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Satisfaction Page 18

by K. M. Scott

  “I thought you did great. You showed him you’re a man who defends the woman you love, and at the same time you were pretty badass while you were doing it.”

  “I just worry that one day I’m going to lose my cool, and then what will happen? I don’t want to have to leave you and Annalea.”

  “You won’t, Kane. It’s okay to think about doing things as long as you don’t act on them.”

  He smiled. “I’m surprised you came here tonight, especially since the last time you were here I was such a bastard to you. You could have told me all this tomorrow at the hospital.”

  “Well, maybe I’m changed a little too. I could have waited until tomorrow morning. The old Abbi probably would have, but I didn’t want to wait. I wanted to try to fix what I thought was wrong tonight. I just didn’t realize what you were going through. I guess I still need to work on my confidence.”

  “I would never look down on you because you went out with that guy, Abbi. You were too good for him then too, but that wouldn’t make me think less of you.”

  “I’m so glad to hear that, Kane.”

  He stood from the couch and held out his hand. “I better get you home. It’s getting late and you have to be at the hospital early tomorrow.”

  Crestfallen, I took his hand and pulled him back down on the couch next to me. Why didn’t he want to kiss me or even get close to me? I’d had enough talking about things for one night.

  After all this time, I wanted more, so I pushed my fears away and kissed him full on the lips without hesitation. His lips softened instantly and he kissed me back the same delicious way he’d always done before. Whatever reservations he may have had melted away in seconds, and everything we’d been since that first night came rushing back between us.

  I pressed my forehead to his and closed my eyes. “Kane, I don’t want to go home. It’s not really home without you there.”

  He cradled my face and kissed me again, this time even more passionately than before. “God, Abbi, when you’re this close and say things like that, I don’t ever want to let you go.”

  “Then don’t. Don’t let me go.”

  Sliding my hands under his suit jacket, I eased it over his shoulders and down his arms as we kissed. He threw it away from him while I unbuttoned his shirt, barely holding back from ripping it off his body I wanted him so badly.

  I broke the kiss to lean back and look at his half-naked body, still as breathtaking as it had been that first night I laid eyes on him as he lay on that hard floor beside me. His muscles rippled beneath his skin so soft, and as my gaze traveled down over his chest to his chiseled abs, I saw those familiar silver barbells pierced through his nipples.

  My chance to admire him passed quickly as he leaned forward and slid his hands up underneath my dress, skimming my thighs as he moved to what he wanted. A few tugs and in the blink of an eye, he was pulling my dress over my head. His mouth returned to plunder mine as he made quick work of my bra and pulled me on top of his lap. Wearing only my panties, I straddled him.

  Everything was moving so fast, but I didn’t want it to stop. After months of being without his touch, I wanted all of him in every way.

  Kane’s hands settled on my hips, holding me tightly so when he lifted his hips off the couch I felt his hard cock through his dress pants push against my wet pussy, and all I could think was how much I wished we were naked already. I began to roll my hips to feel him against me again, but I saw in his eyes a darkness that told me something had changed in him.

  I stopped moving and asked, “What’s wrong?”

  He took a ragged breath in and slowly let it out, as if he needed to calm himself. “I’m not sure I should be with you yet, Abbi.”


  He looked away and frowning, said, “I…I thought I’d be able to control myself more, but we’re not even making love yet and I know I’m like I used to be. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I’m not a piece of fine china that you’ll break, Kane. You never hurt me like that.” Turning his face to look at me, I said, “I love how you are with me when we’re together.”

  “My demons, though. What if—?”

  “I don’t want you to change that part of you. I love that you control our lovemaking. I want a man who does that. I know my nature. I guess I’ve always known. If I wanted some nice guy who was gentle and sweet all the time, I don’t think I’d have given you a second look, Kane. You’re not exactly a lapdog kind of guy.”

  He nodded and hung his head. “I just didn’t want to hurt you, and I thought if I changed, then we’d be safe.”

  I shook my head and smiled. “I don’t want anything but who you are with me. I love that man. He drives me wild with how much I want him. I don’t want safe. Safe is boring. I want you just how you’ve always been with me.”

  Kane looked up at me with a devilish look in his eyes. “Even my other piercing?”

  “Especially your other piercing. If you got rid of that, Kane Jackson, I don’t know if I’ll be able to forgive you.”

  His grin told me his cock piercing was still waiting for me. “Nope. Nothing’s changed down there.”

  I leaned forward and nuzzled his neck, mumbling against his skin, “Good. I can’t wait to feel it again.”

  Lifting me off him, he stood up in front of me and sexier than I thought possible, he unfastened his belt, slowly pulling it from around his waist as he stared down at me with a look full of need. Then he unzipped his pants to show me he’d gone commando and nothing had in fact changed. I watched, mesmerized by how beautiful his body was, every inch of him hard and muscular.

  He held his hand out toward me and grinned. “First we need to get you out of those underwear, and then I’m going to start making up for being absent for so long by fucking you better than you’ve ever been before.”

  “I’m not sure you can improve on that first night,” I teased as I stood and stepped out of my panties.

  Kane pulled me into him and kissed me hard, just as he had that first night we got together. As he slid his hands down to cup my ass, he groaned, “Just watch me.”

  And there, in those tiny rooms where he’d lived as almost a prisoner for all those years, he made love to me like the man he was. Rough. Ragged. Hard. But with each time my body took his inside it, I felt what no one else knew of him. The kindness of a protector who loved me and despite his demons was the only man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Months of living in fear that I’d never be more than the anger that lived inside me faded away as I made love to Abbi. I could be myself with her and she still loved me, and with each thrust into her warm and willing body, I felt at home again.

  I’d never be the kind of man who was gentle and sweet, but she didn’t want that. She wanted the man I’d been with her—the truth of me I’d shown her from that first night together. I could give her that, even if I needed to work day and night fighting the demons in every other part of my world.

  Abbi moaned softly in my ear as my cock filled her one last time and her cunt surrendered to me and everything I was. My body reacted to her giving herself to me again, and I flooded her with my release, never wanting to leave this very spot in the corner of my crappy living room.

  “That was as wonderful as I remembered,” she said quietly with a sweet smile.

  I pushed her damp hair from her forehead and leaned down to press a small kiss on her temple. “I’m sorry I was gone for so long, angel. I hope someday you can forgive me.”

  She looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes I’d missed so much. “I forgive you, Kane. I love you. How could I not forgive you?”

  I didn’t know how I’d ever gotten lucky enough to have such a wonderful person fall in love with me, but I knew at that moment I couldn’t let her go ever again. Mustering all the courage I had inside me, I asked the question I should have asked the minute I found out she was carrying my child.

nbsp; “Abbi, will you marry me?”

  Tears quickly filled her eyes, and for a second I thought I’d said the wrong thing, but then she answered me with the sweetest words I’d ever heard.

  “Yes, Kane. Yes, I’ll marry you. But you have to promise me something, okay?”


  “Promise me we can live in that little house with the yard and the squeaky door. I want Annalea to grow up there. I don’t care how much money we have. I just want us to live in that house that you gave me. It’s the best present anyone has ever given me.”

  “I think that can be arranged. We’ll stay here until we’re married, and then once we’re husband and wife, we’ll live there. You and me, and when Annalea comes home from the hospital, that’s where she’ll come home to.”

  Abbi’s face showed her confusion at my idea. “Why do we have to wait? Why can’t we move in before we get married?”

  “Because I want us to start off our new life together fresh there. But we could get married soon.”

  Excited by that idea, she squirmed out from underneath me and sat up. “How soon? It’s already almost the middle of December.”

  I took her hand to hold it, loving how she was as thrilled by the idea of marrying me as I was about marrying her. “What about a New Year’s Eve wedding? It fits, doesn’t it? It’s a new start, so why not do it for the new year?”

  “Oh, Kane! We can have it out at Alexandria’s house. What do you think? Her home is already decorated for Christmas and looks like a gingerbread house it’s so beautiful. I know she’ll say yes. What do you think?”

  She nodded her head eagerly as she waited for my answer. I didn’t care where we got married. Hell, I’d have been fine with us finding an empty spot on the beach, as long as we could get two witnesses and a minister to officiate. I needed just a little more time to make sure my surprise for her was complete, but I knew by New Year’s Eve everything would be ready.

  “Wherever you want to have the wedding is perfect. We can ask Alexandria together in the morning.”

  Abbi wrapped her arms around me and hugged me to her as she rested her head on my chest. “You’ve made me the happiest person in the world, Kane. Now all we need is Annalea home with us and everything will be perfect.”

  Hand in hand, Abbi and I walked up the stairs to the front porch of Alexandria’s home. As we got closer to the door, I cringed at the memory of my last time there. Sensing my tension, Abbi squeezed my hand and said, “Don’t worry. She’s going to say yes. She loves you like one of her own sons.”

  “I’m not worried about that. I was just thinking about that night I came here and how I treated you,” I said as I avoided her gaze.

  She stopped and turned me toward her. Cupping her palm against my cheek, she shook her head and smiled. “No more talking about that. I love you and you love me, and whatever happened, happened. So let’s go inside and tell Alexandria the good news.”

  “How did I ever get lucky enough to have someone like you fall for me?”

  “I don’t know, but now that I got you, I’m never letting you go, Kane Jackson.”

  Alexandria showed us into the kitchen and we sat down to tell her our good news. Abbi practically bounced in her chair with every word, and as she listened to her, Alexandria’s eyes welled with tears.

  “I’m so happy you two finally found your way back to one another. And yes, of course you can have your wedding here. The house is already decorated for a party, so all we need are the bride and groom and some family and friends. I think a New Year’s Eve wedding is wonderful.”

  “Then it’s settled. On the last day of this year, Abbi and I will get married right here. But right now, we have to go tell our little girl the big news.”

  Abbi and Alexandria talked about wedding plans as we walked to the front door, promising to discuss every last detail later that day. Not that I wasn’t excited about what we’d eat and drink and who should be invited, but I’d never been one for parties. I cared more about Abbi finally being my wife than anything else.

  Not long after, Abbi and I stood in front of Annalea’s isolette and told her the good news that her mother and father had finally figured out what they should have known along. That no matter what, our love was strong enough to fight whatever demons came along.


  Cash and Stefan stood with me in Alexandria’s kitchen trying to calm me down, but it was no use. My hands shook like leaves in a hurricane as I waited to hear it was time for me to take my place at the altar and wait for my bride.

  “Just take a deep breath, Kane,” Cash said with a smile. “I know how you feel. Don’t worry. It will all be over in a few minutes and then you can relax.”

  “Unless it goes the way yours did,” Stefan joked.

  My heart slammed into my chest at the thought of Abbi leaving me standing at the altar, and I shot my younger half-brother a nasty glare. “Someday you’re going to be where I am today, and I hope I’m there to make you as nervous as you just made me, you son of a bitch.”

  Stefan flashed his frat boy smile and raised his hands in surrender. “Just kidding. It’s all in good fun. Don’t worry. Abbi will be right there with you when the time comes.”

  “Stef’s right. Everything’s going to be fine,” Cash said in his calm, businessman tone. “Let me go check and see if it’s time.”

  Cash walked out onto the back porch, leaving me pacing back and forth across Alexandria’s kitchen. Jesus, I’d never been this nervous in my life! How the hell had Cash done this twice already?

  “Hey, I hoped we’d get a chance to be alone so I could say something to you.”

  I saw in Stefan’s eyes what he had to say wasn’t his usual joking. “Okay. What’s up?”

  He swallowed hard and then cleared his throat. “I hated you for a long time, Kane. I resented you because of my father, and then when you and Abbi fell apart, all those feelings came back to the surface as everyone around me seemed to feel bad for you. But I don’t feel that anymore. Maybe it was the time I spent with Abbi out at the island house. Maybe what happened between me and Shay helped me see that all that hate was wrong because you hadn’t done anything to deserve it. I don’t know, but what I do know is that I don’t want us to be like that anymore.”

  Some part of me had always known Stefan harbored hatred for me, but I’d thought those feelings had faded over time as we worked together at Club X. Now, though, I saw in the emotion that filled his eyes that those feelings were still strong for him. I’d never meant to make anything harder for him by asserting my birthright, and it had taken a long time for me to understand what my showing up in his life must have been like for Cassian March III’s youngest son.

  “Thanks, Stefan. I didn’t mean to…” I stopped for a moment because I wanted this night to be a new start, not just for Abbi and me but for who I was with my brothers too. “You were there for Abbi when she needed someone. I saw how much she depended on you in those days right after Annalea was born. I’ve never said it, but thank you. You stepped up, and I’ll never forget that.”

  “She’s a great person, Kane. You’re a lucky guy. I hope you always remember that because I told her and I’ll tell you—if you screw up again, I’ll kick your ass like I should have last time.”

  I knew he was serious, but I couldn’t help smiling. “I’ll take that deal, but I won’t be screwing up again.”

  Stefan clapped me on the shoulder. “Good to hear.” Straightening his tie, he turned to walk toward the back porch but stopped and looked back at me. “I guess this means I’ll be the only unmarried brother now.”

  “You never know, Stef. You and Shay look like you’re going the same way Abbi and I did.”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “I don’t know. Only time will tell, I guess.”

  Cash passed him as he walked out and looked at both of us like he understood something had happened while he was gone. “You two okay in here?”

  I nodded, happy to say we were oka
y. “Yeah. I was just telling Stefan he’s next to the altar.”

  “Speaking of that, it’s time. You ready?”

  My hands began to shake again, but I nodded. “I’m ready. You have the ring, best man?”

  Cash reached into his pants pocket and brought out the gold wedding band he had to hold until the ceremony. “Got it. Let’s get out there. Your bride is waiting for you.”

  I followed him out onto the back porch and down the pathway lit by lanterns and tea lights toward where the altar and the minister stood waiting for us. Olivia, Stefan and Shay, Samson, Simone, Travers, Tonya, and Alexandria sat on both sides of the makeshift aisle and smiled at us as we passed. I took my place at the right of the minister with Cash by my side and waited to see Abbi come down the path next to the house from the bungalow where she and Gemma had stayed to get her ready.

  Looking up at the night sky filled with stars, I thought about all those times I wished for my father to come live with my mother and me. He never did, but I never stopped wishing. Now as I waited for Abbi to make me the happiest man on earth, I silently wished one more time.

  Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight. Help me be the man who someday deserves Abbi and Annalea, and never let me forget it’s my most important job to become him.

  Cash lightly elbowed me in the side and whispered, “Hey, there’s something much better to look at over there.”

  I looked where he pointed and saw Gemma walking toward us dressed in her dark green bridesmaid’s gown. Behind her, Abbi stood at the end of the pathway looking more beautiful than anyone I’d ever laid eyes on. Dressed in a white strapless satin gown that flowed perfectly to the ground, she looked like an angel.

  My angel.

  She walked slowly toward me as I tried to focus on every part of her so I’d never forget this moment. Her long blond hair fell over her shoulders in soft waves that tumbled toward her elbows. Tiny pink and white flowers weaved their way through her hair from her temples around her head like a halo. In her hands, she held a bouquet of tiny pink roses tied with a white silk curled ribbon.


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