Secret: A Stone Billionaire Series Novel (The Stone Billionaire Series Book 5)

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Secret: A Stone Billionaire Series Novel (The Stone Billionaire Series Book 5) Page 23

by Kaya Woodward

  “We should’ve taken our time, and gotten something concrete,” Levi continues.

  “Levi, it’s done. We’ll have to find another way,” I tell him.

  “But if we had…” he continues.

  “Levi, it’s the past. We need to let it lie,” I tell him firmly.

  Levi straightens himself up and nods.

  “You’re correct Evan, I don’t want my rage to blind me to what needs to be done. It’s clear now that Aunt Lizzie is the innocent one. She’s been manipulated for far too long, and someone needs to rescue her,” Levi tells me.

  “How would we even possibly begin to do that?” I ask.

  “We’ll come up with something. My agency told me to drop this, and leave it alone, but I have no intention of letting this go. It’s personal now,” Merc says.

  The gravity of what he’s doing hits me.

  Merc is willing to go rogue to protect my family and me.

  Just as Noah Stone stated, Merc has always been a member of our family.

  And, he always will be.

  “I can’t let you do that, we’ll find another way,” I plead with Merc.

  Merc shakes his head.

  “I won’t leave you guys to fend for yourselves, I don’t care what I’ve been told not to touch. Someone needs to connect Geoffrey Whittaker to the operations we know he’s running. Now that I know he’s been using both his daughters to do his dirty work, I’m not going to stop until I see him on trial,” Merc says defiantly.

  “Just one question,” says Levi.

  “How do we rescue someone who doesn’t know she’s been manipulated her whole life?” he asks.

  We all fall silent because no one knows the answer.

  How could my mother be innocent in all this?

  I’ve spent my whole life hating her for what she’s done to my family, only to find out from Merc that she’s the innocent one, the manipulated one, the face of the operation to take the downfall when everything goes south.

  I feel so bad, my emotions are running amok.

  Now that we’re so close, I have no idea which direction Geoffrey Whittaker is going to go.

  But I do know one thing: we have to be careful.

  The FBI is still investigating my father.

  What if Duke Whittaker does anything to jeopardize his political immunity?

  We’d be toast.

  “We have to play this very carefully. If Geoffrey Whittaker decides that he wants to pull the rug out from underneath the Stone family, he can. He’ll have a hell of a time doing it without backlash, so I think we’re all safe. For now. But, it’s only a matter of time,” I say.

  “You know what this all comes back to?” Levi asks.

  I know he knows the answer, so I just shake my head.

  “Fiji. That island in Fiji where they were running the operation when your father screwed everything up for Michael Bishop,” Levi says.

  “But haven’t we established that Michael Bishop wanted to pin that on your father? They wanted to get him in trouble?” Merc asks.

  “That doesn’t mean the operation wasn’t relevant, and the island isn’t still relevant,” Levi says.

  “I’m betting that operation is running right under our noses, and has been this whole time,” he continues.

  I get the unsettled feeling that Levi is right.



  April 15, 2018

  I can hear snippets of their conversation in the hallway and exhale in relief when Levi finally opens the door.

  Only the look on his face is all wrong as Evan hands me a coffee.

  “So, you didn’t kill Elizabeth,” Evan starts.

  “She’s alive?” I gasp.

  “The woman you killed was Lauren Darlington,” Evan’s voice is low.



  “What do you mean? Of course it was Elizabeth! I clearly saw it was Elizabeth!” I protest.

  “Lauren has been pretending to be Elizabeth this whole time, using Elizabeth for her dirty work, because of her tumor,” Evan explains.

  “We’ve got proof,” Merc backs him up.

  “Does that mean your mother is innocent?” I ask Evan.

  He has trouble with this.

  “I think so,” Evan says.

  “Maybe,” he says.

  He nods, and I can see a slight hesitation.

  He doesn’t want to believe it, and neither do I.

  I’ve spent so long wanting Elizabeth to pay for what she did to my family, my father, me, and now to find out that she’s just the front for something bigger?

  “Does that mean, that Lauren has been using her sister and her father’s known all along? It’s starting to sound, more and more, like Geoffrey Whittaker has been behind this, all along,” I say.

  Evan and Merc’s silence means that I’m right.

  We’re in deeper trouble than we ever imagined.

  “What did your father say?” I ask Evan.

  “We haven’t told him yet. Merc just told us in the hallway. He has the agency autopsy report,” Evan says.

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Get Noah on the phone! He needs to know what’s going on,” I tell Evan fiercely.

  Evan looks dubious but pulls out his phone to call Noah anyway.

  “I’ll make sure he doesn’t explode,” Levi says.

  He follows Evan out into the hallway.

  Merc and I are alone, finally.

  There’s a long, uncomfortable silence.

  “Leigha…” he starts, but no more words come out of his mouth.

  “You didn’t come to see me,” I tell him matter-of-factly.

  “I know,” he says.

  “Why?” I ask.

  “Because I didn’t know how to apologize for nearly getting you killed. It’s all my fault that you got hurt. I should’ve stopped you! I know I had the power to stop you, but somehow I didn’t,” Merc says.

  I groan.

  “Merc, you dumbass, nothing was going to stop me! I didn’t want Elizabeth getting away, and even if you did get in my way, who’s to say that no one would’ve gotten hurt?” I ask him.

  “Still, you were supposed to be safe in all of this. This is my fault,” Merc insists.

  “No, it’s not!” I scream at him.

  “I ran into the hallway, I fell right into their trap, you rescued me from possibly having my memory erased, or worse! I was lucky all that happened to me was a little cut…” I rage at Merc.

  “You were stabbed. That’s not a little cut,” Merc interrupts.

  “Mercutio Torelli, you better listen to me!” I scream.

  “I did what I wanted, you weren’t going to stop me! You’re not responsible for my actions. I knew it was dangerous, I did it anyway, it’s not your fucking fault,” I try to keep my voice level.

  My rage, however, is barely contained.

  How can Merc think this is his fault?

  “Leigha, I’ve got enemies. There’s plenty of people that would like to see me dead, and any connection to me is only going to hurt you further, you know, that right?” Merc asks.

  “I don’t care, that’s not going to stop me from wanting you in my life,” I spit back.

  Merc takes a step back.

  Oh, God.

  He thinks I love Evan!

  “So that’s your choice then, is it? Evan?” he asks.

  “Merc, that’s not what I mean!” I try to argue, in vain.

  Merc shakes his head.

  He’s right.

  “Leigha, as much as I want it to be me, I don’t think you have it in you to let Evan Stone go,” Merc says, slowly.

  “You never did, and I always knew that, but I didn’t think I could let you go. Not to him. He’s my best friend and always was. The last thing I wanted was to lose to him. But, if it’s him you want, then I’d rather it be him than some other schmuck that can’t appreciate you for what you are,” Merc says.

  He lays everything out on the table. />
  “Merc, Evan and I are just friends…” I start.

  “Leigha, he loves you, and you obviously love him! Everyone can see it! Why do you two not get that?” Merc says, annoyed.

  “Because it’s hard to believe, I guess,” I tell him.

  “Well, I’m not going to be the one to convince you,” Merc shrugs.

  “Evan will do that in time,” he adds.

  I want to tell him probably not, but there’s no use arguing.

  I think about how Evan and I were just talking about going away together; surely that’s not just a friendly thing?

  Now, those plans feel so far away.

  “You know I do love you Merc,” I say.

  “Just not the way you love Evan,” Merc continues for me.

  I nod slowly, and a tear slips down my cheek.

  As much as I want it to be Merc, my heart tugs towards Evan so severely that it hurts sometimes.

  I only ever wanted the best for Evan, I never thought there was a chance in hell we would end up together.


  Now, there’s a tiny fragment of hope, that I have to put aside because this situation just got so much more complicated.

  Just as there’s nothing left for me to say the nurse comes in and declares that she needs a moment to check a few things before they release me.

  With Athena and Aidan busy with the jet, our flight out of Rome isn’t for a while, so Evan suggests that we see some of the city.

  I’m not up for much walking.

  We take a cab to Piazza Della Rotunda, just the two of us.

  “I can’t believe I’ve never spent that much time in Rome, just walking around, seeing everything,” Evan comments.

  “That’s what happens when you’re off chasing skirt,” I tease him back.

  “Yeah, my eyes have been opened, a lot,” he laughs rakishly.

  I can feel his eyes on me, and a blush rises to my cheeks before I return his gaze.

  His eyes, a steely blue, tinged with flecks of darker blue around the iris, are focused on me, as though he doesn’t see anything around him except for me.

  It makes me unsteady on my feet, and I bite my lip.

  We haven’t had much time alone lately.

  Or at all, really.

  We need some time to examine our feelings about each other.

  “Why don’t we eat here?” Evan asks with a smile.

  His handsome face lights up, and his square jaw is somehow even more attractive.

  Evan’s always had the most charming smile, of any man I know.

  “You don’t want to eat on the main Piazza, the food’s better down the side streets and not as busy,” I explain.

  Evan just nods as I take a cursory look around the piazza.

  In mid-April, it’s relatively hot, but not humid; more of dry heat.

  Though it’s later in the evening, all around us are couples in love, families, screaming children and tourists snapping pictures.

  “I think the restaurant I’m thinking of is just on the other side of the fountain, the seafood there was phenomenal…” I try to speak.

  Evan’s hand has slipped in mine, and my words are lost on my lips.

  “Something about the seafood?” he whispers in my ear.

  “It’s perfect,” I falter through the words.

  “We’ve never held hands, like this,” I blurt out.

  “I know,” Evan says simply.

  He squeezes my hand reassuringly.

  “It’s kind of nice, don’t you think?”

  His words are in my ear again.

  Our bodies are touching ever so slightly in the crowd, and I press a hand against his chest.

  “We’ve never been out in the open like this. either,” I say.

  “It’s different,” Evan replies.

  “Good different?” I ask.

  “Amazing different,” he tells me exactly what I need to hear.

  “It feels so good to just, stand next to you, to be with you in public, holding your hand. It’s like everything is right, and I don’t have a care in the world,” Evan’s every word is deliberate and slow.

  Those words have their desired effect.

  I get reeled in, and I want it.

  There’s no running anymore.

  There’s no reason for us to hide.

  Evan’s soft lips brush against mine, gently at first.

  As I return his kiss it’s almost like a force of nature, like gravity, he pulls me in against him, and I can’t help but wrap my arms around his neck, slip my hands into his hair.

  It’s like I inhale every kiss, every delicious moment of his lips against mine.

  He makes me weak, and dizzy.

  I’m out of control in his arms, and nothing can stop me.

  Slowly we pull apart, and Evan lets out a content sigh.

  “Come on,” his voice is low.

  “Let’s eat,” he adds.

  Something about his tone tells me that he wants something that’s not on the menu.

  The restaurant isn’t nearly as busy as the ones on the main piazza, and we get a table right away.

  The food is as fantastic as I remember it.

  Evan is impressed, and he usually hates my choice of restaurants.

  We dine on white wine, cuttlefish, and pasta with lobster; savoring every bite and enjoying the silence between us.

  It’s comfortable, natural, and there’s something palpable in the air.

  I can’t place what’s different, but something is.

  Then, as Evan pays the bill and I stand to stretch it hits me like a ton of bricks what’s different.


  There’s finally a chance that we can actually be together and see what this is.

  If what we have is real or not.

  “You want to go back?” Evan asks as we step outside.

  The sun is setting slowly, the crowds thinning out, and the scene far too beautiful to crawl back to the hotel just yet.

  “Have you seen the pantheon?” I ask.

  Evan shakes his head.

  “When in Rome,” I laugh.

  Evan takes my hand again, and we walk across the piazza, under the portico of the Pantheon and into the vast, circular room.

  “This is my favorite place in all of Rome. I love the hole in the ceiling so you can see straight up to the heavens,” I explain.

  I stand right in the center, ignoring the rest of the building, and just stare straight up through the center, up at the Oculus that’s always held a fascination for me that I can’t explain.

  “What’s it called?” Evan asks.

  “An oculus, isn’t it beautiful?” I ask in a soft tone.

  “I can think of something more beautiful,” Evan says.

  I look at him, and Evan’s face is as handsome as ever as he pulls me towards him by the hands.

  I press my lips together.

  “You really think so?” I ask nervously.

  “Wouldn’t say it, if it wasn’t true,” Evan murmurs.

  He pulls me closer, to wrap his arms around my waist and my hands settle on his shoulders, as we stand right under the oculus.

  A stream of light beams down over us, and we’re both cast in a golden glow.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Evan whispers to me.

  I don’t really know what to say, because he’s never said anything like this before.

  “Evan,” I murmur.

  “Leigha, I love you,” he says.

  I can tell he really means it.

  Suddenly, I’m on shaky ground.



  April 15, 2018

  I’m almost holding my breath, as Leigha’s eyes widen at my words, her mouth opens to say something, but nothing comes out.

  I did not imagine she wouldn’t return my sentiment.

  Not that it changes the way I feel, because I don’t care if she doesn’t love me; she will love me.

  “Too much?�
� I ask.

  Leigha shakes her head and bites her lip.

  “I’m just having a hard time believing this is real,” she whispers.

  “Believe it,” I tease her.

  She stiffens.

  “I do Leigha, I mean it! I’ve loved you for a long time, and now I’m finally saying it,” I tell her.

  She knows that my confession isn’t out of the blue.

  “I love you too,” Leigha’s whispers the words I want to hear.

  Those are the words my heart is demanding, and to hear it from this woman in front of me right now pushes everything else to the back burner.

  My world has been a raging fire for a long time, but Leigha makes me feel like I can manage the blaze.

  I take her face in my hands, and kiss her thoroughly, able to feel the shiver that runs through her body as we lose ourselves in this insanity.

  “This is crazy,” Leigha laughs between kisses.

  “We’re insane,” I agree.

  “What if we fuck this up?” she asks.

  “Not possible,” I tell her.

  “It’s already so fucked up as to be beyond belief!” I say, and Leigha laughs against my lips, and we’re teenagers again.

  I’m right back at that moment, standing outside the door to her dorm, with the taste of her lips on mine, wondering if I can bring myself to walk away.

  I didn’t walk away then; I’m not walking away now.

  I’m not leaving this woman, not again.

  April 20, 2018

  I just want to be alone with Leigha, for fuck's sake, but my father is intent on questioning everyone involved.

  I guess I can’t I blame him.

  Merc answers every single question rapid-fire, without hesitation.

  “Mr. Stone, no offense, but you’re not just questioning me, you’re questioning the intel of a more than reputable government agency. Intel that you shouldn’t even have by all rights, I’ve done you a favor here,” Merc states, finally stands up to my father.

  Levi and I exchange worried glances.

  We both know what my father’s thinking about: how long his friendship with Lauren carried on, and all the while she was Elizabeth in disguise.

  The object of his single ire taunted him for years, and the woman behind her is dead.


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