Georgia's English Rose

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Georgia's English Rose Page 4

by JT Harding

  Georgia looked at me, stepped across the space between us and hugged me hard. “It’s okay, honey. I understand.”

  I felt awful, because her body against mine pushed all my fears for Michael from my mind. The touch of the stays in her bra pressing into my side, the line of her garter belt against my stomach, conspired together against me. I hugged her, my arms around her naked back, my hands not sure what to do until I laid them on her skin and they were finally where they had always belonged.

  Georgia kissed me on the side of my neck below my ear, pulled away. She turned from me, unclipping her bra and hanging it over the back of a chair on her side of the bed. She slid her stockings down and folded them neatly, still un-laddered. She would get at least another wear out of them. When she was naked she pulled back the bedclothes, picked up her negligee and drew it over her head.

  As always I reveled in the sight of her in the sheer material. It fell to below her knees, but its transparency showed the dark circles of her nipples and the small patch of black hair between her legs.

  “I’m going to brush my teeth,” she said, turning away.

  “Dressed like that?”

  She looked down at herself. “What’s wrong with this?”

  “What if Mikey sees you? Or worse still, Daddy. You’ll stop his heart on the spot.”

  Georgia giggled. “Your Pop’s a toughie, Lil. As for Mike, he’ll probably keel over as all the blood rushes from his head. I’ll be okay, honey.”

  She left me and I stripped out of the wonderful underclothes she had loaned me, laid the garter belt and stockings inside her suitcase then pulled on my old cotton pajamas. I sat on the side of the bed waiting for Georgia to come back. She took a while, and when she returned she was grinning.

  “Who saw you?” I asked.

  “Only your Ma,” she said. “But I think it might take her a while to pop her eyes back in.”

  “You’re a hussy, Georgia Payne,” I said.

  “You make that sound like a bad thing?”

  I shook my head and went to the bathroom. When I came back Georgia was lying on the bed but had pushed the covers below her waist.

  “It’s too warm for blankets, Lil. Can we stay like this for a while?”

  “Sure.” I slipped into bed and pushed the covers down on my side. I lay on my back, hands behind my head. The deep feather mattress enfolded us individually.

  Beyond the open window the day was finally dying, light fading from the sky, leaving deep orange and red streaks far in the distance that reflected onto the ceiling. We lay for a while side by side, content in each other’s company, but I was painfully aware of Georgia lying beside me, the heat of her body close to mine, the scent of her skin. It grew darker but not dark and Georgia rolled onto her side toward me.

  “Lil?” she said.

  I rolled over toward her, her face still clear in the deep pink light. “What, Georgia?”

  “That thing we did earlier, in the bath. That was fun, wasn’t it?”

  I looked at her and nodded. “It was.” Georgia was gradually eroding my shyness, and I liked how liberation felt.

  I looked at her beautiful, perfect, shadowed face and thought, more than fun; far, far more than fun. It seemed I had spent my entire life climbing a hill, everything a struggle to reach this point, and now I had almost reached the top Georgia offered me her hand to help me over the crest. And if I took her hand… if I accepted her offer…what then? I wanted to take it, ready to fall all the way down the other side, my life never the same again.

  “Have you ever done anything like this before?” Georgia said. “Have you ever made yourself come in front of someone else?”

  “Never,” I said.

  “Me too.”

  I looked at her. “Really?” She seemed so much more worldly than me, I was sure she must have done it many times before.

  “Never,” she said. “I’m so comfortable with you, Lil. I hope that doesn’t sound awful, honey. But do you know what I mean?”

  “I think so,” I said, convinced we were meant to be together, relieved to hear Georgia say she felt the same, as though our souls touched.

  “What about that school you went to, Lil? There must have been crushes going on all over.”

  “Not with me,” I said, but Georgia caught the lie in my voice.

  “You ever kissed another girl, Lil?”

  I looked away from her gaze, but too late and I felt a flush blossom on my cheeks.

  “You have, haven’t you?” Her teeth showed white in the gloom. “You have kissed another girl! Oh Lil, tell me everything.” She wriggled across the bed until she lay as close to me as she could without touching, her breasts clearly visible within her negligee, firm and full. Her nipples peaked against the thin material and I barely restrained myself from reaching out to her.

  “Once…” I said, in answer to her question, my voice soft.

  Even this close Georgia did not hear me. “Say again, Lil. What did you say?”

  “Once. I kissed a girl once,” I repeated.

  Georgia grinned. “Go on,” she said. “I want all the juicy details.”

  “It was only a kiss,” I said.

  “Yeah, I bet.” She came closer and now she touched me, the hard nub of her nipples brushing against mine, raising them to matching peaks and I was sure Georgia must feel them, even though my nipples were masked beneath a cotton pajama top. Georgia’s might as well have been naked. “I want to hear all the details, Lil. What did she taste like?”

  I laughed. “She tasted of shit with sugar on,” I said, my laugh degenerating into a long giggle.

  “She what! Yeuch!” Georgia said. Her breasts pressed against mine. She had used my laugh and hers to move closer again.

  “It’s not what it sounds like,” I said. “It was after dinner. We used to have this pudding we all loved. A really hard chocolate cake, like a brick, sprinkled with sugar on top, and then custard. It looked like a lump of poo. But it tasted divine. Everyone called it shit with sugar on. Ginny Price tasted of shit with sugar on.”

  “Wow. Sexy stuff, Lil. I think. How old were you?”


  “And what else? Did she use her tongue? Did she touch you anywhere else? Like here?” Georgia raised her hand and rested her palm against my breast. I stopped breathing, waiting for her to remove her hand but she didn’t, and my breast burned where her fingers touched.

  “It was all fairly dull,” I said. “She put her lips on mine. Neither of us moved for about two minutes, then she took her lips away and that was it. We never mentioned it again.”

  “Was there anyone else?” Georgia asked. Her fingers had started to move, very slowly circling my nipple through the cotton of my top.

  “Only Ginny. I didn’t even like her that much. She wasn’t pretty, or bright, or fun. I suppose she might have had a crush on me, but nothing more. Is it warm in here?” I added.

  “You think so? Me too. Do you want to take something off?”

  “I’m okay,” I said, cursing myself for my timidity.

  “I might take my nightie off in a bit,” Georgia said. “If I get any warmer.” My stomach fluttered and my nipple tingled as Georgia’s finger brushed across it.

  I lay on my side, one arm underneath, the other behind me. I didn’t want to put anything in the way of Georgia’s hands, their soft caresses heavenly. Neither of us mentioned what was happening, we didn’t need to. I wanted to reach out and touch Georgia too, touch her where she was touching me, but fear stayed my hand.

  “What about you?” I asked. “You must have kissed someone. You’re so beautiful. I bet everyone wants to kiss you.” Georgia always seemed far more worldly than me, and I imagined a whole previous life for her, so much more adventurous than mine.

  She laughed softly. “You’re one up on me, honey. These are virgin lips, untouched by any girl.”

  “I didn’t…” I blurted, then slowed down. “I didn’t mean with a girl, Georgia. You must have k
issed a boy. I’ve seen how they all look at you.”

  “Guys are gross,” she said. “Why would I wanna kiss a guy? They smell of smoke and sweat and they’re all prickly.” She laughed as she realized what she had said. “I didn’t mean like that, but they are.”

  “A girl then?” I said. Georgia’s fingers found the buttons on my pajama top and began to undo them. She started in the middle, slowly working her way up, three buttons now loose. The front of my pajama top gaped open as she loosened it.

  “Never a girl either,” Georgia said softly. “Always wondered what it would be like. But from what you said, not so great, huh?”

  “I suppose that might have been Ginny,” I said quickly. “You know, she probably wasn’t the right one. I didn’t really want to kiss her. I don’t even know if she wanted to kiss me.”

  “I guess you could always try and see if it’s different with someone else,” Georgia said. She had loosened all my buttons now and gently lifted the edge of my top and draped it behind me. The other side slumped to the bed and air kissed my breasts and belly. Georgia laid her hand on my waist, her fingers soft against my skin.

  “Who can I try with though, Georgia? There’s only you and me.”

  “Yeah, honey, you’re right. I don’t suppose…” Her hand stroked my side, each time rising a little further until finally she touched the first swelling of my small breast.

  “Don’t suppose what, Georgia?” I said as she slid my pajama top back from my shoulder, letting it slide down my arm. I was now three quarters naked on top, and it felt absolutely wonderful.

  “Well, I guess if we tried kissing each other. Just to see what it’s like, you understand. In the spirit of scientific discovery.”

  “Oh, of course,” I said. “We could try, I suppose.”

  “I guess we might as well.” Georgia lay closer now, her breath on my face as she spoke, the smell of mint toothpaste and a spiced undercurrent hinting at the raw taste of her. I wanted more than a taste, our lips almost touching, the warmth of Georgia’s just beyond reach.

  “Do you want to?” I said.

  “Sure, why not,” Georgia said. Her arm curled behind me and my top finally came loose from my arm. Georgia put her hand flat on my back and pulled me toward her and I offered no resistance.

  “What if we don’t like it?” I said. Our lips brushed, Georgia’s fuller lips touching lightly against mine as I spoke.

  “Then we’ll know whether we like it or not,” Georgia said. This time her lips touched mine and she breathed her words into my mouth. I inhaled, wanting everything of Georgia’s. “We don’t need to do it again if we don’t like it, honey.” Each time she spoke her lips tickled mine and I felt the entire world whirl away from me until there remained only Georgia’s lips against mine.

  “I suppose not,” I tried to say, but Georgia’s lips found mine and my words escaped onto her tongue.

  Georgia’s kiss was nothing like Ginny’s. Nothing at all. A tingle ran from my lips all the way down my center to settle between my legs. I think I groaned softly. I know I felt Georgia’s lips purse into a smile as she pressed against me, her breasts to my breasts, her hand on my naked back and I lifted my arm, finally, and put it around her to rest across her shoulder, touching the strap of her negligee and also her skin.

  Georgia’s mouth opened and I responded, not really knowing what to do or why, following what felt natural. I tasted Georgia’s mouth, tasted her saliva and shivered. Georgia moved her head so her lips pressed against mine and I moved back, lifting my hand around the back of Georgia’s neck, burrowing my fingers beneath her thick black hair.

  I have no idea how long our first kiss lasted, a minute or an hour. It was magic and endless. When we broke it was by mutual consent. I don’t think I moved first, but I have no recollection of Georgia pulling away either. We lay silent for an age, our mouths still close, sharing each other’s breath.

  “So what did you think, Lil? You want to try some more?”

  I didn’t want to be the first to say. “Tell me what you thought, Georgia,” I said, silently cursing myself as a coward.

  “Well, I guess I liked it well enough to give it another go,” she said.

  “You did? Me too, I suppose. Do you think we might get better if we practice some more?”

  “Won’t hurt to find out,” she said. “But it’s so goddamn hot in here,” she added, moving away and my heart sank, then beat faster as Georgia sat up in bed, wriggled her backside and pulled her nightdress over her head and tossed it to the floor.

  “That’s better,” she said, lying down beside me once more. She reached over and drew my hand across to her, placed it over her breast. “Mm,” she said as my fingers touched her smooth skin.

  The blankets fell back completely as Georgia sat up, exposing the upper half of her body in the dusky light. Her large breasts hardly sagged at all, lying together under my hand, her nipples long and stiff as my fingers toyed with them. She had large pink aureolas the size of a half crown, her skin soft as velvet.

  Georgia slid her hand along my side and inward. She tugged at the tie on my pajama bottoms, tugged a second time until they came loose, opening me completely. One side dropped to the mattress. Georgia lifted the other and curled it back over my hip. Cool air caressed my lower belly, touched my pubic hair. I lay almost completely exposed and I didn’t care. No, that was wrong, I cared. I wanted to be naked like Georgia, wanted to be naked for Georgia. She moved above me, our bare breasts touching, and I shivered again.

  “You’re not cold are you, honey?” she breathed.

  “Hot,” I said.

  “That’s good. I wanna kiss you again, Lil. I wanna kiss you so goddamn much.”

  “Kiss me then, Georgia,” I said, and as she did I lay back and she rolled on top of me, her mouth on my mouth, opening against my lips, and I thrust upward as her thigh pressed between my legs.

  I wanted to move my tongue, wanted to lick her lips and tried to stop myself in case I disgusted her, but my tongue wouldn’t listen, had a life of its own and I let it go where it wanted. I ran the tip of my tongue along Georgia’s full bottom lip and heard her gasp. Her tongue came back and did the same to me. Our lips met again, mouths open, and this time my tongue went past her lips and I found hers coming to meet mine. I think I groaned. I know I felt Georgia’s lips vibrate against my own.

  My hands stroked her silky back, running up and down the muscled length, and I let them stray further and rest against the bloom of her full backside. I rolled the globes in my palms and Georgia pushed against me, grinding her pubic hair against my leg which lay trapped between hers. Her pussy was so wet, pressing against my thigh, her labia flattening against my skin. Somehow as we moved my pajama bottoms worked further down until they draped below my knees. As soon as Georgia gave me space I would kick them free and we would both be naked.

  I felt as though my entire body was licked with fire.

  Georgia’s mouth lifted from mine but only to kiss my neck. I arched my back, a tingle running directly to the eager point between my legs. Georgia might be wet, but I was sure I was leaking.

  “You remember what we did in the bath?” I said, beyond shyness now.

  “How could I forget, honey?” Georgia pecked at my chin, my earlobes, my neck. Her hand stroked my breasts, found my nipples and tugged them.

  “I think I’m going to have to do it again,” I said.

  “Yeah? Okay if I join in too?”

  “You have to,” I said.

  “I think I do,” Georgia said.

  She rolled away from me and pushed the blankets down with her feet so they fell all the way off the end of the bed. I took the opportunity to kick my pajamas off. Georgia glanced at me and grinned, slid her hand down her flat belly and directly between her legs. I watched her fingers find herself and push inside.

  “You like watching me do myself, Lil?”

  I nodded.

  “Show me,” she said, her face flushed, fingers movin
g fast. “I like to watch too.”

  I saw her stare at my hand as I lowered it. I teased her, approaching my pubic patch before slowing. I lifted my hand back to my breasts and stroked them, moved lowered again. Georgia lifted her knees and placed one leg across mine so the back of her calf rested against my thigh.

  I slid my hand down, touched my soft patch of hair, fine and light, red brown in daylight, dark in the dusk. I reached my pussy lips, hot and plump with arousal, and when I parted them with my finger juices flowed onto my thigh. I had never been so wet before. I was melting, dripping between my legs.

  “Oh my God, Lil, that looks so damn good. Move your fingers for me, honey.”

  I watched Georgia’s hand pleasuring herself, began to move my own in time, matching her rhythm, as if Georgia’s fingers were my fingers. We both breathed hard, the bed rocking beneath us.

  “You gonna be long, sweet thing?” Georgia said.

  “No,” I gasped.

  “I’m about there,” she said, her voice breaking a little. “I don’t know what’s happening to me. I never come this quick.”

  “I’m nearly there too, Georgia,” I said.

  “Together,” she said. “I want us to do it together.”


  “I think I’m there, Lil honey. I think I’m goddamn there.”

  “Me too,” I said.

  Georgia rolled over and said, “Now. I’m coming now, honey. Kiss me again.”

  She leaned over, her mouth meeting mine and we kissed even though we could hardly breathe, air hissing through our noses. Georgia straddled my waist, her hand bumping against my belly as she brought herself to a trembling peak. My arm lay trapped beneath her body, her pubic hair brushing my skin, her wetness leaking onto me. Georgia bent over and kissed me, her free hand working my breasts and I lifted my own to grasp hers, shaking beneath my palm as she worked herself furiously.

  “Yeah, honey, now,” she breathed into my mouth, and I pushed my fingers far inside myself as the wonder exploded throughout me.

  I grunted, heat surging outward from my pussy and washing to my very fingertips and toes. Georgia jerked and shivered on top of me, her mouth trying to kiss me but she was gasping too much, lifting her hand to stifle the sounds.


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