Jackson (A Steele Riders MC Novel Book 3)

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Jackson (A Steele Riders MC Novel Book 3) Page 6

by C. M. Steele

  “Men, why don’t you go into the living room and we’ll bring out dessert? Do you like coffee or do you want something stronger?”

  “I’ll have some coffee, please. Black is fine.” I follow Mr. Banks out to the living room.

  “While we have a minute alone. Is there anything else that you know on this fucker?” The look on his face tells me that I’m not going to get away without giving up what I know.

  “I didn’t learn a lot because I was too pissed and would have gone hunting down the bastard myself. I want Penny protected at all times.”

  “Do you know where he is?” he asks after taking a large drink from his glass.

  “No, he’s fled his family and was fired on Friday from the company.”

  “What?” he roars, standing up in a rage just as the ladies come into the room. Penny nearly drops the tray of desserts but steadies herself.

  Her father moves to her side and apologizes, “Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you, princess.”

  “It’s okay. Is everything okay?” She looks at her father then looks at me, then quickly back to him. I don’t know what to say, but her father takes over.

  “Nothing for you to worry about. Come sit down.” He takes the tray of coffee from his wife and Penny holds her tray of cupcakes in front of me. Fuck, they smell and look fabulous, but what catches my attention is the dab of crème that’s on her chest just above her left breast. I lick my lips, wanting to help clean it off with my tongue, but instead, I grab the cupcake with the indented frosting. I’m fucking so hard up, I swipe my tongue across the crème.

  “This cupcake is amazing.” She sees the intent in my eyes and releases a barely audible sigh.

  “Thank you, Jackson.”

  “I want one.” Her mother reaches and takes one for her and one for her dad who is handing us our coffees.

  “Now that everyone has their coffee and cupcakes, how about we go over the paperwork you brought?” her dad asks.

  “Sure.” I set down my cupcake onto the table next to my coffee and pull out the layouts. “I have five options. If you have anything you want to change or mix and match let me know.” Everyone takes turns looking at the plans while I just focus on her. I can feel her father’s eyes on me, but I’m not changing my mind about her or anything that concerns our future.

  After about five minutes, Penny says, “I like this one the best. It’s similar to the kitchen here, but twice as big and a lot more ovens.”

  “Is there anything that you want to change?” She didn’t sound like she absolutely loved it.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “You don’t have to be afraid of telling me what you want, sugar. This is going to be your business. You need it to fit your needs the most efficient and comfortable way possible.”

  “Well, I’m just worried about the electric,” she stumbles out, picking at the edge of her cupcake nervously. I watch her for a moment. I’m lost with the way she suddenly shifted from a confident, sweet creature to this fearful worry about not jumping on my command. I look at her father, and he has a look of questioning in his eyes too. I’m guessing it wasn’t him that made her feel small.

  Instead of asking about her behavior, I direct my question to the issue of the electrical work. “What about it? It’s not fully installed in the building, and we can connect it any way we need.”

  “It’s just that he said…” she falters.

  I reach over and gently press my thumb to her chin, lifting her gaze to mine. Speaking softly, I tell her, “Penny, just ignore what he said to you. He was a damn foolish bastard. And he was lying.”

  “I feel so stupid,” she responds so damn defeatedly, pulling her face out of my grasp. I have a feeling she’s been told she was stupid more than a time or two.

  “No, Penny. You’re not stupid,” her father threw out faster than I could. I got an odd vibe from that adding to my assumption. A rage builds in me as I think about who could have made her feel like that. I’m so damn pissed, but I don’t want her to believe she has anything to do with it. This is more than what happened yesterday. She reminds me of a skittish mare on Cowboy’s ranch. She’s been whipped by her last owner and took a lot of love and reassurance to make her relax. I’ve got that all for Penny. Now to figure out how to make it work is another story. Who put that hurt into her pretty eyes?

  “Your father’s right.”

  “No, you don’t even know me, Jackson. I’m going to bed if you’ll all excuse me. I want this one. That’s it. Goodnight.” She gets up quickly and runs up the stairs. Her father places a hand on my chest stopping me.

  “Let her go. She needs to be alone.” I want to see her again before I leave, but I won’t push her. I won’t be the one to make her cry.

  Chapter 16


  It’s been three days since I’ve seen Jackson. It’s not his fault, but I miss him like crazy. Maybe my outburst was too much for him. My dad has been on me everywhere I go. If I’m not home with him and my mom, he has someone watching me. Once I arrived in Steeleville, several Riders came by to take turns guarding me. I have a feeling I’m missing something that my father neglected to tell me.

  I’m at the bakery today because the builders are coming in to work and I wanted to have a chance to see Jackson again. I want to see him look at me like I held the key to his world. I felt it that night, and it made me even more frightened to let him know I’m broken.

  For my entire life, people have mocked me or pitied me. Even with years of practice and concentration techniques, when I’m stressed I lose my focus. None more so then when I see Jackson. I have to tell him the truth if I ever see him again. He told my dad that he would be around, so that’s why I’m here. He hasn’t come in yet, and it’s already noon. I stare out the window, feeling foolish. I notice the bar across the street just opened up, maybe I could get a drink to calm my racing nerves. It’s called Panheads. I don’t know what that means, but from the logo, it looks like an engine. “I’m going across the street to the bar.”

  “Wait, I’ll walk you over there,” Blade says. He’s a Steele Rider like half the guys here including Boomer and Jackson. He’s been on babysitting duty. He has been sitting in the corner eyeing every one of the workers to make sure they gave me my space. Now, he opens the front door and escorts me to the bar. With a hand on the small of my back, he uses his other hand to open the bar door. It’s dark inside, and the two employees are the only ones here.

  “Hey Blade, what’s up?” The man behind the bar says. He’s older than most of the others I’ve met, but he’s handsome, too. He’s what you would call a silver fox. They shake hands and greet each other.

  I sit on the barstool nearest me and take in the place. The first thing I notice are several Panhead tee shirts for sale. I laugh at the one that says, “If you can read this then the Bitch fell off.”

  “Boss, Ms. Banks would like a drink,” Blade tells the older man.

  “Well hello, Ms. Banks. What can I get for your pretty little self,” the older man says.

  “Boss, careful. Jackson might rip your heart out for flirting with her,” Blade warns.

  I scoff and roll my eyes. “What’s Jackson got to say?”

  “Every damn thing,” Jackson growls. The light from the door illuminates his figure, giving off a very angry appearance. Damn, he looks hot as fuck, but I’m feeling really petty right now. I haven’t seen him in days.

  Ignoring him, I turn back to the bartender and answer him, “I’d like a vodka and lemonade.”

  “Sure thing, Miss,” he says, winking at me.

  “It’s Penny,” I inform him as Jackson pulls up a seat next to me at the bar.

  I feel him nod to the bartender. “A beer.” Who am I kidding I can feel everything about him. The way his breath catches when I flip my hair.

  “Here you go,” the young female bartender says, sliding my drink toward me. The older man passes the beer to Jackson. I’m still focused on how pretty she is. A pang of
jealousy strikes me. With a head of thick black hair braided loosely and hanging over her shoulder she reminds me of those sketches of Disney princesses in goth colors, the Elsa version. She has light eyes despite the dark hair, but her skin is completely light like mine, almost translucent. Her brows, in fact, her entire makeup looks flawless. I feel so out of place, then she smiles at me then to Jackson.

  The older man says, “This is Mary, my new hire.” It’s then I realized that Jackson asked about her. Fuck if that doesn’t gut me. I mean we’re not a couple or anything, but maybe the flirting was just that.

  “And off fucking limits,” a snarl comes from the door. Damn what is it with men coming in here all growly and one at a time. This guy is massive, much larger than Jackson. He has a suit on, but it must take a lot of material to fit over his body. Like he must be a mobster’s henchmen or something. I can see the tats peeking at the edge of sleeves.

  “Beast, beer?”

  “Yes, my sweet felony.” She narrows her eyes at him, but then a blush steals over her face. I’m guessing she’s barely legal or something, but it’s clear that there’s something hot going on between them as he stares at her.


  “Oh shit, I thought you forgot my name since you haven’t used it in days.”

  He turns both our stools to face each other and leans down, whispering in my ear, “Oh, I’ve had your name on my tongue and my mind more times than I have the decency to admit. Have you whispered my name in the darkness of your bedroom or while you’re in the shower, sugar? Because I sure as fuck pictured you like that. With your hand between your legs, panting my name as you imagine my face sandwiched between your thighs feasts on your sweet pussy.” I gasp, heat racing up and down my body like a freaking wave. I turn back to my drink, needing it to get a hold of my nerves. “Finish your drink. We have a lot to talk about.”

  “You’re three days too late for that,” I scoff. I won’t be played, and he’s done this before.

  “The fuck I am. I had important shit to do, and you needed to get a hold of all of this. If it wasn’t for your father telling me what is best for you, I would have taken you with me and never brought you back.”

  “Best for me? I’m a grown woman.” Even as I say it, I know that’s not quite true. I’ve been wholly dependent on my parents. If the bakery does well, that’ll be my first step into adulthood.

  “I’m not going to have this conversation with an audience.”

  “And I’m supposed to trust you alone.” I clasp my hand to my mouth. He hasn’t done anything for me to make me feel that way. I might be upset and jealous, but I didn’t mean to say that. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.”

  “No, it’s okay. There are things I wouldn’t trust me about and being alone with me may be one of them. Because I promise that I want to taste your sweet sugar until you’re coming for me and I’m filling your tight womb with my cum.”

  “Wow…um…you’re something else,” I stammer out as he runs the back of his hand down my cheek, slightly touching my hyper-awake flesh. I shiver and move into his hand, he turns it and cups my jaw.

  “Yes, I am. And you’re something special, Penny. Now come on let’s go because I don’t want our first kiss to be in a bar. And not in front of others.”

  He takes my hand and pulls me off my seat, slamming me against his broad, strong chest. Heat, desire, longing drag my eyes to his, and I want to kiss him more than he can even fathom. A light breath escapes my lips when he stares at them, licking his own lips.

  “Penny, have you ever been on a motorcycle?”

  “No,” I respond with excitement. I’m going to ride on the back of his bike. I do an internal squeal, then check my clothes, and I’m grateful I’m not wearing a dress. I don’t want anyone accidentally seeing my ass.

  “Are you okay with riding on it with me?”

  “Yes, I’m not afraid.”

  “Good. Come on.” He takes my hand, and I forget that I should be pissed at him. He leads me outside, scanning the area for signs of trouble.

  Unable to shake my curiosity, I ask, “Are you all going to tell me about why I feel like I should be wearing a bulletproof vest?”

  “You don’t need a bulletproof vest, but we’re worried that Coleman may come back to get revenge.” I blanche, but I expected that too. They act like he isn’t on the run, but I already found that out from my mom.

  “Fine, Mr. Steele. Time for my first ride,” I demand, walking toward a Harley parked in front of the bakery. “Is this your bad boy?”

  “Yes, it is, sugar, are you ready to ride?”

  “Yep.” He gets on the bike, then reaches for my arm and helps me straddle his back. I’m actually terrified, but I want to be with him, so I’ll do anything to spend time with him, including getting on a motorcycle. He starts the bike, but I’m nervously pressing my face on his spine while my arms slip around his waist.

  “It’s going to be okay, Penny. I’ve been riding for years. Hold on tight, sugar.” I tighten my arms around him when he revs the engine. The vibration is strange to me, but I ignore it because, with Jackson here, I feel safe. “Just don’t let go of me,” he adds. He pulls out of the spot and rides down the road quickly. I squeeze my eyes shut, my heart races, and clench my thighs.

  “Relax, Penny. I’m never going to let anything happen to you.” He pulls my hand and brings it to his mouth while we ride. I’m scared at first, but I calm down. Once we get out of the Main area and onto the open road, we pass a few houses until we reach a flat patch of land. and then he pulls up to a large black gate. It’s similar to our family’s gate, and we pull in, the gates closing behind us. He drives up to the front porch and parks. Once he turned off the engine, he says, “Sugar, remember ninety-seven, eleven, fourteen. Repeat it.”

  “Ninety-seven, fourteen, eleven,” I repeat. He helps me off the bike.

  “No, ninety-seven, eleven, fourteen,” I say it right the next time, then it strikes me that’s my birthday just mixed up.

  “Um…is that my birthday?” I ask in disbelief. I can’t believe it’s a coincidence.

  He shrugs his shoulders guiltily. “What can I say? It’s my favorite day. Speaking of, it’s coming soon. We need to celebrate it soon.”

  “Um, where are we?” I ask, trying to ignore the idea that he wants to celebrate my birthday. That’s implying that he wants to be special to me. My heart is jumping just thinking about the possibility of more. More? I laugh at myself because anything would be more since we have never even kissed.

  “Home,” he answers, leaning down with his hands and grasping onto my biceps. Jackson lowers his head as I raise mine up, meeting in our first kiss. It’s short, sweet, but it feels like so much more.

  “Home?” I ask breathily, gazing up into his beautiful face. I’m lost for him, and he could break me.

  “Yes, home. Our home. I know your brother was joking about the whole getting married in a week, but I wasn’t. I’m not saying that we have to rush a wedding even this month, but I know where we’re going with our relationship. Marriage and babies are what I want with you. I know you want that, too. I’m right, aren’t I?”

  “Um…” I take a small step back afraid of what he’s truly saying because that’s what I’ve dreamed of, and that’s just too good to be true.

  “Tell me if I’m wrong.” He rubs his hand down my arms.

  “No, you’re not wrong. It’s just there’s so much you don’t know about me.”

  “Are you talking about your dyslexia?”

  “What? You know?”

  “Yes, Boomer told me. I know it’s a big deal for you. I get it, but it’s not for me. I tried to read up on it, but I figured that it would be better to ask you how it works for you.”

  “I’ve learned to focus with techniques. For the most part, I’m okay, but things get messy around you. I can’t focus.”

  “I hate to say it, but I’m glad. I sure as fuck can’t think straight when you’re around. All I wa
nt to do is taste these lips over and over, then drag mine all over your body.”

  “I want that too. I want you more than I can say.”

  “Then come inside our home, Penny.” He takes my hand, and we run up the steps to a wrap-around porch and a large swing.

  “How long have you lived here?”

  “I haven’t lived here. I built it about a year ago. I wasn’t sure why because I have a condo near my office in Dallas. When I stay in Steeleville, it’s either with my brother or at the clubhouse. A few of us work in Dallas, but most of the crew is moving down with their perspective careers. Now, I found my reason to stay.” He pins me to the front door and claims my mouth again. I slip my hands under the collar of his leather jacket and into his hair. I rock my hips against his jeans and that large ridge at his hips holy hell he’s packing. I rub a little harder, looking for more. A growl comes from his chest, and he pulls back enough to reach for the keys. I’m still clinging on him.

  As soon as we’re inside, I’m up in his arms with legs wrapped around his waist. He carries me backward, closing the door and locking it with a free arm. I kick off my shoes because I only have one thing in mind. I want him naked and deep inside of me, making love to me. I can’t stop kissing him as he climbs the stairs. I may be a virgin, but my lust is overruling all other senses.

  “Fuck, sugar, you’re going to make me come,” he growls, taking me into a bedroom and dropping me on the bed with Jackson coming down on top of me, slipping his tongue inside my mouth until I’m begging for more. “You’ll get more. I’m going to give you everything.”

  Chapter 17


  I stand up and pull off my shirt. Her eyes are lusting over my chest and fuck is it causing my dick to throb against my jeans. I need to be in her, but I want to savor this moment. The image of her panting and begging for me is the fucking sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. I kick off my shoes, then climb back on the bed. I don’t want this to be over, but I want Penny to scream my name before I fill her up. Reaching for the hem of her blouse, I lift it up her creamy skin until she’s laying there in her white, satiny bra that barely covers her nipples. I can see the dusky pink tips peeking out of the top. Unable to stop the need, I drag the cups down and kiss one at a time before sucking one into my mouth. She moans with her back bowing. My hand runs up and down her side before cupping her ass and thrusting her hips up to meet mine.


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