Manipulated [The Masters Series 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Manipulated [The Masters Series 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Rebecca Joyce

  “Deal.” Chip grinned, knowing damn well Sara was going to be screaming soon enough. As for her being in pain, well, that was something different. The woman he knew had one of the highest pain thresholds he had ever seen. So much so, there were times he had to put a halt to the scene in fear he would hurt her without her saying anything.

  However, over time he learned to watch for the signs, like when she bit her bottom lip, or when the knuckles of her hands turned white. It was those signs that told him she was rapidly reaching her threshold. Regardless of her pain tolerance now, she was about to experience something new, something he had never done with her.

  He was going to cane her.

  “Have you ever used a cane, brother? It’s more effective than a whip at times. You see, unlike the whip that kisses the sub’s flesh with a lick, the cane is bendable, durable, and the sound is stimulating when it strikes flesh. Typically, I would prefer the whip, like you, but our Sara is a bit of a pain slut. Isn’t that right, baby?”

  Sara gaped and lightly nodded.

  “Like whips, there are several canes that can tease, arouse, and punish. For today’s lesson, I think we should ease Sara into the cane, since it’s been a while since she’s felt one. What do you think, brother?” Chip asked, eyeing the canes on the wall.

  “It’s your show, Chip. Show me what she can handle.”

  Eyeing the twenty-four-inch bamboo beater, Chip grinned. The bamboo beater was a wonderful cane for building impact play. Its firm, solid handle felt good in his hands as he inspected the reeds. Smiling, he turned to Sara, knowing that this particular cane would offer her complete coverage, as he eased her into the more painful canes.

  “Tell me again what you chose?”

  Her eyes never left the cane as she whispered, “Punishment, Master.”

  “Then let’s begin.”

  Jason said nothing as he watched his brother move menacingly toward the woman he loved. To say that he was a little nervous letting Chip near Sara was a huge understatement. However, there was something about Chip that he trusted, which was crazy, because he generally trusted no one. Growing up as the son of a murdering, drunk bastard, having the role model he needed was impossible. His younger years consisted of steering clear of his old man and trying not to be caught from whatever mischief he was into at the time. His mother loved him, but he had no respect for her. He couldn’t, when she allowed his father to belittle her and beat on her. Of course, it wasn’t all bad. The several times his father was in county lockup were great.

  Nevertheless, his parents’ story was already told, so it wasn’t too big of a shock when his old man killed his mother. Jason knew it was coming. Though he wasn’t expecting to find out he had a brother, he should have guessed it. His old man was never a faithful to anyone except his bottle of Captain Morgan.

  Sara’s cries brought him back to the present. Paying attention, he said nothing as Chip placed the second nipple clamp on her, then flicked it, hard, making Sara scream out.

  “Shut up!” Chip shouted at her, slapping her cheek.

  Jason pushed off the wall, just waiting for Sara to look at him, to ask him for help, but she never did. She kept her eyes on Chip the whole time, and when Chip turned away from her, she glanced quickly at him and winked.

  She winked!

  Son of a bitch, she did like it rough.

  Jason didn’t know what to think. The beautiful, sweet woman he had known was not what she portrayed. Yes, she was still his best friend, and after last night, she was more. She was his submissive, but Jason had never seen her act this way. He never would have thought that Sara liked or wanted him to be rougher with her. Was she planning to keep this part of herself hidden from him? Would she have denied herself, just to be his? Question after question flipped through his mind as he kept his eyes on the scene playing out before him.

  The pleasure on her face was amazing as Chip tortured her. He pinched, pulled, bit and flicked her nipples as she screamed, panted and moaned. Sara whimpered a little when Chip laved his tongue over her sensitive, red breasts, alternating with sucks at her nipples. His hand slid up her thigh and she shivered, craving his touch.

  “Please,” she begged in a voice he had never heard before. Sultry and seductive, her voice purred, begging Chip not to stop.

  She never used that voice with me, Jason thought, as he never moved from his spot against the wall. He had to admit to himself that being a voyeur was something new for him, especially since he was technically watching a man he barely knew pleasure his woman. It was odd, yet stimulating, and in some way, it felt right.

  Living at the Pleasure Cave, he had seen his fair share of men pleasuring women, women pleasuring men, and men with men, and women with women, however, none of it ever affected him.

  Until now.

  Now, as he stood against the wall, he felt his blood pumping furiously in his veins, his heart beating faster by the second, and his cock was so stiff, he could bend iron over it. Yep, there was something definitely to watching his brother have his wicked way with Sara.

  Unsure whether he wanted Chip to stop or keep going, Jason pondered what he was seeing and how they both reacted to each other. The chemistry was there for sure, but so was the baggage of a failed marriage. It bothered him, to see two people who from what it looked like were still in love with each other, big time, yet, they chose to walk away. He wondered what broke them apart. Was it another man, woman? Did Chip get too physical? Did Sara want something different? Hell, he could ask questions all day and probably never come close to the real reason they spilt.

  He watched Sara instinctively close her legs. Chip gripped her waist hard and shook her. Pushing his leg between hers hard, he yanked her legs apart as she giggled.

  “Vixen,” Jason heard him growl, as he reached for the spreader bar. Swiftly clamping the links around her legs, Chip opened the bar as far as it could go.

  “This is what happens when you deny me,” he said angrily. He proceeded to spank her ass a total of ten times with his bare hands. When he was finished, he looked at her and grinned. “Now try and deny me what’s mine.”

  “I don’t want to be cuffed,” Sara complained.

  “Oh yes you do. You forget I know you, love,” Chip said. “Struggle and fight me all you want baby, because the more you do the more I plan to punish you.”

  Sara proceeded to do just that as Chip laughed loudly and began to spank her again, as he said, “Damn, baby, you are igniting my fire.”

  Sara yelled, screamed, and fought as Chip administered her punishment. It wasn’t too hard, just little slaps and taps on her ass. Some of them patted down to her shaved pussy, where Jason knew she was tender from last night’s sexcapades.

  At first, Jason could tell that Chip was excited. He wondered if his brother felt naughty as his hand sharply struck Sara’s ass and pussy. Nevertheless, after a couple of hits, apparently he felt comfortable, because he kept going. After a while, Jason knew Sara’s ass had to hurt when Chip started to slap her harder, her butt bouncing and jiggling from impact. The loud, fleshy sound echoing around the room seemed to fuel Chip on. The more noise he made the harder he hit.

  “Stop!” Sara yelled. She was crying. “I’ll behave, I promise.”

  “Somehow, that was not very convincing, baby,” Chip said as he petted her red ass, rubbing the heat around, then he bent down and kissed it. “Now be a good girl and tell me what I want to hear.”

  Barely whispering, Sara whimpered, “I want you to handcuff me.”

  “And?” Chip smiled.

  “Blindfold me. Spank me. Whip me. Cane me, and then fuck me.”

  “Anything for you, baby,” Chip said lovingly, stroking her cheek as he put the blindfold back over her eyes. Jason was so excited his cock pulsed heavily in his jeans. Pre-cum leaked from his head, and if she screamed one more time, he knew he was going to shoot his load in his pants. There was something delicious about Sara at that very moment, something seductive he couldn’t pla
ce. She was a siren, begging to be punished, yet she looked demure and innocent as if she had never done this before.

  Chip turned to him and asked, “So tell me, baby brother, have you ever had Sara’s tight ass?”

  “Yes,” Jason replied. “As a matter of fact, I had it last night. Why?”

  “She’s tight, isn’t she? Her little ass just sucks you in like no other. Did she fight you any?”


  “Really?” Chip grinned, and then turned to Sara. “You little vixen, you toyed with him, didn’t you?”

  “N–no,” Sara responded in trepidation. Jason didn’t know what Chip was talking about. Last night with Sara was amazing and she behaved beautifully, not at all like the brat before him. However, if Jason had a choice, he did like Sara’s softer side, but there was something fun and mysterious about the way she was right now. He wanted to know more about the real woman before him. The more the better.

  “Oh yes you did, my little liar. How about we show Jason how you really act when someone claims your ass?”

  Chip began massaging her ass as he spread her cheeks, allowing Jason to see her tight rosebud and juicy pussy. As his brother leaned down and licked her asshole, Sara began to squirm. When she started whimpering, Chip licked more forcefully. Holding her firmly, he licked his finger and swiftly slid into her ass.

  Sara screamed.

  “Oh scream all you like, baby. You know the drill,” Chip said, and then chuckled.

  Oh fuck, Jason thought as he stood there, saying nothing as his brother manhandled and abused Sara’s ass. Chip’s fingers roughly pistoned in and out of her ass vigorously, eliciting moans and light screams from Sara’s pouty lips. His brother took his other hand and began to slap her pussy, pinching her clit every so often. When he thrust two fingers into her cunt, Sara cried, “Oh fuck me!” as three fingers were rammed into her ass. Chip began to pump in and out of her cunt as Sara squirmed harder, panting. He used his thumb on her clit, rubbing it around. Sara moaned and thrashed against her binds as Chips inserted a fourth finger into her ass, spreading it wider.

  Sara screamed as she began to come. “Yes! Oh God yes, don’t stop!”

  Chip continued as he tortured her ass and pussy with little pumps, using both of his hands. “That’s right baby, come all over my hands. You love this. Give me more, c’mon, beautiful.”

  Sara complied as she came hard, bucking against her binds as Chip filled both her holes.

  “Chip!” she screamed as her juices flowed down her legs.

  Jason couldn’t take anymore. His dick was so damn hard he felt as if it were about to explode in his pants. Quickly kicking off his boots, he yanked down his jeans and kicked them to the side. Walking determinedly towards the woman he loved, he stroked his cock. “My turn,” he growled. Falling to his knees before her, he spread her thighs further and began to devour her pussy.

  * * * *

  Chip grinned, stepping away as his brother lost control. He knew if he pushed Jason far enough, his brother would relent and give in to his desires. Now, all he had to do was to finish what he started. If he wanted Sara, Chip needed his brother on board with him. He hadn’t considered using Sara to manipulate his brother a bad thing, just a means to an end. His Sara was good at manipulating, but he was the Master. However, to attain the woman he loved and a brother he never knew he had, Chip was left with no choice.

  Sara whimpered, shuddered, as tears ran down her face through the blindfold. Her pussy was oversensitive from coming, but she said nothing as Jason continued to suck her cunt, licking in and out, using his teeth, lips, and tongue. She started to moan again. Jason was driving her quickly past the point of no return. Chip had seen her like this before, and what baby brother didn’t know was that very soon, he was about to unleash her inner animal.

  God, he loved when her inner kitten came out to play.

  “Oh God, Jason, don’t stop,” she cried as he kept licking.

  “Oh hush now, love. Baby brother will take care of you in good time. Now, it’s time for your punishment, and baby brother is going to help me. Aren’t you, Jason?”

  When his brother looked up at him, his eyes glistening in a sexual haze, Chip knew he had him. Jason nodded and got to his feet, panting heavily. “What do you need me to do?”

  Grinning, Chip said, “Hand me the cane.”

  Chapter Eight

  Sara couldn’t see them, but she could hear them. When Chip said the word cane, her body tensed, her heart picked up, and her breathing increased. It had been years since she felt the sting of a cane, and she wasn’t sure she was ready to feel its bite again. Oh, she missed it, that was true, but something in his voice had her shivering. Going with her gut, she cried, “No, Chip!”

  “Oh yes, my love. Now be a good girl, and stand perfectly still, or I will add strokes.”

  Hesitantly but obediently, Sara complied. She felt the power of Chip’s domination over her and had no option but to obey. Listening as feet shuffled around the room, she didn’t know who was where. They barely spoke, and when they did, it was muffled. The silence was disconcerting, and it wreaked havoc on her nerves. However, when their footsteps moved closer, she clearly heard Chip say, “On her bare ass only, brother.”

  Whimpering with fear and humiliation, Sara stood there as she felt her face glowing bright red. She had known Jason ever since she moved to the Pleasure Cave. He was a sweet man, with a kind heart, that was one of the reasons she was attracted to the man. He was a gentle Dom and excellent with his whips, that she loved. However, not once had she ever imagined that her lovable Dom would wield a cane and whip her. Part of her mind couldn’t allow her to accept that possibility. Yet, when she heard the cane swish in the air, she knew all of her assumptions about Jason were wrong. Apparently, when pushed, a man, any man was capable of anything. Excited and intrigued, she wondered if Jason would wield the cane forcefully or gently.

  “I know you’re only used to whips, brother, but the cane is more exact. The cane will give, and packs quite a bite when you put a little force behind it. Unlike your whips that kiss the skin, the cane stings. Now, our Sara here, well, she likes a bit of both worlds. You start with gentle smacks, then work your way up to something stronger. When it becomes too much for her, she will scream her safeword. Our Sara is a bit of a pain slut. Trust me, brother, she can handle it.”

  “Got it, gentle then hard,” Jason replied.

  The cool air on her bottom only added to her feeling of uncertainty and desire. Sara jumped when she felt a warm hand rub across her ass. She didn’t know which one it was, nor did she care. She was about to get the spanking of her life, and something inside her unfurled. She wanted it, needed it, and craved it. It had been so long since she had felt the bite of a cane, and her body started tingling all over in anticipation.

  “I do so like an unblemished, white bottom to cane,” Chip purred as she felt his hand caress and squeeze her cold globes. “Tell me, Sara. When was the last time you felt the bite of a cane?”

  “Years,” she whispered.

  “Are you telling me, the last person to cane this heavenly ass was me?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she panted as he continued to rub, warming her ass up.

  “This should be interesting, then. You may begin, brother.”

  Sara couldn’t believe what was happening to her. She felt the cane tapping gently across the center of her bared ass. She knew what to expect, but she was dismayed that even these gentle taps stung. It had clearly been longer than she thought, or she had forgotten the feel of the cane. Agreeing quickly that it was probably both, she braced herself for what was coming. She held her breath in anticipation of something considerably more painful


  Nothing, but nothing could have prepared her for the excruciating agony as Jason brought the cane down with amazing force to bite deeply onto her white flesh. Her whole body tensed in shock and disbelief at the ferocity of the stroke and the intensity of the line of
fire that erupted deep in the flesh of her bottom. As she hissed in a lungful of air, she clung to the thought that Jason must have made a mistake. He hadn’t meant to hurt her so savagely.


  Stroke two confirmed Jason had made no mistake. The second bite was even harder than the first. Sara shrieked in agony and began to struggle against her binds.


  Agony overlaid ecstasy. It was more than she could stand. The pain was at a level that was beyond her ability to comprehend. She was writhing and screaming now. Her legs were struggling around in a frenzy, but her wrists were held firm above her as the cane continued to find its mark, again and again, biting ever deeper into her buttocks.

  Sara had always believed that Jason was the picture of purpose and attentiveness when he wielded his whips. A true master at his craft, but standing there in the middle of the room, blindfolded, and unable to move as he wielded the cane with merciless venom, Sara realized, that just maybe, Jason missed his true calling.

  At twelve strokes, Jason paused for a break, giving Sara precious time to catch her breath. She still could not believe the sting radiating from her behind, nor the power of the cane as Jason ruthlessly caned her. Sincerely crying now, she pleaded, “I’m begging you, please, I can’t take any more.”

  “Oh, love, we’re not even halfway through, yet,” Chip said cheerfully as he caressed her sore ass.

  “Move away from her, brother. I’m not done,” Jason said.

  Chip chuckled softly, and she felt his warm breath against her ear as he whispered, “Looks like you’re in for it now, love. Baby brother has a taste of the cane in his mouth now and he craves it. Better be a good girl and give him what he wants.”

  Then Chip was gone. Fear fueled her veins. The room was eerily quiet. She didn’t know where they were. She couldn’t hear them or feel them. She didn’t know what they were planning. Suspense was dangerous, and it was causing her to think many horrible things.


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