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by Larry Witham

  19.On the value of art see Gordon Graham, Philosophy of the Arts: An Introduction to Aesthetics (London: Routledge, 2000).

  20.Jacob Burckhardt, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (New York: Modern Library, 2002 [1860]), 385.



  abacus,10–11, 13, 62–64, 67, 102–103

  Adams, Laurie Schneider, 229

  Alberti, Leon Battista, 26–27, 29–30, 32–35, 53–57, 73–74, 92, 100, 234

  on centric point, 32

  On Painting, 27, 32–34

  On the Art of Building in Ten Books (De re aedificatoria), 54

  Platonism of, 32

  Alberti diagram, 32

  algebra, 64–65, 203

  Alhacen, 30

  De aspectibus, 30

  altarpiece, 14, 16, 19, 85

  as polyptych, 16, 18, 47, 86, 88–90

  predelle(a), 88, 90, 114

  See also Piero della Francesca works

  American Council of Learned Societies, 259

  Anastagi, Jacopo degli, 56

  anatomy, 48, 87, 102, 108, 157, 238, 241

  Ancona, 6, 14, 49, 107

  Andréa del Sarto, 194

  Angelico, Fra, 92, 102, 179

  Angerstein, John Julius, 176

  Anghiari, Antonio, 17–21, 23–24, 27–28, 268–269

  Anghiari, Battle of, 44, 46, 267

  Angiolo Giovanni Simone Angeli, 85

  Annunciation, 82, 83, 90, 111, 264

  Apennines, 62, 262

  Aquinas, Thomas, 12, 19, 39, 73, 108, 154, 259

  Summa Theologiae, 39, 108

  Arabs, 11, 30, 39, 95, 108Archimedean polyhedra. See polyhedra

  Archimedes, 66, 93–94, 123–125, 144–145, 269–271

  architecture, 7, 9, 24, 43, 49, 56, 127, 152, 158

  Palladian, 150, 166

  Quadraturisti, 150

  See also Alberti, Leon Battista; Bramante, Donato; Filarete, Antonio; Laurana, Luciano; Piero della Francesca; Vitruvius Pollio

  Aretino, Leonardo, 36

  Arezzo, 77–80, 92, 111, 143, 146–147, 168–169

  Arezzo frescos

  restoration of, 169, 173, 181, 204, 265

  See also Piero della Francesca works

  Aristotle, 12, 40, 94–95, 126, 216

  Aquinas and, 108, 259

  on art and color, 72–73, 171, 239

  categories of, 39

  cosmology of, 152–155, 158

  works of, 25, 39

  art conservation, 253, 261–263

  art history, 161–165, 171–172, 207, 211–212, 217, 269, 279

  See also Berenson, Bernard; Burckhardt, Jacob; connoisseur; Croce, Benedetto; Gombrich, Ernst; Kugler, Franz; Lanzi, Luigi; Panofsky, Erwin; Vasari, Giorgio; Warburg, Aby; Winckelmann, Johann; Wölfflin, Heinrich

  art objects

  banners, 13, 58, 85, 111

  cantoria, xx

  cartoon (cartone), 42, 59–60, 69, 87, 113, 266

  cassones, 67

  diptychs, 4, 52, 120, 171, 181

  as fakes, 250

  sculpture, 24, 27, 48, 115, 162, 181, 211

  statuary, 8, 9, 14, 18, 24, 51, 125

  trays, 4

  See also altarpiece; art styles

  art styles

  baroque, 133, 147, 162, 181, 207, 270

  Byzantine, 9–10, 14–15

  chiaroscuro, 73, 74, 83, 90, 173, 192, 248

  Cubism, 194, 197, 207, 209–210, 235, 246, 249

  French, 9, 193–195, 197

  Gothic, 9, 17, 43, 44, 54, 56, 136

  Impressionism, 194–195, 199, 210, 245–246, 248–249

  International Gothic, 14, 50, 52

  landscape, 10, 28, 46, 116, 190, 196–197

  mannerism, 224

  metaphysical painters, 207

  modernist, 199–200

  naturalistic, 10, 15, 24, 27, 193, 245

  neoclassical, 151, 194, 197

  portraiture, 51, 52, 113–116, 130–131, 167, 190, 246

  Post-Impressionism, 199, 210, 246

  pre-Raphaelite, xix, 167, 170, 174–176, 180, 198, 200

  primitive, 170, 174, 177, 188

  representational, 246, 250

  rococo, 162

  Romanesque, 24, 54

  romanticism, 165, 167, 169–172, 174–175, 188, 212

  sacred conversation, 119, 120, 285

  See also art objects

  art theory, 151, 153, 186

  Assisi, 10, 12, 15, 79

  astrology, 53, 63, 123, 153, 214

  astronomy, 63, 74, 96, 100, 102, 152–153, 156, 165

  Athens, 71, 72, 96

  Augustinian, 85, 86, 116

  Aurispa, Giovanni, 40, 49

  Austrian Empire, xix


  Bacci family, 79, 81, 92

  Bacon, Roger, 30

  Banker, James R., xiv, 125, 252–254, 260–261, 265–271, 274, 281

  Death in The Community, 267

  Barbaro, Daniele, 149–151

  Pratica della perspettiva, 149

  Baron, Hans, 254

  Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance, 254

  Barth, Karl, 225–226

  Battisti, Eugenio, 260, 267, 272, 274

  Baxandall, Michael, 244, 247–248

  Beauty (Platonist), 19, 72, 98, 101, 151, 161, 241, 282

  beauty, 19–20, 128, 160–161, 184–186, 282

  as pleasure, 72, 234, 239, 241–242, 256, 279, 281–283

  Becker, Marvin, 254–255, 259–260

  Bellini, Giovanni, 121, 132, 177, 197, 207–209

  Berenson, Bernard, 204–206, 210, 220, 247, 259

  Central Italian Painters of the Renaissance, The, 205

  and I Tatti, 205

  ineloquent in art, the, 206, 220, 247, 259

  Bernal Collection, 177

  Bernardino of Siena, 21

  Bertram, Anthony, 259

  Bessarion, Basilius, 35–36, 49, 94–95, 99–100, 102, 107

  Bible, 12, 43, 53, 71, 155, 229, 281

  biblical numerology, 63

  Biblioteca Riccardiana, 270

  Bicci di Lorenzo, 80, 84, 93

  biology of vision

  afterimages, 20, 234

  binocular vision, 106

  center-surround cells, 239

  feature detection, 239, 245–246, 249

  feature extractors, 225

  opponent cells, 239

  peripheral vision, 32, 245

  retina, 153, 157, 233, 236, 238–239

  visual cortex, 238–239, 247, 249, 282

  What and Where systems, 240, 246, 249

  See also color; luminescence; neuroscience

  Bisticci, Vespasiano da, 122, 189

  Blanc, Charles, 194–195

  History of Italian Renaissance Art, The, 194

  Bologna, 25, 27, 36, 143, 145, 149, 272

  Botticelli, Sandro, 52, 132, 177, 213, 221

  brain, 83, 233, 236–247, 249, 250, 282, 284

  modules, xiii, 129, 234, 240

  neurons of, xiii, 72, 129, 238, 239, 245, 279

  plasticity of, 243

  science, 72, 108, 128, 223, 225

  See also neuroscience; soul

  Bramante, Donato, 122, 164

  Brera Gallery, 166, 204, 265

  Brunelleschi, Filippo, 24, 31–34, 54, 114, 179, 203, 270

  Bruni, Leonardo, 25–26, 63, 78

  Bruno, Giordano, 99, 100

  Burckhardt, Jacob, xiii, 189–190, 215, 232, 255, 259, 285

  Cicerone, 189

  Civilization of the Renaissance in Ita
ly, The, 189, 215

  Burlington Fine Arts Club, 181

  Byron, George, 167, 171

  Byzantine Empire, 34, 40


  caesar, 56, 282

  Camaldolese, 6, 7, 13, 25, 26, 40, 96

  camera obscura, 156–158, 233

  Caravaggio, 83, 141, 207

  Carolingian, 52, 259

  Cassirer, Ernst, 215–217, 219, 242, 254

  Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, The, 216

  Problem of Knowledge, The, 215

  Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista, 190–192, 205

  Cennini, Cennino, 14, 16, 27, 73

  Craftsman’s Handbook, The, 14, 16

  Cézanne, Paul, 196–197, 199, 206, 207, 209–210, 249

  View of Gardanne, 196

  chain of being, 96–97

  Chavannes, Puvis de, 194–195, 197–199

  Christianity. See Platonism; Protestant; Roman Catholicism; theology

  Christie’s, 181, 183

  Chrysoloras, Manuel, 40

  Cicero, 64, 71, 94, 95, 129

  Clark, Kenneth, 220–222, 228, 237, 260, 265

  Piero della Francesca, 220

  Clark, Robert Sterling, 204

  Clarke, Anthony, 262

  Coleridge, 167

  College of Cardinals, 94, 107, 118

  Colonna family, 23, 26

  color, 73–75

  Goethe and, 171, 187, 233–234, 239

  Newton and, 158–159, 233, 239

  spectrum, 158, 232–233, 235–236, 239

  tricolor mixing, 239

  See also biology of vision

  Columbus, Christopher, 136

  condottiere(i), 9, 10, 23, 35, 44, 115, 141

  confraternities, 3–4, 7, 16, 47–48, 114, 135, 267

  connoisseur, 149, 165, 187–188, 199, 200, 221, 279

  Constantinople, 34–35, 40, 70, 78, 94, 97

  Cooper, Anthony Ashley (3rd Earl of Shaftesbury), 160–161, 183, 184

  Copernicus, Nicholas, 152–153

  Council of Constance, 34, 35

  Council of Florence, xviii, 35, 37, 44–45, 70, 94–95, 109

  Counter-Reformation, 99, 100, 129, 133, 155, 257

  Courtauld Institute, 255–256, 260, 266

  Croce, Benedetto, 210–212

  Crowe, Joseph A., 190–192, 205


  da Vinci, Leonardo, 33, 64, 74, 106, 122, 143–145, 163

  Last Supper, The, 74, 261

  Dabell, Frank, 260–261, 266–269, 274

  Damisch, Hubert, 229

  Dante, 39, 103, 116, 171, 175, 203, 255

  Divine Comedy, The, 175

  Darwinism, 212, 213, 223, 236, 237, 282

  Declaration of Independence, 284

  della Francesca, Benedetto, 5–6, 28, 46

  Dennistoun, James, 170, 172–174, 177–178, 187, 202

  Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, 173

  Descartes, René, 99, 100, 126

  devotio moderna, 44, 95

  dialectics, 96, 225, 284

  Dionysius the Areopagite, 72, 96

  Dominican, 7, 12–13, 31, 80, 92, 99, 142, 165

  Donatello, 24, 27, 134, 148

  double truth, 129

  Dürer, Albrecht, 33, 149–151, 155, 216, 217

  Painter’s Manual, The, 150


  Eastlake, Charles, 170–173, 176–178, 180, 182–183, 187–188, 191, 199, 232

  Eastlake, Elizabeth (Rigby), 169–171, 176

  Eco, Umberto, xi, 185–186

  Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages, xi

  École des Beaux Arts, 194–195, 209, 210

  Einstein, Albert, 99, 126, 216, 217, 227, 235, 278

  Emperor Constantine, 52, 79, 81, 82, 83, 90, 214–215, 266

  Enlightenment, 159–161, 165, 183–184, 186, 188, 257

  Epicurean, 72, 212, 225, 280, 283, 284

  essences, 11, 19, 28, 40, 250–251, 279–281

  beauty as, 19, 101, 160

  brain seeking, 128, 236, 242, 245–246

  number as, 11, 54, 83, 124, 129, 241

  as the Platonic intelligible, 130

  Este, House of, 49–51, 53, 56, 213

  Este, Lionello, 53

  Eucharist, 39, 154

  Euclid, 5, 11–12, 32, 105, 126, 281

  Elements, 11, 42, 63, 64, 103

  Optics, 29–30, 103, 123

  Piero and, 42, 63–66, 103, 105, 123, 147–148, 174

  existentialism, 226, 257


  faith, 284

  Ferrara, 21, 35–36, 118, 213–214

  Council of, 44

  Piero in, 42, 49–54, 164, 192

  Ficino, Marsilio, 107–109, 152–155, 188, 215, 241–242, 270

  Compendium in Timaeum, 154

  Platonic Theology (Theologia Platonica), 108

  Filarete, Antonio, 50

  Treatise on Architecture, 50

  First World War, 215, 257

  Flemish painters, xxii, 42, 50–52, 60, 87, 113–114, 119–120, 131, 192

  and oil, 51, 86, 116

  See also van der Weyden, Rogier; van Eyck, Jan

  Florence, xx, 9, 23–25, 142, 181–182, 205, 254, 267–268

  See also Biblioteca Riccardiana; Council of Florence; the Medici; State Archives; Uffizi Gallery

  Florence Baptistery, 24, 31, 33

  fourth dimension, 235

  Franceschi Marini, Evelyn, 260

  Franceschi Marini family, 168, 179, 191

  Francesco da Borgo (Francesco da Benedetto Bigi), 92–93, 107, 123, 269, 271

  Franciscans, 7, 30, 56, 90, 94, 118, 136, 202

  in Arezzo, 78–82

  and Piero, 6, 92

  and Plato, 12–13, 40, 73, 109

  See also Assisi; Bacon, Roger; Pacioli, Luca

  French Revolution, 165, 167

  fresco, 10, 16, 18, 27, 37, 52, 83–84

  sinopia in, 59, 266

  technique, 57–59

  See also Arezzo frescos; Piero della Francesca works

  Frick Collection, 274

  Frick, Helen Clay, 204

  Fry, Roger, 193, 197–200, 205, 207, 209, 247, 249

  Futurists, 206, 207


  Gardner, Isabella Stewart, 204

  Garin, Eugenio, 254

  genius, 27, 32, 148, 186–187, 211, 257

  Gentile da Fabriano, 14–15, 38, 42, 50, 52, 92

  geometry, 11–12, 30–33, 63–67, 74, 83, 101, 105–107, 122–129

  artists and, 15, 24, 27, 54, 196–197

  Piero and, 19, 20, 42, 19, 195, 203, 228, 248, 281

  Platonic, 154, 158

  of space, 126–127

  See also Archimedes; Euclid; Piero della Francesca works

  Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 8, 24, 134, 156

  Ghirlandaio, Domenico, 132, 194

  Ginzburg, Carlo, 230

  Enigma of Piero, The, 230


  biblical, 126

  clockwork, 160

  as Creator, 11, 13, 39, 40, 128, 156, 225, 280

  and deism, 159

  as ground of being, 226

  Hebrew, 12, 72

  mind of, 219, 278

  as Nature’s God, 284

  and number, 98, 154, 281

  and pantheism, 99, 100

  as wholly other, 225

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 162, 171, 187, 233–234, 239

  Theory of Color (Zur Farbenhehre), 171, 187, 233

  golden ratio, 11, 65, 66, 124

  Golden Legend (Legenda Aurea), 80–82, 130

  Gombrich, Ernst, 221–225, 228, 23
7, 244, 248, 258

  Art and Illusion, 224

  on making and matching, 223

  on mental sets, 223, 248

  Sense of Order, The, 224

  Story of Art, The, 223–224, 237

  Good, the (Platonist), 72

  Grand Tour, 161, 166–168, 171–172, 178, 180, 203, 282

  Graziani family, 28

  Great Depression, 257

  Greco-Roman, 7, 53, 66, 71

  Greece, 40, 57, 97, 172, 283

  Greek language, 8, 13, 25, 35, 40

  Greek Orthodox Church, 34, 36

  Guicciardini, Francesco, 142


  Harzen, Ernst, 179, 202

  Hebrew, 12, 72, 108, 226, 257, 281

  Hellenists, 35, 57, 94, 226

  Helmholtz, Hermann von, 232–235, 242, 247

  Handbook of Physiological Optics, 233

  Hercules, 130–131, 133, 204

  historia, 34, 67

  Hubel, David, 241


  Christian, 71, 108, 119, 188

  civic, 254

  modern, 255, 257–258

  Renaissance, 49, 188, 257

  secular, 129, 256–258

  humanists, 15, 57, 64, 96–97, 201, 255, 271

  literary, 8, 93, 102, 109, 145, 201, 271

  and science, 20, 25, 26, 63, 106, 143

  and studia humanitatas, 8

  See also Alberti, Leon Battista; Petrarch; Pius II

  Hume, David, 161, 183–184, 187

  Huxley, Aldous, 262, 282


  iconography, 21, 57, 214, 218, 220, 230, 268, 282

  iconology, 214, 216, 218–219, 221–223, 228, 230, 279

  Idea (Platonist), 40, 70, 85, 96, 97, 98, 108, 124, 151, 185, 186, 216, 219, 243, 245, 279

  imagination. See psychology

  infinity, 65, 98–99, 100, 124, 126, 225

  intuition. See psychology


  Jefferson, Thomas, 284

  Jerusalem, 71, 81–82, 84

  John Palaeologus VIII, 34

  John the Baptist, 21, 28, 37, 42, 43, 90, 267

  John the Evangelist, 86

  Jordan, Max, 202

  Justus of Ghent, xxii, 114, 182


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