Bobby Does Dallas (Hill Country Heart)

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Bobby Does Dallas (Hill Country Heart) Page 8

by Sable Hunter

  “Damn, hold on sweetheart – I’ve got to turn those steaks over. I don’t want to have to explain why I let them burn.” He jumped up and Cecile felt shy, sitting there waiting to see what he would say or do. She walked over to the side of the creek and watched the tiny fish swimming in the water. In a minute or two, she felt him join her – the heat of his body was like a magnet. He fitted himself to her back, wrapping his arms around her middle and laying his head against hers, stealing kisses from her neck and cheek. “Now, explain all of this nonsense about you thinking you’re a dud in bed. What idiot gave you any idea that you were less than perfect?”

  Holding her arms up she clasped them around his neck, turning her head to seek his kiss. Yeah, she was pushing him away – NOT! She needed her head examined. All she was doing was setting herself up for a long, hard fall.

  He accepted her sweet offering, letting his hands settle on her waist and inch up. Her nipples blossomed at the idea that he might touch him. She was so hungry to be wanted.

  “Tell me, sweet cheeks. Who hurt you?” He let his thumbs tease the underside of her breasts, and she arched her little back pushing those luscious tits into the air. “Later on tonight, baby – I’m gonna make you come, so hard. You know how?”

  It didn’t hurt to dream. ⼜How?” Cecile asked with her heart in her throat.

  “I’m going to suck on those incredible nipples until you scream. Have you ever come just from having your sweet titties played with?”

  Now there were two fingers teasing each breast, making them swell and ache. If he didn’t touch her nipples, she thought she would die. “No,” she groaned. He would be shocked to know how sexually deprived she actually was. “Remember – I correct the grammar and punctuation in hot sex scenes – I don’t actually take part in any.” Pulling out of his embrace, she walked to the grill. “The steaks smell good.”

  With guarded control, Bobby removed the steaks from the grill. Cecile started to gather up the tray of items to help him back into the house. “Wait,” he spoke softly, but firmly. Placing the steaks in the warmer, he took the tray from her hands and then led her deeper into the grove of pecan trees until they were out of sight of every cabana and there was no one to witness their conversation, but a couple of squirrels. Taking both of her hands in his – he pulled her near until they were touching – chest to chest – mound to bulge – thigh to thigh. “You told me the night we met that you didn’t belong to anyone – not anymore. What did you mean?”

  She soothed her nerves by studying his beautiful face. He had a beauty mark high on his right cheek and his eyes were golden brown. There was a sexy growth of beard that she longed to feel on her bare skin and his cheek bones were high, his jaw strong and his lips – were damn near the sexiest thing she had ever seen. “I’m divorced. Recently. But, I haven’t slept with my husband in almost three years.” Bowing her head, she confessed it all. “I’m not very inspiring – my husband couldn’t make love to me. I didn’t excite him enough to – you know – give him an erection. He said that I was frigid and not woman enough for him. That night that I stopped to catch your puppy – I had just left him. I had asked him to meet me here at Lost Maples and I tried one last time to seduce him – but, I wasn’t successful.” How humiliating! She tried to back up, but he held her fast – “Now, you know why I can’t have sex with you.”

  With a growl, Bobby grasped her by the shoulders and shook her ever so slightly. “Listen to me. I’m going to speak as clearly as I can. Your husband was a fuckin’ idiot.” Bobby was furious. How could any man who had a sweet doll like this steal her self-confidence and treat her so shabbily. If she belonged to him, he would worship the ground she walked on. “Raise your sweet head and look at me.”

  It took her a second or two, but she did. Her eyes were brimming with tears.

  “Will you give me a gift?” His mind went to what Alex had told him about Scarlet’s gift of her body and her innocence and how precious it was to him.

  Cecile looked confusednbsp; “Yes,” she said slowly. “But what can I give you? What do I have that you would want?” Was he talking about a book or a momento of some kind? And how did they go from talking sex to talking gifts? Well, that was par for the course – at least for her.

  “I want you.” Bobby moved his hand to clasp her chin, his thumb caressing the soft line of her cheek. “Will you give yourself to me, Ceelee? Would you give me a chance to show you how beautiful making love can be?”

  Every nerve – every cell in Cecile’s body was vibrating with need. Dare she risk it? “Are you sure? It may not be very good for you.” Before he could answer, she pressed on. “If it’s not good – you won’t tell anyone or tease me about it in front of anybody, will you?”

  Bobby realized that she was serious. What had that bastard done to her? Before this was over, he would have a name and an address and he would make one man sorry he had ever been born. “There’s no way it won’t be good, doll. I’ve kissed you – I’ve felt you melt in my arms. Sex with you is going to be out of this world. And I will never, ever tell anyone anything about what is between you and me. As far as I’m concerned – if you put your trust in me – I’ll treasure it, and I’ll treasure you.”

  Okay. She was convinced. Bobby was very persuasive. Closing the miniscule distance between them, she laid her head on his chest and sighed. “I wish we didn’t have to take time to eat the steaks. I’m ready to go to bed with you, now.”

  Bobby had never eaten a steak so fast. He tried to be polite – make conversation. He listened to the last minute wedding plans – this was an important event in their family and he wanted to give Ethan and Annalise his full support. But what he wanted to do most was get Cecile in his bed – where she belonged. As soon as he thought she was about through, he started making noises that he was about to retire for the night. “Man, I’m beat. I think I’m gonna turn in early. Aren’t ya’ll tired?” He yawned and stretched until Ethan began to snicker. Cecile had turned three shades of red, afraid that Annalise and Scarlet would become suspicious. No chance. They were too deep in talk about canapés and petit fours.

  “Bobby,” Annalise broke their conversation long enough to give him a chore for the next day. “Do you think that you and Cecile could drive in to Austin and pick up my gifts for the bridal party?” Now that he didn’t mind. Spending time with Ceelee was an answer to prayer.

  “Not at all – we’ll be glad to do that for you – won’t we Ceelee?” Nobody had blinked an eye at his nickname. “Maybe we can hit a couple of hot spots while we’re there.” There – he had set the stage to make their outing a real date. He didn’t plan on wasting any time. And speaking of wasting time – as soon as verybody got up and started going their separate ways, he waylaid Ceelee in the hall and backed her all the way to the bedroom. “I can’t wait another minute – I’ve got to have you.” Closing and locking the door behind them, licked his lips in anticipation of what they were about to do.

  “I want you, too.” Her heart was pounding and her knees were weak. Cecile hadn’t been this nervous since she was sent to the office in fifth grade for passing a note to Tommy Walker.

  Bobby turned down the covers on the bed, and turned to her. “Come here, baby.” She walked to him slowly, knowing that this was a huge step for her. He had no idea how hard this was for her. But – Lord in Heaven – she wanted him. Her hands were literally itching to touch him. She had never seen a more beautiful man. And the possibility that he wanted her was almost more than she could comprehend.

  As she walked up to him, she untied the straps of her sundress. It wouldn’t take much to shed it – and she was glad. She was much too nervous to have to think about performing a sensual strip-tease. As if she could. All she wanted was to not make a fool of herself, and ‘please Lord’, she prayed – ‘please let me be sexy enough for him to be able to make love to me’. Was that too much to ask? If he couldn’t, she would never, ever put herself in a position like this again. Dang! Now, she
was even more nervous. Pressure! “Shall we turn off the lights – or light a few candles?”

  Bobby drank in her beauty. It amazed him that she didn’t have a clue how fuckin’ gorgeous she was. He was swelled so big that it felt like he had a baseball bat down his pants. “No, I want to be able to see every glorious inch of you.” He walked right up to her, and took hold of the neckline of her dress and began to peel it down. Inch by inch, he unveiled those glorious breasts that had fueled his fantasies for weeks.

  “God Almighty!” Her sundress had a built-in shelf bra, so when he pulled it down – there they were. He did the only thing that he could think of – he went to his knees. “Oh, Ceelee – sweetheart – you are exquisite.” Placing a hand on the outside of each breast, he pushed them together – oh, so gently. “I can’t wait. I’ve dreamed about this moment.”

  Cecile thought she would sink to the ground – melt into a puddle – evaporate into a mist of ecstasy. Her hands came up to cradle his head – backed off and then – finally settled on his soft hair. He had buried his face in her cleavage and he was kissing first the side of one breast and then the other. She shivered with excitement, and when he started rubbing her nipples, a whimper of delight escaped her lips.

  "Sit down here on the bed, baby. Let me make you happy."

  When he palmed her aerolas and began massaging them, Cecile felt an unaccustomed wetness grow between her thighs. "That feels incredible, Bobby."

  Bobby looked up at her, tenderly. "I've always liked to suck on candy – lemon drops, peppermint, jelly beans – but these little nipples look like they'll become my favorite. Hold on baby – this is going to make you cream." Still holding one nipple between his fingers, he bent his head to take the other in his mouth. First, he swirled his tongue around it – making it distend, seeking solace.

  Cecile felt her toes curl, readying herself for untold ecstasy. She was enchanted by the loon on his face as he worked at her breast. He was actually enjoying it – maybe she wasn't a lost cause. Kneading the back of his head, she watched intently as he opened his mouth wider and engulfed her entire areola in his mouth. "Oh, yes!" she couldn't help but exclaim. The drawing of his lips, and the suction that he was applying winged its way from the tip of her nipple all the way to her womb. As he set a mind-blowing rhythm of sucking one nipple and tweaking the other – Cecile moaned in utter abandon. "God – this feels so good!"

  Bobby chuckled; her sweet murmurings were music to his ears. Making another person feel good had never meant so much. "Stand up sugar – let's get you out of this dress. I want to see the rest of your beautiful body."

  Cecile wasn't ready for him to stop kissing her breasts – she had felt like she was on the verge of something extreme – but she wasn't nearly at the point where she felt confident enough to ask for what she wanted. He sat back on his heels and she stood up, unsteadily. "Look at your beautiful tits, Ceelee – they're swollen and pink from my loving."

  "I enjoyed that so much, Bobby." Carl had never been a breast man, so the pleasure that she had received from Bobby's lips on her nipples had been a rare treat.

  "Turn around," he ordered in a hoarse voice.

  Eagerly, he pulled down the dress and discovered a pair of lacy red undies that he peeled off like wrapping paper. "Oh baby." He stood up and shucked off his clothes, tossing them in the general direction of the hamper.

  Cecile tried to get a glimpse of him, but he was behind her and on his knees before she got a good look. "What are you doing?" she wanted him in front of her so she could join in the fun.

  "Patience, baby." Fingertips began a fevered dance over skin that had seldom known the touch of another human being. Cecile gasped at the sensation. Rasps of a warm tongue traced down the middle of her back, following the line of her spine. A sharp little nip on he hip, made her jump and squeal with surprise. "You've got the sweetest little bottom." He cupped her hips and began to knead, "I've got big plans for this gorgeous ass," he promised. Sweet kisses peppered over her back and hips, and soon Cecile was grasping at the air – needing something or someone to hold on to.

  Finally, she begged. "Please, Bobby. I want to touch you so badly."

  "How could anyone deny a request like that?" He stood as she turned, his cock was fully engaged and standing up straight – nine and half inches of proud male flesh.

  Cecile didn't know where to start. "It's okay for me to touch?" she sought his approval, looking closely at his face for any sign of hesitation or disgust.

  "Please," he choked out.

  Gratefully, she let her palms smooth over his chest. The hard muscles were so sculpted that they appeared carved and she closed her eyes and marveled at the texture of his skin and the dusting of hair that felt so good beneath her fingers. Letting her hands slide up his neck, she moved closer – her nipples nesting in his chest hair – they both groaned at the sensation. Her proximity caused his cock to nudge her belly and she stepped back to get a good look. "My God!"

  Bobby laughed. "Is that good?"

  Now it was Cecile's turn to go to her knees. "I can do this – I think. At least, I'd like to try. Tell me if I mess up." Taking his organ in both hands she massaged its length, feeling his hips buck in response. "You are beautifully made," she whispered. Laying her cheek against the throbbing flesh, she caressed it with her face, planting kisses at the base and then up the shaft.

  Bobby thought he was going to explode before she ever took him in her mouth. "Shit, baby." he groaned.

  Immediately, Cecile sat back and looked up, expecting to be pushed away. "Shall I stop?"

  Cupping the back of her head, Bobby crooned to her. "Lord, no baby. Take me in your mouth – suck the head."

  With renewed confidence, Cecile eyed the large purple head with its topping of pearlescent pre-cum glistening like icing. Trembling a little with excitement, she licked the very tip and heard Bobby growl an unintelligible syllable. Opening her lips, she slid her mouth over the head and down the shaft. She wasn't totally inexperienced at this, but neither was she sure enough of herself to be totally at ease. But, when he tightened his fist in her hair and started pumping in her mouth – Cecile joyously went to work – sucking, tonguing, kissing – taking him as deep as she could.

  Bobby was almost beyond coherent thought – Shit! – her mouth was heaven. It wasn't the most professional blow-job he had ever had – but that didn't matter one whit. This was Ceelee and he had rather have her tender efforts than the most experienced mouth in Vegas. "That's it baby – God, this feels good."

  His praise only made her want to please him more, so she cupped his sac and began caressing and massaging his balls as she sucked and pulled at his swollen cock. She was doing it! A man was actually enjoying her touch! She felt powerful and feminine and very much a woman for the first time in years.

  "Stop, baby," Bobby pleaded. At first, panic knifed through her heart. Oh, no. But, he pulled out of her mouth, and eased her back onto the bed. "I want to come inside you. Now." Grabbing a condom, he sheathed himself. "Are you ready for me?" He felt between her legs and smiled when he discovered her wet and swollen. "Yeah – you want me don't you doll?"

  "Yes." He didn't give her a chance to say more. She was ready for him – more eager and turned on than she could ever remember being. Briefly, she considered telling him about her unfortunate virginity – but decided against it. Surely, he wouldn't know – it wasn't a complete hymen and he was so big. Besides, she didn't want to do anything that would break the mood. A man was about to make love to her – Cecile Fairchild – and it was going to be glorious!

  Bobby knew that he was rushing things – but Lord he couldn't help it. He had abstained for months and all of his desires and fantasies had been focused on this one delectable little woman and now that he had her under him – he had little to no control. Slipping a hand between them – he fitted the head of his cock to her tender opening and plunged in.

  Shit! Her gasp of pain and the barrier that he ripped through surprised th
e hell out of him.

  "What the fuck?"

  ~ Chapter Five ~

  Cecile didn't know what to do. There was enough light in the room that she could see his face. He was not happy. She hadn't meant to make any noise – it had hurt, but the pain was fading. Having Bobby inside of her was so different than Carl – she could feel him stretching, caressing her inner walls. It felt good. "Please don't stop," she begged.

  Bobby was shocked. She was a virgin! How? And he had hurt her. The thoughts that were swirling through his head totally shot his focusor the first time in his life, Bobby Stewart lost his erection.

  It withered like a cucumber left too long on the vine.

  Damn! Easing up, he moved to one side. "I'm sorry, baby. I wasn't expecting . . ."

  She lay there for a moment, trying to process what had just happened. It had been so fast. Cecile could feel her soul curl up and die inside of her tender spirit. It had happened again. Bobby might not have been expecting it, but she should have. Cecile was shaking with mortification. Carl had been right. "You don't have to say anything." All she wanted to do was get up and get out of the room. If it wasn't for the wedding and breaking Annalise's heart, she would be in her car and off the property within minutes.

  Before Bobby knew what was she was about to do, Ceelee had grabbed her sundress and was out of the bed and in the bathroom. Oh God, he had hurt her! Jumping up, he donned his pants and hopped on one foot till he reached the bathroom door. Trying the knob, he wasn't surprised to find it locked. "Ceelee, baby? Are you all right? I'm so sorry. I wouldn't have hurt you for the world. Please come out and let's talk about this. I need to understand."


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