Creepin' 2: A New Orleans Love Story

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Creepin' 2: A New Orleans Love Story Page 12

by Chenell Parker

  “You did all of that behind a bitch that don’t want you and a baby that probably wasn’t even yours. Nigga I did you a favor by beating that baby out of her nasty ass,” Paige yelled right before she spit a wad of blood on his ice white air max, completely ruining them.

  Dalvin’s brother grabbed his arm when he lunged for her, but he was too slow. Paige saw his fist coming down to meet her face, but she wasn’t prepared for the impact. She hit the ground with force before the entire earth and everything in it faded to black.

  C hapter 13

  Cheryl was in another world after the mind-blowing sex that she and Von had just had. He started off slow and sensual and before long he was beating it up like he hadn’t had pussy in years, not that she was complaining. He’d been holding out for over a month and she figured that Tanya was probably the cause of that. That was before Rainey informed her that he and Tanya weren’t on speaking terms at the moment. They hadn’t gotten back on track ever since she and London showed up unannounced one night and Tanya answered the door. Her being out of the picture for a while was music to Cheryl’s ears. She was also happy that Rainey and London had worked through their differences and became friends again. Rainey told them all about her fight with Mia and Cheryl and London were livid. She also confessed something that they’d both suspected all along. Mia and Tre were indeed messing around and had been for a long time. Von was so green because it was happening right under his nose as well as under his roof. London made a stupid mistake and slept with Tre and he started acting like he didn’t even know her after that. Rainey tried to warn her, but she had to find out the hard way. Cheryl hated to see her baby girl hurting, but sadly that was all a part of life. It wasn’t just about sex with London. She actually really liked Tre. He was just too blinded by Mia’s project ass to see it.

  “What are you over there thinking about?” Von asked Cheryl causing her to temporarily abandon her thoughts.

  “Nothing much, just trying to recover from that beat down that you just put on my kitty,” she laughed.

  “Sorry about that, but it’s been a minute for me.”

  “Trust me, I’m not complaining,” Cheryl smiled. “I’m actually happy that I’m here. You need somebody to help you take these decorations down. New Years was over two weeks ago and you still have Christmas decorations up. You love to put them up, but you hate taking them down.”

  “Mia and Brandis are supposed to be coming over here after school to do it for me. That’s why I’m cooking all those barbecue shrimp. I had to bribe those heifers,” Von joked.

  Cheryl rolled her eyes to the ceiling at the mention of Mia’s name. “Have you been talking to Rainey? She’s been coming over to Londons’ a lot lately and I think she really misses you.”

  “I’ve tried calling Rainey a million times and she has yet to answer. My number is still the same and she knows where I live. When she’s ready to talk my door is open.”

  “She just feels like you took Mia’s side over hers. I never told you this, but you do tend to show Mia favoritism,” Cheryl replied.

  “Exactly how do I show Mia favoritism? Both of them started spending weekends with me and Tank when they were little girls. I gave both of them their own room when they came here and I never did for one without doing for the other. I don’t know what’s up with Rainey, but I don’t have time for that bullshit,” Von said angrily.

  “You know she looks at you like a father since her dad died when she was so young.”

  “And I’ve always looked at her and Mia like they were my daughters.”

  “Can I ask you a question without you getting upset?” Cheryl quizzed.

  “You can ask me anything,” Von assured her.

  “Do you think that Tank and Mia have something going on other than what we see? Like, do you think they mess around or have messed around before? Their relationship seems a lot closer than just God brother and God-sister,” Cheryl said.

  “They are close and so is Tank and Rainey. Honestly, none of this shit was going on until Rainey started hanging with your daughter.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Cheryl asked defensively. This conversation was going all the way left and she was regretting even saying anything.

  “I see you on that same bullshit that Rainey is on and I think I know why?”

  “Well please enlighten me since you seem to know so much,” Cheryl flippantly replied while crossing her arms over her bare breasts.

  “You think I don’t know that Tank fucked London. She’s in her feelings because he doesn’t want to be bothered with her ass no more. I can almost guarantee that she’s the one who put that shit in Rainey’s head about Mia and Tank. I’ve never even heard nothing like that until she started hanging around here.”

  “So you’re saying that this is my daughter’s fault?”

  “I’m saying that none of this drama was taking place until she stepped on the scene. When you used to come here by yourself none of this shit was happening. You can take it how you want to, but that’s how I feel. I’ve always known that you and London never cared for Mia, but I never took you for the type to entertain that childish, petty bullshit. And just for the record, if I had to make a choice it would be very easy and your feelings would be very hurt,” Von rambled.

  “I can’t believe that you’re taking things this far. I only asked you a question and you just went off for nothing,” Cheryl said truly hurt by what he was saying.

  “That’s bullshit, y’all probably been discussing that shit. You just finally decided to bring it up to me,” Von said as he got up and put his clothes back on.

  He walked out of the room and left Cheryl in his bedroom alone. It was by pure luck that she was in his house at all. He’d been begging Tanya to come over for weeks, and she finally agreed. That was before one of her best workers got sick, and she had to do two weddings and a baby shower at the last minute. Her business was very important to her, and Von understood that. He’d been doing up some ass kissing since the incident with Cheryl happened all those months ago. It was finally paying off, and Tanya was coming around again. This time he swore that he was going to make things official with them. He wasn’t ready to walk down the aisle just yet, but he was definitely ready to settle down with one woman. He was getting too old to keep juggling women the way he was doing. It was too much work, and he was ready to retire. Tanya had been hinting at them taking a trip to Vegas, and he was ready to hop on a plane and go. This time the kids were staying at home, and it would be just the two of them. The first thing he had to do was get rid of the leech in his bedroom. He was starting to regret giving her the dick already because she was trying to get comfortable again. It had been a few weeks since he had some, and she was there at the time. He was supposed to duck off with another one of his female friends later on that night, but Cheryl was just as good. Von walked back into the room to find her snuggled under the covers looking like she was at home. He really hoped she enjoyed her nap because that would be her last one in his bed.


  “Oh hell no!” Mia yelled when she and Brandis pulled up to Von’s house.

  They came over right after school to help him take down his millions of Christmas decorations. She wanted to jump out while the car was still rolling when she pulled up and saw Cheryl’s car. She hated that Cheryl was there, but that wasn’t the worst part of the scenario. The huge moving truck that was backed up into the driveway is what had her speechless. She hoped and prayed that Von wasn’t crazy enough to let Cheryl move in with him. That meant London and Tre would be under the same roof, and she wasn’t feeling that. She didn’t care that she wasn’t with Tre anymore, London still couldn’t have him.

  “Girl calm down. You know damn well Von ain’t letting her clingy ass move in with him. He barely answers the phone when she calls most of the time,” Brandis clarified.

  “Yeah, you’re right about that,” Mia agreed, but she still wondered what was going on. She and Brandis walked up to the door
right as it opened. Three men were walking out with Tre following right behind them.

  “Damn,” one of them mumbled when the girls walked past them. Tre’s head shot up as a scowl appeared on his face.

  “What’s up baby?” He said to Mia loud enough for the men to hear.

  They looked back right as he grabbed her around her waist to let them know that she was off limits. He smirked when they got in their truck and pulled of still looking at Mia and Brandis.

  “Boy get off of me,” Mia yelled pushing him away. Von was right in the house while he was trying to show off for the moving men.

  “Who’s moving in or out?” Brandis asked.

  “Nobody, come see,” Tre said pulling Mia towards his bedroom.

  When he opened the door her mouth fell open upon seeing the huge king sized four poster bedroom set. It was a dark cherry wood with gold trimming and padded head and footboards. Mia could see herself getting lost in the huge masterpiece and never coming up for air. She and Tre were no longer together, but she was going to put him out on the weekends just to sleep in his bed some nights.

  “Damn Tank, this is nice. You make me want to take a nap and I’m not even tired,” Brandis joked.

  “You like it Mia?” He asked.

  “I love it,” Mia replied with a huge smile.

  “Good, maybe now you can come into my room and stop standing by the door like a dummy,” he laughed.

  “What did you do with your old set?” Mia wondered.

  “I just paid the delivery men to drop it off to Lamar,” Tre answered.

  “Awww, that’s so sweet. He’s making sure his father-in-law is straight,” Brandis teased.

  “Girl bye, Lamar doesn’t have a son-in-law,” Mia spoke up.

  “Yeah okay, that’s not what you were saying for my birthday,” Tre bragged.

  “Nah nigga, you just caught me off guard,” Mia pointed out.

  “Really Mia? So, my face between your legs for almost an hour was catching you off guard?” Tre smirked.

  “And that’s my cue to leave,” Brandis declared as she pretended to gag. Mia turned to walk out behind her before Tre pulled her back.

  “Look, Mia,” he said pointing to the mistletoe that Von hung over his bedroom door weeks ago.

  “Let me go Tre, you are so corny,” Mia said pulling away from him.

  “You better kiss me. You don’t want your luck to be bad do you?” Tre asked.

  “You’re absolutely right,” Mia smiled. “How about I put that mistletoe on my ass, and you can kiss that.”

  “I’m down,” he said trying to pull her back.

  “Freak,” Mia yelled running away from him.

  “Y’all are so cute together,” Brandis cooed when Mia walked into the kitchen.

  “Leave it alone Brandis,” Mia requested.

  “I don’t get you Mia. One minute you’re nice to him and then you act like you hate him the next.”

  “I don’t hate him, I just don’t trust myself around him. Playing hard doesn’t seem to work anymore, so maybe I need to just stay away for a while. I want to hate him for what he did, but he makes it so damn hard,” Mia confessed.

  “We don’t live in a perfect world, Mia. You need to stop being so stubborn and let go of the past. We all make mistakes, but at least he’s changed. He could have easily used y’all not being together as an excuse to do him, but he wants you and only you.”

  “That’s easy for you to say. You didn’t have your heart broken into a million pieces.”

  “You mean by Duke, your perfect God brother who I found out was still fucking his ex-girlfriend even after we made things official?” Brandis asked sarcastically.

  “What!” Mia shrieked. “And you didn’t feel the need to tell me that?”

  “I just found out a few days ago, but I was going to tell you. She called his phone one day, and I answered. She ratted his ass out because he cut her off and blocked her number. He told me that she’s lying, but I don’t know what to believe. I’m trying to trust him, but I don’t want to get my feelings hurt. I told him that trust is easy to lose and hard to regain. Once I lose trust in him, he’s going to have to work hard to get it back. I might not be as bad with him as you are with Tank, but I know how you feel. So again, nobody is perfect,” Brandis advised.

  “Damn,” Mia sighed as she sat down next to her friend. She would have never though that Brandis and Duke were having trouble. They always seemed so happy when she was around them just like Jabari and Tiara. Mia couldn’t help but think about what Moonie always told her. She would always tell Mia that you never know who was hiding tears behind their smile. Mia didn’t get it at first, but she was now starting to see exactly what that meant.

  C hapter 14

  Ro peeped out of the window for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. He kept hearing funny noises, and he wanted to be alert at all times. It had been over a month since he tried to get at Tre, and he knew that Von probably had a hit out on him by now. Either that or Lamar would do the job himself. Since Mia was in the car when it all went down, he was sure that Lamar’s crazy ass was out for blood. Mia being in the mix of things wasn’t a part of the plan, but she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She shouldn’t have lied for Tre’s punk ass in the first place. Ro had a feeling that she was lying, and that’s why he hung around the school just to see who was picking her up. When he saw Tre pull up that was the perfect time for him to handle his business. His partner in crime, Jared was down for putting the nigga to sleep, and they made their move as soon as Tre turned down a side street. Unfortunately, Jared’s bark was louder than his bite, and the nigga couldn’t shoot for shit. Ro wondered how he got a reputation as being a killer if he couldn’t even hit his targets. He was driving and got better shots in than Jared did. He must have caught all of his targets off guard and snuck up behind them to make a kill. Other than that Ro was questioning his so-called killer skills.

  “Nigga I wish your paranoid ass would stop looking out of that window and sit down somewhere. Nobody knows about this place. I told you I only check on it from time to time since my grandma moved with my uncle. As far as everybody knows this is a vacant property that has been empty for months. They still have a house for sale sign outside and shit,” Jared said.

  “I don’t give a damn about that shit you talking. You shouldn’t have invited that hoe over here. You gon’ fuck around and get us killed behind some pussy,” Ro snapped.

  “That bitch is slower than slow. She don’t know anybody that we know. I met the bitch at the corner store. You acting like I picked her up from the club or some shit.”

  “You sound stupid dude. These hoes will set you up before a nigga would. I don’t trust none of them. Why you think I don’t have a girl?” Ro questioned

  “Probably because you’re ugly as fuck,” Jared laughed right as someone knocked on the door. Ro grabbed his gun and stood up.

  “Yeah okay, keep playing and watch what happens to you. Somebody probably sent that bitch here to kill your stupid ass,” Ro argued.

  “Nigga, put that gun up before you scare the damn girl away,” Jared fussed

  “Hell no, if that bitch makes the wrong move I’m splitting her wig,” Ro threatened.

  Jared ignored him and opened the door for his company for the night and hopefully the morning too. Shay was a badass red bone with a fat ass and a small waist. She wasn’t much in the looks department, but Jared wasn’t trying to look in her face. Her body made up for her being not so cute anyway.

  “What’s up beautiful?” Jared asked trying to butter her up. She had to know that he was lying, but that didn’t stop her from blushing.

  “Hey handsome,” Shay smiled brightly. “I thought you were home alone. I didn’t know that we were having company.”

  “Bitch I live here, you’re the company,” Ro bellowed.

  “Man, chill out,” Jared warned. “That’s my boy Ro, but he won’t bother us. He’ll be down here, and we have the w
hole second floor to ourselves.”

  He grabbed Shay’s hand and led her to the second level of the house. As soon as the door closed, Shay wasted no time coming out of her clothes. She seemed like a good girl, but she wasn’t shy at all. Jared just stood there until she walked over and started undressing him too.

  What’s up with your boy?” Shay asked referring to Ro.

  “That nigga is just paranoid. He thinks everybody is out to get him,” Jared replied. “Don’t let hiM ruin our night.”

  “He’s not, trust me,” Shay replied as she laid him down on his back and climbed on top of him.

  Jared shuddered when she reached between his legs and guided his stiff muscle into her tight opening. He didn’t even care that they didn’t use a condom. He would gladly deal with a baby or whatever other consequences came his way. She looked him in his eyes as she bounced up and down on him like a ghetto cowgirl. Jared didn’t give a damn how Ro felt. He would throw his ass out to the wolves before he let Shay go anywhere.

  About an hour later Ro was in the kitchen when Shay came down wearing nothing, but a t-shirt. He had to admit that she was fine as hell, but she had to be with a face like that. He noticed that she was on her phone texting, and a red flag went up immediately.

  “Who the fuck are you down here texting at one in the morning while my boy is upstairs sleeping?” Ro asked with his eyes trained on her. He didn’t give a damn what Jared said. He didn’t trust that bitch. Jared had only known her for a few weeks, and she had his nose wide open already.

  “What is your problem with me?” Shay asked angrily.

  “My problem is I don’t know you, and I don’t trust your ass,” Ro replied just as angry.

  “If you must know, I’m texting my sister to check on my son. He has asthma, and sometimes he doesn’t sleep too well at night,” Shay said sadly. Ro instantly felt like shit. Here he was coming down on her, and she was only trying to be a good mother.


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