The Enchantress (Wicked Book 1)

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The Enchantress (Wicked Book 1) Page 7

by Blaire Hammond

  Before he could, Leo was up and electrocuting him with his Lightening. The screams leaving the Wizard’s lips were sickening, and his body jittered and shook, before slumping to the ground with one final shudder.

  His companions arrived then, already shooting fiery red blazes of light at Leo. Stella intercepted as best she could, but not before one of the blasts hit Leo in the shoulder.

  He cried out, rounding on the Wizards and sending one of them flying with his power. Stella was still in battle with second Wicked, their lightening interlocked, sending sparks flying. She bared her teeth and let loose a cry as she pushed forward with all her power, forcing back the red blaze of lightening generating from the Wicked’s hands.

  He drew back his Light and lunged sideways, dropping to the ground, Stella’s Lightening shooting straight over the top of him. She, too, drew back her power and watched as the Wicked jumped up and scuttled off towards the car, dragging the body of his friend behind him. The third Wicked was already behind the wheel, engine roaring to life. The Wizard shoved his friend into the back seat and dove in behind him as the driver screeched off down the driveway, wheels spinning.

  ‘They are so poorly trained,’ Stella said as the dust began to settle.

  ‘Lucky for us,’ Leo remarked, wincing as he inspected his injury. Stella tore the hem of her shirt off, tying it around his injury.

  ‘I’ll treat it the second we get home.’

  ‘What do we do now? The Wicked will be on to us.’

  ‘Nothing but hope to find a lead soon.’ Stella said.

  The two of them made their way through the Harmers house, searching for anything that could lead them to Cara. They turned the house upside down, checking every nook and cranny, prying up floorboards, removing paintings and photos from the wall in the hopes to come across a weak spot in the wall. They came up short, not a single clue left behind, and the disappointment was evident in them both.

  In a silent agreement, they decided not to say a word of their visit to Laura. It would only upset her, and there was no point doing that. No, they would have to go about the situation differently. In Leo’s mind he was already formulating a plan.

  After freshening up, Laura made her way to the library. The paintings sparked an interest in her mind and new questions were nudging their way into her brain, begging to be asked.

  As she entered the Library, she found Logan resting by the fire place reading. He must have heard her come in, though, because he looked up and flashed her a smile.

  ‘How was training?’ He reached up, brushing his dark hair from his eyes.

  ‘I’m still alive so that’s a plus.’

  He chuckled, ‘so what brings you here?’

  ‘I was hoping I could find the answers to some questions. Just little things I have been wondering.’

  He happily closed the book, tossed it to the side and gestured to the seat across from him, ‘sure, fire away!’

  Laura crossed the room, and as she sat down, the title of Logan’s book caught her eye. Treasure Island. She was suddenly struck by the memory of her father spending hours upon hours reading this book to her and she was overwhelmed by the pain, the sadness, and the guilt that was consuming her.

  ‘Laura? Are you okay?’ Logan asked.

  She swallowed, meeting his kind eyes, ‘I will be.’

  ‘It’ll get easier,’ he said.

  She felt like burying her face in her hands and crying. Crying because she wouldn’t see her father again, never hear his laugh, never go rock climbing like they had planned, never play another ridiculous game of cards. Instead, she drew on the strength he had given her, and straightened up, braving a smile.

  ‘I was wondering what the strange W mark in those paintings was about?’ She asked, focusing on both the question and the portraits, not allowing her mind to wander.

  ‘It is called the Identity Mark. You don’t receive it until the final ceremony. If we stay an Enchanted we will receive a silver ‘W’ on our wrist. But if not, we will receive a gold one.’

  He sat forward in his chair, straightening his sweat pants, ‘they awaken the power within us. If an Enchanted breaks the law, the Minor Courts are able to destroy the marks, stripping them of their power,’ Logan explained.

  ‘So by destroying a person’s mark, you destroy them? And by receiving a mark, you receive your Lightening power?’

  ‘Yes, although the power is always coursing through our veins, our decedents and Gods simply established a way to control it with the mark.’

  Laura frowned at this, ‘what about when a mark is actually destroyed? Can you ever get that mark again?’

  ‘The short answer is no. Once destroyed, you lose your Lightening altogether. You do not, however, lose your ability to fight, and to protect the human race.’

  ‘That reminds me, what if humans see us. I mean, surely you can’t always hide your weapons or the creatures out to kill humans.’

  ‘You will learn that there exists such a thing as Dark Magic. While we don’t wield this magic, the Courts do. There are only three Charms they have the right to use. No other Charm that exists within the world of Dark Magic is legally available.

  ‘The three Charms can be easily remembered as the charm of invisibility, the charm of truth, and the charm of memory. The first is used for good. The Courts allow enough of the Charm to appear in our mark, so should a battle commence, or we’re on a mission and our weapons and gear is required to be worn, we can speak the Charms name and hide ourselves and our target. We are not permitted to use it unless absolutely necessary. The Courts use the charm to conceal as much of the Spirit World as they can without causing suspicion. The second charm is usually used during trials, only ever by Court members. The last is forbidden, unless a human indeed see’s something they shouldn’t.’

  Laura sat back in her chair and blew out a breath, ‘there is so much I don’t know.’

  Logan smiled at her, ‘In time, you were learn it all. I suppose you noticed that you mother never seemed to have the ‘W’?’

  She sat forward again, curious, and nodded.

  ‘It is because if you leave our world, you forfeit the right to obtain the power we do.’

  ‘You mean, she was stripped of her mark?’ Laura inhaled with shock.


  ‘And all to keep me from this world.’

  Logan looked down at his hands, ‘she chose to leave before you were ever brought into the world. Don’t blame yourself.’

  They were silent for a moment before Logan spoke. ‘Anything else you would like to ask?’

  Laura thought for a moment, knowing she wanted to change the subject yet again.

  ‘Yes,’ she finally answered, ‘how did you come to this place? I mean why this place?’

  ‘This is the Corin Grand Manor. There is only one in Corin and I didn’t want to have to go back to my home city. Too many memories.’

  Tears prickled Laura’s eyes, ‘I’m sorry about your parents.’

  He shrugged, ‘don’t be sorry. It was years ago. I have come to terms with it now. Enough to get through the days, anyway.’

  ‘Does the pain ever go away?’

  Logan smiled at her, ‘I think you will always feel pain when you remember you have lost a loved one. But it slowly grows into the happy memories you shared together.’

  And then, she choked. ‘I don’t want to feel this way forever.’ Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over.

  ‘I know,’ Logan said, reaching a hand out and grasping her own, giving it a tight squeeze, ‘If you ever need to talk, I will be happy to. Anyone here will be.’

  She was touched by his kindness.


  She lifted her eyes to see Stella entering the room. She wiped her cheeks and felt that they were, thankfully, still dry. She didn’t want Stella to have to deal with a sobbing mess yet again.

  Stay strong.

  Her father’s words echoed in her mind and she nodded li
ghtly as if he was right there, watching her and waiting for a reply. So, she squared her shoulders, put on a smile and rose from the couch.

  ‘Yes?’ She asked.

  We were wondering if we could ask you some questions about the people who took your mother.’

  ‘We?’ Laura frowned.

  At that moment a man in a black suit and tie walked in. He held a top hat in his right hand and a curious looking walking stick in the other.

  ‘I’m Wizard Wilford Stark, detective within the force, and leader of the Corin Spirit Troops. My men and I have now been put in charge of the search for your mother.’

  ‘Oh of course! I will tell you anything you need to know. I want to assist in any way possible.’

  ‘Laura if you follow us down to my office, we can begin the interview,’ Stella said.

  ‘Sure, see you later Logan,’ Laura said over her shoulder as she left the room. ‘And thank you.’

  He waved as the doors closed behind her.

  Drew finished sharpening his silver Crescent blade and fastened it to his belt. Until he received his Identity Mark, the only way he would be able to fight was with the weapons surrounding him.

  At age twelve he had been given the sword by his father, and when he turned fourteen he was forced to leave his home, his old life, everything he cared about, and come to the manor.

  It happened almost four years ago, and in less than five months he would finally receive his mark. Then, after hours upon hours of training, long nights of planning, and years of waiting, he would finally avenge the death of his parents. The end was in sight.

  He had been planning his revenge since the second he landed at the manor and nothing would stand in his way once he possessed the power of a true wizard. He was going to do anything and everything he could to make sure his families murderers got exactly what they deserved.

  After what he had seen and been through, not to mention the horrors that fell upon his cousin, he knew that this was what had to be done, not only for him or for his family, but for Grace. What she had witnessed was something more horrifying than any fourteen year old should ever have to see. The evil creatures behind it would pay the price for their mistakes. A big price at that.

  Grace did not know of his plans, and he knew the only way to protect her from suffering the same fate of their family was to keep it that way. He knew she would try and convince him to not do it; to leave them alone. Then, when he refused, she would insist on coming along, which again would not only place her in grave danger, but it would lead to more arguments. He loved Grace, and that was why it had to be this way.

  ‘Are you all right?’ Came the unmistakable voice of his sister from the now open door.

  He turned, locking eyes with his twin. She was tall now. Almost as tall as him, her short jet black hair reaching just past her chin and her emerald eyes sparkling with kindness. She stepped into the room, closing the door behind herself.

  ‘I’m fine.’

  ‘How was training with Laura?’ She asked, perching herself on the edge of the bench, innocently swinging her legs back and forth.



  ‘I’m fine, Grace,’ he said, heading for the door.

  ‘You have been shutting me out more and more each day. I barely even know who you are any more Drew. Remember when we were so in sync that we could finish each other’s sentences? What happened to that?’

  ‘I grew up,’ he snapped and left the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

  He stopped as he did so and leant his back against the door, burying his face in his hands. He hated doing this, but it was the only option that seemed logical if he truly wanted to keep her safe.

  Grace jumped down from the bench and crossed the room. She placed her hand on the door handle, then paused. She sighed, resting her head on the doorframe and squeezing her eyes shut.

  Everyone around her put on a happy face as if nothing was wrong, but that was far from the truth. The amount of pain surrounding her was overwhelming. The nightmares, the horrors that hid in the deep, dark depths of their minds, haunting them, was becoming too much. She didn’t even know what happy felt like any more.

  ‘Take a seat, Laura,’ Stella offered as Mr Stark smoothed down his pants before seating himself in the chair behind Stella’s desk.

  Stella leant herself against her husband’s desk, arms crossed, watching on.

  Laura sat down and flashed a brief smile at Estella to reassure her that she was not afraid. But, deep down, she was. She was finally doing something that could help her mother and she didn’t want to screw it up

  ‘Ah, Laura, I would like to start off by giving you my deepest sympathies for the passing of your father. Oliver was a loyal mortal. It is, indeed, a terrible loss.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Laura whispered, unable to do much more.

  ‘Now, as for your mother. We all want to find her, and bring her home. That is our main objective at this time. So, in order to make progress in the search, I will need to ask you some simple questions about your past,’ Mr Stark said, pulling a voice recorder from the inside pocket of his jacket and switching it on.

  Laura fidgeted with her hands, then gripped them tightly, forcing herself to stop, ‘sure, what would you like to know?’

  ‘For starters, did you... how can I put this? Did you’re parents ever do anything that could have possibly angered someone?’

  ‘No, gosh no. My parents were always kind towards everyone they met. I mean, we didn’t have a lot of close family or friends or anything, but we didn’t have enemy’s either.’

  Her palms were sweaty and she inconspicuously wiped them on her jeans.

  ‘And you’re sure of this?’

  Stella’s forehead creased slightly with a frown, but Laura nodded.

  ‘Ah, well, good, good,’ he nodded then continued, ‘did you’re parents ever show you anything as a child? Of this world and our abilities?’

  ‘No, I honestly did not know anything about the Spirit World until now. I mean, obviously my parents kept it from me, I’m just not sure why.’

  ‘Ah, do you think it could be because of the people who took your mother? The Wicked we suspect?’ Mr Stark inquired.

  ‘Maybe. I guess,’ Laura responded.

  ‘But you don’t remember your mother or father ever coming in contact with any of these people?’

  ‘Well, no. I don’t think so but-‘

  ‘You don’t think so?’ Mr Stark cut in, raising an eyebrow and briefly glancing over his shoulder at Stella.

  ‘I didn’t get a very good look at the people who took her.’

  ‘So your parents could have come in contact with them, then,’ Mr Stark pressed on.

  ‘I guess so. I wouldn’t know unless I saw their faces. Then maybe I might remember if I have ever seen them before,’ Laura was feeling flustered and her hands again clammy with sweat.

  ‘Was the car they arrived in familiar?’

  ‘No, I had never seen it before.’

  ‘What did it look like?’

  ‘Uh it was a white car,’ Laura answered.

  ‘A white car-‘

  ‘no, actually it was silver.’

  ‘Silver. Are you sure?’

  ‘Yes. Silver. I’m sure of it.’ Laura confirmed.

  ‘And did you get the number plate? Or any other details that could be useful?’

  ‘No, I was too far away to see any real details on the car or the people behind the wheel. There were three of them though. That I remember.’

  Mr Stark looked back at Stella and she nodded, as if confirming that this was correct. It was Laura’s turn to frown.

  ‘Ah, now, Laura,’ Mr Stark paused as he made eye contact with her, and she knew what was coming next, ‘I need to ask what happened after that. If it is too hard for you we can come back to it another time, just let me know.’

  She didn’t falter like she thought she may have. She had to, yet again, be strong. She took a deep
breath, ‘I had climbed the small mountain at the edge of our property, so I sprinted as fast as I could down it, but on the way I tripped or fell or something, I can’t really remember and that’s where I received most of my injuries. Then I managed to get to Dad. He was bleeding really badly, but he wouldn’t let me call an ambulance because he said I needed to run. He said that they would be coming for me and then he-’ she sucked in a shaky breath. She couldn’t bring herself to say the words. ‘And then Drew showed up.’

  ‘And did you notice anything out of the ordinary once you reached your father’s body? Any clues that could contribute to our search for your mother?’

  Laura was about to shake her head, when suddenly she thought of something. ‘He was shot..’ she whispered.

  ‘What was that?’ Mr Stark asked.

  Laura raised her eyes and stared at him. ‘He had been shot. Drew told me that not a lot of Enchanted or Wicked use guns because the bullets are hard to come by.’

  ‘Yes, that’s true… But I don’t quite understand your meaning.’

  ‘Well, obviously, these Wicked must be, I don’t know, rich or high up or something if they were able to get themselves bullets.’

  Mr Stark’s didn’t respond. Instead, he moved on. Maybe that information wasn’t useful at all. Maybe they used a normal bullet. Laura mentally cursed herself for being so stupid.

  ‘Thankyou Laura, just a few more questions and I promise we will be done,’ he gave her a genuine smile, ‘well, now Stella said you had a map to the manor, where did you get this map?’

  ‘Dad told me that there was this place that I needed to go to and that the people there would help me. He was talking about the Manor of course. He told me that there was a map and some other things under the desk draw in our house.’

  ‘Ah, so they were prepared for this day to come,’ Mr Stark said thoughtfully. ‘And do you know how he or your mother got this map?’

  Laura shook her head, ‘no, I just assumed it was like any other map they had picked up from the information centre.’

  ‘Well, it is certainly not that. The description Stella has given me leads me to believe that the map you came to have in your possession is what we call a Markers map, and they are very rare indeed. It allows people to seek out every living Witch, Wizard and Warlock in the country, with or without their marks, by simply speaking their name, and if in the wrong hands, this map could be very dangerous. So how your mother managed to get her hands on one of them, considering she lost her marks a long time ago, is a mystery to me.’


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