When A Gargoyle Flies (Gargoyles Book 3)

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When A Gargoyle Flies (Gargoyles Book 3) Page 10

by Price,E A

  Annis stood with folded hands, waiting for Castor to stop snarling and growling.

  “How dare he?” snapped Castor.

  Very easily she thought.

  “How dare he act as if we are errant younglings?!”

  Because you behaved as such, she argued silently.

  “Gargoyles were made for hunting. Who is he to say we cannot?” Veins were pulsing on Castor’s forehead, and his wings were flapping so hard she thought he might actually fly away. “He spends all his time coupling with his human and dares to give me orders!”

  “It is not safe for us to be seen. If our existence is known, we may be in danger.”

  “It is not the gargoyle way to hide.”

  Annis sighed inwardly. They were going around in circles so much she was starting to get dizzy.

  “Maybe not,” she acquiesced, “but it is the gargoyle way to adapt and to survive. Which is what we must do now. I know this is hard, but it is hard for all of us. You are not the only gargoyle struggling, but you are strong, and the others should look to you and Luc for guidance.”

  Castor stirred a little, pleased at her comment.

  “But how can they when the two of you are at one another’s throats?” Surprised and pleased at the attention he paid her, Annis felt emboldened. “You may not like humans, but we must find a way to live with them. If there are truly so few of us, then members of the clan may have no choice but to mate with humans.”

  A low rumble reverberated through his chest. “I have hated humans for so long; I cannot imagine touching one in such a way. I cannot imagine how any gargoyle can.”

  He was lucky, then. Annis could think of little else.

  She froze as Castor raised a hand and touched her cheek.

  “What are you doing?” she breathed.

  “In our old life, you wished to be my mate.”

  Every instinct urged her to run, run, run, but her limbs would not co-operate. Her wings twitched nervously, but her feet felt rooted to the ground.

  “That was a long time ago now, and I thought… I was mistaken of your intentions.”

  The pad of his thumb dragged along her skin; it was rough and scraped against her. “Things are different now.”

  She looked into his dark eyes, trying for once to really understand his emotions. “Are they? Castor, you do not love me.”

  He stared at her as if she had grown another head. “Since when does that matter? The only thing that matters is the good of the clan. I always knew I would mate for the good of the clan. Back then, that was Danya, but now, I have no other choice but to…”

  “You have no other choice?” she interrupted in a faint voice. Her feelings for Castor were not as they once were, but his acknowledgment that he would only mate her because he had no other option was like a sharp stab to her heart.

  Castor’s hand dropped from her cheek. “We have no other choice,” he told her bluntly. “Surely you would not see our race die out entirely?”

  “I thought you did not wish to sully your line with my defects.”

  His eyes moved to her damaged wing, and it ticked automatically sending a shimmer of pain through her body.

  “Your mother and father were strong warriors. There is no reason to suggest our younglings will not inherit their characteristics.”

  Annis’ fists tightened so hard her claws pressed painfully into her palms. He had no idea how insulting he was being. He honestly did not know. He could not understand that she would not agree with him. She was ready to give him a piece of her mind when he said, “I will be a good mate, Annis. I will fight for you. I will protect you. I will give you younglings.”

  Things gargoyle females should seek in a mate.

  “And what would happen if another female awakened that you decided would make a better mate than me?”

  He paused thinking the matter over. “I will be true to you.”

  “You were not prepared to be true to Danya,” she countered, embarrassment coursing through her as she recalled his proposition nearly a thousand years ago.

  Castor surprised her with a wry smile. “Danya hated me for challenging her brothers for leadership. She was prepared to mate me to ensure she regained her place as highest ranked female in the clan, but she found no joy in out mating or our couplings. Being with a female who did not loathe the sight of me was appealing.”

  “I… I do not know what to say,” she stammered.

  Castor was no longer her leader; he could not force her submission on this matter, nor did she really believe Luc would push for the match.

  “Think on this, Annis,” he said in a nearly gentle voice. “Our mating may not have been possible in our past life, but it is important now.”

  With that, he turned and strode away, unaware of the turmoil he left her in.

  Her pride, what little she had left, felt like it had taken a savage beating. He did not try and honey coat his words or intentions – he was only interested in mating her because he could not find anyone better. He admitted he would never have considered mating her before now.

  What a lovely sentiment. However, she did not think ill of him. Sure, she was irritated and angry at him, but he was a product of his time and upbringing. He was not trying to hurt or injure.

  There really was no place for love in Castor’s world. There was only duty, pride, and honor. He would not tell her he loved her, he would not compliment her, he would indirectly insult her – by being truthful, he would not look at her as if she were the only creature in the world that mattered… But he was right; he would be a good gargoyle mate. But was that enough?

  Her thoughts turned to Chris – as they increasingly did. As quickly as his image arrived, she banished it. He was not an option. He was too busy dating human women she thought sadly.

  Really, if she did not mate Castor, what other option would she have?

  Chapter Eighteen

  Carlton Hunter grabbed his phone and grumbled his name into the receiver.

  “I have good news,” said the coldly familiar voice.

  Carlton sucked in a breath. Over the past week, all the charges against him had been dropped, his wife in celebration had allowed him to take a few liberties in bed with her that she usually only permitted on his birthday, and he had been voted Oakland County’s Businessman of the Year. Yet, he could not really enjoy himself; he had been on tenterhooks waiting to hear more about the gargoyles.

  Unable to contain himself, he had already sent out some of the photos to a few choice customers. They had slavered over them more than he did. That was followed by demands of when the beasts would be ready for hunting purposes.

  Of that he had no idea, so, as annoying as his mystery friend was, he was glad to hear from them.

  “What? What is it?” he barked into the phone. “Do you have one for me?”

  The voice chuckled lowly, but he couldn’t even bring himself to dredge up any irritation.

  “I know where one of them will be tomorrow night. If you want him, you’ll have to capture him yourself.”

  “That’s it? All you’re giving me is a location? You expect half of my profits for a location?!”

  “It’s more than you’ve got now,” sneered the voice.

  Carlton groused for a few moments, but there wasn’t any doubt that he was going to say yes. “Just the one, I was hoping for a couple. My compound’s pretty big.”

  “One is more than enough. Trust me; he’ll be all you’ll need. You should take this opportunity. They don’t tend to separate from their clan. I hope you’ve thought of a way to keep him grounded. You would not want him flying away while you were having your fun.”

  “Taken care of,” he said dismissively. This wasn’t the first airborne prey he’d ever encountered.

  “Don’t get cocky. They’re tricky beasts.”

  Carlton pursed his lips but didn’t offer a retort. If he could handle a rhino, he could handle a gargoyle.

  “Just tell me when and where.” He was alr
eady running through his list of employees, deciding on whom he would send to capture the creature.

  “I can give you an approximate location. I will need to call you tomorrow night to confirm where exactly.”

  “What are you playing at?” The whole enterprise sounded shiftier by the second. He couldn’t rule out that he was being played for a sucker.

  “These are the terms and conditions. If you do not like them, perhaps I should talk to Larry at Montana Safaris…”

  Carlton gripped the phone a little tighter. Larry was his main competitor. A former actuary who – for the love of all that is holy – was actually a vegetarian.

  “Just tell me where my men need to be,” he said grimly.

  This bloody gargoyle better put up a damn good fight.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “I must have misheard you,” whispered Annis in disbelief. “I thought you just said that you were sending me out into the world in order to retrieve a gargoyle.”

  Annis goggled at her frustrated looking leader. His arms were folded, and his tail swished impatiently, but no, he did not look like he was joking.

  “I… I am not sure I am ideal for this, I…”

  She had only left the house and grounds once since her awakening, and that was to take refuge in Bea’s house. While the others yearned for freedom, Annis yearned for safety.

  Luc placed a hand on her shoulder. “I have no other choice.”

  Heat rose to her cheeks in embarrassment as she remembered Castor’s words of the night before. Was she really everyone’s last resort?

  “I am confident you can manage this.” He said the words confidently enough, although the doubtful glance he threw at her before he left the room said otherwise.

  Kylie gave her a look of encouragement.

  Annis wrung her hands. “I… I really do not think that I…”

  The small human pressed her hands over hers to calm her. “I’m sure you’ll be fine. If you hate it, you never have to do it again.”

  “Why would Luc not send Gracchus or Cai?”

  Kylie hesitated. “He’s worried about Castor.” Her eyes flickered. “He thinks he’s going to try and challenge for leadership.”

  Annis’ brow creased slightly, uncertain over Luc’s concern. “Does he believe he may be defeated?”

  “Not really, but… he wants Gracchus here in case he does.” Kylie looked very uncomfortable as she admitted, “To protect me.”

  “He thinks Castor would hurt you?” Annis was almost annoyed at Luc for believing Castor could be so dishonorable. But then, Castor had not tried to hide his dislike of humans, or his distaste at Luc for mating one.

  “I don’t think he would, but Luc wants to surround himself with loyal gargoyles in case Brom and Grey side with Castor.”

  Annis sucked in a breath and her wings bristled sharply, sending a spasm of pain through her left side. “And he believes that I am not loyal?”

  “No! Not at all,” Kylie cried. She moved a little closer and lowered her voice. “He wants the new gargoyle we’re sending you collect, and we’ve already made the arrangements. But he wants Gracchus here to back him up; he doesn’t believe Drago is… in the right frame of mind, Ric has already left with Brenda to find the other gargoyle, Cai will not leave his mate, and he thinks Lief and Tristan are still too new to this world.”

  “What about Twenty-Six?”

  “I won’t say that Luc does not trust her, that is not fair, it is more that he is concerned about any other surprises she may be hiding.”

  Annis could not argue with that. When they first met her, she sported a chip that when activated sent horrifying pain through her body.

  “So he has no other choice,” murmured Annis.

  “He trusts you,” insisted Kylie, “but he correctly knew that Gracchus would be more comfortable with this. But now…” She let the words hang and closed her eyes for a few moments. Annis noticed uneasily the tired lines on the young woman’s face. Regarding years, Kylie was probably the same age as Annis, perhaps a year or two older, but at that moment, she seemed much older. The wakings, the magic use and the uncertainty of their situation were all taking their tolls on Kylie. The discord between the gargoyles undoubtedly was not helping either.

  “I will go,” said Annis, wanting to ease Kylie’s current unhappiness.

  The human smiled sweetly in gratitude, but it was Annis who was grateful. Kylie had her own life before she accidentally woke Luc. Now, her time was given over to the gargoyles, finding and waking them, and she did not seem to get very many thank yous for what she did. Ophelia even nearly succeeded in killing her. Now, Castor hated her on principle for mating with a gargoyle, conveniently forgetting that he would not even be newly alive were it not for Kylie’s efforts.

  “I will go,” she repeated a little more firmly and with courage that had been growing over the last two months added, “as long as you promise to get some rest.”

  Kylie frowned slightly.

  “You are looking haggard,” Annis told her frankly.

  Kylie blinked a few times before bursting into laughter. “Luc said the same thing earlier,” she said through hiccups, “except he was a little more careful with his words.”

  It was Annis’ turn to blink. Although she was generally careful and sparing with her words, she did not realize she had said anything untoward.

  “Gargoyles can be very direct at times,” explained Kylie, although that really didn’t clear much up. “Don’t worry; I’ll go back to bed after you leave. I think I’d quite like to sleep through any upcoming arguments between Luc and Castor anyway,” she added wearily.

  Annis nodded and felt pleased with herself for her momentary firmness. Right before a thousand worries descended on her. Where exactly was she going? How was she to get there? How was she to find the gargoyle?

  “Come on,” said Kylie, ignorant of her turmoil. “I’ll pack you up some snacks for the drive, and you better gather some spare clothes, just in case you need to spend the day.”

  “Yes, I…”

  “I’ll pack you some of those vanilla cupcakes that Chris likes.”

  “Chris?” Annis echoed.

  “Yes, didn’t Luc say? He’s going with you.”


  Annis felt like she was trembling. She wasn’t. If anything, her movements were absurdly normal. It was her insides, her stomach, and her heart, fluttering with such ferocity that her whole body practically seemed to be vibrating.

  Annis was going to be spending time alone with Chris. Excitement and nervousness warred within her.

  She neatly folded a dress into the small case Kylie had lent her, then added her shampoo, conditioner and some perfume Maggie had given her claiming it was too fruity for herself. Annis stared about her bedroom, considering what else she could pack. She did not have much, but she wanted to fill her small case, to make it seem worthwhile that she was using it.

  It was while she was considering whether she ought to take a few books and whether she would have the chance to read them, that Castor burst into her room.

  “You cannot be considering complying with his demands?” snarled the furious male.

  Annis stared at him calmly. Her nerves over facing Chris completely fled her, and she felt at ease in Castor’s presence. She was not surprised at his reaction. Although she knew he did not have any fine feelings for her, she knew that now he had expressed his desire to mate her, he would consider her his property. It would not occur to him that she might say no to his mate-claim.

  “How did you know that I…”

  “Lief told me. He came to me to talk some sense into you. He is concerned for your safety.”

  “Luc has asked that I assist in retrieving another of our brothers… or perhaps this will be a sister.”

  “He asks too much of you. It is too dangerous.”

  “But just last night, you were lamenting the fact that you could not leave the grounds. You did not think it was too dangerous then.” />
  Annis gave him a pretend look of confusion. She knew what he meant – it was too dangerous for a useless, defenseless gargoyle like her.

  “You cannot leave. If the humans see you…”

  “They will not,” she said with more confidence than she actually felt on the matter.

  The other gargoyles had left the grounds numerous times and did not seem to worry. But then, average gargoyles did not seem to suffer from a lack of courage. No, they all had a worrying amount of over-confidence.

  “I will be careful.”

  Castor paced the room, his face resembling stone more than ever. His tail flicked and came dangerously close to destroying several items of furniture. Annis fought hard not to shout at him. She was surprised she felt the urge at all, never mind had to fight it, but she was inordinately proud of her pretty bedroom – even if all the colors and furniture were inherited, everything in the room was hers. For once, she had something that belonged to her and her alone.

  “I will not allow you to go.”

  “It is not your decision to make,” she breathed, almost wishing he did not hear her.

  Naturally, he did. “If you are my mate…”

  Annis faced him, meeting his eyes and forcing out the words that seemed to lie heavily on her tongue. “I am not your mate, Castor.”

  He ignored her. “You cannot go out there alone.”

  “I will not be alone. Chris will be with me.” The fluttering returned ten fold.

  “Chris?” sneered the enormous gargoyle. “The disrespectful human? You trust him to keep you safe?”

  Annis stood a little straighter, her wing only giving her a momentary twinge as she puffed it out. “I do. Chris is a strong human. He is dominant for his kind. He will protect me.”

  Castor narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “You are fond of this human,” he stated.


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