Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! Novel 1

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Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! Novel 1 Page 7

by Torako

  “Oh, is that so? Well, I guess that’s alright. So, you call people different things?” Though she stopped glaring at me, she replied with some harsh words.

  But that’s not the end. I’ve not gotten out of this hole. The intimidation she used changed and I could only docily reply.

  “Umm… Look, remember when I took Rikka to the nurse’s office? At that time,”

  “At that time? At that time, she confessed her love to you?”

  “No, NO! At that time, her grade was so horrible! I was so traumatized that I had to offer to help her by studying together!”

  I was a bit overwhelmed and ended up shouting part of that. Then I noticed how embarrassed I felt and became even more embarrassed. It was a downward spiral from there.

  “So, why can’t you tutor me as well?”

  “Why would I do that?!”

  “Well, isn’t my grade just as bad? If you could teach her, then you could teach me. I only got a 28.”

  I knew it… Well, I feel a bit guilty now. I’d be lying if I say that I would mind tutoring Nibutani. She’s got a point, but there’s no way that I’d be able to take care of two people at the same time…. Besides, asking me to tutor her at the same time as Rikka, that’s definitely impossible.

  Somehow while I was thinking, a miracle struck.

  “Ah, well, how about I refer you to someone. He’s a good guy who could help you study.”


  “Isshiki.” He’s a pretty respectable guy. This time he did just about as well as I did, but who knows how much he’ll study and how well he’ll do on the next test. Besides, he’s just as determined as his name says. He’d at least lecture you on the principles of punctuality. As for if he’d teach how I would, I couldn’t say.

  But there is one problem. I’m not sure if he could turn off that “I love all girls” aura he has. Excluding that, I can’t say anything else bad about him. He’s perfect for this.

  “Isshiki’s not good enough.”

  Immediate rejection. Poor guy. My heart goes out to you man. Well, let’s see if I can’t get some advice for you when I speak with you next.

  “Why not? Won’t you be able to study with him? He’d probably tutor as well as I could.”

  “He’s a bit of a pervert.”

  He was found out. Or else it looks like the girls knew about his real personality from the start. Guess the point of view between guys and girls is quite different. Granted, I can’t tell him to have changed now.

  “Well, that’s true, but there’s not another person I could refer you to…”

  “No need to refer me, I’m sure you’ll do a great job. So… I’m ready to study under your supervision.”

  Huh? My supervision? There’s no way I could assume that position over her. Well, maybe if it’s only studying.

  “No, I’m not sure I could put you under me….”

  “… But I need someone to look up to. Takanashi-san does too. You’re perfect for us. So why don’t I join your two person study group? …I won’t be a bother. I can just watch and not answer questions.”

  “You say you won’t be a bother!?”

  I didn’t see either her statement or this whole scheme she’s worked on coming towards me. I’m sure I must look very puzzled at how this has played out. Definitely.

  “Well, about that… Sorry, but I’ve got my hands full with Rikka. You’ll have to rely on someone else. I’m really sorry.”

  “Hmm? Well, then let’s talk about something unrelated Togashi-kun. Do you know what’s underneath Takanashi-san’s eyepatch? Or how about her bandages?”

  With the sudden change in topics, I’m sure I must have moved from puzzled to curious.

  Hmm, the eyepatch? Well, I know what’s under it, but I don’t know why she wears those bandages. Well, it’s probably because she thinks it’s cool, but it bothers me.

  “I don’t know why you’re asking me; I don’t know what’s under it either.”

  “That so? Oh well. I thought that you might have seen what was underneath the eyepatch since you went to the nurse’s office with her when her eye was hurting. Weren’t you curious about it?”

  “Oh, the one that was injured?” Actually, I was curious about it earlier too. I’m sure everyone in our class was.

  “Yeah, that one. Well, you know, I think it’s possible that she’s showing signs of chuunibyou.”

  “Chuu…?” unintentionally came out. Isshiki used that phrase previously, but now Nibutani is also using it… I didn’t think that word had already spread around the world, but maybe this disease is common around the globe.

  Seriously, chuunibyou?

  “Give you a chuu? That sounds like you’re asking me to kiss you, pervert! PERV!”[4]

  “Sorry! I said something weird without thinking about what I was saying! How do you know about chuunibyou? I never thought I’d hear you say that term.”

  “Haven’t you ever thought about putting all those patients into a mental facility?”

  “Nope!” I don’t want to live in that kind of world. I’m sure I would’ve been put in there when I was in middle school.

  “There’s nothing good about those idiots. Upon reflection, I realized that there was no way to cure people like her. Though I joke about putting them in an institution, I don’t think there’s any way for us to cure this horrible illness.”

  Nibutani had a serious expression on her face and some crazy words coming out of her mouth. While I was immensely curious about why she would think things like that, I had to sigh.

  “Well, keep talking…” And our conversation kept going

  “While I wanted to talk with Takanashi-san, it looks like you’re the only one she’s talked to.”

  “I’m the only one she’s spoken to…?”

  “I believe you’re the only one, but I don’t know why you. She’s clearly a chuunibyou patient; just look at how she’s isolated herself. I tried to talk with her the other day, but I didn’t get a reply. I got concerned about her.”

  …She knows a lot about Rikka. But why wouldn’t she talk to someone is the important issue here.

  “Oh well. It looks like things will stay the same regarding Takanashi-san. There’s nothing else I can say or do.”

  “True. She might be wearing that eyepatch because it’s actually injured. Don’t worry about it.”

  “… That may be true. But since she’s always wearing it, I can’t help but be curious.”

  “Yeah, that’s something that would be something difficult to ask about. Oh well, it doesn’t really matter.”

  Gave her the slip! If I told her what was under that eyepatch, there’d be a big uproar.

  Since I was able to be cured more-or-less, I’ve got a different idea about the disease than Nibutani does. As for how I was cured, well, I think everyone will be cured eventually. I don’t think you could force someone to be cured from chuunibyou. I don’t know how I would’ve reacted to someone forcing me to do something about it.

  As for Nibutani beside me, I think I’d have to raise her classification to be a dangerous entity. I’ll have to keep my eye on her.

  While I was preparing to keep a tab on her,

  “Shinka, were you waiting a while for me~? Oh, who’s this?”

  “Seriously, who is that?”

  Two voices came out of the school building targeted towards Nibutani. They’re her friends and my classmates. Since they were wearing a similar t-shirt and track pant outfit like her, it looks like they just finished their club activities too.

  Wait a minute. “Who?!” You see me in class everyday! How do you not know my name by now? Is my presence that hidden? I began to worry about my existence.

  Incidentally, this is Sasa and Miyoshi. The short one with the sentimental voice is Sasa. The one whose height is in the middle and gives off a gaudy impression is Miyoshi. I get the feeling I don’t belong with these three. Looks like it’s girls time with Nibutani.

  “Huh? This is Togashi
-kun. You don’t know him? Oh well, it’s all good. See you tomorrow Togashi-kun!”

  “Eh~ who?~” Haven’t I seen him around before~?”

  “No, this is the first time I’ve seen him. Is he an upperclassman?”

  And that’s about all I heard of the conversation before the trio was out of my sights. I’m sure that I’d be depressed if I heard any more of their conversation. Wait, that’s not alright. Even though I don’t stand out, you at least should know who I am. I really miss my middle school days. Those were troubled times, but now’s not any different…. Just gonna cry a bit.

  I took a little detour and stopped into a convenience store so I wouldn’t run into the girls on my way home. I bought a lot of gum and headed to my house.

  Chapter 5: ChuuniStory and ChuuniBattle

  “Oi Togashi! I got something you’ll want to see! It’s the popularity rankings!”

  It was the morning of the third after school study session with Rikka. I was on my way to school by myself when I heard Isshi’s bike ring from behind me. We usually don’t head to school together, but today happened to be one of those days. Usually, I walk everyday while he occasionally takes his bike, likely when he has to head to his after-school job via pedal power. Looks like work is on his schedule today.

  He hopped down to straddle his bike and walk beside me.

  “What?! It’s already completed?! Let me see it right now!”

  “Hehehe, wait a sec, wait just a second. I’ll let you see it soon. It turned out superb! This contest’s cutest girl was quite the surprise. A surprise I say! Oh who topped the ranking? Was it her? Was it her? But you know something, from how I see it, our class has more cute girls than the average high school class. Wouldn’t you say so? That thought came to me when I finished these rankings and I was shocked at what happened. It was like I didn’t have any information on these cute girls at all. Oh I had to revise my notes in my pad quite a few times. There was quite a lot of new information from everyone this time. Hehe, still want to hear? Hey, you want in bud?”

  Sorry everyone. Isshi’s reached full pervert mode and we’re not even at school. I know the guy loves girls as much as any guy, but he’s sounding dangerous today. On the other hand, I am a guy.

  “Let me see! Or tell me what happened at least!”

  “Listen up! We’ll start with the rankings and then the new information will come after!”

  As he said his hot-blooded retort, he pulled out a piece of paper that had “114! SUPERB! The girls whose cuteness transcend that of angels ranking!” in somewhat sloppy handwriting. I was so engrossed in these rankings that I forgot to give a rebuttal. Again, I am a guy. This took priority. What can I say?

  Let’s see, who topped the rankings?

  “First place is… yep, Nibutani. That’s why she’s my recommended girl. Just going by looks, I’d have gone with Kannagi-san, so this was quite the surprise for me.”

  Thinking back to yesterday, I happened to be with his recommended girl. I think he’d be really surprised if I told him just why I couldn’t recommend her. She started off like a sadist and ended up as the enemy of all chuunibyou patients.

  “Are you sure you’re that surprised?”

  Isshiki kept up the fever he started moments ago.

  “Well, even though I recommended her, this was really a surprise. It was probably her leadership qualities that pushed her to the top. They’re her biggest strengths. Kannagi-san may be the cutest, but beauty doesn’t stop at your skin! I think we all can say that she’s cute, but it takes more than a pretty face to be beautiful! In today’s society, we men are shy! You can categorize us as beta all you want! We’re that easy to understand! Thus it’s natural to see why someone like Nibutani-san would be seen as cute! It’s not all talk too! Just look at how she acts so carefree when she’s talking down to us. That beauty transcends time itself! It’s that sweet existence that men today truly want!”

  Though he sounded hot-blooded at the start, that second half was quite cold. What the hell was he talking about? He kept going on and on and I forgot to retort even once. Have I lost my touch? This is the first time I’ve heard someone be glad to be classified as beta.

  “I understand. Well, I agree that she gives off a pleasant atmosphere. Both the boys and girls in our class would say you could rely on her.”

  That was the only good thing I could think to say about her.

  “Huh? Are you disappointed with the results?”

  “No, it’s not that I’m disappointed…It’s that I’m not sure I would classify Nibutani like that.”

  “Ah, you don’t think she’s that easy to read huh?”

  “Something like that.” As I started to talk, I began to lengthen my stride to try and run away. I’ve had my fill of this topic. I don’t understand Nibutani. I really don’t.

  Isshiki began to pedal to match my lengthened strides. I could see his smirking face beside me. He probably has some profound thing to comment on.

  “Oh, is it something else? Were you disappointed that you were the only one to put in a vote for Takanashi-san?

  “What?! No, that’s not it. Yeah, that’s definitely not it at all.”

  I’m sure he wouldn’t believe me for a second by how that came out. I mean, I’m a little disappointed I was the only person to vote for her, but it’s not enough for me to be depressed over. I suppose someone would have to become friends with her to think she’s cute.

  But then I’d start to get jealous of that person. Hey, I thought she was cute first! Maybe that kind of situation would pop up. I certainly wouldn’t have the peace of mind I had when I first voted for Rikka.

  These feelings of happiness and loneliness began to get to me. As I started to become closer to her, these feelings began to change due to this idiotic chuunibyou girl. When I voted for her, her cute looks were the only feelings I could claim I felt towards her.

  “Oh well, it’s alright. Takanashi-san will belong only to Togashi! No one else will have a chance! You’ve already climbed up several steps on the path to love. Oh yeah, aren’t you two studying after school today too?”

  “What? What did you say I was doing?”

  “Dude, it’s already spread throughout the class. Texts are being sent all around us as we speak. I heard something about a study group, but I don’t know; I didn’t hear everything! But for some reason, it seems like Takanashi-san and Togashi were flirting while studying. Everyone in class probably knows about you two by now.”

  “Who would send such a text?! I’ll take them out. And we weren’t flirting! Misunderstandings like that just add to my troubles!”

  “Well, that’s what it said. Oh, well I do have some good news concerning her. Wanna hear?”

  Good news? Considering how the rumor about her chuunibyou came true, I’m not sure if good news could describe it. With how today’s gone so far, that’s all I can predict with anything related between us three. Sigh, what’s this about?

  “Well, not that I’m particularly interested, but go ahead and tell me if you want.” I want to hear what he has to say, but I had to act like I didn’t want to hear anything. Sorry to act a bit like a tsundere.

  “Actually, it’s about that masked girl rumor I told you the other day! Looks like it’s not Takanashi-san at all. Seems like someone from the anime research society was frolicking around in a mask and went into the teacher’s lounge. They said some embarrassing lines from a game or something. This info looks to be pretty trustworthy man. That’s also another text that’s going around. Maybe that rumor about her being chuunibyou will stop since she’s not the masked girl. Looking good for you man!”

  “…….” I happen to know very well that she’s is a chuunibyou patient. What could I say? If I have to say something, then I’m glad Rikka wasn’t the masked girl. It’s reassuring to know that she wasn’t responsible for something. I get the impression that masked person stunt was some sort of prank. I’m pretty sure the anime research society would have more interest
in doing something like that than her.

  “Well, that’s that. Good luck in your after school flirting time. I’m jealous…oh am I jealous!”

  “Ah, she’s actually bad at math. I’m just helping her do her best…”

  Isshiki continued his hot-blooded talk about the rankings as we went on the path to school. As he went on and on about each girl’s points, I could only reply in half-hearted comments. My head was already full with the chaos revolving around Rikka and Nibutani. Oh, speaking of Nibutani...

  “Isshiki, it’s not good for you to give off that perverted impression.”

  “Huh?” Seems it was news to him. I couldn’t continue what I was going to say because he looked so pitiful. It’s best to notice these things yourself from time to time.

  “Oi! What the hell was that about?! Why did you say that to me!?”

  Forgetting all about his rankings, he began frantically asking about that instead. I headed onto school after glancing at him.


  As soon as no one was in the classroom after the end of day bell rung, we peacefully began day 3 of our afternoon study sessions. Of course, Rikka was sitting at my desk as we were the only ones there.

  As we spent the past couple of days studying together, I found myself better understanding Rikka as a person. To start, she utterly hates math. Well, hate is putting it lightly; it’s more like she wishes it was alive so it could die an agonizing death. And, of course, getting a 0 only made that hate grow stronger. I took the opportunity to watch Rikka during math class. While she would nod her head and properly listen to the lecture, it looks like she wasn’t able to grasp the concepts afterwards.

  She was so stubborn that she wouldn’t go near the variables A and I when they were on her sheet. “Factorization itself has no point existing in this world!” Of course saying that wouldn’t help you use the technique. I can’t say I wasn’t uneasy when it came time for her tutoring in factoring. She probably wasn’t good at variables to begin with.


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