Monroe, Melody Snow - Truth and Seduction [The Callens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Melody Snow - Truth and Seduction [The Callens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “I’ll be careful.” She appreciated the fact he was so concerned about her welfare.

  He picked up a helmet and placed it on her head then snapped closed the chin strap. His fingers nearly burned her skin. She needed to stop reacting with every touch. Right. Like that was going to happen.

  He tapped the top. “Comfy?”

  She nodded. She’d never worn a full-face helmet before, and it was a bit claustrophobic, but she’d deal. He donned his helmet and slid onto the bike. It was now or never. She adjusted her backpack purse, lifted her leg, and slipped behind him. The best part about riding on a motorcycle with such a hunk was that she could wrap her arms around him and squeeze tight.

  The cycle jumped to life. “You good?”

  Oh! There was a speaker in the helmet. “Yes.”

  The ride to town was wonderful. While she’d lived here for the first eighteen years of her life, she didn’t remember the countryside looking this nice, or the ride this exhilarating. The traffic picked up halfway into town. Cody was right. Parking would have been difficult if he’d driven his truck. He parked behind the buildings on Second Street, which was parallel to Main. They had about an eight-block walk, which would allow her to spend more time with him.

  When they got into the mix, there were kids everywhere. The noise was quite loud, but the energy was wonderful. They passed a stand selling cotton candy. Without asking, he bought two sticks and handed her one.

  “I haven’t had one of these in forever.” The first bite seemed mostly like air and was almost too sweet.

  He opened his mouth and managed to stuff half of it in at one time. She laughed. “You got half of it on your face.” She leaned closer. “Let me.” Peeling the sticky goop off his cheek took some doing, especially with her hands shaking. Their lips were only inches from each other, and most of her body seemed to be transforming right before her. Her pussy was the first to wake up and take notice.

  “You aren’t so pristine yourself. You’ve got the candy stuck on your lip.”

  She licked her lips. “Did I get it?” She tilted her head for his inspection.

  He leaned closer, and his ocean-blue eyes lasered straight to her lips. “No. Here, let me help.”

  In that second, her heart stopped. He sucked on her bottom lip and her stomach somersaulted. She wanted to drag the rest of the cotton candy all over her body and have him lick it off.

  “There. All gone.” He leaned back and smiled.

  The line had been drawn. He wanted her, and she wanted him.

  Chapter Six

  Jessie had to force her mind on the activities instead of what just happened. Cody licking her lip might not have been a big deal to him, but it shook her to the core. Emotions long thought buried broke free. And that was from a half kiss!

  He tugged on her hand, acting like he was a teenager in love. From the way he was glancing at everything, he wanted to explore each new adventure. She was game to go along.

  The Labor Day parade consisted of homemade floats that were manned by a lot of drunken cowboys, the high school band, and random groups that had some theme going on. “I take it there is no committee who oversees who gets to be on the parade route?”

  He laughed. “The only requirement is that your group must be dedicated to having a good time.”

  “I like that.”

  Down one of the side streets sat carnival booths. A lot of the kids were swarming around each of the stands. One booth had bobblehead dolls that popped up and down at random intervals. The man running the booth explained something about having to shoot them down in order to win a prize.

  After the kid finished with his try, Cody stepped over to the man in charge. “How many do I have to shoot to win one of those prizes?” He nodded to the shelf full of dolls and stuffed animals.

  “You get three shots and have to hit down two bobbleheads. It’s two dollars a try.”

  He grinned and paid the man. “This is for you.” He winked at her, picked up the gun, and took aim.

  The concentration on his face surprised her. She expected him to joke around. Ping. He hit the first bobblehead. He glanced at her, smiled, and straightened his shoulders. The second shot missed.

  He spread his legs wider, but she refused to think about whether the new position put pressure on his cock or not.

  “I’m going to get the next one.”

  For me?

  Ping. He hit the third one, and she jumped up and down.

  He gave her a quick hug. “So what do you want?”

  You? “Oh, you mean what prize?” She knew he couldn’t read minds, but he had an uncanny ability to read faces.

  The man in charge pointed to the section of prizes she could choose from. There was a pink flamingo dressed in a cowgirl outfit. “I’ll take the pink cowgirl.”

  The owner handed her the doll. She faced Cody, leaned up, and kissed him on the cheek. “As a kid, my mother could never afford to buy me such things.” She hugged the doll to her chest then put it in her purse. “I’ll treasure this. Thank you.” At twenty-nine, she shouldn’t be so excited to have a doll, but since Cody won it for her, she’d give it to her little girl someday.

  “You need someone to keep your new friend company. Give it a try.”

  He was sweet. “Me? I can’t shoot.”

  “I’ll help.”

  If it involved having his hands around her body, she would give it a go. “Okay.”

  Cody grasped her shoulders and placed her in front of the stand. He paid another two dollars and handed her the rifle. He leaned over and stood cheek to cheek, sending her pulse into the red zone. His right hand slipped over hers. She lifted the gun and let him guide her. When his chest flattened against her back, she had a hard time breathing.

  “Relax, and keep your eye on the bobblehead. Try to judge when it’s going to pop up, aim, and shoot.”

  Sounded easy enough, but with his large frame wrapped around her, her mind couldn’t focus that long. Her breath remained too erratic and her hands wouldn’t stop shaking. She didn’t have a chance of hitting anything. He gripped his forefinger over hers, as if he intended to pull the trigger.

  She took aim, waiting for the doll to pop up and pressed the trigger. “Damn, I missed.” She was way too late.

  “You get two more tries. Concentrate.”

  The dolls seemed to come up every two or three seconds. She swung the rifle and shot. Ping. “I did it.”

  Cody stepped away, and her enthusiasm dissipated a bit. “It’s all you now.”

  It was more fun when they both went together. Concentrate. Okay. She could do this. Looking at the doll, she held her breath, waited, then pulled the trigger. “Aww, I missed.”

  She put the rifle down, and he turned her around. “You did great.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead. That wasn’t the location she was hoping for.

  He grabbed her hand. “Come on. I saw something that might be really cool.”

  She couldn’t remember the last time she was so carefree, not worrying about getting the next great story.

  “You haven’t heard from Shane yet, have you?” Cody said Shane would be joining them, and they’d been there over an hour.

  He pulled out his phone. “I forgot to check.” He scrolled down. “Shane texted that he was running late.”

  “Okay.” She hoped he wasn’t staying away because he didn’t want to be with her. In truth, having Cody all to herself had made the day very special.

  Hand in hand, they wove their way through the crowds. How he located the skydiving site she didn’t know. Maybe it was from the roar of the engine shooting air up through a grate.

  “What is this?” She had to shout over the noise. The configuration fascinated her.

  Two men were floating on an airshaft with their arms spread wide. One was only five feet above the ground. Two of the workers were holding on to him as if they were afraid he’d float away from the air and fall. The other man must have been twenty feet in the air. From t
he grin on his face, he was having the time of his life.

  Cody leaned over. “That looks like fun, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes.” She was intrigued, even though she had no desire to jump out of a plane.

  “You want to give it a try?”

  Her pulse shot up. “Really?” Spending money on something so frivolous went against everything she was taught. “How much is it?” While she was making more than she’d ever dreamed, she still had to watch what she spent.

  “My treat.”

  She wanted to argue, but her mother taught her to accept gifts graciously. “Thanks. I owe you one.”

  He winked and purchased two tickets. Getting into the skydiving outfits took some doing, but Cody helped her tug and pull until the suit was on straight. Then the workers made sure her equipment was secure. Since Cody had done this before, the workers let Cody hold on to her.

  She was pleased she’d get to go higher with him and experience something new right alongside him.

  “Don’t let go of my hand. It’s tricky to learn to balance.” He held her gaze until she agreed.

  “Have you ever done real skydiving?”

  He grinned and straightened his shoulders. “Many times.”

  Wow. What couldn’t this man do?

  They both stood over the grate and the engine kicked into high gear. “Oh, my.”

  Her whole body lifted. If it hadn’t been for Cody holding on, she wouldn’t have known how to stay afloat. He kicked his legs backward and she followed his lead. Blood slammed through her body so fast she thought her heart would jump out of her skin. Never had she experienced anything so heady. Cody smiled and her pulse slowed.

  He mouthed, “Hold on tight.” He probably said those words, but she couldn’t hear anything over the blast of the engines.

  Trembling, she squeezed tight. They were floating and flying. “This is sooooo cool.” He probably couldn’t hear her either, but he undoubtedly could see the big grin on her face.

  He twisted them around and let her move her arm around to experience the sensation of being almost weightless. Cody maneuvered onto his back. Still holding her, he moved underneath and blocked her air. The lack of draft made her body drop onto his.


  Every part of her was touching him, and her mind went wild. They were helmet to helmet. He grinned, dropped his feet, and moved away from her. Once she caught the draft, she floated up again. She never imagined this could be so exhilarating.

  Just as she was figuring out how to balance and move, the air lessened, and they floated back down. Her whole body vibrated. She could have stayed up there for hours. Being almost weightless in a safe environment was the coolest sensation ever.

  Cody undressed quickly and had to help her take off her suit because her fingers were shaking.

  The men running the site guided her off the grate. The whole time she’d been in the air, the world seemed to have stood still.

  Cody wrapped an arm around her waist. “You liked that?”

  “It was amazing.” Her heart rate had yet to come down to normal.

  Instead of walking her back to the main street, they exited in the opposite direction toward the alley. The quiet was a nice change.

  “I’m glad you had a good time. I did, too.” He dropped his back against the brick wall and swung her in front of him. “In fact, I loved everything about today.”

  Her heart soared. “I did, too.”

  His gaze never left her face as he pulled her body against his. She melted into him, chest against chest. With his arms wrapped around her, he leaned over and kissed her for real this time.

  Fireworks shot off inside her body. Her lips tingled, and her pussy gushed. She’d dreamed years ago about what it would be like to have Cody Callen in her arms, but being here surpassed all her expectations. Never did she expect his lips to be this soft and kissable.

  He dragged his mouth down her neck and at the same time rotated her around so that her back was to the brick wall. He slipped her backpack to the ground and warm air whipped around them. The cheers and yells from the crowd rumbled faintly in the background. It was as if only the two of them existed, floating high above the world.

  He unbuttoned her shirt and pulled the tank top she had underneath it from the waistband of her shorts. She threaded her hands through his hair, wanting to know what the bristle felt like on her palms. His hair was soft but thick. She could spend hours examining his perfect body.

  “I want you.” His strangled cry turned her insides to mush.

  “I want that, too.” They were outside where the entire town was congregated a mere street away. Every common-sense bone in her body told her to pull away, but she did no such thing. This was her dream, and she was going to grab it now that she had the chance.

  She wasn’t sure how far she wanted to take this right now, but the rush from the simulated skydiving experience had jacked up her adrenaline so much that she wanted more thrills, more excitement. He slipped a hand under her shirt and cupped her breast. Now she wished she hadn’t worn a bra. To have his fingers on her body would be such a high. As if he read her mind, he slipped his hand behind her back and pinched the material together to unhook her bra. The anticipation of his hand on her breast made her pussy wetter.

  Cody’s lids lowered, and his lips softened as if he were in some sexual haze. In a flash, he lifted her shirt and bra, exposing her tits to the air.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to taste you.” He sampled her lips first before lowering his target to her tits.

  She expected him to gently suck. Instead, he dragged her nipple between his teeth and tugged. The exquisite pain turned into such strong, carnal lust that she lost her mind. Desperate to have him, she latched onto his belt and unhooked it. Next came the button and finally the zipper.

  He grabbed her hand. “Don’t go too fast. I want to savor this moment forever.”

  Could he get to her soul any faster? He knew what to touch and what to say. With her whole heart, she wanted to believe he meant every word.

  Instead of grabbing his cock, as was her intention, she ran her hands under his T-shirt. His rippled abs sent her heart soaring. His body molded under her fingers, and when she squeezed his muscled pecs, her pussy walls sure took off, sending out one contraction after another.

  This wasn’t supposed to happen so soon, but Cody was everything she’d ever wanted. For some reason, she wasn’t allowed to take off his pants, but he was taking no time divesting her of her shorts. She let them pool around her ankles, and her body ached for him. When his finger dipped into her pussy, she nearly caved. She had to have more contact. She pulled down his head to reach her lips. She kissed him hard and demanded entrance by running her tongue along the seam of his lips. He pressed his chest to hers. One hand cupped the back of her neck as his tongue greeted hers. His other hand continued to wreak havoc with her clit.

  When he slipped in a second finger, her eyes almost rolled back in her head. Spikes of lust blasted her. She couldn’t get enough of him. Their tongues mated. He swept into her mouth and explored her depths.

  Needing to feel his hard cock, she wove her hand between them and slipped her fingers down his pants. Leave it to Cody to wear cotton briefs. Once her hand touched his hard, throbbing dick, her legs weakened. His hand slipped from her neck to her waist as if he could sense her legs were about to give way.

  “What you do to me, Jessie McCallister. You make me lose my mind.”

  They both were lost then. She squeezed harder and so wanted to suck on his cock, but at the moment her mouth was preoccupied with his lips and tongue. He gently bit down on her bottom lip and moved his kisses lower.

  The stimulation was driving her mad. She wanted to get naked and fuck him silly, but they were outside. If anyone caught them, she might lose her job. As if reason washed down on her, she pulled back.

  “I can’t.”

  Cody withdrew his fingers. “You’re right. I don’t know what I
was thinking. All I know is that I had to have you. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I wanted you just as much.”

  “I doubt that.”

  He reached around and rehooked her bra then buttoned up her shirt. If anyone walked around the corner, it would only be the shorts around her ankles that would draw the attention. She scooted to the side and pulled up her pants. All Cody had to do was zipper up.

  He kept his gaze on her. “I’ve had enough of the crowds for the day. You want to head back to my place?”

  She understood the invitation. Every part of her screamed yes. “Sure.”

  They hustled five more blocks back to his bike. He handed her the helmet as he donned his. After he got on the bike and started it, she climbed on board. This time she wrapped her arms tightly around his back and let her imagination go wild. Her pussy and nipples were still demanding attention.

  She barely noticed the drive back. Her thoughts were too preoccupied to think about anything but Cody and what she wanted to do with him when she got him in bed. He slowed the bike and pulled off the road. She leaned back.

  “What’s going on?”

  He stopped the bike and held up a hand. She could hear muffled voices. He tapped his helmet. He must have been on the phone.

  Then his voice came through her helmet loud and clear. “There’s been another fire. Because of the festivities downtown, the department is shorthanded. They called Shane to the scene.”

  Shane would be sent in to put out the fire. “Oh, God. Is he hurt?”

  Chapter Seven

  Jessie held her breath, praying the phone call wasn’t terrible news.

  “No. I could barely hear him, though, over the roar of the fire. Are you okay with going?”

  He really didn’t need to ask, despite both knowing what they’d be giving up. “Absolutely.”

  Cody turned the bike around and headed back toward town. A half mile down the road, he turned right down a well-packed dirt road. Even with the full-face helmet, the sweet smell of fire reached her. When they got there, another farmhouse was ablaze, and her heart sank. The fire truck was pumping water, and a few firemen were wielding the hoses, but she couldn’t tell if Shane was inside or out.


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