50 Palamara, Vince. Survivor’s Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect the President. This article discusses the directions to remove bubble-top given at Love Field Airport
51 Garrison, Jim. On the Trail of the Assassins, xiii
52 Kennedy, Quote from Remarks made to Press Secretary Pierre Salinger on his personal safety. 1963
53 Photo of Carousel Club
54 Photo of Walgreen’s on Main Street in Dallas, 1963
55 Photo of Wanted for Treason handbill advertised in the Dallas Morning News on November 22, 1963
56 Organ, Jerry. “The Zapruder Film.” Organ discusses Zapruder’s vertigo and the need for Sitzman to steady him as he took the film. 2000. Web
57 Photo of Charles and Beatrice Hester taken from a frame in the Zapruder film. Beatrice was Zapruder’s payroll clerk and her husband Charles had met her that day to view the parade together
58 JFK Assassination Forum. Jerry Belknap Topic. Various threads. Web Forum. Belknap was the man identified as having a “fainting spell” or “epileptic seizure”. He worked part-time in the Dallas Morning News mail room. You can also find out more about him in Warren Commission Document 1245: FBI Gemberling Report. July 2, 1964
59 See the Nix Film
60 Kennedy, Quote from Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961
61 Retronewswer: Bossa Nova Baby by Elvis Presley standings on the Billboard Charts. November, 1963
62 Museum, Sixth Floor: Zapruder Film Timeline. Harry McCormick and Zapruder
63 Scally, Chris. Tabular Zapruder Film Chronology. 2010. Phone calls from Zapruder to Schwartz and the DPD
64 Sixth Floor Museum, Oral History: Darwin Payne
65 Sixth Floor Museum Zapruder Film Chronology
66 WC, Forrest Sorrels, Vol VII, 352
67 National Public Radio Program: All Things Considered. Cronkite’s National Announcement of Kennedy’s Death on CBS. Web
68 Mack, Gary. DPD Officers Osburn and Jones drive Zapruder. Email to author
69 Museum, Sixth Floor. Zapruder Film Timeline. Jay Watson, WFAA
70 Ibid, Bert Shipp, WFAA
71 Museum, Sixth Floor. Zapruder WFAA Interview Transcript
72 Wrone, David. The Zapruder Film: Reframing JFK’s Assassination. 150- 155
73 Warren Commission, Vol. VII. Sorrels called back to Dallas after LHO is arrested. 350
74 Wrone. 151
75 Backes, Joseph, “Why JFK Went to Texas”. 1999. Web
76 Simkin, Republic Bank Tower Meetings
77 Scally, Chris. Tabular Zapruder Chronology. 2010
78 Consumer Price Calculator. Web
79 Kennedy. Quote from Campaign Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy. Convention Hall, Philadelphia, PA. October 31, 1960
80 Photo of 1957 Plymouth Fury
81 Photo of a White Valiant Automobile
82 Keystone K-810 Camera Operating Manual. 1963
83 The Sixth Floor Museum. “Abraham Zapruder WFAA Interview Transcript”. Web
84 Ibid
85 Photo of Hertz clock atop Texas School Book Depository removed in 1979
86 Nix-Jackson, Gayle. My great-uncle, Dr. Eual Dipprey was the physician for the owner of Lee Harvey Oswald’s Rental Home at 1026 Beckley. Her name was Gladys Johnson
87 JFK Assassination Forum. J.D. Tippit Topic, Various threads. Web Forum
88 Donald, Mark. Good Time Charlie. The Dallas Observer Online. 1999. The “Decker Hold” was named after Dallas County Sheriff Bill Decker and meant that the prisoner could receive no visitors, sheriff’s orders
89 Poole, Robert. “In Memoriam: Barry Goldwater.” Reason Magazine (Obituary), 1998
90 Kennedy. Quote from the speech given in New York City before the American Newspapers Publisher’s Association. April, 1961
91 Bryant, John “Birdman.” The John Birch Society—Exposed! Web. Article on the history of the John Birch Society
92 Photo of Headlines in Dallas Morning News November 23, 1963
93 JFK Assassination Forum. Was it a Mauser or Carcano or both? Various Threads. Web Forum. Mauser rifle first identified as weapon by the DPD
94 The Nix Film. See the segment filmed on Saturday November 23, 1963
95 Stolley, Richard. What Happened Next: Film of John F. Kennedy’s Assassination. Esquire 134
96 Ibid
97 Stolley, 135
98 Simkin, The Zapruder Film
99 Kennedy. Quote from the speech made before the Joint Session of Congress about space. May 25, 1961
100 Photo of Austin’s Barbecue Restaurant
101 Photo of Austin’s Barbecue Drink Cup
102 Katzenbach, Nicholas. Memo to Bill Moyers. NARA. November 25, 1963
103 Gibson, Donald. The Creation of the Warren Commission. Probe, 1966, 4 Ed
104 Photo of Jim Leavelle. White Resistol hats distinguished investigators from other DPD officers
105 Warren Report: Report of the President’s Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. United States Government Printing Office, 912 pages. No tape recorders were used during LHO interview
106 The Smoking Gun: Dark Day in Dallas. 2013. Questions about handwritten notes taken by Fritz, Curry and others in Oswald’s interview. Turner Online. Web
107 JFK Assassination Forum: Which rifle? A Mauser or a Mannlicher-Carcano. Various threads. Web Forum
108 Chalk, Phillip. Rather: Wrong from the Beginning. Eddie Barker chastises Dan Rather’s embellishments of Dallas schoolchildren clapping as if happy the President was assassinated. They were happy because they were going home early
109 WC. Interview with Fritz and Curry regarding threats on Oswald’s life. During the night, between 2:30 and 3 A.M., the local office of the FBI and the Sheriff’s office received telephone calls from an unidentified man who warned that a committee had decided “to kill the man who had killed the President.” Shortly after, an FBI agent notified the Dallas police of the anonymous threat. The Police department and ultimately Chief Curry were informed of both threats. 209 See also: http://historymatters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wr/html/WCReport_0117a.htm
110 Morley, Jefferson. How Henry Wade, Dallas DA, Ran Afoul of the FBI and CIA. July 10, 2013. Web
111 JFK Assassination Forum. Plans to Escort Oswald to Dallas County Jail. Various Threads. Web Forum
112 Warren Commission interview of Oswald by Postal Inspector Holmes
113 Dallas Hats Forum. White Resistol San Antone Hats worn by DPD Homicide Investigators
114 Photo of sweater Oswald requested
115 Griggs, Ian. DPD Structure, 1963. 1998. Web
116 Ibid
117 JFK Assassination Forum: Jack Ruby. Various Threads. 2009-2013. Though Ruby professed to be a huge Kennedy admirer, he wasn’t watching the motorcade at all. He was at the Dallas Morning News placing an ad for his club.
118 Simkin, Lamar Hotel group—Suite 8f. Spartacus Educational
119 Kennedy. Quote from Proclamation 3560 Thanksgiving day speech. November 5, 1963
120 Warren Commission. Testimony of Forrest Sorrels and his thoughts that shots came from the grassy knoll area. Vol. VI. 1964
121 Kennedy. Quote from speech given at prayer breakfast. February 2, 1963
122 Shropshire, Mike. “No Holds Barred.” D Magazine. Midget wrestling televised from the Sportatorium in Dallas. 1988
123 The Nix Film
124 Dynacolor Film Processing Lab in Dallas was on Halifax St. in Dallas. It no longer exists
125 Warren Commission. Testimony of Lyndal Shaneyfelt of the FBI. The FBI had issued an edict to all film processing plants that any film containing assassination footage must be handed over immediately. Vol V. 1964
126 The Nix Film
127 Conway, Debra. The Running Woman. Toni Foster. 2009
128 These men seen on the stairs in the Nix film are Emmet Hudson, and two men who have never been definitively identified. Some believe the man in the red shirt is Francis Lee Mudd
129 JFK Assassination Forum,
Malcolm Summers. Various threads
130 Kennedy quote from his Public Address on Civil Rights. June 11, 1963
131 Photo of Santa Fe Building where FBI was housed in 1963
132 Nix-Jackson. Letter from J. Gordon Shanklin of Dallas FBI
133 Nix-Jackson. Letter from Joe Abernathy of FBI Dallas
134 Nix-Jackson. Life magazine offer to buy film. Interview with James Wagenvoord
135 Shackleford, Martin. Updated by Debra Conway. A History of the Zapruder Film. The public was told Zapruder was only paid $25,000 and that he donated it to J.D. Tippet’s widow. Only later was the public told Zapruder was paid $150,000. James Wagenvoord later told the author that the Tippit widow didn’t receive any of Zapruder’s funds; they went to a Police Benevolence Fund. This would mean Zapruder perjured himself during his Garrison testimony
136 JFK Airport. History of JFK Airport
137 Cody, John. Interview on Nightline regarding Dallas Police Department. Dallas called City of Hate. 1994
138 Sanders, Craig and Laurie E. Jasinski. Lamar Hunt: The Texas Handbook Online. Lamar Hunt coins term Super Bowl. Web
139 History of Dallas: the Series. From the Ultimate Dallas website
140 Photo of Pegasus Horse atop Magnolia Hotel
141 Photo of Serpentine design of sidewalk into Time/Life lobby
142 Nix-Jackson. Interview with Maurice Schonfeld regarding the meeting of Orville Nix, Orville Nix, Jr., Reinhardt and Schonfeld in New York at UPI, 1990. Schonfeld, in a later article, erroneously describes the author as Orville Nix’s niece as well as stating Orville Nix was given a “Stetson Hat”
143 Obituary of Edward K. Thompson of Life in the New York Times. October 9, 1996
144 Photo of Eames chair
145 Nix-Jackson, Gayle. Telephone Interview with James Wagenvoord regarding Time/Life in New York. 2013
146 Photo of Griff’s burgers in Dallas. 1963
147 Schonfeld, Maurice. Shadow of a Gunman. 1975. 46-50
148 Nix-Jackson, Gayle. Interview with Orville Nix regarding Handshake contract with UPI
149 Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza. Orville Nix Overview and Timeline. Nix contract broken by UPI by showing Fox Movietone news in theaters
150 Morley, Jefferson. Morley names important files in CIA’s undisclosed files 2017. Jfkfacts.org. Web
151 Kennedy Quote from the Yale Commencement Address. June 11, 1962
152 Baylor University W.R. Poage Legislative Library, Penn Jones Biography. Web
153 Ibid
154 Ibid
155 Lane, Mark. Defense Brief for Oswald. 1969
156 Minnis & Staughton Article on Conspiracy: “Seeds of Doubt: Some Questions About the Assassination”. The New Guardian. 1963. 14-20
157 Douglass, James. Who Killed Kennedy? 478
158 Buchanan, Thomas. Who Killed Kennedy? 178
159 Hepburn, James (pseudonym) Farewell, America. 1968
160 Simkin. Suite 8F
161 Siff, Steven. Henry Luce’s Strange Trip: Coverage of LSD in Time and Life. 1954-1968. 2008
162 Shafer, Jack. “The Time and Life Acid Trip”. Slate. June, 2010. Web
163 Siff. Vol. 34.3
164 Preparata, Guido Giacamo. The Ideology of Tyranny: The Use of Neo-Gnostic Myth in American Politics. Web. Chapter seven discusses the philosophy of Derrida and Foucault
165 Krock, Arthur. Kennedy quote from Intra-Administration War in Vietnam. JFK Lancer website. This article attributes the quote to “a very high (ranking) U.S. Official who has spent much of his life in the service of democracy.” Web
166 Reeves, Thomas. A Question of Character: A Life of John F. Kennedy. NY. 1991
167 Beran, Michael Knox. “Fifty Years after Dallas.” National Review Online. JFK letter to Paul Fay November 21, 2013. Web
168 Nasaw, David. The Patriarch: the Remarkable Life and Turbulent Times of Joseph P. Kennedy. 79
169 Ibid. 83
170 Kennedy, John F. Why England Slept. 1940
171 Luce, Henry. Recorded interview at the JFK Presidential Library. Luce and Joseph Kennedy. 1965
172 Caro, Robert. The Passage of Power. The Lyndon Johnson Years Volume 4. New York. 2012. 65
173 Ibid
174 Twyman, Noel. Bloody Treason. 831
175 Summer, Anthony. Official and Confidential. 272
176 Simkin. Suite 8F. Texas oilmen were worried that JFK would repeal the oil depletion tax, costing them millions of dollars
177 Central Intelligence Agency Website. The CIA and the Cold War. Truman quote about the CIA. Web
178 Ibid
179 Ibid
180 Wilkes, Donald E. “Destiny Betrayed: Oswald, the CIA and the JFK Assassination” Flagpole Magazine 1975
181 Douglass, James. JFK and the Unspeakable: Why he Died and Why it Matters. 331-332
182 Agee, Phillip. Inside the Company: CIA Diary. New York. Allan Lane. 1975. Pages regarding the many CIA coups. 573-583
183 CIA website. CIA History. 2013. Web
184 CIA website. Current Events. NSA accused of wiretapping. Web. 2013
185 Greir Peter. “John F. Kennedy: Why Books Were a Big Part of his Life.” Kennedy advises Allen Dulles to read Ian Fleming novels. JFK loves espionage
186 HSCA Findings on assassination attempts on Castro. 1979
187 Canfield, Michael and Alan Weberman. Coup d’état in America: The CIA and the Assassination of JFK. 1975. Allen Dulles fall guy for Bay of Pigs. 115
188 Kennedy. NSA55 Memorandum number 55 on National Security
189 Simkin, Jeanne DeMohrenschildt
190 Morley, Jefferson. Oswald and the DRE. jfk-info.org
191 Morley. George Joannides. jfk-info.org
192 Armstrong, John. The Harvey and Lee Page. 2009-2013. Web
193 Bradford, Rex. The Fourteen Minute Gap. LBJ and JEH on Oswald in Mexico City
194 Ferrell, Mary. Comrade Kostin letter by Oswald
195 Morley. JFK Facts Website. Warren Commission never told about CIA activities
196 Morley. JFK Facts Website. What are in the CIA withheld documents?
197 Fonzi, Gaeton. The Last Investigation. 154
198 Agee, Phillip. Inside the Company: CIA Diary. Operation Mongoose. 67
199 Camper, Frank. The MK: ULTRA Secret. 2013. Web
200 Krock, Arthur. Intra-Administration War in Vietnam. JFK Lancer.com. 1963
201 Kennedy quote from speech for the American Newspaper Publishers Association. New York. 1961
202 Simkin. Penn Jones Biography
203 Jones, Penn. Excuse my Grief. Online at the W.R.Poage Collection at Baylor University. 2013. Web
204 Schonfeld, David Wolper, Four Day in November. UPI book of Nix and Muchmore Films
205 Bernstein. CIA and the Media. News Organizations fronts for the CIA
206 Ibid
207 Simkin, John. Wagenvoord email regarding his knowledge of the Baker/Estes scandal pushed back as the Life front page
208 Wagenvoord interview with author. December 31, 2013
209 Henelly and Policoff. How the Media Assassinated the Real Story. Nix and CBS
210 Stolley, Richard. C.D Jackson at Time/Life orders for Zapruder film
211 Schonfeld, M. Shadow of a Gunman. Marie Muchmore’s film also shows the grassy knoll and was purchased by UPITN. 1975
212 Ibid
213 Ibid
214 Henelly and Pollicoff. How the Media Assassinated the Real Story
215 Photo of Ruth Gordon, Jones Harris’s mother
216 Photo of Pamela Turnure
217 Phone conversation with Jones Harris. October 13, 2013
218 Honest Joe’s Gun and Pawn Shop
219 Jones Harris telephone conversation. November 9, 2013
220 Schonfeld, Reese. Shadow of a Gunman. 1975
221 Sixth Floor Museum Oral History Interview with Eddie Goldstein. 2013
222 Levin, Marvin. Telephone Interview. 2013
223 Ibid
224 Schonfe
ld, Maurice. Shadow of a Gunman. 2013
225 Ibid
226 Ibid
227 Kennedy quote from speech to the American Newspaper Publishers Association. New York. 1961
228 LBJ Library. Nicholas Katzenbach Oral History. Transcript. Online. LBJ and Katzenbach
229 Ferrell, Mary. Katzenbach memo to Bill Moyers. 1963. Web
230 Kerr, James. The National Tattler. Texas Court of Inquiry. 1974
231 Gibson, Donald. “The Creation of the Warren Commission.” Probe. Political Committees to investigate assassination. 1966
232 Dallas Police Department. Texas Court of Inquiry from Portal to Texas History Online. Web
233 Kerr. The National Tattler. Waggoner Carr. 1974
234 Russell, Richard. Telephone conversation No. 184. Recordings and Transcripts of Telephone Conversations. Earl Warren reluctantly becomes head of Commission
235 Ibid
236 Kerr, James. The National Tattler. Waggoner Carr discusses his treatment by Katzenbach and the Warren Commission
237 Nix-Jackson, Gayle. FOIA reports later names this man as Joe Abernathy of the Dallas FBI
238 Nix-Jackson. Letter from J. Gordon Shanklin
239 Nix-Jackson. Letter from FBI to pick up the film
240 Nix-Jackson. Receipt for return of the Keystone Camera to Orville Nix
241 Photo of Keystone Capri K-27 Camera
242 Kennedy quote from recorded remarks for broadcast. 1963
243 Price, J.C. Dallas Sheriff’s Report. 1963
244 Whitmey, Peter. The First Dissenting Witness: Mary Woodward. List of witnesses not asked to testify
245 Hurt, Henry. Reasonable Doubt: An Investigation into the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. New York. 1985. 266
246 King James Bible: 1 Corinthians 13:12 “…through a glass darkly”
247 Kennedy, Robert F. Quote from One Man as related by Jackie Kennedy
248 WC: Testimony of Forrest Sorrels. Seating arrangement in lead car of motorcade
249 WC: Testimony of Forrest Sorrels. Curry radios to the Trade Mart
250 WC: Testimony of Forrest Sorrels
251 JFK Assassination Forum. Witness Intimidation—Wilma Tice. Various Threads. Jean Hill and other witnesses intimidated by DPD and authorities. Web
252 WC: Testimony of Forrest Sorrels. Where he thought gunshots came from
253 Ibid
254 Ibid
255 Parr. The Mayor of Elm Street. Rubin Goldstein Biography
256 Levin, Marvin. Telephone interview with author about Honest Joe’s customer who pawned his prosthetic arm whenever he needed extra money
The Missing JFK Assassination Film Page 29