Tied Up in Wonderland

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Tied Up in Wonderland Page 4

by London Saint James

  “Anytime,” he replied as he handed back my bag.

  He pulled up a chair, turned it backward, and threw one leg over the seat, straddling it. Zaden placed his arms casually on the chair back as if he belonged. I’m pretty sure I stared at him for a moment. I started to ask if he needed something, but was stopped before I could utter one syllable.

  He studied my face like someone studies something that is greatly intriguing, artwork perhaps. That was exactly it. He looked at me like someone looks at a painting hanging on a gallery wall in front of them. He tilted his head to one side then raised his hand, placing his thumb and index finger to his chin, considering.

  “I was about to do something sinful. Are you game?” he asked.

  “Excuse me?”

  He crooked his finger at the waiter. Motioned with his hand. Pointed down at my table. The waiter nodded.

  “You are going to like this.” he said.

  The waiter brought over a box of gourmet chocolates that the Bistro sells. He laid it down on the corner of the table, and walked back over to the bar. Zaden pulled the brown string ribbon off the box, opened the lid, and picked out one dark piece of chocolate with a look of serious concentration upon his face. It caused his dark brows to pull together into a very sexy scowl. I figured he would pop the confection into his mouth, but he didn’t. He gazed up, pummeled me with a killer grin then leaned over toward me.

  “Here,” he said, placing the chocolate to my closed lips.

  The sweet tempting smell filled my senses. If he thought I would back down from his challenge, he was wrong. Using the dark sweet, he outlined my lips in a slow erotic way. Being tempted, I opened my mouth. He placed the chocolate onto my tongue. I allowed the chocolate to melt before it slid down my throat in a smooth, decadent way. I moaned a small mew of pleasure, but heck, I couldn’t contain myself. It was really good chocolate.

  “Nice…” he complimented as if I’d just taken him into my mouth. “A real piece of sin, isn’t it?”

  Giving him what I hoped to be my best coquettish grin, I nodded my head. “Absolutely.”

  He smiled, bright white, with a rakish tilt of his head. He was definitely a bad boy. I wondered how many thighs his smile alone had parted. I imagined my thighs parting like the Red Sea then became intimately aware of my own panties rubbing in interesting places. It had been a long time since I partook in a really good romp in the hay. If I ever really had a good one. My last relationship ended before it began. And the sex was so, so. Nothing to write home about. But I imagined Mr. Mysterious was good enough to write a whole novel about. I shifted in my chair, thinking about it. His cell phone rang.

  “Have a nice day, Allison,” he said. He slipped his ringing phone out from the top pocket of his white linen shirt. He got up from the chair.

  “Um…your chocolates,” I offered.

  He positioned his free hand over his phone. “I bought them for you.” He removed his hand and placed it rather casually into the front pocket of his well worn jeans. “Talk to me,” he said into the phone, and walked off.

  I took in a deep breath, straightened myself in the chair, and watched Mr. Mysterious walk down the gray span of concrete sidewalk until I no longer saw him. Along with the few things I knew about Zaden Quinn, like the fact he’s sexy as hell when he’s sweaty. That little-ditty I picked up from our elevator encounter. And like me, he has a thing for the coffee and brownies at The Grind. I learned that both of us have an obvious mutual love for good chocolate. Further, he likes to push the boundaries with women. Even take control. His little gourmet chocolate stunt proved that fact. But our latest encounter allowed me to also add more information into my Zaden data base. He looked absolutely delectable in worn blue jeans.

  Chapter Four

  2:00 p.m.

  I thrummed my fingers on my steering wheel. I was sitting inside my car, parked in the lot of the Bistro, with the windows down, staring at the box of chocolates then staring at the time on my cell phone. My nervousness skittered from my fingers to my legs. I stopped. Took a deep breath. I picked up my phone and checked to make sure the volume on my ringer was turned up all the way. It was. I doubled checked my service. It displayed a full set of bars. 4G. Good to go. There was no way I’d miss this call.

  I held the phone in my hand. My attention fixed on the display screen. When my ring tone started, I almost jumped. Settle down, Allison.

  I pressed the answer icon on the screen before the third ring. “Hello.”

  “Little Alice,” a deep male voice said. It was almost a familiar voice, but not quite. “You were given a set of instructions to follow. You met most, but failed to postmark by the deadline you were given. For that, there will be a consequence.”

  “I tried to get the journal sent by the deadline, but—”

  “Alice,” he interrupted. “I speak. You listen. I only want to hear one word. Do you understand? Yes or no.”

  “Yes,” I snapped out.

  “Good. And don’t sound so huffy in your next reply. Remember, you sought me out. You want to enter my world, Alice. In my world I am the Master. Do you understand?”

  I took a breath. “Yes.”

  “Very good, little Alice. Now, as a consequence for your failure to do exactly as I instructed, you will do three things, and you will do them precisely as you are instructed. Am I clear?”


  “Then we shall begin our journey. You have thirty minutes to make it to the Seattle Public Library. Go to the Central Library, level one, Microsoft Auditorium, and wait for further instructions,” he said. The phone went dead.

  I sat bewildered for a moment then decided to kick it into gear. No time to think, plot or plan. If I wanted into Wonderland, get my story, I had no choice but to play Master Hatter’s game. I wanted my story. I’d play.

  I put my phone into my bag, turned the key in the ignition, and drove to the library. I checked my time of arrival and was good. I still had time to spare, but boogied into the library, experiencing a sense of awkwardness, and unsure of what to expect. I needed help from one of the library staff to locate the auditorium. She was polite and gave me instructions.

  When I located the Microsoft Auditorium, it became clear there was a business meeting going on. I entered to find the room packed full of people, the lights dimmed, watching figures and charts pop across a projection screen. I quietly made my way to the back of the room, and found a seat. To say I felt odd, out of place, and somewhat anxiety ridden would be understating things. Why in the heck would Master Hatter send me to the library? Even more bizarre, into a room with a business meeting happening.

  I sat, facing the screen, clutching at my bag in my lap. Third quarter sales figures came into view. This meeting was about pharmaceutical sales. I saw someone a few rows up from me stand. He bent to say something to the person next to him then exited into the outside aisle. He was tall, wearing a very well tailored crisp white suit. When he turned, he looked at me. The blond man smiled. Pulled a pocket watch out of his suit coat. Glanced down at it. I studied him, curious. I would guess he was somewhere around thirty years of age. He was handsome, with a square jaw line, a manly nose, and wore dark rimmed glasses. Causally he walked toward me. Placed his watch inside his coat, and took a seat next to me on my left. This couldn’t be Master Hatter, could it? The man took off his glasses. Tucked them away inside his coat as well. He leaned over and whispered in my ear.

  “Right on time, however, I’m late so I’ll get to the point, Alice,” he said. This wasn’t the voice I heard earlier over the phone. I knew it wasn’t the same, even though he was whispering. “Master Hatter has issued his first out of three tasks, and asked me to relay number one to you.” I nodded. “You are to remove your panties right here where you sit. Hand them over to me then get up quietly, go to the nearest ladies room, and await his call. You are to do this without question.”

  What the hell?

  I turned to look at this man. By his expression, he was se
rious. I suppose it was a good thing I wore a skirt today, however, I was in a public place, inside a room full of strangers. Part of me wanted to get up and walk out. The reporter side of me said, you need this story. The reckless more adventurous side said, do it.

  I returned my attention back to the screen. Bar charts in rainbow colors, followed by a spreadsheet of numerical figures were being projected for the room to see. Someone was going over the information, their voice echoing out over the speakers. I carefully placed my bag onto the floor, shifted my weight on the chair, and looked at the tops of heads in the room. No one would really see me unless they turned around in their seats. And another plus, the room was mostly dark.

  I tried to disguise the fact I was lifting my skirt, grabbing the material at my thigh and inching it up into my fist with my fingers. I uncrossed my legs, leaned, and tucked my hand under my skirt. I needed more room to maneuver, but I didn’t really have it. I slightly lifted in the chair and tugged at my panties. It wasn’t easy, and I was making more noise than I wanted to, but I finally was able to scoot my panties down to my knees. I’m fairly sure the man in front of me turned enough to see what I was doing, but it was too late to worry about it. Once my panties hit my knees, it was free sailing from there. I sat back into the chair and let my underwear fall to my ankles. I lifted my right foot then my left. Wiggled them. My bare body parts caught a draft. My nipples hardened from the sensation of the cool chill and pressed against my lacy bra. I repositioned my feet, and glanced down. I bent, fisted the ivory silk and lace garment, balled them into my palm, and handed them over to the blond man in the white suit.

  The blond man tilted his head in what could be considered a gentlemanly acknowledgement of thank you. He took what I offered, tucked my panties into his pant pocket then turned in his chair so his knees were facing into the aisle. He gestured with his hand toward the exit. I grabbed my purse, stood, straightened my skirt, made my way around the man, walked up the thin passageway, passed row after row of strangers who were intently watching the projection screen, and left the same way I came in.

  When I was safely in the hallway, I took a breath. My hands were shaking, and I can only imagine how red my cheeks were, but I met the challenge. I glanced down the long hall, all aligned with doors then proceeded forward until I located the restroom. I paused. Told myself not to over think things, and walked inside.

  I pulled a paper towel from the wall dispenser, folded it into a small square, went to the sink and moistened it. I placed the wet square on the back of my neck. After my body seemed to cool, I threw the towel into the trash. When my phone rang, I was tempted to make the Hatter wait another ring, but I decided against it.

  “Hello,” I said.

  “Well done, little Alice,” said the Hatter. “I understand you made it through your first challenge. I look forward to receiving what now belongs to me. Are you sure you’re ready for Wonderland?”


  “Well shall see about that,” he said. “Now, remove your bra and throw it into the trash receptacle.”

  “You want me to throw my bra away?”

  “Yes. Do it now, and without questions or our journey ends here.” The low tones in his voice brushed over my ear, sending spikes of what felt like fever down my spine.

  “Okay,” I said. “I need to put the phone down for a moment.”

  “Tell me when you have completed your task,” he said.

  I unbuttoned my champagne colored blouse, removing one arm. I slid my right bra strap off then replaced my arm back into my shirt, doing the same on the left side. I twisted my bra around so the hooks faced front, undid them, freeing me completely, and threw the ivory bra into the trash can. I buttoned the front of my shirt, nipples poking through the silky material, and picked up the phone. Two ladies walked in.

  “I did it,” I said into the phone. The older of the two glanced at me then went into an empty stall. The other lady walked over beside me to wash her hands. I turned my back to her.

  “Good,” he said. “When we are done talking, you are to leave the library. No deviating to go home and replace the garments you lost today. You are to go from your current location to a shop called Big Teaz. Go inside. Ask for Karma. She will assist you. I will call you in exactly forty-five minutes. Understand?”


  “You are to address me from this point on as Master or Master Hatter,” he said.

  I bit my lip. “Yes, Master Hatter.”

  “Forty-five minutes,” he reiterated then disconnected the call.

  I Googled the location to the shop on my phone, repeated the address in my head then headed for my car. The sensations’ attacking my body from the absence of undergarments was unbelievable. The smooth glide of the silk material from my shirt as I moved made my nipples stand out at peak performance. And the rubbing of my bare body as I walked without panties made me aware of my exposed freedom beneath my skirt. I’m fairly sure my nipple action was the reason for so many people staring at me as I traversed the library in a mission for my car, but what’s a girl to do?

  Once I entered my Kia, I cranked the tunes. It’s strange, but something about this little adventure invigorated me, while at the same time made me edgy. It sounds crazy. Nevertheless, I was calm and tense, for the lack of a better explanation.

  After making a u-turn or two, I saw the purple neon sign. Big Teaz blinked within my sight. Trying to find the shop on time had become my number one concern. Being so preoccupied with the current deadline, I forget to be nervous about whatever awaited me inside. That particular emotion didn’t hit until I stepped over the threshold and into the world of sex toys.

  “Um…hi,” I said to the body builder looking dude behind the front counter. “I’m looking for Karma.”

  “Karma!” he yelled over his shoulder. His pectoral muscles flexed and jumped beneath the thin net shirt he wore. “Someone’s here to see you.”

  “Thanks,” I said while peering at the wall behind him. It was completely covered in exotic anal devices. They came in all colors and were obviously made for a variety of ass action. Beads, balls, and butt plugs.

  “See anything you like?” he asked.

  “Well, I’m not sure.”

  “Hi,” said a petite woman, who came from somewhere behind the big guy I was talking to at the counter. She wore her hair buzzed off, and her head was completely covered in tattoos. “I’m Karma.”

  “Hi,” I said then paused a moment. What do I really say? “Um…I’m Alice. I was told to ask for you. Master Hatter sent me.”

  Karma’s face transformed from a serious expression to one that beamed. She smiled so big, I wondered if her jaws were hurting her.

  “I’ve been expecting you,” she said. “Come with me.”

  I followed behind her, the big guy followed behind me. We went into a back room that was set up to do body piercing. The pictures on the walls, the table reminiscent of a gynecological exam table, and all the shiny adornments to attach to your body parts gave it away. My stomach churned. I wanted my Wonderland story, and perhaps part of me liked the adventure, but I didn’t want to pierce anything.

  “You’re going to need to remove your clothes,” Karma said as she approached a drawer. She pulled the knob, opened the draw, and removed a package. She walked over to the sink, washed her hands, dried them then put on latex gloves. “Once their off, lie back on the table.”

  The big guy was gone. He darted on past me, out another door.

  “I’m not into piercings,” I said.

  “Oh, no holes,” she said and held up what she’d removed from the package. “This is a nipple to clit tweezer clamp.” There were two clamps attached to a small silver chain that v’d off and became one slender longer chain with a clamp. “See.” She pointed to a picture on the wall.

  Sure enough, the person in the picture was sporting two nipple clamps, attached by a chain that ran down her stomach with the last clamp attached to her clit.

h, my God,” was all I said. I stared at the silver in her hand, and at the picture on the wall.

  “Don’t worry. I think you’ll like it,” said Karma. I continued to stand there, mute. “Clothes.” She looked at me. For a small lady, she had a presence. “Need to come off, hun.”

  I sat my bag on the table by the door, unzipped the back of my skirt, took it off, and placed it over the back of the yellow plastic chair that was propped in the corner of the room. I shook my head, closed my eyes, and unbuttoned my shirt. I took it off, forced my eyes open, and added it to the chair holding the skirt that should be on my body. There I stood, completely nude, in strappy high heel shoes.

  Karma pointed toward the table. I stepped up on the stool, positioned myself upon the white doctors-like paper crinkling beneath me, and laid there as stiff as a board.

  “Nice pair of C cups you’ve got going on,” she said.

  What does one say to that? I glanced at her and said, “Thanks.”

  She had an accurate eye. I did wear a C cup.

  “No really. In my line of work you see all kinds. And yours are great. Not too big, and not too small. Mine are like misquote bites. I can slap on a Band-Aid and cover them. I’ve been thinking about implants, but never have taken the plunge.” Karma blew her warm breath across my breasts. My nipples came back to life. She giggled and attached the right clamp then the left, adjusting them a bit. She tugged. It excited my nipples even more. Goosebumps overtook my arms. “Now for the real fun,” she said. “Put your legs in the stirrups.” I did it, reluctantly. She circled a gloved hand over my nub. I jumped. “Relax,” she said. “It’s just us girls. No need to be so jittery and self conscious. Would it make you feel better to have Marko do this?”

  “The big guy at the counter?” I asked.

  “Yep,” Karma said.

  “Uh, no. I’m not sure that would make me feel any better about this.”

  Karma clamped the last piece of the device to my clit. It was weird, but in a good way. She tugged the middle of the chain. When she did, it pulled my nipples and my clitoris.


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