Stolen Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Book 2)

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Stolen Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Book 2) Page 11

by Sterling, Ginny

  He touched and stroked her stomach and legs, coaxing them to part as he slipped off the small scrap of lace from pelvis revealing a soft, wet bud that beckoned him. Jacob lovingly kissed her stomach and softly dipped his tongue along the cleft of her heat, amazed at the taste of her body. He stroked and licked as he listed to her mewls of pleasure, amazed at how wet she was.

  Millie’s body was drenched with desire and was ready for him. He tasted and drank of her, silently begging her release with his tongue, stroking her pearl passionately eliciting several gasps. He harshly grasped her thighs, shoving one upwards and resting her foot on top of the back of the couch as he attacked, determined to make her scream with pleasure and make this a night neither of them would forget!

  Millie could not believe what he was doing to her most sensitive spots of her body, nor could she believe the sensations it was causing. Every caress of his mouth was torture, every lick of his tongue was turbulent. She didn't even realize someone could feel like that without dying of heart failure because her heart certainly felt like it was pounding away in her chest! She wanted to tell him to stop because the sensations were so intense but she didn't dare, afraid he would stop and she wanted more! She felt him grab her leg, almost painfully, and thrust it up in the air to get better access to her moist heat and almost came when he let out a growl and started licking again. She was incoherent with desire as he began to reverently lick at her, eliciting a scream as a wave of pleasure crested over her. She grabbed his thick hair to hold his teasing lips still so she could breathe and come down from the wave of pleasure that was making her shake.

  Jacob felt primal. If he could have beat on his chest, he would have. He had to have her after tasting her sweetness, there was no way he was ever going to let her go again. Millie was the woman for him. He picked her limp body up, and perched her lightly over the edge of the couch, spreading her sweetness as he let himself sink home in her heat. He heard her gasp, hesitating afraid he had hurt her again like when he had taken her virginity not twenty feet away so long ago. “Baby, did I hurt you?” he asked, not sure if he would be able to stop, as he felt her hot softness gently pulling at his cock.

  He was relieved when she shook her head no, and slid himself deep again. Jacob held himself taut, afraid he would lose himself too soon. She was gasping with each thrust and he loved the sensation of feeling her bottom bounce against him. Her wetness glided him home and beckoned for more. He could feel his control slipping as she began moaning with each thrust and he could see her hands curling excitedly. He watched as she arched her back and he wanted to touch her, to slow things down and make love to her properly. He wanted the world from her, and her heart.

  Jacob pulled at Millie’s shoulders, encouraging her to lean upwards. Still deep in her, he wrapped his arms around her, stroking her stomach and breasts. He slowly moved as he cupped and pinched both full, hot breasts. He thought his heart would explode as she turned and looked at him over her shoulder. He met her lips and tasted her sweetness mix with the musky taste of her.

  “You’re mine” he whispered hotly as he captured her lips again, teasing each nipple with his hands and sliding himself repeatedly home against her body. He felt her shaking and could feel himself coming close to peaking. He slipped a shaking hand down her body, and teasing her cleft as he thrust frantically, losing control, each kiss a gasp against each other’s lips as he felt her clench down on his shaft. He wanted desperately to come deep inside her soft wet tightness but they were not prepared whatsoever and a baby was the last thing that their tremulous relationship needed.

  They needed time together, maybe someday he thought. He caught Millie’s scream of pleasure with his mouth and slid himself out of her before he came. He rubbed himself against her backside and almost shoved himself back home when he heard her groan of disappointment. Condoms, he thought. My God, I have to buy condoms as soon as humanly possible as he came with a groan against the soft slope of her backside. He watched the creamy jet of heat hit her skin, wishing it was deep inside so he could spill himself in her wetness.

  Millie felt like gelatin in his arms. She could feel her insides still quivering in pleasure and felt such a sense of relief from the pulsating desire in her loins. He could play her body like a fine instrument, his fingers plucking and his tongue strumming perfectly. The sensations he made her feel were almost as strong as the emotions she felt towards him. She wanted to tell the world she loved him and how much she missed him. Millie wanted to call Danielle and brag about how he made her feel, and she started giggling as she thought of Danielle’s shocked face if she revealed what they had just done. Not much shocked Danielle, but she had a feeling that, “Stodgy old Millie” bragging about getting laid would do it.

  Jacob was catching his breath as he held her against him. He heard Millie’s giggle and was taken aback a bit. “First rule of this house, we do not giggle after making love, darling. Unless you care to share what’s so funny?” he said, attempting to tease her but was honestly curious. He knew she had come against him, but wasn't sure what was so funny.

  Millie’s laughter peeled throughout the house as she threw back her head and placed her hands over his, which still rested on her body as if to hug him. She smiled at him over her shoulder and gave him a devilish look. “Not much, just thought about bragging to Danielle about how good that was and thought about how shocked she would be…” she said laughing again.

  Jacob smiled widely at her. She was truly amazing to him. She gave herself willingly, she brought such joy to his life and he was overwhelmed by the feelings in him. Her taste was still on his lips and the way she looked at him made him feel invincible. “I love you, Millie,” he said before he could think about it and kissed her on her smiling face.

  Jacob realized what he said and felt like a relief was off his chest. He hoped she would return the sentiment but if she wasn't ready, that was okay with him. He needed to tell her as much as he needed to breathe.

  Millie heard the words she had been longing to hear since she saw him open the front door, she just had no idea how much she had desired it. She felt her heart overflow with happiness and returned the kiss. Moments passed as they just held each other, their lips softly touching repeatedly.

  Millie laced her fingers with his as she leaned back against his hard chest, feeling his arms tighten around her. She felt him kiss the side of her neck lovingly and realized she wanted this moment to never end. “I love you too,” she whispered softly, her head cocked to the side allowing him better access to her delicate throat.

  Millie felt Jacob tense for a moment and then hug her again tightly. The silence was almost deafening. She wanted to say more, but was scared to. Millie didn't want to be the one to show all her cards at once, as the saying goes. They still had a lot to work through and hurdles to cross, but she was hopeful that if this was meant to be they could work things out.

  Jacob pulled away, and turned her towards him. He wrapped his arms around her again, and made a small face when he found the stickiness on her back. “Join me in a shower,” he asked suggestively. “I will wash your back for you. Your front too, if you like?” he teased. He saw her look away shyly, his heart bursting with emotion. He placed his finger under her chin and turned her eyes back to him.

  “Baby, I love you so much, and I have missed you so much. Don't turn away and don't be embarrassed with me,” he said gently. He kissed her again and pulled her to her feet so they could wash the remains of their lovemaking away.

  Millie followed him back to the bedroom willingly, still blushing watching his taut buttocks walk in front of her. She marveled again how such a stunning, good-natured man could love so deeply and be so gentle with her. She thought of all the flowers and sweet words he had said to her and thought of the way his laugh and smile made her feel. Millie felt like one lucky woman to have him in her life, even if his hot little backside made her cheeks hot.

  Jacob tried to keep from strutting proudly through the house but she
made him feel like a million bucks and knew exactly what to say to make him feel like a man. The fact that she wanted to brag to her coworker about his prowess made him want to shout it to the rooftops. He could not help the smug smile on his face knowing that he had loved his woman thoroughly and she was pleased about it. He planned on doing so over and over again…as soon as he bought those damn condoms.

  He started the shower and grabbed two towels for them, glad he had the opportunity to finish at least one of the bathrooms in the house to make it presentable to her. Much still needed work, but this bathroom was almost done. He hoped she liked what he did with the bathroom as much as she seemed to like the rest of the house.

  Millie was pleasantly surprised at the amount of work he must have put into the house in such a short time frame! Not only had the kitchen been revamped, the bathroom was truly a work of art. The old claw foot tub still stood in the corner; however, a large showerhead was now mounted on a large pipe that was suspended from the ceiling in the far corner. Jacob had opened the wall, giving them a large enough shower area with a drain in the floor, so they could shower together.

  The rotten and separating tile had been removed and replaced with small penny tiles that gave it a classic, old world feeling. The new fixtures, new lights and repaired tiles gave a warm reception when you entered the room. She saw Jacob drape the towels along a strange looking bar perched beside the bathtub and looked at him quizzically.

  Jacob smiled at her.“I thought you might like a towel warmer in the bathroom,” he said quietly. “I put it there for you. Along with our large shower,” he teased. “I thought of you getting out of the tub and wanted to make this as nice as possible for you.” He had thought of them spending time together in the shower and wanted to make the room as inviting as possible. Jacob hoped she liked the feature and had to admit, he liked the towel warmer too. The lady at the hardware store in town said it was all the rage and they could not keep them in stock in the wintertime. No sense in waiting till winter for something that she might like, he thought.

  Millie kissed him gently. He was so thoughtful. She was truly impressed that he had put in the features for her and thought of her every step of the way in the remodeling. She took his hand, and stepped into the corner shower. “Join me,” she suggested feeling the hot water cascade down her back. She saw him step in and kissed him softly again under the waterfall. “I love you,” she whispered again to him, cupping his face in her hands lovingly as they showered together in the elegant bathroom.


  The next few months went by in a blur of activity. Millie had opted to move in to the house with Jacob and had not regretted a moment. She was slowly moving over her things from her apartment as they worked on the house together in their free time. She was stuck in her lease for one more month. She was blissfully happy and they were together every chance they got.

  Her happiness was contagious. Millie was smiling at everyone and upbeat about everything, to the point she had sold three houses this month and all were due to close over the next few weeks. She was terribly excited about it and planned to put the money in a savings account for the house in case another repair was needed.

  Each night, they spent together in each other’s arms loving, talking or just holding one another. Late at night seemed to be her favorite time of the day, tied in comparison with waking up in Jacob’s arms, she couldn't decide which she preferred, both had merit. Some mornings, Millie would make the coffee and bring it to Jacob in bed. Other mornings he would bring her coffee in bed. He was so tender and loving with her, she adored every moment.

  One Saturday afternoon, Millie was at the hardware store picking up paint and rollers for the next project. The guest bedroom was in serious need of attention. They had already spent one weekend pulling wallpaper, steaming the walls, scrubbing off glue and peeling the remainder of the scraps. It was tedious work but the massage from Jacob afterwards had been well worth it. Millie stood in the paint aisle blushing profusely, thinking where the last massage had ended them, while looking at paint chips. She had thought of painting the room a soft neutral gray color, however, another color caught her eye instead. She picked up fresh rollers and paint trays heading back to the house where Jacob was busy planting hydrangeas along the back of the house near the arbor.

  Jacob heard the car pull into the driveway and he put the shovel down to come help Millie unload the paint and supplies. He gave her a quick kiss as she hopped out of the car, happy to see her. He opened the hatch of her utility vehicle and refused to let her carry in the bags. “Baby, you get the door and I will carry this,” he said smiling.

  He was happy she had gone to the store, while he got the flowers planted before it got too warm out in the sun. He set the paint, rollers and other items down in the room onto the wood floor. The floor would be sanded and stained last after all the cleanup and trim work was completed. He excused himself for a moment, promising to be right back to help her. Jacob had one more hydrangea to get in the ground for Millie and he wanted to get it finished so they could water this afternoon to establish the plants.

  Jacob walked in to the house, washed his hands and grabbed a glass of cold water, chugging it down. He set the glass down and headed back to the room to help Millie. He walked in the room and stopped. “Did you change your mind? I thought you wanted this room grey?” he said surprised.

  Millie stood there with the strangest look on her face and smiling at the wall she had just started painting. The paint was a pale green color, far from the neutral grey they had discussed that would match the subdued colors in the rest of the house.

  Millie jumped guiltily and wasn't sure how to explain it. She was blissfully happy and it just hit her while she was staring at the paint. There was no rhyme or reason other than a thought struck her suddenly: the room should be a nursery.

  She hadn't really thought much about children but she always dreamed of having one or two later on once her career was established and if she met the right man. Staring at the paint selection, she realized she wanted Jacob’s children and picked up the green paint instead. She didn't know how to tell him, other than to ask him and hope he was of the same mindset. “I thought maybe this room should be a nursery someday,” she said softly “What do you think?” and waited for his response.

  Jacob was stunned and he couldn't love her more. She was an amazing woman and would be an amazing mother to his children. She was capable of so much tenderness and love it brought him to his knees sometimes. “Honey, are you wanting a baby or are you already pregnant?” he asked excitedly, rushing over and twirling her around the room. “Of course, I want us to have a baby, are you sure? Want to start making one now?” he asked hurriedly and started to carry her to their bedroom.

  Millie laughed at his enthusiasm and slapped him gently on the shoulder. “Yes, I am sure and I thought we were going to paint?” she said chuckling as he tossed her down onto the bed and pulled off his shirt. “I guess we’ll paint later?” she said growing aroused as she watched him smile devilishly at her and he took off his pants quickly climbing into the bed in the middle of the day. “Should we close the blinds?” She laughed as he began tugging off her jeans haphazardly.

  “Nope,” he said jovially. “Let ’em look if they are peeping through our window. Baby, I plan on giving them a helluva show!” he said scooping her, pushing her higher onto the bed and feasting on her womanhood with no warning at all.

  “Oh my!” she gasped at the sensation of his tongue on her nether regions. She loved the feeling of his chin stubble on her thighs and how it tingled so much when he touched her. Heck, she wasn't even fully undressed and she was ready to have him inside of her. He wanted a quickie in the afternoon, she thought, two could play this game!

  She shoved at his shoulder, disturbing his ministrations and he looked at her curiously. “Flip over, sexy,” she said huskily and eagerly mounted him, sliding him into her slowly as he watched. Millie rode him for some time feeling the pleasure
building in her pelvis as she watched him, watching her. She laced her fingers in his and held his hands as she thrust down onto his pelvis with enthusiasm. “I love you,” she said as she came.

  Jacob watched the show above him and adored how she made love to him with abandon. She was incredibly sexy in her mussed T-shirt and watching him with those mesmerizing, hooded eyes as she ground herself on him. He was so deep in her and she was looking at him with so much tenderness. He barely heard her say that she loved him when he felt himself exploding inside of her with abandon. No condom, just as she requested a few moments before. They may be needing that nursery soon, he hadn't thought much about it lately but sincerely hoped so.

  Jacob held her afterwards for quite some time; neither one commenting as he stroked her soft back for a while as she lay curled against him in the sunlight on the bed. After a bit, he rolled her back over and proceeded to make love to her again. “For good-measure, my darling. We have to try a lot,” he said with a wink and kissed her. He made love to her several times the rest of the afternoon and they ended up putting the lid back on the paint can for the day. He decided next weekend would be a perfect time to paint instead. He was not leaving this bed or her warm arms for quite some time.


  Millie was singing the next morning as she walked into the office. She hummed, tossed down her purse and poured herself a cup of steaming hot coffee. “Danielle, would you like me to top off your cup?” she asked happily, smiling from ear to ear.

  “Crap, yes! I will have what you are having,” Danielle replied grumpily. She was terribly happy for her friend and coworker. After all, who is lucky enough to work with a friend from school and remain that way, she thought. She knew that Millicent and Jacob were blissfully happy, so much so that Millie wasn't upset with her for lying about Jacob selling the house. She actually came in to work, hugged her and thanked her.


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