Bobby Does Dallas (Hill Country Heart)

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Bobby Does Dallas (Hill Country Heart) Page 3

by Sable Hunter

  Even though she worked with erotic romance, Cecile was not experienced. Carl was the only lover she had ever had. She knew that his manhood was average or a little smaller, but if he would have given her half a chance, she would have cherished him and any attention that he would give her. She made herself think of a dog that she had once seen. She was tied to a tree and had a small house to get in out of the weather. Every day she walked around in a circle on her short chain and the people who had once petted her as a pup, now walked by her without speaking. The dog would jump up and down in greeting, wag her tail, begging for attention, but no one ever stopped to give it any affection at all. She had felt sorry for the dog. Cecile felt like that animal must have – she craved affection, but for the most part – she was ignored.

  Time seemed to be dragging, this was so important. Shedidn’t know if Carl realized exactly what was happening, but this was a test – big time – for Cecile. With trembling fingers, she picked up his semi-erect cock. She heard him hiss; and interpreting that as excitement, she took him into her mouth and began to massage the shaft with her lips and tongue. Cecile felt a small quiver of excitement. With one hand, she caressed his thigh and with the other she picked up his scrotal sac and rubbed his balls tenderly. She was so intent on her seductive endeavors that she did not notice that her tender ministrations were not producing any sort of response. Carl gripped her shoulder. At first, she thought that he was going to pull her close – caress her – encourage her. Instead, he tightened his grip until it was painful. Gasping, she let go of all contact with him – with her hands and her mouth. “Stop, Cecile!”

  Cecile grew very still. Bowing her head, she fought her emotions. “Did I do something wrong?”

  Carl stepped back from her. He huffed out a breath and pulled up his underwear. “I’m sorry, Cecile. It’s not going to happen. You just don’t do it for me. I’m sorry, but I’m not attracted to you.”

  Stumbling to her feet, Cecile raised a tear streaked face to her husband of seven years – the only man who had ever touched her body. "I can’t do this anymore, Carl. There's no use for us to put off the inevitable any longer. I’m sorry that I’ve been such a disappointment to you. I will be glad to give you a divorce.”

  ~ Chapter Two ~

  Throwing her suitcase in the back of her Lexus, she wiped her eyes on her sleeve and decided she was turning over a new leaf. Swearing that this was for the best, Cecile prayed that she wouldn’t throw up until she got out of sight of the B&B. If the owner was indeed Ethan, she hoped to one day soon be coming back for a wedding. She’d hate for them to retain a memory of some dorky woman upchucking in their front yard.

  Wrenching open the door of her car, she stepped in. Just as she shut the door, rain began to fall in thick sheets. Carl hadn’t bothered to dispute her offer of a divorce, so she had dressed and left the room as quickly as possible. She had no idea if he would return to their home or not, so for the time being, that was where she was going – simply because she had no place else to go.

  Again, she wondered if Carl had a lover. Or could he be gay? Shaking her head, she tried to clear her mind. Did it really matter? Either way, he didn’t want her. Covering her mouth, she stifled a sob. Her husband didn’t want her. Although, this wasn’t new information, it still hurt like hell. She had made one last ditch effort to make him love her and it had faled – why didn’t really matter.

  Driving down Lonely Street, she left Lost Maples and her marriage behind. Cecile made plans in her head. She would let Carl have the apartment and she would find a new place to live – maybe a quaint little house in an older neighborhood, maybe uptown or Victory Park. She would have to change her mail, her phone number – God, so much to do. She had to call a lawyer. Annalise. Lord, she needed to talk to Annalise. Now wasn’t the time to tell her about Ethan, but she did need to tell her that the divorce was on. Watching the road, she hit the #2 on her car phone control on the steering wheel which speed-dialed her friend in East Texas. A faint buzzing sound alerted her that there was no cell service in the area. Belatedly, she realized how far back in the sticks she was. Turning off the phone menu, she tried to concentrate on the road. It was narrow and curvy and in the dark, it all looked alike. Pity that she wouldn’t be staying longer at Lost Maples – it was a beautiful place.

  Narrowing her eyes, she tried to determine what she was seeing. It was some type of reflection. With a squeal, she realized that a little dog was standing directly in the road ahead of her. Applying her breaks, she threw her whole weight behind trying to stop the car without throwing herself into a tail spin on the wet pavement. She managed to stop, but the backend of the car swerved, nearly making her scream with fright. Pulling off the road, she jumped out to make sure the little dog was okay. It was a dachshund, her favorite breed. “Come here, fella. I won’t hurt you.” She called to the little dog, which scampered away. Cecile took chase, knowing that as fat as the little dog seemed to be, he was undoubtedly somebody’s precious baby. She didn’t want to think of him smashed in the road come morning.

  Carefully, she ran down the highway after the dog. Her shoes were slick on the bottom, so she tried to watch her step. In such a hurry to get away from Carl, she had only thrown on a pair of jeans and a thin white blouse. Running through the downpour, she was completely soaked. “Wait, puppy! Wait!” Rounding a curve, Cecile realized that she wasn't alone out on the dark, lonely road. She had run right up on a pickup that had slid off into the ditch. The hood was up over the engine and a man stood looking over the side, working on Lord knows what. She wasn’t into car mechanics. Seeing the man, the little dog headed straight for him. Apparently, he seemed to be less of a threat than she was. Cecile slowed to a stop. She never considered that the man might be dangerous – she had been through so much that the thought of facing anyone other than Carl seemed easy. “Excuse me, sir. Is this your puppy?” Cecile scooped the little dog up, afraid that another car could come up on them at any time.

  Bobby heard a voice. The rain was coming down so hard – at first he thought it was his imagination. His truck was held together with baling wire and good intentions – and now he had gone and skidded into a damn guard rail. But that voice . . . it was soft and husky and decidedly feminine. Immediately, his cock rose to the occasion. Straightening, he couldn’t wait to see the face that belonged tothat sexy voice. There was a halogen lantern hanging from the top of his hood, and he was momentarily blinded. Staring into the darkness, he waited for his eyes to adjust. Recognizing the tell-tale whimper, he crooned to the animal. “Mojo! Baby, how did you get out of the truck? Don’t you know we couldn’t do without you?”

  Cecile thought she would melt. A big man like him talking baby-talk to a dog; it was the sexiest thing she had ever heard. It was hard to see his face in the glare of the lantern; it took a moment to get used to. But the idea of the six-foot plus, broad shouldered he-man caring for a little animal was a powerful aphrodisiac to her. Carl had been as apathetic toward animals as he had been to her. He wouldn’t have stopped to chase down the little dog; he might not even have tried to avoid hitting it.

  “Hello angel.” He took the dog from her grasp. Was he speaking to her? Or the dog? Probably the dog. She had never been anyone’s angel. “Thanks for rescuing my puppy. A deer ran out of nowhere. I didn’t hit it, but my pickup had an unkind run-in with this guardrail. My fuel line looks busted. Not to mention my passenger door – that’s how this little guy got out, I guess.” Moving to one side, Bobby tried to get a good look at Mojo’s rescuer. Ah, now he could see her. Bobby feasted his eyes upon one of the most delectable women he had ever seen. She was wet from head to toe – her hair hung in curly little tendrils around a sweet, heart-shaped face – but what lay below was what took his breath away. Her blouse was utterly transparent from the rain and she didn’t have a stitch on underneath it. His hands cupped and his fingers itched to cover those jiggling mounds with his hands and squeeze. The white shirt gleamed in the lantern light and he could
see that she had big nipples – and the poor baby was cold. Damn!

  “Can I take you somewhere?” She felt no fear of the man. His affection for the dog alleviated any misgivings she might have had. “There’s no cell phone service here,” she offered breathlessly.

  Bobby took Mojo from her grasp. She had been holding him at waist height – thankfully – not covering up those generous, stupendous tits. Hiding those from his sight would have been an absolute crime against nature.

  “I can’t leave my truck; it’s full of supplies that could be stolen. Besides, I’m not too far from my house, sweet girl.” Another car passed by, fairly close, and she reached out for him, pulling him closer to her. Her protective instincts made him smile.

  Realizing what she had done, she apologized. “Sorry. I was afraid they couldn’t see you very well.” She pulled her hand back, quickly. “Be careful out here. Can I call someone to come help you? There’s bound to be cell-service not too far down the road.”

  Bobby was smitten with his would-be rescuer. He had never thbeen so immediately and completely infatuated. “I‘ve already called my brother on the radio. But I sure appreciate how sweet it was for you to stop and rescue this big fella. I’m Bobby, what’s your name, precious?” He held his hand out in greeting and after a moment’s hesitation; she placed her hand in his.

  Immediately, her whole body flooded with warmth. Her hand tingled and set off answering sensations in her nipples and clit. Wow! This guy was potent! “Ceelee,” she used the name that her Daddy always called her – it was dear to her heart and no one else had ever called her that. It seemed fitting, somehow, that this man would.

  “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” His words made her blush – he could see that even in this light. “Are you chilly?” He hated for her to cover up, but he couldn’t stand the thought of her being uncomfortable. “I might have a jacket in my truck.”

  For the first time, Cecile became aware of the direction of his gaze. Looking down, she was horrified to see that she might as well have been naked. There was nothing about her breasts that wasn’t on full display. Being in such an emotional state, she hadn’t bothered with a bra and now she was blatantly exposed. Lifting her arms to cover herself, she apologized profusely. “Good grief! What you must think of me! I’m so sorry. I didn’t think.”

  The look on her face confused Bobby. Every other woman he knew would have thrust those tits out or rubbed them against him. This one acted like she was waiting for him to berate her for exposing herself to him. Facing away from him, she looked so distressed that all he wanted to do was draw her close and assure her that seeing her beautiful body was a treat and a privilege, not some hardship to be endured or avoided. “It’s okay, sweetie. You don’t have to turn away from me. I wouldn’t hurt you for the world.” His words didn’t seem to bring her any comfort. She still looked as if she thought she had committed a crime.

  “I’m glad your dog is okay. If’ there’s nothing else I can do for you, I guess I should leave.” Desperately, she pulled on the wet material that was plastered to her body. “I’m so sorry,” she apologized again. She couldn’t believe that she had stood there holding a conversation with him like an idiot. He probably thought she was coming on to him. Damn! Carl had told her several times that her breasts were too big for her frame. Once, about a month ago, he had flat out told her that she needed to wear looser clothing, that her body was no longer that of a teenager. “I’m glad you’re both okay. Excuse me, again.” How humiliating. She turned to go; wanting only to get in her car and away from this embarrassing situation as fast as she could.

  Stopping her with a light touch, he spoke softly. “You have nothing to apologize for. You are absolute heaven to look at.” Bobby couldn't take his eyes off of her. Even with wet hair and no make-up, she was the cutest thing he had ever seen. "Would you like to go out with me sometime?" She flashed him an exasperated, disbelieving look. “Are you free – I mean, do you have a boyfriend or husband?”

  He watched as desolation rolled over her face. Something was wrong. “There’s no one – not anymore.”

  She seemed to catch herself before she said anything else. Straightening those fragile, yet strong little shoulders, she faced him with arms crossed over her breasts and smiled a tremulous, shy smile. “I can't stay. I'm on my way back to Dallas. But thanks for asking, that was very nice of you. You didn’t have to, you know. There’s no charge for puppy rescues." Politeness was the only response that she could think to make. Even if it were possible, there was no way she would put herself in the position of going out with this man. He was light years more attractive that Carl; in fact he seemed to have night vision problems. After all, not more than an hour ago, her own husband had pulled his dick out of her mouth and calmly explained that she wasn't sexually attractive enough to give him a hard-on.

  “Don’t go. Not yet, please.” As he took hold of her arm, he noted how she jumped at his touch; he wondered if it was just because she didn’t know him, or had someone been mean to this little angel? “There has to be some way for us to get together, I want to properly thank you for coming to our aid.” Sidling up to her slowly, so as not to scare her, he rubbed his hand down her arm – letting her feel his heat. “You’re like a dream; walking up on me out of the dark. You’re so beautiful. Can I kiss you, sweetheart? Would you let me taste your lips?” If she had been one of the buckle bunnies, she would have given him a sexy come-on smile and kissed him before he kissed her. Instead, this angel stared at him with a puzzled expression.

  “You want to kiss me?” The wonder and disbelief in her voice was unexpected.

  “More than you can possibly imagine.” Still holding the dog in one arm, he used his other hand to push back a few strands of her soft hair. Cupping the side of her neck, he tugged her forward about halfway – leaving the rest of the journey up to her. “Isn’t this romantic? We’re going to share our first kiss in a Texas rainstorm. Kinda fittin’, baby – because you’re certainly taking me by storm.” His words seemed to hypnotize her; she leaned forward slowly as if being reeled in by the heat of his gaze. “Oh, yeah. Come to me, love. You’re my every fantasy come true, did you know that?”

  “I’m not,” she protested softly. “I’m quite ordinary, really.” Even as she spoke, her focus was on his lips and hers were opening in invitation. “But I would love to taste your kiss – just once,” her last words were said as his mouth covered hers. Both of them groaned at the bliss. His lips were firm, but – oh, so yielding – and they caressed her with the gentlest of movementCecile could feel a trembling begin down in her very core. She couldn’t remember ever being this aware of a man, before.

  “Sweet. Lord, you’re sweet.” Bobby pulled at her lips, biting them, gently. Nibbling. Sucking. Seducing her by teasing with barely-there-kisses, making her respond with kisses of her own as she sought more of the incredible pleasure he was offering. Little whimpers of need escaped her lips and he ate them with relish, upping the ante with an aggressive kiss that devoured her, making her stand on tiptoe and push those firm, feminine tits topped with hard, berry nipples into his chest. “God help me. I’m gonna come in my britches, baby girl.”

  It felt so good to be kissed like this! With trembling hands, she touched his rock-hard chest, allowing her fingers to work their way up the muscles of his pecs and over the top of his broad shoulders. Straining to get nearer to him, she let her arms wrap around his neck. Coherent thought became an impossibility; all she could do was feel and marvel at the incredible miracle of Bobby’s mouth giving her more pleasure than she ever expected. Boldly, she let her tongue rub over his. He captured it and sucked it into his mouth, making her vagina tighten with anticipation. Before she could stop it, her hips jerked and she pressed her needy mound up against his hard thigh. Accidentally, she bumped the little dog, who squirmed, but Bobby gathered Mojo closer and continued with the mind-blowing kiss that was changing all of Cecile’s preconceived ideas about what she was capable of f

  Bobby felt her push her sex against him and his cock surged within the tight confines of his blue jeans. She tasted like honey and he wanted to eat her up like candy. Gentling the kiss, he tried to bring them down from the near orgasmic high that had them clinging to one another with unrestrained passion. “Oh, sweetheart. Thank you, baby.” He nuzzled her face, kissing her cheek, under her ear and then down the side of her smooth, soft neck. “What a gift you are. I want to see you again, soon. If I could, I’d just take you home with me now. We’re going to be great together.” As he talked, he loved on her and Cecile was mesmerized with desire. Finally, what he was saying registered, and she realized the absolute craziness of what she was doing! She had to leave! She wasn’t ready for this. Only minutes ago, she had left her husband, who had repeatedly ground her self-esteem into the dirt. Cecile had no faith that another relationship would end up any different. Right now, she had zero sexual self-confidence.

  “I’ve got to go, Bobby. This was a mistake – a wonderful mistake, but I don’t belong here,” she pulled away from him and started walking toward her car. She had wrapped her arms around her middle, bowed her head and headed out into the rainy night. Bobby started after her. There was no way in hell he was going to let her walk out of his life.

  “Ceelee! Wait! What do you mean?There was no way that kiss was a mistake, baby. It was a beginning!" He started after her, but before either of them could say another word – the rain that had previously slowed down, came back with a vengeance. “Wait! Please!” Bobby called after her. He hadn’t meant to do anything that would upset her. He wouldn’t have hurt her feelings for the world. “Sweetheart, please don’t leave,” he begged.


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