Rules of Desire: Protecting Erin [More Desire, Oklahoma 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Rules of Desire: Protecting Erin [More Desire, Oklahoma 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Leah Brooke

  Smiling to hide the pain of another contraction, Erin tried to find a more comfortable position. “I didn’t have a baby at home to take care of.”

  “According to your niece, she’s not a baby anymore. She’s a big girl, especially since she’s potty trained.” Rachel looked up as the doctor strode into the room again. “She’s with Jesse and Nat and having the time of her life. I’m staying.” Bending low, she kissed Erin’s cheek. “Looks like the doctor’s here to check you again. I’ll be in the waiting room.”

  The doctor came in and checked her again, informing her that she was still only at slightly over eight centimeters dilated. “Do you feel like walking again?”

  “Yes.” With Reese’s help, Erin sat up and leaned against him, reaching out to grip Jared’s arm. “Jared, why don’t you go out and tell the others to go home? Stop scowling at the doctor and go get some dinner. This could go on for hours.” She paused, dropping her head onto Reese’s chest until the next contraction passed.

  Supporting her with an arm around her waist, Reese bent to kiss her hair. “God forbid. You’re already worn out.”

  The rest of the day passed in a blur of pain, and by the time night had fallen again, Erin was exhausted.

  She walked for brief periods before needing to lie down again, and after about a half-hour in the hospital bed, she felt the need to get up again.

  Once back in bed again, Erin struggled to get into a comfortable position but, even using pillows, found that she couldn’t.

  Wiping her face with a damp cloth, Duncan fed her another ice chip, frowning when she tried to get to her feet again. “Come here, baby.”

  Sliding his hands under her, he lifted her against him and sat in the rocking chair next to the window, settling her on his lap. “Let’s see if we can get you comfortable, just like we do at home.”

  Forcing a smile, she pushed back a lock of dark blond hair that had fallen onto his forehead and stared into his hazel eyes, which worry for her had darkened to a deep golden green. “This has been a hard day on you, hasn’t it? On all of you? I keep telling you to go eat, but I’m not sure if any of you have.”

  They’d each taken turns going out to the waiting room, but none of them had stayed away for very long.

  Stiffening at yet another contraction, she curled into Duncan, gripping his shirt as she waited for it to pass.

  Massaging her stomach, Duncan blew out a breath, his frustration and concern evident. “Don’t worry about us. On our trips to the waiting room, we’ve been guzzling coffee. We’ll all eat together once you have the baby.”

  Jared pulled up a chair to sit across from Duncan, effectively surrounding her.

  As the two men shared a look, Jared leaned close, taking her hand in his and kissing her temple.

  “You’re so damned brave. Over twelve hours of this. Baby, I wish like hell I could do this for you.”

  Her giggle became a groan when another contraction hit. When it was over, she squeezed the hand he still held. “You keep saying things like that, and I keep picturing you pregnant.”

  His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. “You’re getting delirious.”

  Reese had moved to stand behind Jared, quietly watching them.

  “I’m going to go get that fucking doctor.”

  “I’m not delirious, Reese. Just tired. Did you tell everyone to go home?”

  Not answering her, Reese disappeared through the doorway.

  Duncan fed her another ice chip.

  “We told them, but nobody’s budging. Nat and Jake took Theresa to visit with Kelly and Blade. She’s playing little momma to Hawke and telling everyone that Aunt Erin went to the hospital to get a baby.”

  Picturing her niece with Blade and Kelly’s infant son, Erin sighed and wrapped an arm around her swollen abdomen. “She’ll want to play momma to the baby, too. That’ll be cute as hell. Oh!”

  After breathing through another contraction, Erin looked up to see that the doctor had come back to check on her. “Hello again, Dr. Marsh.”

  The young doctor smiled, a confident smile that made Erin feel a little better. “Hello. I’d like to check you again. Duncan, would you like to help her back into bed?”

  “Of course.” Instead of helping her to her feet, Duncan rose with her in his arms and settled her back into bed. “I’m glad Reese found you. This has gone on long enough.”

  Jared had already closed in on her other side. “Far too long. She’s worn out.”

  Dr. Marsh donned gloves and helped her fit her feet into the stirrups. “I didn’t see Reese. Your blood pressure has gone up a little, but I’m not worried about it.”

  After checking her, he straightened. “You’re up to nine. I’m hoping it shouldn’t be much longer, but these things happen in their own time.”

  Duncan grimaced. “How much longer can she keep this up? She’s not gonna have the energy to deliver.”

  Dr. Marsh smiled. “You’d be surprised at what women are capable of. They surprise me every day.”

  Reese rushed back into the room. “I can’t find—oh.”

  Dropping back, Erin grinned. “The doctor isn’t going to forget that I’m here, Reese. I’m nine centimeters. It shouldn’t be much longer.”

  Despite her claim, it took another four hours before the doctor announced that Erin was fully dilated.

  “Ready to push, Erin?”

  Drenched in sweat, Erin moaned in delight at the feel of yet another cool cloth Reese wiped over her face and neck. “More than ready.”

  The contractions came faster and faster, and she barely had time to catch her breath after one contraction before another began.

  All three of her husbands voiced their encouragement, always touching her as if to lend her their strength.

  Holding her hand, Duncan leaned close. “Breathe, baby. Breathe.”

  When the contraction ended, she pulled her hand from his and fisted it in the front of his T-shirt.

  “If you tell me to breathe one more time, I’m going to hit you. Hard. Ahhh!”

  With an arm around her upper back, Jared lifted her to make it easier to push.

  “You’re doing so good, baby. I’m so proud of you. That’s my girl.”

  Reese lifted her other hand to his lips.

  “You’re amazing, baby.”

  Grinning at the excitement and wonder in his voice, Erin gave one more push, blowing out a breath when the baby slid from her in a rush.

  Dr. Marsh’s eyes danced above his mask. “Congratulations! It’s a boy!”

  Chapter Two

  Overcome with emotion, Jared watched his wife breastfeed his son, marveling that one feisty woman could make him so happy and fulfill him so completely.

  It had been almost two months since she’d given birth, and he and his brothers had made sure that one of them was always with them.

  Toying with her hair, he urged her to lean against him. “He’s a good eater, isn’t he?”

  Erin smiled and slumped against him with a sigh. “He’s a little piglet. He has an appetite like his daddies.”

  Pressing his cheek against the top of her head, he ran a thumb over her breast. “I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as this.”

  Erin smiled, lifting her face for his kiss. “And I love seeing you with him. When you fell asleep with him on your chest, I thought it was adorable. I’m going to get that picture framed and give one to your mother. She’ll love it.”

  Jared smiled and used his finger to break the suction between his son’s mouth and his wife’s nipple. “He’s sound asleep. I’m going to put him down.” He scooped his son, cradling him. “Why don’t you lie back and rest while I set the table?”

  His stomach rumbled, the scent of the pot roast Erin had started earlier making him hungrier by the minute.

  Erin kissed the baby’s forehead as Jared rose. “I’m fine, Jared. You, Duncan, and Reese have helped so much. Stop fussing.”

  Irritated that she never admitted to weakness of
any kind, even to him and his brothers, Jared settled the baby before turning. Frowning at the speed in which she covered herself, something he’d noticed on more than one occasion, he touched her arm as she got to her feet. “Damn, I missed it again. You’re getting awfully fast at that. Are you trying to torture me?”

  Erin snorted and started for the kitchen. “Yeah, nursing bras are sexy as hell.”

  Jared caught up with her in three strides, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her back against him. “Hey! What the hell? Are you under some kind of delusion that you’re not sexy anymore?”

  With a sigh, Erin pushed at his arm. “Stretch marks and leaking breasts. I think I’m sexy as hell. Let go. I have to set the table.”

  Uneasy at how quickly she’d averted her gaze, Jared let her go, leaning against the doorframe and watching her closely as she set the table. “You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met, and you know it. That’s not what this is about, though. Why are you so nervous? Is something wrong? Did the doctor say something? Is that what that phone call you got earlier was about?”

  Reese and Duncan came through the back door, their conversation stopping abruptly as they looked from Erin to Jared and back again.

  Reese closed the door behind them, his eyes narrowed. “What’s wrong?”

  Watching Erin check the roast, Jared shot his brothers a look. “That’s what I’m trying to find out. She got a phone call today just as I was getting into the shower. I assumed it was Rachel, but she’s been in an odd mood ever since.”

  Closing the oven, Erin turned, her eyes flashing. “I’m right here, Jared. I’m just moody. The doctor said it was normal. Dinner’s ready.” She eyed Duncan and Reese, who were both covered in sawdust. “Why don’t the two of you go take a shower so we can eat while the baby’s sleeping?”

  Duncan nodded and bent to plant a hard kiss on her lips. “Of course. It smells delicious, and I’m starving.”

  Grinning, he winked at Jared as he passed.

  Jared hid a smile, knowing that his brother had an agenda.

  Duncan would irritate Erin until she blew up at him, and during the ensuing argument, Erin would blurt out whatever was bothering her.

  No matter what bothered her, Duncan would get it out of her, Jared would fix the problem, and she would go to Reese to vent about Duncan’s and Jared’s arrogance.

  It was a system they’d adopted almost from the beginning, and it seemed to work for them.

  Wrapping an arm around her, Reese shared a look with Jared, a look that said he would do his part to find out what was wrong with Erin. Kissing her hair, he ran a hand over her bottom. “Did William eat?”

  The hostility in her eyes drained away. Leaning into him, she laid a hand on his chest and smiled. “Like a pig. He should sleep for a couple of hours.”

  “Good.” Reese grimaced and held her away from him. “I’m covered in sawdust. We’ll pick this up after I take a shower. Come keep me company and you can tell me everything the baby did today.”

  Jared sighed as they left the room and went to the oven to take out the pot roast.

  Erin’s independence was a source of both pride and frustration to him, and he hated that, at times, they had to piss her off to find out what bothered her.

  * * * *

  Listening to Erin’s giggle and Reese’s low tone coming from the spare bedroom across the hall, Duncan finished dressing in jeans and a T-shirt.

  Making his way to the living room, he smiled at the sight of Jared standing over the bassinette watching William. “Is he okay?”

  Adjusting the light blanket over their son, Jared smiled. “He’s perfect. Erin just finished feeding him before you walked in, and he went out like a light.”

  Looking down at his son, Duncan inhaled sharply at the surge of love that tightened his chest. “He’s so damned beautiful.” He glanced up at Jared. “I swear he looks like he’s grown since this morning.”

  Jared’s lips twitched. “Yeah. He’s already outgrown the outfit Erin wanted to put on him after his bath.”

  With half an ear toward the hallway, Duncan eyed his brother. “So what’s going on with Erin?”

  With a shrug, Jared moved away from the bassinette and dropped into his favorite recliner. “I don’t know. Since she got that call, she seems quieter. Distant. Thoughtful. Something’s bothering her. She’s a little preoccupied. I thought she was just tired and tried to get her to lie down, but she’s too jumpy.”

  Not liking the sound of that, Duncan dropped onto the sofa. “Did you question her?”

  “I’d just started when you and Reese walked through the door.”

  Nodding, Duncan turned his gaze toward the hallway where Erin and Reese approached. “I’ll get it out of her.”

  “Let her eat first. She’s burning calories like crazy to feed our son, and she’s already lost too much weight.”

  During their meal, Duncan shared a look with his brothers as he watched Erin pick at her food.

  Jared paused with his fork halfway to his mouth and leaned toward Erin. “You’re not eating. Did you poison it?”

  “Hmm. Interesting though. I’ll keep it in mind.” Stabbing a bite of potato, Erin wrinkled her nose at him. “Ace would probably figure it out anyway. Stop nagging. I’m eating.”

  She hadn’t been, but since she’d started doing more than pushing her food around her plate, Duncan bided his time.

  Jared cut into his roast. “Erin seems to think there’s nothing sexy about nursing bras.”

  “Is that so?” Duncan reached for his iced tea, grinning at Erin. “I think they’re sexy as hell. I just unhook the little hooks and those beautiful breasts are all mine for the taking. I think all bras should have a quick access opening.”

  Erin smiled at that and stood with her still half-full plate. “Pervert. I’m sure it’s not so sexy when I get so sore that you can barely touch them, especially when it’s been a few hours since the baby ate.”

  Duncan decided to seize the opportunity. Shoving his dishes back, he hooked an arm around her waist, shoving his chair back as he pulled her against him. “The baby already ate, and I’m in the mood for dessert.”

  Erin looked back at Jared and Reese, who both rose and began clearing the table, snatching her plate from her hand before it spilled. “Your brother’s a lunatic.”

  Jared frowned. “Why? Because he wants you? We all do, but we’re doing our best to be gentle with you.”

  Erin appeared stunned. “The doctor said I’m fine. What the hell have I ever done or said to make you think you have to be gentle with me?”

  Lifting her to the table, Duncan rose, bracing a hand on either side of her and bending to touch his lips to hers. “Do you have a problem with us wanting gentle? You did just give birth, and in case you’ve forgotten, you have three husbands. And not one of us is like the city boys you were used to.”

  He scraped his teeth over her bottom lip, tightening his hands into fists in an attempt to resist the urge to bend her over the table and fuck her hard and deep.

  “We’re rougher and more primitive. Raw instead of refined.” He grabbed the hem of her cotton shirt, lifted it over her head, and tossed it aside. “If we all took you as often as we want to, you wouldn’t even be able to walk. You gave birth to our son, and we want you more than ever, but it’s a little early to make too many demands on you.”

  Sliding her hands into his hair, Erin smiled a seductive smile that went straight to his cock. “I’m fine.”

  “You’re more than fine.” Knowing she would be taking one of her bubble baths, Duncan removed her bra, bending to gently lick her nipple, the faint taste of milk a sharp reminder of just what she was to him. Lifting his head at her gasp, he flattened both hands on her back. “Delicious. God, I love you.”

  Erin tried to cover her abdomen as Duncan lowered her to the table and began to strip off her leggings.

  It had become a habit with her since the birth of William—one that Duncan desperately wa
nted to break.

  Irritated that she felt the need to hide the changes in her body from them, Duncan tossed her leggings aside and made quick work of her panties, ripping them in his haste. “I don’t like that you try to cover yourself.” He gripped her wrists, moved her hands aside, and bent low, kissing her abdomen and tracing his tongue over her stretch marks. “We gave these to you—and you let us because you love us. They’re ours and a reminder of that love. You know how much we love you. How you can think this isn’t sexy as hell I have no idea.”

  Hooking her knees over his shoulders, he dropped into his chair again and worked his way lower, parting her folds and sliding his tongue through her slit, reveling at her soft cry of pleasure.

  Now that he’d distracted her, he shot a glance at his brothers, who each bent to nuzzle a breast. Scraping his teeth over her inner thigh, he smiled when she shivered. “Must be hormones affecting your brain.”

  Anticipating her reaction, he firmed his hold and focused his attention on her clit.

  She didn’t disappoint him, but he was pleased that it took several long seconds before his words penetrated.

  “What? Hormones?” She kicked at him, but when he sucked harder at her clit, she dug her heels into the back of his shoulders. “Oh God. Duncan!”

  Smiling as he eased back, he looked up to see that Jordan and Reese each held one of her hands as they gently stroked her nipples. “Quiet. You’ll wake the baby.”

  Watching her, he stroked his thumb lightly over her clit, giving it just enough attention to keep her aroused but not enough to allow her to go over.

  Confident in his knowledge of his wife’s body, Duncan smiled. “So who called you today?”

  Once again, Erin didn’t disappoint him. “You did this on purpose. Bastard!”

  Chuckling, Duncan stared down at her, his heart swelling with love while his gut clenched at the thought of her missing her life in the city. “Nope. My parents are married. Who called you?” Changing the position of his hand, he thrust his finger into her while still manipulating her clit.


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