Rise to Submit [Rise of the Changelings, Book 4] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)

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Rise to Submit [Rise of the Changelings, Book 4] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove) Page 1

by Lynn Hagen

  Rise of the Changelings, Book 4

  Rise to Submit

  Ian Campbell is a fang addict. He knows this, but is powerless against the drug that has taken over his very existence. When Newman, the vampire feeding his habit, tries to hand Ian over to the coven to be drained, he knows it’s time to go.

  While on the run himself after being accused of bombing the college that he attended, Mason is sent to pick up Ian. He finds that Ian isn’t a happy man. In fact, Ian tries to escape.

  But little does Ian know that the very man he is running from might be the only man who can bring him back from the devastation his addiction has caused.

  Rick is leading a war to save his species, and his job only grows tougher when Ian returns, and the alpha must tell Dorian, his mate and Ian’s brother, that he suspects Ian of being a mole.

  NOTE! You are purchasing Siren’s newest imprint, the Siren Epic Romance collection. This is Book 4 of 7 in the Rise of the Changelings series. The series shares an overall story arc with many crossover characters playing major roles in each book. These books are not stand-alone and should be read in their numbered order.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 79,330 words


  Rise of the Changelings, Book 4

  Lynn Hagen



  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Siren Epic Romance, ManLove


  Copyright © 2013 by Lynn Hagen

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-180-0

  First E-book Publication: March 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Rise of the Changelings, Book 4


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Rick lowered the binoculars and shook his head, knowing they were going to add days to their journey. “The town is flooded with Breed Hunters and soldiers. There’s no way to even go around the area without being caught.”

  Cities began to look like decimated war zones. Buildings were bombed and the streets deserted. Cars sat haphazardly, burnt out or abandoned. Martial law had already been declared, but Breed Hunters and Rebellions ignored the order as they each hunted the other down, ferretted out their enemy, and killed without hesitation.

  And it seemed the Breed Hunters were taking advantage of the desolate towns, using them as headquarters.

  “Then that adds days to our travel.” Sasha Monroe, alpha of the wereleopard changeling leap, stated Rick’s thoughts with irritation.

  Rick handed him the binoculars. “There’s nothing we can do about it.”

  As much as Rick hated to be delayed, he was not going to risk his group. A gaggle of weregeese were being attacked in Colorado and had sent word that they needed help. They were not a predatory breed, and Rick knew they were running for their lives instead of fighting.

  “Call Loki, the alpha of the local weretiger pack, and let him know they need to send their forces in,” Rick said to Mason, the jaguar changeling with them. “Tell him I may not be able to make it in time to help the geese.”

  They used the Internet and other means of communication to send messages and instructions that flew across the nation, relaying anything the leader had planned.

  The government tried to shut them down. But as soon as one site was taken down, another sprang up.

  The Rebellion would not be stopped.

  They would not be defeated.

  Rick looked over his group, seeing the sullen expressions on their faces. Mason, Omar, Benito, Miguel, Dorian, Sasha, and Freedman were still with Rick. All seven men had decided to stay with Rick’s Rebellion group.

  Too bad he couldn’t pull in Nate and Selene. They would be perfect on his team. The problem with that was the fact that once the two were done in Shelton, Edward Costello—Rick’s brother-in-law—needed the two changelings.

  Nate, Rick’s top enforcer, had texted him and told him that he was going to give his search for Ian two more days, and then he was leaving Shelton. Ian was Dorian’s brother, and Rick worried about the man, but there wasn’t anything Rick could do about the situation. He had to trust that Nate and Selene would get Ian out in time.

  Dorian had made Rick promise that they would try their damnedest to get Ian out of the BDSM club owned by Kraven, master vampire of Hamilton.

  No one could go in without risking Kraven sending his Mãos da Morte after them, so Nate was staking the place out, waiting, watching.

  “Let’s load up and move out,” Freedman said as he began to descend down the small hill they had used to observe the town down below.

  “I really hate it when he acts as though he is in charge,” Sasha snarled as he walked away.

  Having two other dominant men in his group, aside from himself, proved challeng
ing considering Rick was an alpha and a predatory changeling. He didn’t mind Freedman giving orders when things needed to be done, but it seemed Sasha got his panties into a bind whenever Freedman opened his mouth.

  There were times when Rick wanted to kick the leopard out of the truck and drive away. Sasha drove him crazy. But Rick dealt with it the best he could. The changeling might be a pain in the ass, but he was one hell of a man when it came to fighting and taking down the enemy.

  Rick needed as many capable people as he could get, so he dealt with Sasha’s ever-changing mood.

  “Maybe Nate should have left that cage with us,” Benito said as he began to walk next to Rick. “That way you could shove Sasha’s cranky ass in there when he starts acting like this.”

  Rick chuckled at the serious expression on Benito’s olive-colored face. “I’ll have to remember to tell Nate to bring it the next time he heads our way.”

  “When will he and Selene join us?” Miguel asked. “I miss the big guy.”

  Changelings, weaker or younger ones, always looked up to the more dominant males for approval and guidance. Not only did changelings need touch, but they needed to know their alpha was there for them. Miguel and Benito loved and respected Nate. The man was large, even for a changeling, and took care of business without hesitation. Any juvenile would look up to someone like that.

  “Soon,” Rick replied as he ran his hand over Benito’s hair. The juvenile ate the attention up, giving off a low throaty sound as Rick stroked his fingers through the strands.

  Changeling touch had nothing to do with sex. It was a way to reassure the pack and give them comfort. As alpha, Rick had no problem giving the juveniles the touch they craved.

  Miguel moved to the other side of Rick, leaning in slightly as they walked. Rick grinned and began to play in Miguel’s hair as well.

  “You two look ridiculous,” Omar scoffed as he walked behind Rick and the others. “Grow up.”

  Rick sighed. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do with Omar. The blond male seemed to grow more pessimistic as the weeks grew into months. It had been four months since Rick had run from the cops invading his home, and if anyone had any reason to be cantankerous, it was him.

  “Shut up, Omar,” Miguel snipped. “You’re just being an ass.”

  Rick gently popped Miguel on the back of the head. There was no force to it. “Leave him be.”

  “Fine,” Miguel grumbled as he left Rick’s side and walked to the truck. Benito spun around and pointed a finger in Omar’s face.

  “You got Miguel in trouble with the alpha. Do that again and I’ll kick your scrawny ass!”

  “Try it,” Omar challenged.

  “Whoa,” Freedman said as he pulled Omar away. “Get in the truck before beanpole over there makes good on his threat.”

  “I don’t need you saving me,” Omar snapped at Freedman as he climbed into the truck. Rick knew it made Omar look weak to have someone help him. Still, the guy needed to learn to let shit go. Benito may be a beanpole, but Rick had a feeling he would hand Omar his ass.

  He shook his head as he climbed into the passenger seat, Freedman taking the wheel. They had picked up a Ford Excursion. It was big enough for everyone to fit, but hell on gas mileage.

  “Dad texted me,” Dorian said from behind Rick.

  Rick snapped his seat belt into place and then glanced over his shoulder. “How are he and your mother?”

  “He says Mom is doing a lot better. She isn’t waking up screaming any longer,” Dorian said solemnly. “But she is still worried sick about me and Ian.”

  “She’s your mother,” Rick replied gently. “She’ll always worry about her sons.”

  “Any word from Nate?” Dorian asked. He had been asking the same question once a day for the past four weeks. Again, Rick shook his head. He prayed Nate found Ian before he left Shelton or Dorian was going to go crazy. His mate blamed himself for Ian’s depravities as it was. No matter how much Rick tried to convince him that he wasn’t the one who got Ian hooked on vampire bites, Dorian wouldn’t listen.

  He also tried to explain to his mate that Ian’s involvement in the BDSM lifestyle wasn’t about wanting to be beaten—Howard, Dorian’s father had tried to talk to Dorian about it as well—the guy wouldn’t listen.

  Rick wasn’t sure what would make Dorian see that Ian wasn’t a depraved man, just someone who was lost and needed help. Dorian was usually an open-minded person, but when it came to drugs and BDSM, the man was as stubborn as the day was long. With the war going on, Rick had to pick and choose his battles. Fighting with Dorian about Ian was something Rick was not going to do.

  He just hoped one day Dorian changed his mind. Losing a brother by death or by disownment was something no man should have to endure. But if Dorian kept up with his views, there was no way Ian would stick around.

  That was if they found the man.

  “Shit,” Freedman said from the driver’s seat. His features turned hard as he stared into the rearview mirror.

  “What?” Rick asked as he glanced in the side mirror to see a dark-blue pickup truck behind them, full of gun-toting men. “Breed Hunters.”

  “Looks like it,” Freedman said between gritted teeth. The human soldier turned right on the next side road ahead of them.

  The pickup also turned right.

  Everyone in the vehicle, with the exception of Freedman and Dorian, was changeling. Rick was the most wanted man in America and had numerous alleged charges against him. Freedman was considered an enemy of the state when he killed the leader of the Death Squad, Middleton, and then defected to the changeling side.

  Mason was wanted for bombing a college in Georgia—which he did not do—and he was being hunted down by a group of Breed Hunters who were hired by his father.

  And everyone in the truck was wanted for killing the infamous Death Squad. Jayson, one of Rick’s former employees, had gotten away when the battle had taken place, and Rick knew without a doubt the little fucktard had told the proper authorities that Rick had accomplices. Jayson may not know who everyone was in Rick’s group, but if they were caught with Rick and Jayson identified them, they were dead men.

  Hell, they were already dead men, so it didn’t really matter, now did it?

  “They’re speeding up,” Freedman warned as his knuckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel so hard.

  Rick glanced in the mirror again to see Freedman was right. The pickup was gaining speed, getting closer. “Arm up, ladies. It looks like we’ll be fighting our way out of this one.”

  The pickup moved into the opposing lane and pulled up next to them. “Pull over,” the passenger shouted to them as he pointed to the side of the road.

  Sasha, who was sitting behind Freedman, rolled his window down and shot the passenger in the pickup. The man slumped back into the truck. Rick knew that there was no reasoning with Breed Hunters. There was no talking their way out of this. When they found out Rick and his group were changeling, it was over.

  The Breed Hunters would kill them without hesitation and with no mercy.

  Freedman sped up, trying to outrun the pickup. Bullets could be heard pinging off of the Excursion, but Freedman pressed on. Sasha leaned out of one back window, Dorian out of the other, shooting at the pickup when the blue truck got behind them. Rick rolled his window all the way down and slid halfway out, praying a long hanging branch didn’t knock him from the truck.

  He had Freedman’s M-16 in his hands as he opened fire. He made sure he was aiming over the roof of the truck so he didn’t hit his mate who was right next to him. Mason, Benito, and Miguel had opened the window on the back hatch and were emptying their rifles into the pickup as well.

  The pickup swerved, the front left tire exploding, and then the blue truck careened down a small embankment. Rick slipped back into the truck and settled in his seat. “We need to get ghost before they call for backup.”

  “I swear if I get shot one more fucking time, I’m going to blow s
omething up!” Omar shouted as the scent of blood filled the interior of the truck.

  Freedman hit the brakes, the ass end swerving as the truck came to a halt. “Take over,” he said to Rick as he jumped out of the driver’s seat and ran toward the back of the truck. Rick ran around the front and hopped into the driver’s seat. As soon as Freedman climbed inside, Rick took off.

  “Sasha, stop the others from shifting,” Rick warned. Changelings, no matter how good their intentions were, shifted when they smelled blood. Their baser instinct was to hunt that which bled. It didn’t matter if it was another changeling. Their instincts took over and clouded their judgment.

  He heard a loud yowl and then all fell silent. Sasha had given his warning, and Rick was damn sure the others would listen. The man might be a pain in the ass most days, but he wasn’t one to tussle with.

  “It’s just a flesh wound,” Freedman called to Rick.

  “Just a flesh wound!” Omar snapped indignantly.

  Rick ignored them as he drove hard and fast, taking the back roads and heading toward Colorado to hopefully help the tigers save the weregeese in time.

  Chapter Two

  Pushing up from the ground, Ian swayed and had to use the building to steady himself. He glanced around and saw that there was nothing back here but a Dumpster, trash littering the ground, and a homeless person slumped over at the end of the alley.

  What in the hell was he supposed to do? He had nowhere to go and not a stich of clothing to put on. The wind picked up, making him shiver even harder. Ian wrapped his arms around his waist and wondered how he was going to get out of this mess. As his mind cleared some more, the small vampire’s words sank in.

  Feeding frenzy.

  Ian jumped when he heard a car backfire somewhere off in the distance. It only reminded him that he needed to get away from the club. But where could he go? He began to walk down the alley, toward the main street. Ian really, really didn’t want to wander the streets naked, but he didn’t have a choice. If he stayed around here, Newman would find him.

  The sad thing was, he couldn’t even get mad. Ian had brought all of this on himself. There was no one to blame for what he was going through but his own damn stupidity.


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