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Inferno Page 19

by Bianca D'Arc

  She cried out as Dante released Duncan’s wrist, the wounds healed by their combined magics. Dante’s head rested in the hollow of her neck, safe from the temptation of her blood now that he’d been sated.

  “You are so beautiful in every way,” he whispered near her ear. The aftershocks of passion were still riding her, and his tender words caused the glow to linger.

  She must have slept, for the next time she opened her eyes, Dante was standing beside the bed, fully dressed. She blinked at him and was gratified to see his satisfied smile. She felt like a goddess under his eyes and the appreciation she saw in his expression turned what could’ve been an awkward moment into something sublime.

  “What time is it? Did I sleep long?”

  “Not too long.” He sat on the edge of her bed, leaning in for a quick kiss. “I’d let you sleep, but we have things to do.”

  As the fog of sleep cleared, she remembered they were supposed to go back to his place. Being a bloodletter, he didn’t have the luxury of being able to travel whenever he wanted. The move had to be accomplished at night.

  “I just need a quick shower, and I’ll be ready. Where’s Duncan?”

  A strange look passed over Dante’s face. “He’s securing the house in preparation for our departure.” He stood, towering over her. She sensed him drawing back but didn’t understand why.

  “Pack a bag, Megan,” Dante instructed on his way out of the room. He knew he was being irrational, but he didn’t like the way she’d immediately asked about the half-fey knight. He hadn’t liked the idea of sharing her either. It had to be done, of course, so he’d allowed it.

  Funny that. He hadn’t felt so possessive of a female in recent memory. Normally, he wouldn’t have minded sharing at all. There was something special about Megan though. Something that called to his more primitive nature, that brought out the caveman in him. He didn’t understand it and didn’t like it, but there it was. He’d have to deal with it and whatever the fallout might be.

  “Don’t expect to come back here for a couple of days,” he told her as he approached the doorway. “And don’t forget, we’re going to meet the wolf pack leader at that shifter bar tonight. You probably won’t have time to change when we get back to Manhattan.”

  “I hear and obey, master.” She gave him her best Jeanie nod, complete with crossed arms and a saucy grin.

  He chuckled, his mood restored just that easily, as he made his way down the hall to meet Duncan. He heard the shower switch on and knew she needed a few minutes to recuperate from the sexual gymnastics they’d put her through. In this case, her were constitution was a blessing. If they’d fucked a mortal woman like that, she’d no doubt be awfully upset to have to go out for a business meeting just a few hours later. His little wolf was full of surprises and more than able to keep up with him, which was a new and exciting experience for a man who’d lived centuries and never had a liaison where he could totally let himself go sexually.

  “I put a few telltale spells in place,” Duncan said in a brisk voice as Dante entered the living room. The half-fey warrior indicated the window he was standing in front of with a nod. “This way, if anybody comes around here while Megan’s gone, we’ll know. It’s nothing major and nothing traceable, but it should do the trick.”

  “Sometimes simpler is better,” Dante agreed.

  They took a few more precautions while Megan packed. It didn’t take her long at all, and they were on the road inside of an hour. That left them just enough time to make their meeting.

  When they arrived at Howlies, the bouncer recognized them immediately. They were directed to a private room in the back of the rather unassuming bar. Dante felt the eyes of everyone in the place following them as they made their way to the back room. The vast majority of the patrons had to be were. For one thing, most of them were big and muscular, as such creatures often were. Handsome too, by human standards, though none of the females present could hold a candle to Megan, in his opinion.

  The private room was bigger and quieter than he’d expected. The moment they entered, the ambient noise from the bar receded. The room had to be soundproofed, which Dante realized was probably a necessity with a bar full of shifters right outside. Many shifters had the keenest hearing of all supernaturals, so if the Alpha wanted to meet with some guarantee of privacy, he needed a place where his people could guard the perimeter but not overhear what was said inside. He’d achieved both with this private room that was in a very public place, yet protected both by the bar full of shifters outside and the superior soundproofing in the walls.

  “Welcome,” Kevin spoke from one end of the long room. There was a big conference table in the center and plenty of room to move around between it and the walls. There were also long, thin tables along the sides that held everything from blank notepads, pencils and pens, what looked like a teleconferencing setup, flip charts and office supplies, to refreshments.

  Kevin McElroy wasn’t alone in the room. Dante recognized two of the firefighters who had been in his home. The other two men were unfamiliar and there was a female as well. All wolves. Most likely all members of the hierarchy of Kevin’s pack.

  “Please be seated,” Kevin invited. “Can I offer you some refreshments?” He indicated the platters of food, an arrangement of soda and water bottles, as well as liquor on one long table.

  Dante was surprised to see a few bottles of wine as well. He could tell at a glance they were not cheap vintages either. The Alpha wolf was pulling out all the stops, making quite a show of hospitality. Dante only hoped it was more than just a show. So far, the pack leader had been very helpful indeed. Dante hoped that would continue.

  Duncan snagged a bottle of wine and some glasses, pouring for himself and Dante while Megan opted for a soft drink and some munchies. She smiled at the pack leader in thanks and just that small gesture annoyed Dante to no end. If she was going to smile at any male, it would be him, not some mangy dog.

  Dante breathed deep to settle his turbulent emotions. He hadn’t been this out of control since the great fire. He was off balance, and he didn’t like it. Duncan’s steadying presence helped as the half-fey knight handed him a full glass of burgundy.

  They sat around the table as the wolves did, each side eying the other.

  “Thank you for meeting with us.” Dante figured he’d start the conversation on a polite footing. Where it would go from there was up to the dogs.

  “Thank you for coming.” Kevin met Dante’s gaze with what he read as sincerity. So far, so good. “I’ve asked some guests to sit in. You may remember Bob and John from the visit we paid you after the fire.” The two burly firemen nodded in his direction and Dante did the same. “Stacy is head of our community outreach program, such as it is. She’s the one who saw Siobhan Vabian lob that firebomb into your window and called me.”

  “I am in your debt for your quick action.” Dante made a point of thanking the chestnut-haired beauty.

  She was tall for a woman with the figure of a bombshell and the angular features of a model. He’d bet she was a nice looking wolf when she shifted, but found himself put off by her size. Megan was petite, and he found her smaller lines more attractive. The brunette smiled and nodded, but her smile was tight. He’d bet she’d had no idea she was coming to a bloodletter’s rescue when she had called the fire house.

  “Clarence and Dominic are sitting in on behalf of their packs, whose territories adjoin ours.” He indicated the other two wolves with a wave in their direction. Clarence was a burly blond, and Dominic looked like his countenance could have graced the head of a Roman coin back in the day. Dark hair, skin and eyes shouted his heritage, yet he was taller than most people from that part of the world and thickly muscled, as most shifters were.

  Dante noted that except for the female, Kevin didn’t specify the ranks or roles of the so-called guests.

  “I am Dante d’Angleterre. It’s good to meet you all,” he said formally. He went on to introduce his companions, taking the l
ead and acting as Alpha for his own tiny pack. “Duncan le Fey is newly returned to this realm.” That one sentence let the shifters know who they were dealing with without revealing too much. “And Megan is a lone wolf whose family owed me a blood debt.”

  “How does a wolf bitch end up owing a bloodletter a blood debt?” Dominic wanted to know.

  “My grandfathers sanctioned the death of Dante’s ward, a firemage named Erik. It was unjustified and for their mistake, you banished them.”

  “The last twin wolf lords? Those were your ancestors?” Clarence seemed stunned, his blond brows rising in surprise.

  “They were. They had one daughter, my mother. All of them are now gone and it has been my task to restore the family honor.”

  “And how did you think to do that without the backing of a pack?” Stacy asked. Her tone was condescending, and Dante didn’t like it. He bared his teeth in her direction, but subtly. He had to tread lightly for now. Still, if the wolf bitch didn’t play nice with Megan, he’d put her in her place.

  “I’ve never needed to lean on a pack,” Megan shot back. Dante liked the way she stood up to the other woman. “I make my own way.”

  “As it happens,” Duncan broke in, helping defuse the tension somewhat. “Megan’s ancestors were recruited by the Altor Custodis. One in particular told them they could work off their debt to society by performing certain tasks for him.”

  “What kind of tasks?” Kevin asked, leaning forward, clearly interested.

  Megan shrugged. “I spied for him, delivered messages, ran errands when asked. That sort of thing.”

  “She was placed under a compulsion never to speak of her keeper’s identity and had some of her memories altered to conceal the fact that her keeper was a follower of Elspeth, Destroyer of Worlds.” Gasps sounded around the room as Duncan continued. “We believe the Altor Custodis have been infiltrated at the highest levels.”

  “You can’t be serious,” Clarence objected.

  “Deadly serious, Alpha.” Dante was gratified to see the man’s eyes widen again as Dante correctly guessed his position in the neighboring pack. “If you don’t believe us, I suggest you talk to Rafe, Tim and Allie again. We all had a run in with Patrick Vabian—the brother of the woman you saw—” he nodded toward Stacy, “—attacking my home.”

  “I put a call in to the Lords yesterday.” Kevin drew all their attention with his announcement. “They wanted us to give you our full cooperation. They also had a message for Megan. They asked me to tell you that all is forgiven. Banishment of your grandfathers was never meant to extend to their descendants. You should never have had to pay for their mistake. You’re welcome to petition any pack for membership, just like any other were. The prohibition on your family is at an end.”

  Dante had mixed feelings about the announcement. On the one hand, he felt vindicated on Megan’s behalf. On the other, he disliked the idea that she was now free to join were society. She could easily seek membership in any pack—including Kevin’s. While he was glad for her, he also selfishly didn’t want to give her up to any of the wolves. She was his.

  Oddly, the possessive thought didn’t disturb him as much as it should have. He was coming to accept the idea that some things just happened, whether he wanted them to or not. His attachment to Megan was one of those things. He didn’t question it. He just knew in his heart that she was meant to be with him—at least for the moment. What came after they dealt with this crisis, he had no idea.

  He sought Megan’s gaze, gratified when she reached for his hand under the table. She looked so lost he wanted to hug her and hold her close, protecting her from all others. The grasp of his hand would have to do while they dealt with this development.

  “While I appreciate the gesture.” Megan squeezed his hand as she spoke. “I’m not ready to make any decisions. There are still a lot of problems I need to face and dispense with before I can consider ending my lone existence. All in all, it hasn’t worked out too bad. I was raised a lone wolf and right now I can’t even contemplate living within a pack structure.”

  Kevin sat back, watching her with sad eyes. “I don’t expect it will be easy for you, but your options are open, should you wish to return to the fold.”

  “Thank you, Alpha. It was kind of you to speak to the Lords on my behalf.” Megan was polite if distant, and her grip on Dante’s hand never let up.

  “Now, as to our current problem,” Dante deftly turned the subject. “The three of us paid a visit to Siobhan’s address last night. She wasn’t home, but she left some rather nasty surprises for any who might call on her.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” Stacy said with a grimace. “That bitch was laughing when she bombed your house. She’s loco.”

  “I found no less than three very ancient books on demonology in her home,” Duncan revealed, much to the surprise of all gathered. “They will, of course, be destroyed. However, their presence in her house is proof positive that Siobhan, and perhaps all the Vabians, are seeking power from realms forbidden to this mortal plane.”

  “Why do you include her family? What proof is there?” Dominic spoke for the first time.

  “Such ancient texts have long been hunted by the guardians of this realm. Surely you are aware of that.” Duncan turned to the dark wolf. “I have always been interested in magical tomes. The last time I walked in this realm, I became acquainted with one whom I knew to be a guardian. I helped her search for certain titles, aiding her in finding them when possible. Siobhan Vabian had one of the titles I believed to be completely eradicated. The only way a copy of that book could still be in existence, and in her possession, was if her teachers or her family—and I suspect they are one and the same—have kept the book hidden and passed it down through the generations.”

  “Then the problem may be even larger than we first suspected.” Kevin had a grim expression on his face as he summed up their situation.

  “All too true,” Duncan agreed. “And we may need some of you to act as backup. Such evil must be contained and cannot be allowed to escape. If we fail…”

  “Have no fear.” Kevin held up one hand, palm outward. “The Lords asked us to assist in whatever way we can. You two must’ve impressed them. They’ve given you carte blanche with us and that’s good enough for me.”

  “Me too,” Clarence seconded.

  Dominic eyed them once more before also agreeing. “My pack will assist as well.”

  “So what’s your next move?” Kevin asked before Dante could thank them for their pledges of support.

  He thought it significant that Kevin had called in not one but two of his neighboring pack Alphas for this discussion. That was a good sign. It meant Kevin was taking this as seriously as he needed to. Either the Lords had done a good job impressing upon Kevin how important the Vabians were, or Kevin had arrived at the conclusion all by himself. Either way, the all-important cooperation of his pack was now more or less guaranteed.

  “Siobhan wasn’t home, but we know where her family lives. Before we even think of storming their castle, we need a little more information about them and their holdings. I was hoping you’d be able to help with some of the legwork. I know your kind is generally good at that kind of thing and well connected.” Dante looked around at the gathered wolves.

  Kevin chuckled. “You’ll have to tell me sometime how you know so much about us, but you’re right. It just so happens I have some law enforcement connections within my pack that might be able to help us dig up further information on the Vabians.”

  Dante smiled. “I thought you might. What I’m interested in now is whether or not they have any secondary holdings closer to the city. If we have to, we can lay siege to their Chappaqua compound. I’d rather not go that route if I don’t have to.”

  “Roger that,” Kevin agreed.

  “I suspect if Siobhan has gone to ground, it’s somewhere nearby. She has a hard on for you, Dante,” Stacy said. “If you could’ve seen her face when she attacked your house, you’d kn
ow she was motivated by hatred. It was written all over her. She wants you dead, and I doubt that kind of anger will be satisfied by a near miss or two. She’ll keep going after you until she’s killed you.”

  “Not if we get her first,” Duncan put in with a challenging lift of his brow.

  “Good point,” Kevin agreed. “Now, let’s figure out how we can do that.”

  The meeting lasted another few hours, during which time the men discussed plans and contingency plans. Kevin took the opportunity to make a phone call to one of his pack members who was with the FBI. They put her on the speakerphone while they discussed what kind of information they needed her to look for. She promised to get right on it and have a preliminary report ready for Kevin by close of business the next day.

  Dante was pleased with the level of support the wolves were giving him. He figured they owed it to Megan, at least, for all those years of shunning her and her family. Moreover, he was just as glad to have backup in this hazardous situation. It wasn’t only his neck on the line this time. No, this time Duncan and Megan were along for the dangerous ride.

  If he only had to worry about himself, he wouldn’t care. And Duncan could probably take care of himself. Megan, though, was a whole different story. He wanted to protect her and feared that if he was taken out, she wouldn’t survive. At least with the wolves’ involvement, the chances of her survival were considerably better than if they went it alone, and he had some hope that if he died in this pursuit, Megan wouldn’t be so alone anymore. He hoped if he didn’t make it, one of the wolf packs would take her in.

  The meeting finally broke up somewhere in the wee hours of the morning. They took their leave of the wolves on a much stronger footing than they had entered. The relationship was building slowly, but it was building. That was a positive sign as far as Dante was concerned.

  He, Megan and Duncan headed uptown to his home. All three were tired after their adventures. They spared a moment to convene in the living room, to go over the night’s events. Dante pulled Megan down to sit next to him on the couch. He didn’t examine why, but he wanted her close. Much to his delight, she snuggled into him without a word, as if she belonged there.


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