Stolen Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Book 2)

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Stolen Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Book 2) Page 7

by Sterling, Ginny

  The next morning, Millie decided to go with a more informal look rather than her standard suits and tailored skirts. Millie put on a light summer dress she had bought on a whim with Danielle one weekend. It still had the tags on it, she noticed wryly. It was a light cotton dress that was fitted to her torso, but flowed out into a bell skirt and had fluttery sleeves. It was also a soft lilac color rather than the blacks and whites she normally wore. Millie rolled her hair and pulled the curls back into a ponytail to keep them tamed somewhat. She slipped on some white heels and stepped into the kitchen to hear a knock at her door. Smiling, she grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

  Jacob had not seen her before like this. She seemed carefree and was so happy. The pale purple suited her fair complexion perfectly. Millie glowed and he loved it. He brought them two coffees and two muffins to get their morning started.

  They drove out to the first location, rolled down the windows and sipped on the coffee for a bit. “We are really early,” Millie explained. “There should be no one at the house, but I hate to be earlier than fifteen minutes from the time allotted, in case they are doing last minute cleaning, etc.”

  Jacob was just enjoying the moment and curious to see what made Millie pick this house. It didn't stand out much from the street; maybe there was something a bit more eye-catching on the inside?

  They finished their coffee; Millie hopped out of the car and started up the walkway. Jacob joined her. Millie punched in her code on the key box and it popped open. She removed the key, knocked hard on the front door and unlocked it. She slowly opened the door and yelled “realtor” in a strong voice that startled him. “You would be truly surprised,” she said over her shoulder to Jacob. “I’ve walked in on people changing diapers, fixing dinner and fooling around. I always announce myself now.”

  Jacob could just picture the old Millie’s cool face as she walked in the room with a potential buyer and someone was indecently exposed. She would probably tell them that it was a detraction not attraction to the house and to get out, he thought with a smirk.

  Millie strode in the house, flipped on lights and began her routine. “This one was the three bedroom, two bath colonial that I emailed the listing for. Its 1750 square feet, but it has the basement that can be finished. There is a fenced yard with a small dog run,” she said grimacing at the tall grass in the backyard. Not cool! She would make a mental note to see if someone could come cut it before she showed this place again. “What do you think?” she asked whirling around brightly with an enthusiasm that did not reach her eyes and she knew it.

  Jacob about swallowed his tongue. He could see right through Millie’s skirt when she stood in front of the glass door with the sun behind her. He could see exactly where her slip ended and her shapely legs were firmly outlined by the glaring sunlight. “I like the view a lot,” he said as he cleared his throat.

  “You do?” she asked puzzled. “It needs to be mowed and there isn't much of a view. It backs up to another house and there are no trees,” She looked around again, thinking she had missed something.

  Jacob pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “The house is okay, it’s not great. The view I just had of you was spectacular and can’t wait to see more,” he said lightly.

  Millie took it that he wanted to see more houses and was strongly encouraged. “Ok, so it was good but not great. What did you not like about it?” she asked him.

  Jacob just shrugged, not sure how to say it but this was not the place he had in mind for his home.

  Millie shrugged, mocking him. “What does that mean? Let’s elaborate a bit more,” she said encouragingly. “So it did not impress you at all,” she commented.

  Jacob turned the tables on her. “I don't know how to say it, but this is not the place for me. What do you see when you look at this house? What are the features that made you pick this one to look at it and what did you not like when you walked in?” he asked pointedly, trying to not be too critical.

  Millie thought on that for a few minutes. “Well, honestly, it’s bland. I like more character…but it has a basement, which is appealing.” Jacob leaned towards her “more, tell me more” he said trying to see exactly what she liked in a place. “What appeals to you about a basement, Millie? Not as a real estate agent, but as a person,” he asked.

  Millie looked surprised. Nothing appealed to her about a basement other than it was a big storage area. Sure it had potential, but unless it was finished already, it was a potential money ‘pit’ to her. She knew nothing about construction other than she would have to hire someone and pray there wasn't any other problems they came across. “I understand…yeah, this one is not it,” she said with a smile and led him back out of the house, locking it back up.

  Millie plotted out the route to the next house. As she pulled up, she smiled. It was quite quaint. There were flowers all along the front bed of the house and a trellis full of roses. She got out of the car and led him to the front of the house, repeating her introduction again and guiding him inside, straight into a wall.

  This was a stunning, small house with tons of charm and character, but the layout of the interior was all wrong. The front door was hung oddly and opened towards the wall, so you had to swing it wide in order for more than one person to enter the home.

  Once inside, it had a small step down into a living area and a corner fireplace. Millie continued through the house, showing Jacob a few items that appealed to most buyers. Jacob just nodded and didn't say much.

  The master bedroom was tiny, so much so that a dresser had been placed inside the closet to give more walk space around the bed. Jacob just shook his head. This was not it. This one had personality to the house, but felt crowded and tiny. Millie was determined and would not let this dissuade her from the search.

  Millie took him to the next house on her list. This one was sure to be a hit. A single young man used to own it and recently put it on the market when his transfer went through for work. It was the proverbial bachelor pad and might be a good fit for another single man.

  It didn't have as much curb appeal as the last house, but it wasn't unpleasant either. There were two small trees on either side of the yard and a few bushes underneath the windows. Millie guided Jacob inside and stopped. She wrinkled her nose and Jacob looked at her strangely. The house smelled strongly of marijuana.

  Jacob refused to see any more of the house on the grounds that he did not want to go into work smelling like a pothead. Millie couldn't blame him for that at all, especially in his field. So far, today was turning out to be a complete bust.

  Millie returned to the car with Jacob, flipped through the papers she had printed and looked through a few more she had stapled on. “Let’s check out one more and call it a day,” she said beseechingly. She wanted to show him at least one house that might be worth calling home.

  They drove through the small town, and turned down the street by her office. She continued down the road and turned again. She pulled over, put on her hazard lights and flipped through her papers once again. “What’s wrong?” Jacob asked, “Can I help?”

  Millie was frustrated and it was bothering her that she couldn't find the one she had printed out. There were a few fixer uppers in her stack; one particularly had caught her eye that she thought about showing Jacob. “Want to just drive around and look for things that we like in a house and things we don’t?” Millie got prissy and threw the papers over her shoulder. “Sure! The one I wanted to show you is somewhere over here. We’ll just look around for a bit until we find it,” she said, completely frustrated. This wasn't like her and she hated being caught unprepared.

  Jacob left her alone for a bit as she pulled back out onto the main road and turned into the subdivision. The silence was deafening; he wasn't quite sure what was the big deal but he wasn't about to set off her temper either. They drove through the older subdivision and Jacob pointed out a few that had curb appeal to him, things he liked and one that he did not like whatsoever. “Millie, a
vocado green shingles are a definite NO in my book,” he said with a shiver. That was just plain ugly to him and he didn't want that on his place. He hadn't demanded much, but dark green shingles were a deal breaker. Millie concurred.

  Jacob suggested dinner at Tito’s again, Millie declined saying she had to go through the MLS listings again and would not be available if they were going to find him a place sooner rather than later. Jacob suggested maybe they check out one more place on the roster she brought, attempting to smooth her ruffled feathers. Jacob reached over the seat and grabbed the papers. “Let’s see if we can see this one?” he suggested.

  Millie looked at the paper in his hand. It was actually the one she had been surprised came onto the market. The house was listed about a month ago with no offers as of yet. It was a bit beat up and run down, but with some work and TLC it would be amazing. She loved the trellis along the side of the house and could see some flowers there or a lilac; the fence surrounding the house was almost non-existent due to rot and age. It definitely needed work.

  Millie headed a few miles down the road and turned at the dead end. As she pulled onto the long winding driveway, she heard Jacob whistle. “Man, this needs some work. I do believe the photo looked better.” She pulled into the circular drive and parked the car. This one had really jumped at her and made her consider finally buying her own place but the sheer volume of work needed was going to be more than she could dedicate or afford to spend.

  Jacob and Millie got out of the car and looked over the wrap around porch, noting a few boards that felt like they gave way a bit. Jacob waited patiently while Millie unlocked the combo, knocked, and announced herself. She knew the house was vacant but having someone pop out at you, was not how she planned any visit. She took no chances each home she viewed. Millie stepped inside and gasped. “Everything okay?” Jacob asked and reached out to steady her, thinking maybe she sprained her ankle or tripped.

  Millie clutched at Jacob’s arm and breathed softly, “Oh wow, I had no idea this was how it looked on the interior. Danielle took the shots and I am going to have a few words with her. This place could be amazing,” she said reverently. Jacob studied Millie’s enraptured expression and had to agree. The house needed work but would truly be a masterpiece.

  A carved mantle with a large mirror graced the far wall. The fireplace had a smoky glass surround that desperately needed polishing. The sun was pouring through a set of stained glass transom windows over every window in the dining room area that had been opened to the living room. The wood floors showed signs of staining and would have to be sanded, stained, and waxed. It was in rough shape due to lack of care and if the entry was any indication? Jacob was certain the entire place needed an overhaul, however, it showed the most promise to him.

  Jacob watched her carefully, his mind working.“You know, Millie, you should snatch this place up and take your time fixing it up,” he suggested, almost joking due to the amount of work and how lovingly she was touching the woodwork along the mantle.

  “Ha!” Millie said, “I can't buy this and we are shopping for you, not me,” she said happily trying to cover the disappointment she could feel building as she moved from the living room into the kitchen. The warm stained glass was coloring the room with a soft glow that beckoned you to enter the home.

  The kitchen was bad. Bad was an understatement. There were absolutely no upper cabinets left in the house and the counters were yellow laminate. She could see where someone had tried to put a shelf up, but it ripped out of the delicate plaster. It was a gut job but there was so much potential in the room, she admired the tall ceilings and saw that there was a painted tin ceiling present. The light fixture was atrocious and being held up with a zip tie, she almost laughed at that.

  Every room they searched needed serious work but every room also had so many features that made it special. There was a small bedroom with a pink glass fireplace surround. Another room had a claw foot tub in the bathroom adjoining it. Yet another boasted soaring ceiling, a large cupola that had shelves making it an idea reading nook or desk area.

  Jacob said not a word and watching Millie carefully. She had not seemed as excited about any of the other places, but this one was special to her and it was written on her face. “Millie, how come you have an apartment and not your own home?” he asked softly, trying not to ruin the moment for her as she peered into the unused dumbwaiter in the kitchen, flinching at the cobweb she saw inside.

  Millie did not look up from her perusal.“I really never needed a home,” she admitted easily. “I don't have children or a husband. I don't have any pets. It’s just me. My apartment suits my needs for right now. Maybe someday I will need a bigger place or have children-you know: the American dream?” she said jokingly but there was an element of wistfulness to her tone too. Jacob didn't comment. Her last statement said a lot to him.

  He pulled her to him, Millie looked up at him in surprise. “You deserve all of that and more,” he said softly and kissed her tenderly in the middle of the wretched kitchen. Millie wanted more. More from Jacob physically and emotionally, she could see that now as they kissed. She wanted more but didn't want to scare him off either. Losing herself or her career in a new role in life.

  So many changes in her since she had gotten to know him. Eyeing him from a distance, wishing and wanting to meet him was completely different from having a relationship with him. He was so special to her. She loved his smile, loved his eyes, loved his hands and how she felt when she was with him. When they spent lunch together on the picnic blanket, she could have cheerfully stayed there forever with him.


  Millie felt surprised when Jacob picked her up and set her on the dusty yellow countertop. Dust motes danced in the beam of sunlight coming through the beveled glass panes of the back door. Jacob stepped between Millie’s legs and gently nuzzled her throat softly. Her breath hitched as he captured her lips once again.

  Jacob softly wrapped his arms around her and pulling her towards the edge of the counter against him. Millie crossed her legs around him, locking them at the ankles. One white heel fell to the floor, as if to announce the moment they started to devour each other and things clicked into place between them.

  Millie slipped Jacob’s shirt from the waistband of his jeans and ran her hands along his stomach feeling his heat and contours of his torso. She reached down boldly and unzipped his pants, freeing him.

  Jacob broke the kiss and said her name questioningly, as if to beg for more and make sure this is what she wanted from him. Millie wanted all of Jacob and knew that now. The way he was looking at her with so much desire in his eyes was her undoing.

  Millie began to unbutton the fitted bodice of her dress with a smile as Jacob watched in delight. She was formal in public, but with him? She was a seductress and he loved it. Millie unclasped the front closure of her bra, cupping her breasts in her hands and didn't move, a sudden shyness coming over her.

  Jacob took over, pulling her hands away and placing them behind her, forcing her to lean back a bit. He freed each globe and delicately kissed each tip as she watched him. She felt scandalous and outrageous!

  She was so excited and felt so dirty at the same time, making love in the empty house. Jacob explored every inch of her bosom, kissing and licking. He returned to capture her mouth while his hands explored. His hands searched under her dress, grasping under her slip and pleasantly found Millie did not have much on underneath.

  A small, scrap of fabric was all that separated her wetness from his searching fingers. He pushed it aside and smiled wickedly when she gasped in pleasure. Jacob stroked her with one hand, while the other gently tugged at her exposed nipple.

  Millie could feel the pleasure building in her and wanted to feel him inside of her when she came. Millie was trembling when she broke the kiss, “Jacob” she said almost desperately breaking the moment.

  Jacob froze. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” she said shyly. “I want to please
you too and feel you inside of me,” she said huskily. Jacob groaned and dropped his pants to the floor. Millie felt his heat and harness against her inner thigh, her body screaming for more.

  Jacob kissed Millie deeply, his tongue stroking, and pulled her hips closer to the edge of the counter against his shaft. He slowly began to enter her and felt her tense up before he was halfway inside her wet heat. “Baby? Are you ok?” he asked, concerned.

  Millie winced. “Yes, I guess I never realized it might ache a bit,” she said, trying to brush it off and kissed him again. She felt such an intense stretching, burning sensation in her loins.

  Jacob stilled, recognition dawning on him. “Is this your first time?” he asked quietly, already knowing the answer. She felt so tight and he wanted to plunge himself deeply in her, but only if she was ready. He would take his time and make sure she enjoyed every second of their time together.

  Millie nodded and shut her eyes, confidence fading. I bet he stops, she thought sadly. She wanted him to make her his woman and feel him deep inside. “Baby,” he coaxed, “look at me?” Millie opened her eyes and felt so unsure of herself.

  Jacob kissed her tenderly.“I’m so glad you trust me enough to share yourself with me… I will make it good for you but it’s going to get a bit more tender. Trust me?” he said encouragingly and began to stroke her clit. Millie moaned deeply and he felt her begin to relax. Jacob rubbed a bit faster and wrapped his arm around her waist. He could feel Millie’s legs begin to twitch and could feel her juice dripping down his throbbing shaft, that was still half exposed from her soft folds that protected her. Millie began to arch her back and cry out in pleasure; Jacob pushed himself into her wetness with one harsh stroke.

  Millie yelped in surprise.“Oh!” and looked at him, shocked. “You might warn a girl, you know?” she said playfully outraged and a bit miffed. She could feel her orgasm was about to crest as he was touching her, but the sudden onset of pain brought her back down. She could feel his shaft deep inside of her, hot and throbbing.


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