Jackson (A Steele Riders MC Novel Book 3)

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Jackson (A Steele Riders MC Novel Book 3) Page 11

by C. M. Steele


  It’s Christmas Eve, and so far, the town has been quiet. I’m picking up my beautiful wife who decided that last minute pies were a good idea for people in the town. Shit, we had people from the two towns that surround Steeleville come for her pies. Blade and Gabe stayed in the corner of the shop just in case someone came in to start shit, but nothing happened.

  “Hey, sugar, are you ready?”

  “Yes, I am. It’s funny, but I’m out of pies for the Christmas Day dinner at the clubhouse.”

  “Well, we can bake some tomorrow. I’ll be your assistant. I’ll even wear an apron.”

  “Just an apron,” she asks, winking at me with a smile on her impish face.

  “I’m afraid we’ll have a repeat, my deliciously sweet wife.”

  “Well of course.”

  “Then I’m all yours, but tonight we have to go to your parents.” She does a quick change and a clean up in the back bathroom before we lock up and leave for the night. Her parents’ pies were picked up by her brother Aaron this morning. He’s a nice guy who’s a lawyer in Dallas. A bit of a bore in my opinion, but the guy loves his family as much as Justin and Edward.

  “I can’t wait until the kids open their presents from us. They’re going to love them.”

  “They will I guess but Bobby is the oldest, so I doubt they will tell you.”

  “No, but their toothless grins will. I can’t wait for our baby to celebrate our first Christmas.”

  “Soon, sugar. Soon.” By the time we get to Dallas the first snow of the winter coats the ground. It doesn’t snow in Steeleville, so I guess this is a nice little winter treat. I can do without snow and the cold all year long, but we’re not always that lucky having lived in Dallas all our lives.

  I help her out of the car and then grab the presents. Aaron comes out to lend a hand. “It’s slippery,” he says, grabbing onto Penny. “Can’t have you fall.”

  “Thank you.” When we walk in everyone greets us so happily. I hug my mother-in-law then move to the tree to set the gifts down. We have a fucking lot for these kids. I’m excited even though I won’t admit it.

  “Hey, Jackson, can I have a word with you?” Justin asks, leaning in so that no one else would hear.

  “Sure.” I walk over to Penny and kiss her cheek. I’ll be back in a minute. She nods and carries on talking with Enid.

  “First, I want to say I’m sorry about all that’s happened. I know you would do anything to protect Penny, but I never meant to put her in any danger. All this time I’ve been worried that he or his gang would come after Enid and Bobby. I didn’t think he’d be bold enough to come after my sister.”

  “Shit, I didn’t think about them coming after your wife and son. Do you need someone to keep a better eye on them while you’re at work and stuff? I can send someone out to help with that.”

  “I’m over here trying to thank you for protecting my sister and take a yelling for what happened in the first place, and you’re offering help.”

  “Fuck, you’re a police officer. Your line of work is dangerous, but you help the public too. What happened to penny was terrible, and I hope they don’t ever try again because I will slaughter every single one of them and turn them into chum for the sharks in the Gulf.”

  “I didn’t hear that, but I’m with you if it comes to that. There’s no way I’d let these fuckers think they can come at my family.”

  “That’s the way I’m feeling. I wouldn’t have let it go the first time if the fuck wasn’t immediately attached to you. In our town, every one of the main Riders has been deputized, so they are licensed to kill anyone attacking us, but we won’t let most of it go to trial.”

  “That makes it legal enough if you do arrest people,” he remarks with a chuckle. “Your men wouldn’t be allowed to act as officers in my county though.”

  “I know, but they can carry.”

  “If you could get your men to patrol around when I’m on duty.”

  “I can. I have that started the day after tomorrow. Now that that’s settled let’s celebrate. I’m starving.”

  The rest of the night goes smoothly. And on our way home, I thought about who could handle the basic patrol. I hope it won’t be needed, but I need someone who could handle the matter.

  “What’s going on, Jackson? You’re awfully quiet.”

  “I’m sorry, Penny. I’m just thinking about work,” I lie. I don’t want her to worry about Enid and Bobby. They’ll be fine really. I doubt they will go for them but being cautious is more important.

  “Well, I’m thinking of going to bed,” she murmurs, squeezing my hand and leaning her head back against the seat with a sigh. The rest of the ride, she slowly dozes off and on.

  As soon as we get inside, I lock up and lead her to the bedroom. “I’m going to shower really quick.”

  “Okay, I’m going to get ready for bed.”

  I change and lay down in my boxers then turn on the television and off the lights. When Penny shuts off the shower, I pull the blankets down so she can get in, but the second she appears, I know my delectable wife has no intentions of going to sleep.

  She stands in the light of the bathroom, and I’m done for. Her long blonde hair is in a braid over her shoulder, and she’s wearing a Panheads tee shirt, pulling it down over her pussy.

  “Let go of the shirt, wife,” I order, and she complies easily, releasing it and showing me her light blonde curls on her pussy. Damn, I groan when she bites her lip.

  “Are you ready for bed?” she asks with a wicked smile.

  “Not quite, but I know what I’m ready for.” I wag my finger silently summoning her to me. She saunters over to me with every ounce of lust in her body. I slide my boxers off in a hurry. My cock stands straight up, beads of cum soaking the tip. Her eyes go directly there, but if she sucks me off right now, I won’t last a minute. I’m so hard up for her. It’s been a whole damn day since I’ve been buried deep inside of her. I pat the bed beside me, but she shakes her head.

  “No?” I question.

  “No, you have to earn this ride,” she says, slipping her fingers between her thighs and into her slit and stroking herself. I grab my cock and run my hands up and down my shaft. She sits on the window seat parting her thighs. “I need you to eat my pussy, Jackson.” Fuck, I’m going to come like that. She’s never told me to come get her pretty little pussy. I usually just take her cunt between my lips and suck on her clit until she comes all over my tongue. I jump up off the bed and rush to her dropping to my knees and shoving her thigh wide before slipping my tongue inside. She cries out, thrusting her hands into my hair and pumping her hips up for more. I growl, pushing two fingers into her pussy soaking them then lowering them to circle the rim of her asshole where I’m going tonight.

  She’s been hinting at it for weeks, and now I’m going for it. I slip one into her, feeling her clench around. “Relax, I want to prepare you for my cock. I’m fucking that pretty ass of yours until we both pass out.”

  “Damn it, Jackson I’m coming.” She cries out, screaming again and again. I thrust another finger into her ass after soaking my finger in her pulsing pussy. She moans again, but I need to get in her.

  “Turn around,” I order. My voice is deeper than normal. I’m so fucking ready to fuck. She leans her hand on the edge of the window seat and gets on all fours. Fucking hell, she didn’t put this on. “If you see this the Bitch fell off.”

  “I’m not falling off tonight, sugar.” It’s like a motherfucking challenge. I thrust my cock into her pussy for three strokes before pulling out and plunging past her first ring in her ass. “Breathe, baby.” Once she relaxes, I push deeper, claiming her ass. We both remain still until she pops her ass back at me. Then it’s game on. I pump forward with my hands on her hips, fucking her harder and faster. I reach around and stroke her clit and dip my fingers inside, fucking her both ways.

  She cries out, her body tightening around me as she comes. Fuck, I can’t hold back and come
in her ass. Both of us are breathing heavily, but I need to take care of her. I just drilled her pregnant body wildly. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” I ask, pulling out of her and carrying her to the bathroom.

  “Only when you first went in. Everything else was perfect,” she moans, dragging my face to hers for a kiss.

  “Let me run you a bath.”

  “A fast shower is all I have the energy for,” she murmurs with her eyelids closing.

  I turn it on and test it before saying, “Fine, let me carry you in.” Hurriedly, I wash my wife while she relaxes in the spray. This shouldn’t be such a turn on, but the way she’s letting me care for her hits me in the chest. “I love you so damn much, Penny,” I declare as I dry her off.

  “I’m so grateful you do. I don’t know what I’d do if you hadn’t fought for us.”

  “That was never an option. You had me wrapped around your delicate finger. Now, my beautiful wife, time for bed.”

  A lifetime of this will never be enough.

  Chapter 29


  We pull up to the clubhouse and Penny can’t stop smiling. She’s ready for everyone to try her new cupcakes. They are fucking amazing. I better hit the gym more because her sweets and my desk job are going to make me fat.

  I help her out of the truck but not before checking around for any fuckheads lurking. I have a feeling it’s not over yet with Cortes and his men, or with the gang from Paxton. Either way, I’ll do everything I can to protect her. We heard that Cortes was staying away for the time being because we were coming for him, but his little mafiosos were tearing through Arizona.

  “Come,” I take her hand, Rico and Boss are holding the door and looking to help. “Sugar, go inside, and we’ll get the rest of the treats.”

  “Okay, but don’t drop them,” she implores with her eyes wide.

  “I won’t.” She goes inside with Boss leading the way.

  “Now that I got you alone. I want to talk to you.”

  “We’re doing a deep cover thing, that I’ll be joining next week. It’s in a competing cartel to Cortes. I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be gone for a while, and the crew won’t be filled in by me until I walk through the clubhouse doors. I’ve told Boomer, but since you’re the second in command, I thought you needed to know.”

  “Fuck, I don’t know what to say. Other than, it’s fucking dangerous. It’s not smart. Not smart at all.”

  “We have an epidemic in this country. It can’t be destroyed from the outside. We need a handle on the inside.”

  “Fine. But brother, you better come back in one motherfucking piece and breathing.”

  “They don’t get the best of us Riders. Come on before your pretty wife comes out here looking for her cupcakes.”

  “Yeah, she’s going to think we dropped them.”

  He claps me on the back and adds, “Or ate them.”

  We get inside and there she is, coming toward us. “I thought you two were causing trouble with my cupcakes.” She snatched the ones from my hands. “You two are going to give me a stroke. She turns around immediately trips on the edge of a chair, falling and sending the cute cupcake holder to the ground. I wrap my arms around her, stopping her from hitting the damn floor.

  “Oh no, the cupcakes.”

  “Fuck the cupcakes, Sugar, you could have hurt yourself.”

  Cowboy picks up the dropped container and opens the lid. “Don’t worry your pretty little head. Some are a little smudged, but they smell incredible.” He takes them over to the table then snatches one. “Payment for saving them,” he jokes.

  “Holy shit. These are fantastic.” And like a fucking dinner bell ringing or fresh blood around sharks, a feeding frenzy begins. They don’t touch the dinner. Dessert comes first.

  “Don’t you all want some food first.”

  “Shush. With that talk you aren’t going to get any of these,” Crystal warns me.

  “It’s okay. I had four while they were cooling,” I tease them.

  It’s a buffet style set up, and the guys let the ladies get theirs first. Although, Crystal and Morgan made their men plates because they love them. Penny’s making her plate, but she freezes then sets it down. And bolts out of the room. Damn. I rush to her followed by Roxie and Doc.

  “I’m fine,” she mutters from the bathroom.

  “Pen, do you need anything?”

  “No. I’m coming out right now.” She comes out wiping her face.

  “Was there something that upset your stomach,” Doc asks, pressing his hand to her forehead.

  “Yes, it was the stuffing. Apparently, the baby doesn’t like it.”

  “I’ll move it,” Roxie says, heading back to the food table.

  “Are you sure you are okay?”

  “I’m fine, Jackson.” She grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. “Really, I am.”

  “Okay, let’s get something in you.”

  “Always thinking about sex.”

  “Baby, you’re the one with the dirty mind. I was talking about food.”

  “Oops. Another side effect of this pregnancy.”

  “That’s one side effect, I can get used to.” I lead her back out to the table, and everyone has taken a seat, leaving a space for the both of us. And I noticed the people who wanted stuffing moved to the other end.

  “Thank you, but you didn’t have to do that, Crystal.”

  “Girl, last week I had Boomer change his shaving cream because the smell made me throw up. We all understand, and if they don’t they can suck it,” she snaps at the guys around the room then pats Penny’s hand. I shake my damn head and lead Penny over to the food table to get our plates.

  “Merry Christmas everyone,” Boss cheers. Then a chorus of holiday greetings ring through the night.

  Everything is perfect…a little too perfect. I have a feeling like something terrible is going to happen very soon.



  Jackson and I are just coming home from a long day at the bakery. It’s St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow, so I was preparing all the green treats. At five months pregnant, I feel pretty healthy and agile. Most of the morning sickness is gone, and I don’t have any more problems with smells either. According to Morgan’s and Crystal’s need to pee all the time as they get farther along in their pregnancies, I have a feeling that is soon to come. It’s fantastic that all three of us sisters are going to have our babies around the same time. I hope the cousins will be close. I have a medium-sized extended family, but we aren’t close like the Riders seem to be, and most of them aren’t even related.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asks, grabbing my hand and grazing his lips against it while still focusing on the road. Damn, he’s so sexy.

  I smile even though he can’t see it because I’m too happy to even explain it. “Just about how all of our kids are going to be born around the same time.”

  “Yes, baby. It’s going to be fun.”

  “I wonder if we have more kids that will be the same ages.” Both of us want a big family. I think he just likes knowing that I’m carrying his baby. He goes all caveman every time he looks at me lately.

  He nods. “It’s a huge possibility. If my brother has any say in it, Crystal’s going to be pregnant all the time. Just like I plan to keep you.”

  “I can get on board with that.”

  “Good, wife. We have a lot of practicing to do tomorrow. All day I’m going to have you in bed, coming over and over until your sweet little pussy can’t take another orgasm.” I squeeze my legs together, eager to get home and feel him between them.

  “Stop it. I’m getting worked up here,” I complain, swatting his arm, then relaxing back on my seat.

  “That’s what I want. I want you ready to come on my fucking tongue the second I get you through the door.” Fuck, I’m going to come hard if he keeps this up.

  We’re pulling to the house when his phone rings. The caller ID on the dash comes up Boomer. “What’s up,

  “I need you to come to the clubhouse. Now.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I can’t talk about it over the phone.”

  “Penny’s with me.”

  “Bring her. I need to talk to you then we need to go to Church.”

  “Understood.” He turns around to head to the clubhouse, but parks on the side of the road. “I’m sorry, Penny. You know Boomer wouldn’t call me if it wasn’t important.”

  “I know. Don’t worry. You can make it up to me later.”

  “I will. I promise. You know I love having your thighs crushing my face.”

  “Damn right.” We drive to the clubhouse and head inside. Boomer jumps up on his feet while leaving Crystal who’s asleep on the sofa. “Sorry, Penny, but I need to talk to Jackson alone.”

  “That’s fine. I can rest here.” Jackson kisses me hard before going into the back room together. I go through my phone, playing on it then I see what this is all about.

  On my homepage news feed, reads: Undercover DEA Agent Killed by Cartel

  It doesn’t give any personal details of the agent, but I have the strangest feeling this is why Boomer called Jackson in.

  “Rico,” I sigh. I didn’t know him very well, but he was one hell of a good guy. For another five minutes, I search the internet for more information, but it’s just as vague as the rest.

  The door opens, and Jackson comes out first. “Is it true?” I ask, holding my phone up to him. He takes my phone, reading the one article. He nods then pulls me into his arms. I rub his back and whisper, “I’m sorry, Jackson.”

  He steps back, ducking his chin into his neck and looking down at me then asks, “Thank you, baby. Are you okay? Do you want to go lay down?”

  “At the house?” I wondered.

  “No here,” he whispers. rubs my belly. “I’m sorry. I know you like your pillow.” I have a baby body pillow that I love. Normally, I lay on Jackson, but when I roll in my sleep, it cradles me.

  I slide my hands up under his suit jacket, caress his chest. “I’m fine. Really. I’m just worried about you.”


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