Learning to Trust

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Learning to Trust Page 9

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  The doctor, looking a bit bored, scribbled a few notes in his computer tablet before looking up to answer my question. “You gave us quite the scare. Your sugar levels had dropped to such low values that had you not arrived when you did, you would’ve slipped into a diabetic coma.”

  My eyes bugged out at the doctor’s words. I’d never let my sugar levels get this low before. “What?! But I’m not diabetic.”

  “Whether you suffer from low or high blood sugar, it is still considered diabetes. Do you have a blood glucose monitor at home?” the doctor questioned.

  “No, sir. The doctor I’d been seeing on campus said I didn’t need one.”

  “I beg to differ on that. We’ll be sending you home with one to monitor you more closely until we have things back under control. We have you hooked up to a glucose-based intravenous drip right now and have been delivering some medication via IV to help raise your glucose levels. I’ll go ahead and release you to go home, but you’ll need to be monitored around the clock for the next 24 to 48 hours to ensure your blood sugar levels stay within normal range of 70 to 100. Do you have anyone that can look after you or that you can stay with?”

  Before I could even begin to process everything, Garrett spoke up. “She’ll be staying with me. I’ll make sure she’s taken care of.”

  My brows furrowed and I frowned at this declaration, but before I could protest, he squeezed my hand. “We can discuss this in more detail when we’re alone.”

  The doctor wrote down a few more notes. “I’ll go ahead and issue release papers with strict orders that are to be followed for the next two days. The nurse will bring in a blood glucose/sugar monitor and show you how to use it. I want you to check your blood sugar levels every three hours for the first 24 hours. If everything looks to be holding steady, then you can move to every five hours the next day and then three times a day after that.”

  “Okay,” Garrett said, typing furiously on his phone.

  Is he handling business or taking notes?

  “Don’t go back to the campus doctor; I’m sorry that person wasn’t more proactive. You’re very lucky this young man was with you when you fainted. I want you to follow up with an endocrinologist who specializes in diabetic care. They’ll run some more tests and be able to help you work on a proper diet, medicine and exercise program to keep you healthy. I want the IV to run for another hour. By that time, your paperwork should be ready.”

  “Thank you, doctor,” I said as he left. I turned to Garrett. “We should probably let Christina get back to campus. Can I see her for a moment to thank her?” I asked.

  He left the room for just a moment, returning quickly with Christina.

  “Thank you for watching out for me, Chris,” I said, taking her hand.

  “It was my pleasure, Laurel. I’m just glad to see you back in the water, though sorry you’re still having issues with your sugar levels. Are you going to get to go home today? What about graduation tomorrow?”

  “I’m going to be released shortly. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your help.” I gave her a quick hug. “Nothing could keep me from graduation. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Garrett stuck his hand out to shake Christina’s. “Thank you for your help. My driver will take you back to the campus or anywhere you need to go.”

  “Swanky,” she murmured with an exaggerated wink. She gave my hand a quick squeeze and was on her way.

  I turned my head towards him, knowing that he could probably read how upset I was about his offer to take care of me. “I hardly know you and don’t feel comfortable staying with you. I can easily go back to the dorm and stay with Hannah.”

  “While you were unconscious, I sent Thompson over to your dorm room to collect a dry outfit for you to wear when you’re discharged. While he was there, I had the opportunity to speak with Hannah on the phone. She told me she was moving most of her things out today and spending the remainder of the week with her family, which would leave you by yourself and I won’t have that. By the way, she wants you to call her as soon as you’re settled tonight. She’s very concerned.”

  “Garrett, I…” There were so many things I wanted to say, but my head was still so scrambled I couldn’t find the words I needed to present a strong argument.

  He took a seat next to the gurney and grabbed hold of my hand. His eyes looked deeply into mine. “Laurel, you know I care for you. I think that should be quite obvious by now. I cannot, in good conscience, allow you to go back to your dorm alone and have you pass out again. There’s the risk of no one finding you! I have a large suite back at my hotel and can easily take care of you there.”

  I started to open my mouth in protest but he raised his hand for silence and gave me a firm look.

  “I’ll arrange for someone to pack up the remainder of your things tomorrow and have your clothes brought over to the hotel. It was the company’s plan to put you up in a room tomorrow anyhow. For tonight, you’ll stay with me so I can monitor your blood sugar levels. You have my word that I’ll be very much the gentleman. My only concern is to care for you and ensure that you’re attended to.” His tone was very determined and controlled, showing me that I wasn’t to argue with him.

  “What about the things I’ll need for tonight? How will I get to graduation and what about my parents?” I had so many other questions, but decided to stop at these for now.

  “Hannah has packed you an overnight bag, along with your graduation attire. I’ll make sure you make it to graduation. I was going to ask your permission to come, as I would like to help you celebrate your accomplishments. As for your parents, I’ll gladly leave you in their care for the remainder of the day, though I’d like the opportunity to meet them.” His expression turned from no-nonsense to pleading at the last statement.

  I reached for my head, rubbing my temples; it was starting to ache from all that had happened and all that I needed to process.

  “What’s wrong, Laurel?”

  “I sometimes get bad headaches when my sugar drops. Between that and all that you’ve given me to think about, it’s really starting to pound,” I admitted.

  He stood, releasing my hand. “Let me see if I can find a nurse and get you some ibuprofen.”

  A few minutes passed before Garrett returned with a nurse, who was carrying a white cup with two ibuprofens. I thanked her for the medicine and quickly took them before lying back down.

  He placed his arm on mine and rubbed it gently, the movement and his voice soothing. “Try not to overthink things right now. You really don’t have a lot of options tonight, so you might as well accept that I want to take care of you.”

  I was exasperated. Darn helpful man. “Fine. You win. But, you need to at least give me a little information about who you are. I don’t know where you were born, grew up, where you live now, how old you are, or how long you’ve worked for the company. As it is; I only know your name and that you work in the HR Department for Waters Medical Industries.”

  He smirked a little. “You make a fair point. I hadn’t thought about things from your perspective, darling.”

  Did he just call me darling, or is my mind playing tricks on me?

  “Let’s see…I just turned 29, so I’m seven years your senior. I was born and raised in the Central Florida area. I live in the downtown district of Orlando, in Waters Towers, the same place you’ll be living. I’ve worked for WMI since its inception seven years ago.” He paused for a moment, trying to read my expressions. “Is there anything else you’d like to know?”

  Before I could answer, a nurse came in with a small box containing a blood glucose monitor, test strips and a lancet device. I looked over at Garrett. “If you have other things you need to take care of, you don’t have to stay and listen to this.”

  The nurse waited to see what the answer would be before proceeding with the demonstration.

  He shook his head. “The only thing that needs taken care of right now is you. If I’m going to be watching over you for the ne
xt couple of days, then I need to know how to do this as well.”

  The nurse proceeded, telling us how to set the lancet with a fresh needle, then to wipe the area with an alcohol swab and let it dry before puncturing the skin. She turned on the machine, placed a testing strip in the slot, and showed us how to tell when it was ready. My body was still feeling a bit squeamish and lightheaded, so Garrett took the lancet and one of my fingers to get the necessary drop of blood needed. We waited for the results to come up; finally, it registered 90 on the machine.

  The nurse took out a booklet to record the time and numbers. She showed us both a chart, as a reference, citing that 70 was on the low end of good, but not nearly as low as the 40 I came in with. She said that a number closer to 100 was acceptable. If the sugar levels went any higher than 120 or any lower than 50, I’d need to return to the hospital.

  She went over the discharge papers; I was to fill the prescription the doctor had prescribed along with checking my sugar levels per his instructions, and there was a basic meal plan to follow. The doctor had listed the name of a physician, Dr. Chadler, whom he recommended following up with. He was in the Orlando area, so once I got moved down there, I’d need to get an appointment.

  After all the details were discussed, she removed the IV and asked if I needed assistance getting dressed. I looked over to Garrett, who handed me a small bag with what I assumed was my clothes. He stepped outside of the exam area as the nurse closed the curtain and helped me sit up on the side of the bed and change.

  “Take it easy, hon. Just let your legs hang over the side of the bed for a moment and lean back on your arms to let yourself get your bearings. A low sugar episode can leave you with severe vertigo for a day or so. It’s a good thing you have the young gentleman here to help you. Is he your boyfriend?” the nurse questioned.

  I was kind of surprised by her curiosity, but had also noticed that she’d been fluttering her eyelashes and smiling at him every chance she could. To my astonishment, his eyes never left my face; he didn’t have eyes for anyone but me.

  I did as she had instructed, instantly feeling the head rush and nearly falling back on the bed. It took a few minutes for the dizziness to subside, though only mildly so. She still looked questionable, waiting for my answer. “I’m not sure what to call him. He works in Human Resources at the company that just hired me. We hung out a couple times; friend maybe?”

  She put her arm on mine in a gentle gesture. “Honey, when a man looks at you the way he does, then he’s definitely interested in you for more than just friendship.”

  I looked in the bag he had handed me and was happy to find a pair of my favorite jeans, a vibrant blue t-shirt, and a lace bra with matching panties, along with my favorite sandals. Thank you, Hannah. With the nurse’s help, I was changed and ready to go in no time.

  “I’ll go get Mr. Charming and let him know you’re ready to go,” she said with a wink and a smile.

  I thanked the nurse as she left the room. For the first time in hours, a smile flitted across my face.

  Garrett walked through the door and quickly to my side, his worry evident. “How are you feeling?”

  The nurse came back in. “I just need you to sign these papers, Miss Hart. Then you’re free to leave.”

  As soon as I signed, she gave me a copy, which Garrett managed to sneak away with an “I’ll take that.” He placed all of my paperwork and monitor in the bag where my clothes had been. He helped me off the bed and with my first step, I began to wobble. His arms guided me to the wheelchair and the nurse pushed me towards the exit of the ER.

  Thompson was waiting for us at the curb. Before I could even register what had happened, he reached down and began to scoop me up. “Wrap your arms around my neck and I’ll carry you to the car. You’re too weak to walk on your own”

  Thompson opened the car door for us and Garrett gently placed me on the seat and got in on the other side. He pulled me over to him. “Lay your head on my shoulder and rest on the drive over to the hotel.”

  “Laurel…Laurel.” His voice was but a whisper as he gently nudged my shoulder. “Sweetheart, we’re here.”

  My eyes opened briefly, but quickly closed. My body felt drained and incapable of handling any kind of movement at the moment.

  I felt Garrett move from beside me and a car door open nearby. Before I knew it, I felt myself being lifted and carried through a noisy area and then the quietness of an elevator, only revealing itself via the ping announcing each floor. “Fourteenth floor; please watch your step.”

  I could hear alarm in Thompson’s voice. “Should I call the doctor, sir?”

  Garrett gripped me a little tighter. “She should be fine, Thompson. Both the doctor and nurse said she might be in and out of it for a while.” I felt myself being placed gently into the softness of what I assumed was a bed. Someone removed my sandals and covered me up with a plush blanket, then pressed a gentle kiss against my forehead.

  “Where would you like her things, sir?”

  “Just place the bags over by the armoire. We can get the rest of her luggage and clothing from her dorm room tomorrow and get all of her things packed up and ready for the plane on Friday. She’ll be traveling back with us.”

  “Yes, sir, I’ll make the arrangements tonight and tend to things in the morning. Is there anything else I can do for you tonight?” Thompson questioned.

  “I hate to leave her by herself. Would you please see that her prescription is filled at a nearby pharmacy? After that, feel free to take the rest of the night off.” You could feel the appreciation for his assistance in Garrett’s voice.

  “I’ll be right back, sir. Is there anything I can pick up for you while I’m out?”

  “No, the prescription is all. Thank you, Thompson.”

  I heard footsteps departing and a door close and then drifted into a restful slumber.

  The bed shifted as I felt someone sit beside me. Another soft kiss was placed on my cheek and soft words rang close to my ear.

  “Laurel? I hate to wake you, darling, but it’s time to test your sugar again.”

  My shoulders and face cringed at the idea and I grunted in frustration. I heard the bleep of a machine nearby and felt the cold swipe of an alcohol swab along with gentle breath blowing where he had wiped. “Ouch!” My eyes quickly sprang open.

  Garrett had his hands wrapped gently around mine. “I’m so sorry. I tried not to hurt you, but we need to see how your sugar levels are doing.” He held the machine and strip up to the drop of blood on my finger and then back down on the table as he gently pressed a tissue to my finger to stop it from bleeding. “Your sugar’s starting to drop again, sweetie. It’s at 65 right now. If it drops any lower, we’ll have to return to the hospital. Do you think you can sit up and drink some orange juice for me?”

  I nodded and slowly began to sit up with his assistance. “You know you don’t have to do this for me. I can easily take care of myself.”

  A small side light was on, illuminating the large room. I’d imagined him in a small hotel room, but was shocked to see that I was lying in an overly large king-sized bed with a decorative, hand-carved, cherry wood headboard and matching cherry wood furniture, with fabric tones of gold and ivory throughout the bedroom. Yes, bedroom. This must be a suite, not a regular old hotel room.

  He had a small smirk on his face. “While I’m sure you’re quite capable in most cases, you need some assistance right now.”

  My head felt like a lead weight, so I rested it in my hands and pulled myself up on the bed until I was able to sit Indian style. I wasn’t sure how to ask what I was thinking, but went ahead and just blurted it out anyway, in the most sarcastic tone I could muster. “Why are you going to such extremes for me? Do you do this for all your new hires?”

  Garrett laughed and shook his head slightly. “What I would love to do to that smart mouth of yours.”

  He lifted my chin with his hand until our eyes met. “To answer honestly, NO, I don’t go to extre
mes for new hires; only you, Laurel. I don’t know what it is about you, but I’ve never found someone that entices me as much as you. You excite both my mind and my body.” His eyes darkened with desire.

  I inhaled deeply, caught off guard by his comment.

  “Here, drink this and rest a few more minutes. I’ll go ahead and call down to room service for dinner.” He handed me the orange juice and walked out of the room.

  I could tell the machine was right, my hands shook fiercely and I had to really focus to keep the contents of the glass from spilling all over the expensive comforter. The orange juice tasted wonderful and soothed my dry, parched throat; I drank it down in a hurry.

  Garrett returned to the room within minutes, carrying another glass of orange juice. “Here, have a little more to help raise your levels.” He sat down on the side of the bed and watched my shaking hands as I began to drink the new glass. “Dinner should be here shortly. Would you care to freshen up in the bathroom?” he asked politely.

  I did have a pressing urge to empty my bladder. Between the contents of the IV and the two glasses of orange juice, I felt like I was about to burst. “Yes, please.”

  He rose gently off the bed to allow me to get up. I swung my legs to the side and allowed myself to catch my bearings before trying to stand. The room spun a little and I placed my head in my hands to try and steady the dizziness.

  He offered a hand to me for assistance, but I waved it off. “I can manage this; just point me in the direction of the bathroom.”

  A small chuckle escaped his lips. “I’m not going anywhere, Laurel. Go ahead and pitch your little fit and try to do things yourself. I’m not budging until I’m assured you’re steady on your feet.”

  His condescending tone infuriated me to the point I pushed off the bed in a heated rush and stood with my face tilted up towards him in an “I’ll show you” look.


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