by Lisa Cohen
Brooks, Romaine
Broughton, James
Brown, Thomas
Browning, Robert
Bryant, Louise
Bryn Mawr College
Buber, Martin
Bullitt, William
Burke, Edmund
Burne-Jones, Edward
Butler, Nicholas Murray
Byron, George Gordon, Lord
Caen, Herb
Cagney, James
Callot Soeurs
Calvin, Jean
Cambridge University; Newnham College
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick
Capote, Truman
Captive, The (Bourdet)
Cardillhac, Jeanne de
Cardin, Pierre
Carlota, Empress of Mexico
Carpenter, Edward
Carroll, Lewis
Carter, Ernestine
Caruso, Enrico
Casals, Pablo
Cassady, Neal
Castellane, Count Boni de
Cather, Willa
Catholicism; conversion to; doctrinal offshoots of; in England; in France; Irish; in Mexico; in Spain
Caves du Vatican, Les (Gide)
Caylus, Madame de
Celeste, Mother
Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design
Chaliapin, Boris
Chamberlain, Neville
Chambre Syndicale de la Couture
Champcommunal, Elspeth; MG and
Champvallon, Harlay de, Archbishop of Paris
Chanel, Gabrielle “Coco,”
Changing Face of Beauty, The: Four
Thousand Years of Beautiful Women (Garland)
Changing Form of Fashion, The (Garland)
Chanler, Margaret “Daisy,”
Chanler, Maria de Acosta Sargent
Chanler, Robert
Chanler, Theodore “Teddy,”; EM and
Chantecler (Rostand)
Chappell, Billy
Chartres Cathedral
Chase, Edna Woolman
Chaumet jewelers
Cheltenham Ladies’ College
Christian Science
Churchill, Winston
Circle of Sex, The (Arthur)
Civil War, U.S.
Clarissa (Richardson)
Cocteau, Jean
Colorado Pass Rail Wreck of 1939
Columbia University
Comédie Française
Coming Struggle for Power, The (Strachey)
Common Sense
Compton-Burnett, Ivy
Comte, Auguste
Conkling, Roscoe
Connolly, Cyril
Connolly, Jean
Conrad, Joseph
Conservative Party (Tories), British
Constable, Rosalind
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooper, Greta
Cornell, Katharine
Council of Industrial Design
Coward, Noel
Cox, James M.
“Crack-Up, The” (Fitzgerald)
Crack-Up, The (Fitzgerald)
Cripps, Sir Stafford
Croft-Cooke, Rupert
Cross, Mark W.
Crowninshield, Frank
Cruttwell, Maud
Cukor, George
Cunard, Nancy
Curtis Moffat gallery
Daladier, Édouard
Dali Ball
Daly, Augustin
Darwin, Robin
David, Elizabeth
Davidson, Douglas
Davis, John W.
Dean Paul, Brenda
de Gaulle, Charles
De Lamar, Alice
de Lanux, Elizabeth Eyre
Delaunay, Sonia
Democratic National Convention of 1932
Democratic Party
Democratic State Central Committee Speakers Bureau
Depression, Great
Derain, André
Deux Magots café
de Vaux, Clothilde
de Wolfe, Elsie
Dick, Kay
Dickens, Charles
Dietrich, Marlene: MdA and
Dior, Christian
Divine Woman, The (film)
Dorchester Hotel
Dorn, Marion
Dos Passos, John
Dostoevski, Fyodor
Douglas, James
drag balls
Draper, Muriel; death of; EM’s correspondence with; EM’s relationship with; salon of
Draper, Paul
Dreher, Derek
Drew, John
Dufy, Raoul
Duke, Vernon
Dulles, John Foster
Duncan, Isadora; MdA and
Duse, Eleonora; death of; poetry about
Eagels, Jeanne
Economic Interpretation of the
Constitution (Beard)
Edge of Taos Desert (Luhan)
Edict of Nantes
Église Saint-Germain-des-Prés
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
elections, U.S.: of 1920; of 1928; of 1932; of 1934; of 1942
Eliot, George
Eliot, T. S.
Elizabeth, Queen Mother of England
Elizabeth II, Queen of England
Ellerman, Winifred (Bryher)
Ellis, Havelock
Ellis Island
Emerson, Edward Waldo
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Eminent Victorians (Strachey)
Encyclopedia Britannica
“Energists, The” (Murphy)
Enghien, Duc d’
Enthoven, Gabrielle
Esther (Racine)
Europe et la Revolution Française, L’ (Sorel)
Evans, Walker
Ewing, Max; death of; on EM
Faringdon, Lord (Gavin Henderson)
Farrar, Straus
Farrell, Kathleen
Far Side of Paradise, The (Mizener)
fashion; British; changing rules of; Edwardian; “frock consciousness” and; furniture and interior design influenced by; home dressmakers copies of; importance and/of; masculine values in; mass-production of; modeling agencies and; New Look in; Paris; personal expression and distinction conferred by; politics of; ready-to-wear; sports
Fashion (Garland)
Fashion School of the Royal College of Art; MG as principal and professor of
Fath, Jacques
Fears, Peggy
Fedorovitch, Sophie
Fénelon, François
financial panics: of 1890; of 1892–93; of 1929
Firbank, Ronald
Fish, Mrs. Stuyvesant
Fitzgerald, F. Scott; death of; EM and; works of
Fitzgerald, Zelda
Flame and Shadow (Teasdale)
Flanner, Janet; EM and; MdA and; MG and
Flesh and the Devil (film)
Fokine, Michel
Folger, Henry
Fontanne, Lynn
Forbin, Claire Charles-Roux, Marquise de
Ford, Ford Madox
Ford, Mrs. Simeon
Forster, E. M.
Fortnum and Mason
Fouque, Yvette
Four Saints in Three Acts (Thomson and Stein)
France, Fourth Republic of; Algeria, French attack on; German occupation of; religious wars of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century in; Third Republic of; Resistance movement
Francis, Kay
Francis of Assisi, Saint
Franco, Francisco
Franklin, Benjamin
Fratini, Gina
Frederick II (Holy Roman Emperor)
nbsp; Free Soil policy
Frelinghuysen, Frederick
French, Mary
French Emergency Fund
Freud, Sigmund
Frohman, Charles
Frost, Robert
Fry, Roger
Fuller, Margaret
Furlong, George
Gable, Clark
Galantière, Lewis
Garbo, Greta; aliases of; beauty and allure of; character and personality of; death of; film stardom of; MdA and; reserve and privacy of; wealth and power of
Garden, Mary
Garfield, James
Garland, Ewart; character and personality of; marriage with and divorce from MG and; MG’s relationship with; Royal Flying Corps service of; second marriage of; wartime diary of
Garland, Madge; aesthetic awakening of; alienation from family of; attachments to women of; and Australia; as autodidact; books on fashion and beauty by; childhood and adolescence of; as connoisseur of art and design; death of; early loves of; education of; elegance and charm of; energy and drive of; expertise and professionalism of; family background of; feminism of; financial difficulties of; first job of; first marriage and divorce of; as “First Professor of Fashion,”; flawless posture of; honorary degree of; illnesses of; independence and defiance of; intelligence of; leaving of parents’ home by; lectures of; MdA on; memoir of; middle class upbringing of; on-and-off self confidence of; optimism and desire of; pacifism of; parenthood rejected by; pearls worn by; personal style of; physical appearance of; portraits of; reading of; rumors of sexual scandal about; second marriage of; self-discipline of; sense of imperfection felt by; shyness of; social mobility of; social networks promoted by; social status of; speaking voice of; television and radio appearances of; world of haute couture embodied by; writing and editing of
Garland, Patrick
Geffrye Museum
Gellhorn, Martha
Genthe, Arnold
Geography and Plays (Stein)
Gere, Charlotte
Germany, Imperial; British bombing of; in World War I
Germany, Nazi; bombing of England by; European attacks by
Germany, Weimar
“Gerontian” (Eliot)
Gerrard, Theodora “Teddy,”
Gibbon, Edward
Gibran, Kahlil
Gide, André
Gielgud, John
Gillmore, Margalo
Ginsberg, Allen
Gladstone Hotel
Glasgow School of Art
Glass, Philip
Glass of Fashion, The (Beaton)
Golders Green cemetery
Goncourt, Remy de
Grant, Duncan
Grant, Ulysses S.
Gray, Eileen
Great Britain: 1929
election in; Labour government in
Great Eastern and Missouri Railroad
Greeley, Horace
Green, Henrietta
Greenberg, Clement
Groult, André
Groult, Nicole
Guggenheim, Peggy
Guilleragues, Comte de
Guizot, François
Gurdjieff, G. I.
Gysin, Brion
Hall, Alice, see Seldes, Amanda
Hall, Radclyffe
Hamish Hamilton
Handley-Read, Charles
Handley-Read, Lavinia
Hanna, Mark
Hanseatic League
Harcourt Brace
Harding, Warren G.
Hargreaves, Allan
Harlem Renaissance
Harper, Allanah
Harper’s Bazaar
Harrison, Benjamin
Hartnell, Norman
Harvey Nichols
haute couture; MG’s embodiment of; as popular entertainment
“Have You Heard About Roosevelt…?” (Murphy)
Hawes and Curtis
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hayes, Helen
H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)
Heap, Jane
Hearst, William Randolph
Hegel, Georg
Hellman, Lillian
Hemingway, Ernest
Henderson, Gavin (Lord Farringdon)
Hendon Aerodrome
Hennessy, Eileen
Henriot, Émile
Here Lies the Heart (de Acosta)
Hermann, Eva
Highsmith, Patricia
Hirschfield, Magnus
History of England (Macaulay)
History of Fashion, A (Garland)
Hitler, Adolf
Hobbes, Thomas
Hogarth Press
Hollywood, Calif.; gay subculture of
Holy Dying (Taylor)
homosexuality, criminalization of
Hoover, Herbert
Hopper, Hedda
Horan, Grey
Houghton-Brown, Geoffrey
House of Commons, British; bombing of
House of Mirth, The (Wharton)
Howard, Brian
Howe, Susan
“How to Dress on Nothing a Year” (Garland)
Hoyningen-Huene, George
Hughes, Langston
Hughes, Richard
Human Be-in
Hume, David
Huntington, Henry
Hurst, Fanny
Hutchinson, Mary (Polly Flinders)
Huxley, Aldous; MG and
Huxley, Maria; MG and
Illustrated Newspapers Group
Imperial Chemical Industries
Incorporated Society of London Fashion Designers
Indecisive Decade, The: The World of Fashion and Entertainment in the Thirties (Garland)
Inglis, Frances “Fanny” (Madame Calderón de la Barca)
Institute for Sexual Science
Ireland, Dorothy
Isabella, Queen of Spain
Ives, Emmy
Jaeger, Benita
Jagger, Mick
James, Alice
James, Charles
James, Henry
Jazz Age
Jean Désert
Jeffers, Robinson
Jeffers, Una
Jefferson, Thomas
Joan of Arc, Saint
Jockey Club
Johnson, Samuel
Jones, Thomas
Jourdain, Margaret
Jouvet, Louis
Joyce, James; death mask of
Julien Levy Gallery
Karsavina, Tamara
Kauffer, Edward McKnight
King, Francis
King, Viva
King, Willie
Kinsey, Alfred
Kirk, Maria Annunziata “Poppy,”
Kirstein, Lincoln
Knickerbocker, Cholly
Knights of Labor
Koestler, Arthur
La Beaumelle, Angliviel de
Labor Department, U.S.
Laboureur, Jean-Emile
Labour Party, British
Lacarrere, Mademoiselle
Ladies Almanack (Barnes)
Laffan, Patricia
Lambs Club
Landon, Alfred
Landseer, Edwin
Lanvin, Jeanne
Lartigue, Jacques-Henri
Laurencin, Marie
Lawrence, D. H.
League of Nations
Le Corbusier
Lees-Milne, Alvide
Lees-Milne, James
Left Book Club
Legacy, A (Bedford)
Le Gallienne, Eva; acting career of; MdA and
Legroux Soeurs (milliner)
Leicester Galleries
Lemon and the Rose, The (Laurencin)
Lenin, V. I.
Leopold, James
Lepape, Georges
Lepore, Jill
lesbian networks; see also Sapphism
Letters of a Portuguese Nun (Guilleragues)
LeVoe, Spivy
Liberal Party, British
Library of Congress
“Life of Lady Blessington, The” (Murphy)
Liliom (Molnar)
Lindsay, Vachel
Lindsley, Lorna
Listen—The Women!
Little Minister, The (Barrie)
Little Review
“Lives of the Obscure” (Woolf)
Loeb, Harold
Lolly Willowes (Townsend Warner)
London Fashion Group
London Group
Lone Pine, Battle of (Gallipoli campaign)
Louis XIII, King of France
Louis XIV, King of France; secret marriage of Madame Maintenon and
Louis XV, King of France
Love’s Labour Lost (Shakespeare)
Lowell, Amy
Luce, Clare Boothe
Lucy Stone League
Luhan, Mabel Dodge
Lukach, Harry
Lully, Jean-Baptiste
Lunt, Alfred
Lydig, Philip
Lydig, Rita de Acosta; beauty and glamour of; celebrity of; collecting of; death of; fashionable wardrobe of; magnetic personality of; marriages of; MdA and; as patroness of the arts; portraits and photographs of
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
MacDonald, Ramsay
MacLeish, Archibald
Macpherson, Kenneth
Madame de Maintenon (Cruttwell)
Magdalene, Mary
Maintenon, Madame de; baptism of; birth of; childhood and adolescence of; correspondence of; death of; as educator; EM’s unfinished book on; first marriage of; religious struggles of; reputation of; secret marriage of Louis IV and
Manhattan Club
Mann, Erika
Mann, Klaus
Mann, Thomas
Mansfield Park (Austen)
Maples store
Marais, Jean
Marbury, Elisabeth “Bessie,”
Marie, Queen of Romania
Mark Cross Company; Gerald Murphy’s management of; Patrick Murphy’s ownership of
Marshall, Margaret
Marshall Field’s
Martin, Charles
Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens)
Massachusetts Legislature
Masters, Edgar Lee
Mather, Cotton
Matisse, Henri
Maugham, Somerset
Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico
May (nursemaid)
Mazzini, Giuseppe
McCarthy, Joseph R.
McCarthy, Mary; Catholic background of; EM and
McCarthy, William
McCullers, Carson
Macgregor, Helen
McHarg, Andrew Creighton; business of; MG’s relationship with; quest for status by
McHarg, Gerald; family business joined by; MG’s correspondence with; military service of
McHarg, Henrietta “Hettie” Maria Aitkin; beauty and style of; death of; indolence of; MG’s relationship with; social aspirations of
McHarg, James
McHarg, Keith
McHarg, Madge Alma, see Garland, Madge
McHarg, Yvonne