Dear Friends,
I was born and raised in the Yakima Valley, land of apple orchards, in the state of Washington. So when I created my first Harlequin trilogy, I chose a setting that was both dear and familiar to me (even though I moved it to Oregon!).
Although I wasn’t blessed with sisters, the way my character Norah is, I grew up with female cousins my age. We were as close as sisters, and still are. We attended the same schools, vacationed together and celebrated holidays as one family. You won’t be surprised to learn that these cousins were the first to hear the stories I made up.
You can see that family connections are important to me, as they are to Valerie, Stephanie and Norah Bloomfield. And so are friendships… Sherry Waterman, in Lone Star Lovin’, is Norah’s good friend. When the Orchard Valley trilogy was first released, I got all kinds of letters asking, “Whatever happened to Sherry?” Because I listen to my readers, I created a story just for her.
You’ll notice that I’ve dedicated Lone Star Lovin’ to Diane DeGooyer. Diane and I grew up across the street from each other; we were friends back then and we’re friends now.
My wish is that the Bloomfield sisters and Sherry will feel like family and friends to you, the way they do to me.
As you’ve probably guessed, I love to hear from readers. You can reach me through my Web site,, or write to me at P.O. Box 1458, Port Orchard, WA 98366.
Praise for the novels of Debbie Macomber
“Ms. Macomber certainly has a knack for telling the story of small-town life.”
—Romance Communications
“Debbie Macomber writes characters who are as warm and funny as your best friends.”
—New York Times bestselling author Susan Wiggs
“Popular romance writer Macomber has a gift for evoking the emotions that are at the heart of the genre’s popularity.”
—Publishers Weekly
“Debbie Macomber is one of the most reliable, versatile romance authors around.”
—Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
“It’s clear that Debbie Macomber cares deeply about her fully realized characters and their family, friends and loves, along with their hopes and dreams. She also makes her readers care about them.”
“Macomber is a master storyteller.”
—Times Record News, Wichita Falls, TX
Macomber “demonstrates her impressive skills with characterization and her flair for humor.”
—RT Book Reviews
“Prolific Macomber is known for her portrayals of ordinary women in small-town America. [She is] an icon of the genre.”
—Publishers Weekly
Orchard Valley Brides
Also by Debbie Macomber
Blossom Street Books
The Shop on Blossom Street
A Good Yarn
Susannah’s Garden
Back on Blossom Street
Twenty Wishes
Summer on Blossom Street
Hannah’s List
Cedar Cove Books
16 Lighthouse Road
204 Rosewood Lane
311 Pelican Court
44 Cranberry Point
50 Harbor Street
6 Rainier Drive
74 Seaside Avenue
8 Sandpiper Way
92 Pacific Boulevard
A Cedar Cove Christmas
The Manning Family
The Manning Sisters
The Manning Brides
The Manning Grooms
Christmas Books
A Gift to Last
On a Snowy Night
Home for the Holidays
Glad Tidings
Christmas Wishes
Small Town Christmas
When Christmas Comes
There’s Something About Christmas
Christmas Letters
Where Angels Go
The Perfect Christmas
Angels at Christmas
(Those Christmas Angels and Where Angels Go)
Dakota Series
Dakota Born
Dakota Home
Always Dakota
Heart of Texas Series
(Lonesome Cowboy and Texas Two-Step)
(Caroline’s Child and Dr. Texas)
(Nell’s Cowboy and (Lone Star Baby)
Promise, Texas
Return to Promise
Midnight Sons
(Brides for Brothers and The Marriage Risk
(Daddy’s Little Helper and Because of the Baby)
(Falling for Him, Ending in Marriage and Midnight Sons and Daughters)
This Matter of Marriage
Thursdays at Eight
Between Friends
Changing Habits
Married in Seattle
(First Comes Marriage and Wanted: Perfect Partner)
Right Next Door
(Father’s Day and The Courtship of Carol Sommars)
Wyoming Brides
(Denim and Diamonds and The Wyoming Kid)
Fairy Tale Weddings
(Cindy and the Prince and Some Kind of Wonderful)
The Man You’ll Marry
(The First Man You Meet and The Man You’ll Marry)
Orchard Valley Grooms
(Valerie and Stephanie)
Debbie Macomber’s
Cedar Cove Cookbook
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
To Dorothy Tharp,
in appreciation for her many talents
This cowboy was too young to die!
Norah Bloomfield stared down at the unconscious face of the man in Orchard Valley Hospital’s emergency room. He was suffering from shock, internal injuries and a compound fracture of the right fibula. Yet he was probably the luckiest man she’d ever known. He’d survived.
The team of doctors worked vigorously over him, doing everything possible to keep him alive. Although she was busy performing her own role in this drama, Norah was curious. It wasn’t every day a man literally fell out of the sky into their backyard. Whoever he was, he’d been involved in a plane accident. From what she heard when they’d rushed him in, he’d made a gallant effort to land the single-engine Cessna in a wheatfield, but the plane’s wingtip had caught the ground, catapulting it into a series of cartwheels. That he’d managed to crawl out of the wreckage was a miracle all its own.
She tightened the blood-pressure cuff around his arm and called out the latest reading. Dr. Adamson, the surgeon in attendance, briskly instructed her to administer a shot.
Their patient was young, in his early thirties. And handsome in a rugged sort of way. Dark hair, chiseled jaw, stubborn as a mule from the looks of him. His clothes, at least what was left of them, told her he was probably a cowboy. She suspected he rode in the rodeo circuit—successfully, too, if he was flying his own plane.
; She glanced down at his left hand. He wasn’t wearing a wedding ring and that eased her mind somewhat. Norah hated the thought of a young wife pacing the floor, anxiously waiting his arrival home. Of course, that didn’t mean he wasn’t married. A lot of men didn’t wear wedding rings, particularly if they worked with their hands. Too dangerous.
His leg was badly broken, and once he was stabilized, he’d be sent into surgery. She didn’t have a lot of experience with compound fractures, but her guess was that he’d need to be in traction for the next few weeks. A break as complex as this would take months, possibly years, to heal properly.
Norah wasn’t scheduled to work tonight, but had been called in unexpectedly. She should’ve been home, had planned to be home, preparing for her oldest sister Valerie’s wedding. Half of Orchard Valley would be in attendance—it was widely considered the event of the year. And five weeks after that, her second sister, Steffie, would be marrying Charles Tomaselli, in a much less formal ceremony.
There was definitely something in the air this summer, Norah mused, with both her sisters planning to get married.
Love was what floated in the air, but it had apparently evaded Norah. There wasn’t a single man in Orchard Valley who stirred her heart. Not one.
She was thrilled for her sisters, but at the same time she couldn’t help feeling a bit envious. If any of the three could be described as “the marrying type,” it was Norah. She was by far the most domestic and traditional. Ever since she was a teenager, Norah had assumed she’d be the first of the three sisters to marry, although she was the youngest. Valerie had hardly dated even in college, and Steffie was so impulsive and unpredictable that she’d never stood still long enough to get serious about anyone. Or so it had seemed….
Now both her sisters were marrying. And this had all happened within two short months. Only weeks ago Norah would have been shocked had anyone told her Valerie would become a wife. Her oldest sister was the dedicated career woman, working her way up the corporate ladder with CHIPS, a Texas-based computer software corporation. At any rate, that was what Valerie had been doing—until she flew home when their father suffered a heart attack. Before Norah was aware of it, Valerie had fallen head over heels in love with Dr. Colby Winston.
Try as she might, she couldn’t picture her sister as a wife. Valerie, who was so much like their father, was a dynamic businesswoman. She’d accepted the sales job with CHIPS and in less than four years had moved into upper management. She was energetic, spirited and strong-willed. If her sister was going to fall in love, Norah didn’t understand how it could be with Dr. Winston. He was just as dedicated to his work, just as headstrong. To Norah’s way of thinking, they had little in common—except their love for each other. In fact, watching them together had taught Norah a few things about love and commitment. They were both determined to make their marriage work, both willing to make compromises, to change and to mediate their differences.
If Valerie was going to get married at all, Norah had always assumed she’d choose someone like Rowdy Cassidy, the owner of CHIPS. For months, Valerie’s phone calls and e-mails had been full of details about the maverick software developer. He’d taken Wall Street by storm with his innovative ideas, and his company had very soon become one of a very few to dominate the field. Valerie greatly admired him. But she’d given up her position with CHIPS without so much as a second’s regret. There were other jobs, she’d said, but only one Colby Winston. And if she had to choose, as Cassidy had forced her to do, then that choice was clear. But then Norah had never seen anyone more in love—unless it was Steffie.
Her second sister had arrived after a long, difficult trip, to be with their father and almost the same thing had happened. Suddenly, she and Charles Tomaselli, the Orchard Valley Clarion’s editor and now its publisher, had clashed. They’d been constantly at odds, but gradually that had changed. Not until much later did Norah learn that Charles was the reason Steffie had decided to study in Italy—both to escape him and because, thanks to him, she’d become fascinated with Italian art and culture. Steffie had been wildly in love with Charles, and Norah wasn’t sure what had gone wrong, but whatever it was had sent Steffie fleeing. She guessed there’d been some sort of disagreement between them—not that it mattered. What was important was that Steffie and Charles had patched things up and admitted their true feelings for each other.
In typical Steffie fashion, her sister was planning a thoroughly untraditional wedding. The exchange of vows was to take place in the apple orchard, between the rows of trees with their weight of reddening apples. The reception would be held on the groomed front lawn; there would be musicians playing chamber music in the background. The wedding cake was to be a huge chocolate concoction.
So, within a few weeks of each other, her two sisters would be married. Unlike Valerie, Norah hadn’t recently met a new and wonderful man. And unlike Steffie, she didn’t have a secret love, someone she’d felt passionate about for years. Unless she counted Clive Owen. Norah figured she’d seen every movie he starred in ten times over. But it wasn’t likely that a dashing actor was going to show up in Orchard Valley and fall passionately in love with her. A pity, really.
An hour later, Norah was washing up, preparing to head home. The cowboy, although listed in critical condition, had stabilized. He might not feel like it now, but he was lucky to be alive. The surgery on the right fibula would follow, but she wasn’t sure exactly when.
Eager to leave the hospital, Norah was on her way out the door when she heard someone mention the cowboy’s name.
She stopped abruptly, nearly tripping in her astonishment. “Who did you say he is?” she demanded, turning back to her friends.
“According to the identification he carried, his name is Rowdy Cassidy.”
“Rowdy!” Susan Parsons, another nurse, laughed. “It’s a perfect name for him, isn’t it? He looks rowdy. Personally, I don’t want to be around when he wakes up. I’m betting he’s going to have all the charm of an angry hornet.”
Rowdy Cassidy. Norah took a deep breath. The man was Valerie’s employer. Former employer, she amended. He must’ve been flying in for the wedding when the accident occurred.
Norah wasn’t sure what she could do with the information. Valerie, who was cool as a watermelon on ice when it came to business dealings, was a nervous wreck over this wedding.
Love had taken Valerie Bloomfield by surprise and she hadn’t recovered yet. Mentioning Rowdy’s accident to her sister now didn’t seem right; Valerie had enough on her mind without the additional worry. Yet it didn’t seem fair to keep the truth from her, either.
Who should she tell, then, Norah wondered as she walked to the staff parking lot. Surely someone should know….
It was late, past midnight, when she entered the house. Although there were several lights on, she didn’t see anyone around. The wedding was at noon, less than twelve hours away.
Secretly Norah had hoped her father might still be up, but she didn’t really expect it. He went to bed early these days and slept late, his body regaining its strength after the physical ordeal of a heart attack and the subsequent life-saving surgery.
“Hi,” Steffie said cheerfully. She hurried downstairs, cinching her robe at the waist as she walked. Her long dark hair was damp and fell arrow-straight to the middle of her back. “I wondered what time you’d be home.”
Norah stared up at her, frowning in concentration. She’d discuss this with Steffie, she decided, see what her sister had to say.
“What happened?” Steffie asked, her voice urgent.
“There was a single-engine-plane crash.” Norah hesitated. “Fortunately only one man was aboard.”
“Did he survive?”
Norah nodded and worried her lower lip. “Is Valerie asleep?”
Steffie sighed. “Who knows? I’d never have believed Valerie would be this nervous before her wedding. Good grief, she’s arranged multimillion-dollar business deals.”
“Come in the kitc
hen with me,” Norah said, looking quickly up the staircase. She didn’t want Valerie hearing this.
“What is it?” Steffie asked as she followed her into the other room. Valerie’s room was directly above, but there was little chance she’d overhear the conversation.
“The man who was involved in the plane accident…”
“Yes?” Steffie prodded in a whisper.
“Is Rowdy Cassidy.”
“What?” Steffie pulled out a stool at the counter and sank down on it. “You’re sure?”
“Positive. Apparently he was flying in for the wedding.”
“More likely he intended to stop it,” Steffie said sharply.
“Stop it? What do you mean?”
Steffie’s expression was intense. “Well, you know that when Valerie talked to him about opening a branch on the West Coast, he was in favor of the idea, but he wanted someone else to head it up. He refused to give her the job and said she’d have to stay in Texas if she wanted to stay with CHIPS. In other words, unless she chooses Rowdy Cassidy and her career over Colby and marriage. In fact, he seems to think he can persuade her to do just that.”
“What a rotten way to act!”
Steffie agreed. “Valerie was furious. She’d hoped to continue working for CHIPS after she’s married. But Rowdy was so unreasonable, she didn’t have any alternative except to resign. When she announced she was marrying Colby, Rowdy didn’t seem to believe her—still doesn’t. Apparently he thinks it was some ploy to get him to declare his love.”
“I take it Mr. Cassidy doesn’t know Valerie very well.” Her sister was nothing if not direct, Norah mused with a small smile. Valerie would never stoop to orchestrating such a scene, or exploiting a man’s feelings for her.
When Valerie first flew home after their father’s heart attack, Norah had suspected her sister might’ve been attracted to her employer. In retrospect, she realized Valerie greatly admired and liked Rowdy, but wasn’t in love with him. Her reactions to Colby made that abundantly clear.
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