Reflection: The Stranger in the Mirror

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Reflection: The Stranger in the Mirror Page 22

by Rachel R. Smith

  “Yes, almost,” the woman replied for them. She turned to Argia. “Valen told us about the details of the prophecy already. He said that the vision was given to you by a woman who appeared in a dream. Can you tell me exactly what the woman said?”

  “She didn’t actually speak. Instead, she communicated through gestures and revealed to me scenes from the distant future through feelings and impressions of people and places. Her message was a warning of events to come. She showed me the members of your group, and your plans, so that you could include the information from this vision in the same books that you are using to hide the diagrams for your machine,” Argia explained.

  The tiny woman chewed her lower lip thoughtfully. “It is unnerving that someone would know so much about our plans when we have gone to such lengths to keep them undercover. Your talent is fascinating,” she said. “What can we do to make sure that the prophecy will be found when it is needed? It will do no good at all if it is discovered after the foretold events have transpired.”

  “We discussed this already,” Valen interjected impatiently.

  “I know, but it seems so surreal that I want to hear it from Argia myself,” the woman said.

  Valen patted Argia’s back reassuringly. “The dream showed which book will be discovered first and how it will be found. I do not know exactly what date that will be. I only saw the circumstances leading to its discovery and that the events will occur when the time is right,” Argia replied.

  The woman continued to chew her lip but asked no more questions.

  "We need to hurry. The machine isn't going to last much longer," Luca urged.

  “First, I have a question of my own. My dream showed me that your plans are to save the books that King Gared has decreed should be destroyed,” Argia said. “Won’t your copies just be found and burned like the rest?”

  “No, Gared won’t find ours because he is exclusively looking for books related to science and technology,” Luca answered. “We are using the machine in the next room to record the information from the books we intend to save onto crystals. The method is a technology from before the Fall of Civilization and this machine is the last of its kind. Once it breaks, we no longer have the ability to repair it. Unfortunately, you also need it in order to extract the information stored in the crystal. That is why we planned to hide diagrams that show how to build a new one in the covers of six fiction books. Perhaps, one day in the future, someone will be able to recreate the parts needed.

  “Your vision will be divided into six sections, and hidden inside the covers of the books along with the diagrams. They will be passed down through our families until the one you have foreseen comes. To ensure they do not fall into the wrong hands, we will also program the crystals with your impression of the person described in the prophecy to serve as keys.” Luca moved closer and closer to the door as he spoke.

  "What do you need me to do?" Argia asked.

  Luca opened the door behind him, and Argia could see two more men in the room. One was hard at work in the corner binding books by hand and the other tinkered with the source of the mysterious hum—a strange machine connected to six clear crystals. Argia gripped Valen’s hand as she followed him into the room then sat down at the table in front of the machine.


  And so, the books remained safely hidden, looked upon as precious heirlooms. Their true nature was unknown even to their inherited owners. Despite Argia's terrible vision of the future, the peace of Renatus lasted long after King Gared himself had passed and his great-great-grandchildren were born. They were twins, one boy and one girl, both honorable with great wisdom, admired and respected by all who knew them. Their father continually avoided choosing an heir, unable to decide between two equally worthy candidates. After many years, when the King had grown old, the choice could be delayed no longer. Despite patiently enduring their father's unending indecision, both heirs became anxious and began to press him, each insisting that they were most fit to inherit the throne. So much time had passed and their hopes were so intense that the King could not bear to break the heart of either one by choosing the other. He divided Renatus into two nations, Chiyo and Marise, giving one to each of his beloved children. The Gullintanni, loyal protectors of the country, were also divided. To ensure that neither twin felt the other was favored with stronger guardians, the group was reassigned arbitrarily using a lottery. These steadfast servants took on new names, the Ohanzee and the Senka, to represent their new occupation and swore to protect the two new countries from the shadows as diligently as they had done Renatus.

  Time passed, gradually changing the seasons, landscapes, and even the hearts of men—slowly fading the fragile bonds between friends, families, and even kingdoms. In Marise, the people strove to rediscover the knowledge lost in the Fall, to conquer the world around them, and to unlock its vast mysteries. In Chiyo, however, the people clung steadfast to Gared's ideals, seeking to understand nature's complexities, harvesting its bounty, and striving to live in harmony with the lands around them. Both countries flourished, learning and progressing, and growing more dissimilar with each passing year. Eventually, blood ties between Chiyo and Marise faded, and the blissful unity of the two nations lessened to little more than diplomatic relations.


  Caelan and Alala trudged along the narrow dirt path through the trees. Their joints ached and their feet burned from another long day of walking. Today was yet another in a seemingly endless string of days spent moving furtively from one village to the next. Deep down, Caelan wondered if they would ever find a place where she felt safe enough to stay for more than a few hours. Did such a place even exist? Still, a more immediate need was to reach the next village. Caelan desperately hoped they had not taken the wrong turn at the river. Twilight had set in and the warm spring afternoon was quickly becoming a cold evening. The woods here at the foot of the mountains were so dense and the brush so overgrown that it was difficult to tell a footpath from a gap in the trees. She pulled the blanket tighter over her baby's chest, hating the idea that he may have to spend the spring night outdoors.

  "I'm sure the village is not far ahead, M-M-…I mean, Caelan," Alala assured her, sensing her companion’s discomfort.

  Caelan winced at Alala. She had given up her former name when she fled her home. "You would do best to forget you ever knew a woman by that name. It will bring us no good now."

  "My apologies, it will take me some time to adjust," Alala mumbled, now intently studying the path ahead to avoid Caelan's eyes. Just then, hope for a warm bed and still warmer meal flooded her heart. For a fleeting moment, she thought she had seen the figure of a man, but all that remained now were shadows. "We must be close. I think I saw someone ahead!"

  "Impossible, there would never be a village so deep in the woods..." Caelan's argument was cut short by a gasp. Several feet in front of them, three men stepped into the path, blocking their passage.

  "Bandits?" Alala asked, her voice wavering with fear.

  "No, there are no bandits in Chiyo." Her own voice was confident, but Caelan was uneasy. Crime in Chiyo was practically non-existent, but there was another reason why she knew that these men were no bandits. The ponytails high on their heads with hair hanging to their waist, the swords at their hips, and even their confident stance, identified them to Caelan immediately. They were members of the Senka. There was no doubt that the realization was swiftly sinking into Alala's mind too. After all, the Senka were a group both women knew very well.

  Why did they come searching for us? How could they have found us here? Caelan thought. Her mind raced and she felt her feet moving backward of their own accord. Running would be pointless. There was no use in resisting now. She willed herself to stand firm, even as Alala bumped into her gracelessly as she too was carried backward by her rebellious feet.

  "What are you doing here?" the first shadow questioned, smoothly and silently moving to close the gap between them with each word

  Those were neither the words that Caelan had expected to hear nor the accent she had been afraid to hear them in. She hesitated. The men were now close enough that she could distinguish the features of the one confronting her. She didn’t recognize him, and it was clear that he did not recognize her. Realization and relief dawned on her simultaneously. These men were not from the Senka. They must be members of their counterparts, the Ohanzee. The wheels in Caelan's mind spun rapidly into motion. There was one place where the three of them would be completely safe. It was a place the Senka had never found no matter how hard they had tried—the hidden stronghold of the Ohanzee. This was a most fortuitous coincidence! If only she could get this situation to go her way.

  "We are merely travelers, seeking shelter for the night," Caelan replied, choosing each word with care, and unconsciously pulling the blanket ever tighter over her sleeping son’s chest.

  "There are no villages for at least half a day's walk from here. What is your real reason?" The man’s voice was filled with suspicion.

  They had taken a wrong turn at the river after all. It seemed fortune was on their side tonight. "Surely, if you are here then there must be a village nearby," she said shrewdly. All three men remained silent, their stoic expressions unchanged. Caelan decided to try a more direct approach. "You are of the Ohanzee, are you not?"

  "Your voice is thick with the accent of Marise. What are your real intentions? Speak quickly, before I become impatient." His words were more like a growl than a command.

  It was time to play her hand. The very thing that had set them on their wandering path may also secure their future. Caelan may yet be able to prevent a terrible event from happening and find a safe home at the same time. "Two women and a child alone in the forest are hardly a threat to the Ohanzee. As a matter of fact, I may even be able to help you. In return for a favor, of course. I want sanctuary—a home in your village—for the three of us."

  Alala's eyes became as wide as saucers at Caelan's bold request.

  The man looked truly beastly with his eyes narrowed and figure silhouetted in the fading light. "While I agree you do not seem to be a threat, I cannot imagine how two women and a child alone in the forest could possibly help us. Then again, no ordinary woman would know of our existence. You will explain yourself and afterward I may consider your request."

  Caelan drew in a deep breath and began her tale. She could afford to omit no details for fear that they would not believe her. This may be the only opportunity to preserve the peace between Marise and Chiyo. "I have learned through my husband that Casimer plans an attack on Chiyo. He is sending five men of the Senka to the Manor in Niamh to assassinate the Royal Family. They will be disguised as servants and may already be employed in the Manor as we speak."

  The man’s face showed no reaction. "So, Casimer has finally abandoned the pretense of diplomacy." His voice was filled with scorn. "Why is your husband not here with you?"

  "He is wholeheartedly devoted to the plan."

  "And you are not of the same opinion?"

  "I would not be here if I were. I am neither so arrogant nor so foolish as to look down on the way of life of an entire country. The man I married no longer exists as far as I am concerned, and, as such, I have permanently separated myself and our son from him. I certainly have no intention of raising my child to follow such an example." Her voice flared with bitter passion at the last statement.

  The man seemed unmoved, but the white-haired man behind him finally spoke. "This is not an allegation we can take lightly. We will grant you three shelter and food for the night. In return, you will elaborate fully on how you came to this knowledge and came to be here." His voice took on a warning tone. "But know this—if you speak the truth we will grant your request. If you lie, your child will be the sole survivor."

  Jump to Chapter 1

  List of Characters

  *May contain some spoilers

  Nerissa's Family and Friends

  Addy—Pan’s wife

  Charis—Nerissa’s best friend

  Dallin—Childhood friend of Nerissa

  Nerissa–Heiress of Chiyo

  Pan—Baker in Niamh

  Parlen—Nerissa's father, Bond of Chiyo

  Rica—Nerissa's mother, Blood of Chiyo

  Tao—Nerissa's mentor, teacher, researcher of crystals and their uses

  Casimer's family

  Amon—Casimer’s nephew

  Casimer—King of Marise

  Echidna—Queen of Marise

  Ladon—Prince of Marise


  Alala—Senka defector that takes refuge in Darnal, friend of Caelan

  Aravind—Daughter of Haku and Ebba, apprentice blacksmith

  Beadurinc—Personal guardian of Parlen and Rica

  Caelan—Senka defector that takes refuge in Darnal, Rian's mother, teacher

  Caeneus—Mysterious young man brought to Darnal by Einar

  Cattleya—Daughter of Haku and Ebba, jewelry designer

  Cole—Disguise specialist, twin of Eloc

  Ebba—Wife of Haku, blacksmith

  Einar—Nerissa’s archery instructor, Chief Guardian

  Eloc—Disguise specialist, twin of Cole

  Gerda—Wife of Hania

  Haku—Chief Preceptor

  Hania—Chief Advisor

  Harbin—Personal guardian of Parlen and Rica

  Ildiko—Wife of Einar, practitioner of medicine

  Jarold—Swordsman and hand-to-hand combat specialist


  Raysel—Son of Haku and Ebba, First Swordsman of the Ohanzee, Nerissa's personal guardian

  Rian—Swordsman, Raysel’s best friend

  Valter—Personal guardian of Parlen and Rica


  Nils—Chief of the Senka


  Akkub—Governor of Silvus

  Alden—Governor of Rhea

  Argia—Prophetess during the time of King Gared

  Darci—Daughter of Akkub

  Desta—Daughter of Shae

  Erik—Village messenger, Ohanzee agent

  King Gared—First King of Renatus, united the land after the Fall of Civilization

  Gladys—Wife of Erik

  Gullintanni—Secret group that defends Renatus under orders of King Gared

  Luca—Valen’s mentor

  Shae—Prophetess, extractor of plant oils

  Valen—Argia’s guide

  Lands and Towns

  Chiyo—Country ruled by Rica and Parlen

  Darnal—Hidden city of the Ohanzee

  Marise—Country ruled by Casimer and Echidna

  Maze—City in Marise with network of underground canals

  Niamh—Capital of Chiyo

  Nyx—Capital of Marise

  Renatus—Name encompassing all the lands of the world

  Rhea—Capital city of the mountain province of Rhea

  Silvus—Capital city of the province of Silvus

  Yoshie River—River that borders Rhea on three sides


  Rachel R. Smith lives near Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband and the cutest dog in the world, Sumo. When not writing, she plots to fill the interior of their home with books and mineral specimens and to cover the exterior with roses. Learn more about Rachel at or follow the series on Facebook.




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