  I stared.

  While the hair on top of my head was a profound black, the color I had been born with, the hair at the juncture of my thighs no longer matched.

  It was now snow white.

  Pulling Killeg's gifted cloak tighter around my body, I stilled as he approached. He wore one of his spare cloaks, which billowed out from his brisk stride. Underneath it, however, he was attired in all black, very chic in appearance, contrasting greatly with Phila's borrowed oversized linen white pants and white t-shirt I was trying to cover. I had no clothes of my own here that were wearable—other than my boots—so I was stuck in apparel likely to agitate my Vaq when they saw me.

  Me, wearing clothes of the Plumas of the east. Yes, my Plumas would not appreciate it.

  "Jax is opening the doors." Killeg pulled the hood of my cloak up over the top of my head. His warm fingers lingered as they brushed against my cheeks. I locked my knees so I wouldn't squirm as heat unfurled in my gut. He bent at the waist, leveling his glowing crystal blue gaze with my chocolate browns. His words were quiet, unassuming. "Are you ready?" Too bad I could read right through him on this account.

  Are you ready? He meant, don't you dare attempt to flee.

  I snorted. "I'm not going to escape." Not right now.

  His head was slightly cocked, his chaotic white hair in perfect disarray. I wondered vaguely if he styled his hair like that on purpose to keep others off-balance. It was definitely eye-catching. His lips curved up at one corner, more than mischievous in nature. "Do I need to use my own drugging potion on you again to get you to a safe location?"

  The blush burning my cheeks was welcome. At least, while we were still on this hov-craft, anyway. He was flirting with me. This ... wasn't so bad. I tilted my head forward a few inches, getting just that much closer to his face before I grinned and whispered, "Killeg, you can kiss my Human ass."

  His resulting smile was just as radiant as his glowing eyes. Though, he paused with his lips parted, ready to rejoinder, when his attention altered to the kitchen bar where Stiller sat. The purple-haired Mian was silently sipping on a bottle of water, gazing directly at us. Blatantly staring. Killeg straightened and narrowed his crystal blue eyes on his best friend. He hitched a thumb in the direction of the parlor. "Why don't you see if Jax needs anything?"

  Stiller merely shrugged, not moving from the bar. "Jax flew us here. I'm sure he can handle opening the door." His purple brows rose, and he pointed his water bottle directly at me with his regard still on Killeg. "I feel it is my duty to inform you, this is the most stupid action you and Phila have ever made."

  My back straightened at the implication. Even if it were true.

  Killeg slid with a gentle glide, barring Stiller's view from me. He didn't say anything. He just continued to hold his best friend's gaze with a dominating glare only a Pluma could enact. I was thoroughly content with not being on the receiving end of it.

  The look was enough. Stiller bowed his head in a respectful manner and jumped off the bar. Although his casual stride halted at the parlor door. In a soft tone, he stated, "I hope you two know what the fuck you're doing. She's not worth our extinction and you both know it." With those parting words, he went to check on Jax.

  My lips thinned, and my own words were soft. "Well said."

  Out of view, Stiller still shouted, "You stupid fucks, even the damn Human knows it!"

  A gentle, sardonic chuckle from behind had me spinning in a flurry.

  I had no clue when Phila had exited their bedroom, but he stood only a foot away from me. The corners of his eyes were crinkled as he peered down, holding my gaze. Black eyes so intriguing in their complexities were full of merriment. He admonished gently, "Braita ... how do you know we won't start a war if you choose your Plumas over us—not the other way around?" My jaw gaped as he tsked gently, brushing his long hair over his shoulders and showing the tips of his pointed ears in sharp relief. "Or will we?" He hummed ever so quietly, his attention honed solely on me. "It is a conundrum, is it not?"

  I snapped my mouth closed. "Riddles are not helping this situation."

  He shook his head and lowered his face to mine. "Oh, but this is a riddle ... yes?"

  My black brows gradually furrowed because he was more right than he knew. "Perhaps."

  He leaned forward, his eyes wholly capturing mine.

  I he
ld perfectly still, curious as to what he was planning.

  Sweetly, he kissed the tip of my nose. "You know it is, Human."

  A seven-foot-tall Mian peered down at me. It was the delegate of Triaz I had first encountered when my name had been called on Joyal. He was also the litigator currently handling the transaction—me—between the Plumas of the east and the west. His blue glowing eyes stood out from the darkness of his imperial hooded cloak which sported the Triaz symbol—even though he clearly wore the mark of the west on his left temple, a circle with a line through it. His expression was blank, hiding all thoughts of what he was truly thinking as we stood outside the hov-craft deep in the dark woods, surrounded by the Plumas of easts' bodyguards. They had arrived at this location before we had landed. He asked, "Are you well, Ms. Valorn?"

  "I am." Even though there was a cool breeze ruffling all the bodyguards' colorful hair, Phila and Killeg stood on either side of me, their body heat warming my arms.

  He tilted his tall frame in my direction and took an exaggerated sniff above my head. He pulled out a small bottle of perfume from his cloak. I jerked in surprise, tucking my head down when he began spraying it all over me. It was a fragrant scent, but also, surprisingly clean. I choked at the overwhelming smell filtering through my nostrils, coughing loudly in agitation until he stopped. He put the perfume back in his cloak, his words simple. "You don't want to see your Vaq smelling of the east, do you?"

  I barely kept from blushing, though my tone was strong to hide all indiscretions that had occurred on the hov-craft. "I was on their ship. How else do you expect me to smell?"

  I could have sworn his lips twitched before he turned and started walking, and I know I heard him mutter under his breath, "Less of them, Ms. Valorn. Definitely less of them."

  I stuck my tongue out at his back. No one could see with my hood up as it was. He was a smart ass, which was as interesting as the man himself. I quickly put my feet into motion as our group followed behind him, trekking through the underbrush. I spoke in careful Mianese to his back. "Sir? What is your name? I've never caught it."


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