Cowboy's Barmaid: A Small Town Military Romance (Lucky Flats Ranchers Book 2)

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Cowboy's Barmaid: A Small Town Military Romance (Lucky Flats Ranchers Book 2) Page 61

by Piper Sullivan

  He wanted to combine all Four Elemental Factions under one rule; with himself on throne as the King.

  After kidnapping Damien’s mate, Jasmine, the Water Prince tracked her down and almost killed Coffer. Elder Sera had stepped in, declaring they should follow protocol thereby giving Coffer a trial by his peers. Sera and her five allies took him prisoner and transported him to a safe, well-guarded facility.

  No one, other than those six Elders, knew of Coffer’s location. However, regardless of Coffer’s incarceration, his minions initiated the next step in Coffer’s evil plan.

  Wesley had immediately appointed a new leader of SIN and retired to the family estate in Death Valley, California. As one of the hottest places on earth, the Fire Elementals found comfort in the excessive heat.

  Buried deep beneath the desert surface, Wesley’s faction had managed to carve out an entire city, large enough to house his entire Faction. Returning his attention to Lance, Wesley moved past his brother and slid behind his desk. Although the majority of the Faction lived underground, Wesley maintained the estate above-ground for business purposes.

  “Well, it was time I retired and left the fighting to the young ones,” Wesley quipped, hoping to convey his false calmness over the entire uproar.

  “Too bad the Four Factions have declared war on the Elders,” Lance observed. “You were called out of one war to fight in another. So much for retirement, huh?”

  Wesley chuckled in dry amusement. Apparently Lance had no clue to the real danger they faced. That realization alone angered him beyond reason. It was the Throne Council’s responsibility to aid Lance and it was their job to know every detail. Either they were in on the coup and planned to throw Lance to the other side or they sincerely didn’t know.

  “Well,” Wes mused, brushing his anger aside. He’d deal with the Council soon.

  “I decided it was the perfect time to resume Father’s mantle. Why fight the Human’s war when we have our own? SIN in its entirety was given leave so that my soldiers could return to their homes and prepare for our own Civil War.”

  “Out of the frying pan and into the skillet, eh?” Lance quipped.

  “Exactly,” Wes agreed. “And I have a decree I’ve yet to follow.”

  Lance’s eyes widened and a faint blush crept across his cheeks.

  “You did send for her?” Wes asked, his body tensed at his brother’s hesitation.

  “She’s on her way here now,” Lance confirmed. “Under tight guard and maximum security. I wouldn’t chance her safety after the two previous mates being taken hostage. I don’t know exactly how the females play into Coffer’s coup, but I wanted to ensure her arrival.”

  Wesley nodded, inwardly pleased with his brother’s forethought. Apparently Lance had grown and learned much in his years on the throne. Wesley was very proud and could think of no higher honor than declare Lance as the Prince’s Adviser. Even though Lance was a Prince in his own right and legally, the next Heir, he could still serve the throne in a more formal capacity.

  “Very good,” Wesley praised. “Would you care to remain by my side as my Adviser?” he asked, knowing Lance wasn’t going to leave his side.

  Lance grinned broadly, his chest puffing like a frog.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way my brother,” he replied.

  Wesley nodded curtly and smacked his open palm on the solid wood desk.

  “That’s settled then,” he concluded. “Now we call a meeting of the Throne’s Council. We have things to discuss and a game plan to formulate.”

  Chapter 2

  Beth lowered her book and turned to stare past the muscled goon and out the tinted passenger window. A convoy of black SUVs had arrived to retrieve her at the airport and a gaggle of soldiers had shadowed her ever since. Everything she owned was packed neatly and tightly in the five rolling suitcases in the storage area of the Suburban.

  She’d left behind many beloved books and sincerely hoped her husband-to-be would be willing to replace them. She’d known from a very young age that she belonged to the Fire Elemental’s Heir, however, she’d never met the Prince face-to-face. Other than a few pictures, she had no idea just what kind of person she would spend the rest of her life with.

  She’d heard that he was a soldier in the Human military and that told her that he was a very loyal person. She just hoped that trait applied to his personal life as well. Having been raised under the Ancient Laws, Beth knew that most Princes took multiple lovers in an effort to replenish their numbers. Although he could only mate one female, physically he could take as many concubines as he wanted. Seeing as though the female numbers were next to none, she hoped she’d at least have him to herself for the better part of the next century.

  Of course, she wasn’t exactly what men of his stature looked for in a mate. At five-feet-eleven inches tall, Beth was what most would call a “healthy woman.” She’d developed long before other girls her age - Dragon or Human. She wasn’t ashamed of her voluptuous figure, she just hoped her fiancé wouldn’t mind the few extra pounds.

  After Beth and Wesley’s union, all Four Factions would have dual leaders and babies wouldn’t be far behind. It wouldn’t be long and the number of children would greatly increase.

  She just wished that their world was more stable for those poor souls about to enter it. Being born during a Civil War wasn’t something she wished on anyone. But her first priority was to give the Fire Elementals a new Heir.

  “ETA in ten minutes,” the driver barked and the other six men checked their weapons and coms.

  “Locked and loaded,” the soldier on her right called. The man to her left, a younger version of the driver, turned toward her and smiled.

  “Welcome home, Princess,” he murmured.

  She returned his smile with a tight-lipped one of her own and watched as they cleared several security checkpoints before finally rolling up a circular driveway. She marveled at the bounty of greenery surrounding the brick and mortar estate. Small saplings lined the driveway all the way from the highway to the front door and a multitude of shrubs and shade trees littered the thick, green grass covered lawn.

  A twelve-foot, metal security fence surrounded the estate for miles on either side and replica iron bars covered each window. Once they’d rolled to a stop, she waited for her flank guards to exit the SUV and then slowly stepped out behind them. Glad she’d pulled her long crimson curls into a high bun, she sighed when a gust of hot, dry air hit her as she left the air-conditioned vehicle.

  Sweat immediately beaded between her breasts and along the back of her neck. She inwardly groaned, knowing that by the time she got inside the house, she’d be sporting a halo of frizz around her head.

  Two of her guards preceded her and she fell into step behind them like a dutiful woman should. Grasping her messenger bag tightly, she steeled herself to finally meet her betrothed.

  As they approached the massive double oak doors, they swung inward and a young man addressed her with open arms.

  “Welcome to your new home, my sister-to-be,” the man greeted and Beth instantly identified him as the young Prince Lance. She peered around him and frowned when she noticed that he was alone in the open entryway.

  Her guards separated, each taking a post on opposite sides of the front door, leaving her to walk in alone. She closed the distance between herself and Lance and suddenly found herself in a warm embrace. Only a few inches taller than her, Lance enveloped her as if she were a long-lost sister returning from seclusion. She relaxed somewhat and gently patted him on the back to convey her thanks for his thoughtfulness.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you in person,” she responded. “The estate is very beautiful.”

  “Yes, well, Wesley wanted to go for the ‘inviting’ atmosphere should any visitors deign to grace us,” he quipped conspiratorially. “The Estate house is merely for stage performances, so to speak. The royal palace is deep beneath our feet and much more extravagant than this,” he informed and waved hi
s hands to encompass the house. “Why don’t you follow me into the Library where we can wait for Wesley to finish his meeting?” He swept his hand toward the open door to his left and then offered her his arm. Smiling at his gentlemanly ways, Beth slipped her hand through the crook of his arm and nodded graciously.

  Although deep inside she was extremely disappointed that her fiancé hadn’t greeted her himself. She hoped he wasn’t one of the New Age Dragons. She’d studied and practiced the Ancient Ways and thought those who didn’t were uneducated and uncouth. Was that what she faced in her new life? Was she about to marry into the wrong side?


  Wesley had finished his meeting with the Throne’s Council and rushed to his room to change when he heard vehicles approaching. A quick glance out of the window revealed a convoy of blacked out SUVs, confirming the arrival of his intended bride. Realizing his nervousness at meeting his future mate, he jerked his hand from the curtains and slunk away from the window. He’d known from a very young age who his mate would be and hadn’t really given it much thought until the Elders decreed each Prince take a mate.

  Since he already had one waiting for him, he hadn’t hurried to consummate the union as the other three Princes had. But now, knowing that his three fellow leaders were happily mated and planning to bring new dragonlings into their families, he wondered if he had it in him. Would he be a good father and mate? Would he grow to love Elizabeth as his father loved his mother?

  Never one to believe in fairy tales and such rubbish, Wesley tended to look on the more practical side of things. His future mate came from a decent and wealthy family. He’d never seen her but outward appearances never attributed to the real person inside. He’d seen unattractive women be absolutely the gentlest souls and he’d met supermodel gorgeous women who were hideous human beings. Of course, he was a man and he hoped that he and his mate found a mutual attraction to one another.

  They had many centuries of being together to endure. Nevertheless, he would do his duty.

  A gentle knock on his suite door had him snapping back to reality.

  “Yes,” he called over his shoulder as he moved across his room to study the contents of his closet.

  “Princess Elizabeth Henderson has just arrived,” a tall, gangly man announced from the open doorway. Wesley nodded at the man, letting him know he’d heard him and then waved his hand dismissively.

  “Have Lance escort her to the Library, I’ll be down shortly,” Wesley ordered and began searching for something comfortable and presentable; he wanted to make a good impression after all.

  Pulling on a pair of soft gray trousers and a black knit polo shirt, Wesley gave his reflection a cursory glance before heading for the stairs. When he reached the balcony guardrail, he stopped dead in his tracks as his eyes lit on the fiery-haired beauty on his brother’s arm.

  His first impression was that she bore a close resemblance to the Greek goddess Artemis. Had he not known she was a Dragon, he would’ve believed her to be an Amazon. She was tall, the top of her head a mere few inches shy of Lance’s six-feet-two. Her red hair was pulled up in a severe bun on the top of her head but a few wisps had escaped to flutter lightly around her shoulders and long, slender neck.

  His mouth watered at the thought of tearing her clothes off with nothing but his teeth. Her body was full, curvy and built for sex. High, full breasts threatened to spill out the V of her little black top and his fingers flexed at the notion of peeling that red, knee length pencil skirt down her legs.

  When she turned her head toward Lance, she wore a smile that almost brought Wesley to his knees. His fire burst into flames deep down inside of him and his Dragon roared to life. He just hoped he could hold the beast off long enough to make it through the ritual.

  If left to his base instinct, he’d have jumped the banister, landed directly before her and taken her right then and there for everyone to see. Every fiber of his being demanded he lay claim to the vixen before it was too late.

  “Good grief Wesley, you’ve been without a woman far too long,” he murmured to himself and turned to descend the stairs. Walking with a raging hard-on wasn’t exactly comfortable, but he turned his thoughts to puppies, kittens and even his elderly grandmother. Imagining her naked wasn’t very appealing, so by the time he’d hit the Library’s threshold, everything was back to normal.

  But the moment her abnormally green eyes met his, his body tightened taunt as a violin string. One mere strum and he was done for. Using all his training and self-control, he steeled himself and closed the distance between them.

  “Princess Elizabeth, may I present my brother - and your betrothed - Prince Wesley Ingram, leader of the Fire Dragon Elementals,” Lance introduced and turned a beaming smile on his brother.

  “My dear brother, I was just telling your beautiful bride-to-be about our parents,” Lance beamed.

  Wesley extended an open palm and quietly waited for her to speak first. He didn’t trust himself not to say something stupid or inappropriate.

  “Your photograph doesn’t do you justice, your Highness,” she greeted and he involuntarily shuddered at the sexy southern twang in her voice. Having been raised in South Texas, her accent was sweet, soft and an utter turn on. Hell, everything about her turned him on.

  Wesley saw Lance fidget nervously from the corner of his eye and knew he was being a weirdo, so he managed a smile in return and using his thumb, he gently brushed the buttery softness of her skin.

  “I imagine I was much younger - and more gangly - back then,” he quipped and was rewarded with a laugh - a full, honest laugh. “Was your trip comfortable?” he asked without releasing her hand just yet.

  “Oh yes,” she hastened to answer. “I’m afraid I didn’t have much privacy, but I was quite comfortable.”

  He smiled in return and forced himself to let her hand slide free of his. His skin burned and pulsated from the absence of her contact. He wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and never let her go.

  Chapter 3

  Beth let her hand drop to her side but kept her fingers folded tightly against her palm. She didn’t want to let on how much his touch had affected her. He stared at her like a man in a trance and she didn’t know whether it was because he’d found her less attractive than he’d hoped or on the slight chance he was into bigger girls - more so.

  She shifted from one foot to another, not really sure what to do or say next. Her entire future stood before her – appearing somewhat befuddled if anyone asked her.

  Tall with broad shoulders, he stood a whole head taller than her. His raven black hair was sheared close to his skull, as was military protocol, but it suited him very well. She’d known from the force of his grip that he was very strong but she’d expected a more formidable presence.

  Instead, his coral blue eyes bored into her as if he could see right through her.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked softly and when he flinched, all her fears and emotions came pouring out. “I’m sorry if I’m not what you expected or wanted, I understand if you wish to live separately after I’m with child, I promise, I won’t cause you any trouble or keep you from taking a mistress.”

  Her chest heaved with every breath and it wasn’t long before tears blurred her eyes. She inhaled sharply when he stepped even closer to her and took her upper arms in a tight, firm grip.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” he demanded softly. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I’m damn near speechless. I’m afraid I’ll say something stupid if I don’t monitor every word completely before it leaves my mouth,” he confessed.

  “And just for the record,” he lowered his voice and she caught the edge of warning in it. “I’d never let you live away from me. That isn’t the way we do things anymore. Where would you get such an antiquated idea?”

  Shock slammed into her like a freight train.

  “I was raised to practice and obey the Ancient Ways,” she pulled away from him and folded her
arms across her chest. “Does this mean your Faction is a Modern?” she demanded tartly. Her face burned and she knew that her skin had flushed and a heavy redness settled across her cheekbones and nose.

  The shocked look on his face told her everything she needed to know. She cursed her body’s traitorous reaction to him and wondered just how she was to survive in a Modern Faction. It would be like an ice cube trying to survive in the desert. How could her parents have done this to her? How could they have kept this from her?

  Their species were in the midst of a Civil War and she found herself on the opposite side from the man she’d pledged to spend the rest of her life with. She couldn’t refuse to marry him now, it would bring shame on her and her family. And she believed Wesley when he said he refused to allow her to live separately from him.

  She waited with baited breath while the Prince and his brother merely stared at each other in shock. Apparently they didn’t know of her family’s position in the war.

  “Yes, your Highness,” Wesley answered and reached forward to take her hands in his once more. When she tightened her stance, he pried her arms free and gripped her firmly by the arms. “This Faction is Modern and after our ceremony, you will be too,” he informed.

  She flinched as if he’d slapped her. She’d been packed up, shipped off and forgotten like an old piece of luggage. She’d left behind everything and everyone she’d ever loved out of dedication and duty. Now, her future husband demanded that she desert her core beliefs and embrace those she’d despised her entire life?

  No matter how much her body burned for his touch or how deeply her soul cried out for him, she didn’t know if she could do as he commanded.

  “I don’t know if I can do that,” she replied calmly, but struggled to keep her voice steady. “You’re asking me to abandon my entire belief system and that’s tantamount to spitting in my ancestors’ faces. How can you expect me to convert so easily?”


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