Manipulated [The Masters Series 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Manipulated [The Masters Series 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Rebecca Joyce

  “Touch yourself, love,” he commanded, and she reached between her legs to finger her clit. As she massaged her clit, Jason fucked her so viciously he could feel his need rising up within him yet again, that ache he long forgot about that now returned vigorously. Sara screamed as another orgasm rushed through her body. Pumping into her backside wildly, Jason thrust his cock deep, burying himself yet again within her, filling her ass with splash after splash of his semen. His body shook as the last of his cum dripped from his head into her ass. Breathing heavily, he watched as his cock slid from her ass, his cock still semi-hard. An evil grin formed on his lips, and he wondered if it was the fact that he could have sex again, or was it the woman beneath him that controlled his cock.

  Leaning back on his legs, Sara rolled onto her side, completely spent. There was nothing left in her to give. She smiled, looking at him, then pointed at his growing cock. “If you think you’re sticking that thing in any orifice of mine, think again, buddy. You’ve wrecked me. I need a breather…a long one.”

  Jason chuckled as he lay down next to her and wrapped his arms around her. “Ignore him. I have for years.”

  Her laughter filled the small room, warming his heart. For so long he felt lost, walking around in a fog of indecision. The day he met Sara, the fog started to clear and over time, he felt the sun on his skin once more. His life was better because of her, and he thanked God every day for allowing him a second chance. “You surprised me up there tonight.”

  “Is that a good thing?” she asked, curling closer to him.

  “I haven’t been surprised in a long time, Sara, but what really surprised me was your admission afterwards. Thank you for being honest and strong enough to tell me how you really felt. I promise you that I won’t make you sorry for saying it.”

  “I love you, Jason. I have for a long time now. You’re my best friend, and I should be thanking you for giving us a chance. You could have said no, but you didn’t.”

  Chuckling, Jason said, “You’ll soon find out that I have a hard time telling anyone I care about no. It’s one of my many faults.”

  “That’s not a fault, that’s a gift, a blessing, a special trait that few have.”

  “You have that trait, too,” he replied, kissing the top of her head.

  “No, I don’t,” she whispered. “I’m greedy and stubborn.” When she yawned, Jason reached over and flipped the switch, turning off the lights.

  “You’re tired baby. Sleep now,” he said, pulling the cover over her. After a few minutes of silence, something was nagging Jason, and then he remembered. Never one to believe in waiting until tomorrow what he could do today, he asked, “How do you know Chip Patterson?”



  “He was my husband.”

  Chapter Four

  Chip lay on her bed, waiting and nursing a glass of bourbon. He didn’t know what he was going to do to her once he had her alone again. He knew what he wanted to do, but she wasn’t technically his anymore. However, that was something he could easily remedy. He knew the real Sara Joseph like the back of his hand and he would bet the farm that his little sub hid that part from her new master. Nevertheless, the thought of forcing his hand didn’t sit well with him. He needed her to come to him willingly. Then there was the fact that she technically belonged to his brother.


  God, he still couldn’t wrap his head around that little fact. He had known for a couple of years that he had a brother walking the earth, but never felt the need to find him, content with where his life was at the time. Yet, when Gabriel Sexton called him about a job, the British bastard let it slip that his long-lost baby brother worked at the Pleasure Cave and that if he wanted to check him out, the job he was offering would be the perfect solution. However, the bastard failed to let him know that his ex-submissive and, most importantly, his ex-wife currently belonged to said brother.

  What a cluster fuck!

  Chip had wondered what happened to Sara when their divorce became final five years ago. One minute she was there, and the next she was gone. Nobody in Simple knew where she went. Since nobody seemed worried about her leaving, he chose to just let her go and live her life. He tried to be what she wanted when they were together, and he was, in the Dom sense. According to her, that part of him was never the problem. It was the husband part. She wanted kids, and he didn’t. They would fight for hours over the subject until he would get so angry he would leave and not return for days. When the arguments became too much and they both realized that it had spilled over into their Dom-Sub relationship, they both agreed it was time to part ways. Unlike most divorces, theirs had been amicable to the point of downright giddiness. They shared the same lawyer and agreed to divide everything, even down to the matching kitchen table and chairs. He got the chairs and she took the table. They fought over nothing in the whole time they were together, expect for babies.

  It was ironic, now that he thought of it. A baby brought them together and a baby tore them apart.

  He had just returned from college when he found his longtime friend still living in Simple. They started seeing each other occasionally at church, and then started dating. One night of passion, and both of their worlds collided forever. Chip wasted no time in asking her to marry him and she agreed. They were married a few weeks later. During the honeymoon phase, he introduced her to domination, and as he saw tonight, she submitted beautifully.

  While in her third trimester, Sara was on her way home from work on a stormy night when a deer ventured into her path on her way from work and she swerved, avoiding the animal but hitting a tree head-on. She wasn’t wearing her seatbelt and was ejected from her car. The doctors did everything they could to save her, but she lost the baby.

  That night, everything between them changed forever.

  Sara immediately wanted to try again, but Chip couldn’t do it. He refused. He had come so close to losing the one woman he loved more than his whole life, and he refused to allow anything to endanger her again. Therefore, without her ever finding out the truth, he lied to his wife for the first time ever, telling her he went and got a vasectomy. When Sara found out, she flew into a rage. It was the first time she left him, and it was also the last. After that night, Chip knew it was over between them. As much as it killed him to let her go, he loved her enough to wish her well and send her on her way.

  Now, surrounded by her smell, he worried he wouldn’t have the courage to walk away again. He hoped he did, but he needed to find out if she was okay and happy with her new Dom, his brother. Just the thought of Jason and Sara together was enough to boil his blood, but he stopped himself from thinking like that. She wasn’t his Sara anymore. She belonged to Jason, and, well, he was another story.

  That was something Chip needed to ponder and consider with care. On one side of the coin, Chip wanted to get to know his brother, and he kind of liked the idea of having a biological younger brother. However, on the other side of the coin, all Chip wanted to do was to rip his brother from limb to limb for touching what belonged to him.

  He really didn’t know what to think about his brother. Yes, they had similar traits, and his brother did have a fondness for the lifestyle, but there was something deep within Jason’s eyes that worried Chip. When he was standing toe to toe with his brother, Chip saw a flicker of something akin to pain and regret. Why his brother would harbor those feelings, he had no clue, but one thing was for damn sure, he hated the fact that if something was wrong, his brother knowingly went into a scene with unresolved issues. Whether they surrounded Sara or not, no Dom should ever wield a whip or any device unless he or she was one hundred percent in their right mind.

  Figuring there was nothing he could about it until he got to know his brother better, Chip placed his now-empty glass on the nightstand and rested his head on her pillow and closed his eyes. It had been a long day, and all he wanted to do now was rest. Before he took another breath, he was fast asleep.

  * * * *r />
  The morning rays woke him. Groggily getting up from the bed, he headed for the bathroom. Standing under the stinging hot spray, the water started to cool. Shutting it off, Chip pushed the wide glass door open to release billows of steam. Drips and splashes of water fell across the wide marble floor as he wiped a clear circle on the mirror with a thick white towel. He reached for his razor, then shaved carefully, rinsing his razor as he went. When he was finished, he splashed cool water on his face and blotted, pressing the clean white cotton towel hard against his eyes for a moment. He had a hangover to beat all hangovers, only he didn’t remember anything but falling asleep on her bed, curling into her pillow. Warm and clean, he tried to clear the fog from his mind as he took in the wide and spacious bathroom. Towels were white, thick, and longer than Sara was. The gray marble floors were shot with dark quartz veins running wildly in different patterns. Definitely better than the small bathroom they shared in their singlewide trailer. Hell, anything was better than that trailer.

  Leaning against the counter, a towel around his waist, Chip rubbed the back of his neck, and for the first time since he woke, he noticed the claw marks on his forearms and chest. Rushing from the bathroom, he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Sara sleeping on the bed. She looked tiny in the huge bed. Her body was tangled in a crisp, cream-colored sheet, her hair a fine dark cloud around her face and spread over a pillow.

  She was breathing softly and evenly.

  An angel asleep.

  Well, maybe not an angel. Her hands were tied behind her back, wrists together and facing inwards. She was naked and Chip could see the cum stains on the bed, lots of stains. Sara was on her left side, facing him, and he could see one taut breast and a soft, pink nipple. Her knees were together and drawn up slightly, thighs together, and somehow she had the sheet wrapped around one leg. His heart sputtered then stopped as last night’s escapades came barreling towards him like a freight train.

  Oh, fuck!

  * * * *

  He never uttered a word when he heard her apartment door open and shut. Stretching, he sat up on her bed and waited for her to enter her room. He said nothing when she entered and kicked off her shoes. He wanted to chuckle, remembering the many times he asked her not to leave her shoes strewn about the room. It was comforting to know that she still had her little quirks.

  He said nothing, going stock-still as she quickly removed her clothing, letting them lay were they fell. She walked naked to the bathroom, and soon he heard the shower running. Trying to ease his beating heart, he wondered if he should just get up and leave before she realized that she wasn’t alone, and then decided against it. He needed to talk to her and make sure things between them were going to be okay if he decided to stay at the club. Noticing a fireplace in her bedroom, he jumped from the bed and started a fire, knowing she would be cold after her shower. She always was.

  After a while, Sara came out of the bathroom, wearing a long white robe with a black fur collar. Her hair piled on top of her head in one of her many clips. Chip grinned and couldn’t stop himself. “Damn baby, I always knew you belonged in fur.”

  Sara screeched and jumped. “What the hell!”

  Walking out of the darkness, he stopped and waited. It had always been like that for them. He insisted she always came to him, and like the many times before, she did just that.

  Standing before him, he reached one finger into the crease of her robe below the belt, pulled one side up like a stage curtain, and peeked at her nakedness underneath. Sara put her hand on his cheek, and he kissed her palm, then her fingers, one by one.

  “I’ve missed you, baby,” he whispered softly as he sucked her thumb into his mouth. She gasped and pressed the ball of her thumb down on his tongue, and he licked it and sucked it softly. Taking her other hand in his, he pulled her softly towards him. Placing his palm on the bare back of her neck, he pulled her face to his and kissed her mouth soft and gently as he deftly removed the clip in her hair, letting her heavy tresses fall down her back. God, he loved her hair. When he felt her tongue touch his and swirl into his mouth easily, he sucked her bottom lip. Chip could feel the heat of her skin as he pushed gently, working her robe off her shoulders, then further down as it fell around her until only the loosely tied belt kept it around her at all. Finally, she sighed, sinking into him.

  Sara looked up at him, and he took her hair in his hand, and yanked a little. She moaned. She started to speak, but he lightly shook his head and stopped her. She laid her head on his chest, as he wrapped his arms around her. It had been years since he had her in his arms, and though so much time had passed, it only felt like yesterday.

  “I’ve missed this,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head.

  “Me too,” she replied, her arms coming up around him, and said, “I dreamt about you earlier today.”

  Chip grinned. “Yeah?”

  “I was doing a scene today, and at the end I felt your arms catch me, just like you used to all those other times when I’ve had enough.”

  “I did catch you, baby. I was there,” he informed her, not wanting to beat around the bush. Sara raised her head and looked into his eyes. Her glistening brown eyes, eyes that he found he could spend hours looking in and never really get to the heart of the woman he loved, looked at him questioningly. Sighing, Chip released her and stepped back before he said, “I’ve been offered a job here.”

  “Here? At the Pleasure Cave?” she stammered.

  “Yes, as the Master of Whips and Chains in tunnel four,” he added.

  “But that’s Jason’s job,” Sara sputtered. “You can’t take his job. This is all he has.”

  Chip knew that the truth would come out eventually, and he saw no reason to lie to the woman he loved. That was one good thing about their relationship. No matter how hard the truth was sometimes, they both knew it was better than the alternative. So as much as he knew it was going to hurt her, coming clean and getting everything out in the open was best for everyone concerned.

  “Do you love Jason?” Chip asked, leaning against the fireplace. He really didn’t want to know, but for some perverse reason he felt as if it would be the last nail in the coffin, so to speak, thus finally allowing him to put their relationship to rest. He had never really let go of his feelings for Sara. For so long he had loved only her. The thought of being with another never set well with him, and for some god-awful reason, he thought that maybe, sometime in the future they would find their way back to each other. However, he never thought when that time came she would be with someone else.

  When she looked down and away from him, Chip had his answer. She really didn’t need to say the words, but she did. “Yes. I love him.”

  His heart clinched and shattered, but he continued on, adding salt into his wound. “Does he make you happy?”


  Okay, he wasn’t expecting that response. Pushing away from the fireplace, he stepped towards her. “What do you mean, sometimes?”

  Sara sighed, ran her hands threw her hair, and said, “He’s different. He isn’t like you, Chip. He has a past. A bad one, and then there are his scars.”

  “I’ve seen them, so what? Either Jason makes you happy or he doesn’t. Which is it, Sara?”

  “I can’t say! Okay,” she shouted at him. “We’ve only, well…we haven’t been. Shit! I’m not saying this correctly. For the last five years, Jason and I have been friends, just friends. Then tonight, well, things changed. So, I can’t answer your question truthfully. Do I hope that he will make me happy? Yes. Do I think that he can make me happy? Yes. But I can’t say that he has.”

  “So there’s still time, then,” Chip muttered, turning away from her.


  Turning back to her, he quickly said, “Nothing.” Then he asked, “I need to know something. Do you still have feelings for me?”

  Sara’s eyes flashed to his as she gasped. Chip knew it was going to be hard for her to admit anything to him, especially after ju
st admitting her feelings for his brother, but Chip wasn’t going to let her off the hook that easily. He partly came to this place to meet his brother, but he was staying because of her. Her next words would finalize any reluctance on his part.

  “Yes, Chip. I still love you. I always have and I always will. You were my first love, my husband, my best friend. But our time has passed. I want Jason now. He can give me what I want. Please don’t interfere.”

  “Look, Sara, I’m going to take this job. Gabriel asked for me personally, and from what I saw tonight, this club needs my help, and so does Jason. I can’t promise that I won’t interfere, because I still love you.”

  She gasped, stepping back and shaking her head. “You can’t.”

  Chip grabbed her by the arms and hauled her against his chest, his mouth mere inches from hers. He said, “You’re mine. You’ve always been mine and you always will be.”

  He didn’t give her any time to respond as he took her mouth in a searing kiss.

  Chip pulled her mouth to his and kissed her hard. His breathing increased as he met her tongue with his. He stroked her flat, taut belly with his palm, and cupped her breasts in his hand, as he felt her stiff, demanding little nipples pressing into his palm. He missed this. He missed her. She was everything he wanted, and for the life of him he couldn’t think of a valid reason for walking away from her again. He was right where he wanted to be, and in a few moments, he planned to delve into her heaven.

  It had been five years since he’d been with another woman, and he planned to rectify that tonight. Lifting Sara in his arms, he carried her over to the small reading table she had set up in her room. He pushed the chair out of the way with his foot and motioned for her to get on. She gave him a slightly puzzled look but climbed up onto the table, watching him carefully.

  “Do it now, Sara,” Chip ordered firmly, as she knelt, thighs spread wide, hands gripping the table edge. He moved her hair over to one shoulder, letting it hang down, and leaving her back bare. Without fanfare, he yanked the rest of her robe off, so he could look upon her beautiful, creamy body. He was beyond the point of civility. He wanted her and nothing short of her saying her safeword was going to stop him. All day his cock had been hard and achy for her, and he was going to take what rightfully belonged to him.


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