Wild Hearts: One Wild Weekend

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Wild Hearts: One Wild Weekend Page 8

by Jodi Lynn Copeland

  Kelsey froze, listening as more harsh grunts joined the first. She concentrated harder, able to just make out the divide between tanned flesh and white nylon now. She could also make out the movement of the woman’s arms. It was obvious what she was doing, the same thing Kelsey had been doing moments before, but how was she doing it standing up and why?

  Her hammering heart demanded she turn back and leave the woman to her peace or rather satisfaction as the case might be. Her spinning brain agreed wholeheartedly. Her feet didn’t appear to be listening. She moved silently as possible, skirting the trees and foliage, never drawing any closer to Natalie, but merely gaining a better view. A side view. It was perverted, highly demented, but she had to see what she was doing. Had to know how she could pleasure herself while standing up and not have her legs give out on her. She just had to know.

  And in the next second she found out.

  A gasp escaped before Kelsey could stop it, and she clasped a hand to her mouth to silence any further sounds and stared in utter disbelief. Natalie’s hand moved in quick, sure strokes, gliding up and down the length of a long, thick…penis.

  Oh…my…God… Natalie was a hermaphrodite!

  But no. She wasn’t. The large hands, the firm lips, the slight trace of a mustache that had tickled her flesh back in the river, the taut ass she’d cupped this morning and that was exposed to her now. The hard male body she thought she’d felt rocking up against her… They were not female characteristics. And that meant Natalie wasn’t a hermaphrodite. Not a lesbian either. No, she was something plain awful.

  Natalie was a man!

  Anger and relief assailed Kelsey as burning joint forces. She fisted her hands at her hips, boiling to lash out at him, to scream at him for making her trust him so completely, for allowing her to get close, to believe he could trust her as well and want to be her friend.

  He didn’t want her friendship. What he did want was pretty damned obvious. He wanted to spend a weekend amidst a bunch of women getting his cheap thrills out of watching them undress. Obviously that desire had turned to an even greater goal when Kelsey had revealed how easily she trusted men, fell victim to their wiles. With her admission, his goal had turned to not only watching women undress, but to reveling in her personal horror when he’d successfully led her to believe she was developing feelings for another woman. And not of the friendly kind.

  Why, the perverted bastard!

  He was exactly the same as every other lying, untrustworthy man she had ever met. The difference with this man and those other ones was she would not sit idly by and wait for the bitter sting of rejection and hurt. She would deal with him. Not by running over there and lashing out at him as she’d first been inclined to do. That reaction would let him off way too easy. What she had planned for him was far more deserving.

  * * * * *

  It took almost more patience than Kelsey had to bide her time throughout dinner and then sit long enough at the campfire to make her excuse she was tired and going to bed early plausible. Not that she had wasted the time. She’d put it to good use. She had broken out the Polaroid camera she’d bought on a lark for those times when she couldn’t wait even an hour to see the results of her latest shoot. Tonight was one of those times. She had taken numerous shots of the camp and in particular of the man who called himself Natalie. The pictures were secured away for later use, and the time had finally come for action.

  Kelsey stood, folded up her chair and said to the group in general, “I’m going to turn in. I guess the hike today took more out of me than I thought.”

  She started walking away, then turned back and glanced at the impostor she foolishly believed was her friend. Damn it, she’d thought Natalie had cared about her! Enough so that she’d been ready to share her past with the woman. Enough so that she’d secretly wished she were a lesbian because the bond that had developed between Natalie and she was stronger than anything she’d ever experienced.

  Only, she wasn’t a lesbian. And Natalie didn’t even exist.

  Kelsey’s eyes wanted to slit and the venom was all but impossible to keep out of her voice. She forced a calm smile. “You’re welcome to bunk with me again tonight, Nat. The tent’s plenty big and it will save you from having to set up yours.”

  He nodded, his eyes lighting with what she guessed to be gratefulness because he thought she would be undressing for him again tonight. Or maybe in his messed up mind he believed tonight would yield even more than that.

  He stood and folded his chair, quickly falling into step beside her. “Thanks. I’ll take you up on the offer and join you right now. I’m pretty tired too.”

  She glanced away and snorted. She would be willing to bet her favorite camera he wasn’t tired five minutes from now.

  Kelsey nodded her response, and they continued on to the tent in silence. She fired up the lantern and waited for him to remove his shoes and close up the tent flap. She pulled the light sweatshirt she’d put on following dinner over her head, then yanked off her T-shirt as well. She had put on a red lace bra for tonight’s events, and now her nipples beaded from both the cool night air and expectancy. He had yet to turn around, and she was counting on her words to accomplish that feat. “I’m glad you decided to turn in early too.”

  She put a slight husk into her voice and it had the desired effect, as he stopped digging through his duffel bag and turned toward her. His eyes went wide and, while he’d obviously been about to say something, no words made it past his open mouth.

  He swallowed audibly and jerked his gaze from her breasts to her face. “Uh, you are?”

  The tremor in his voice was priceless. She wanted to make him more than tremble; she wanted to make him sweat. Make him scream. Make him want her so badly that he begged. And then leave him high and dry.

  Catching her lower lip between her teeth, she crawled to his side and nodded. “Uh-huh. We need to talk, Nat.”

  His breathing grew rapid and she took great pleasure in the confusion that riddled his features. “We do? I mean, uh yeah, we do.”

  She crawled closer still, and laid her hand upon his thigh, stroking the hard muscles she felt through the thin nylon as she fixed her attention on his mouth. The breathiness of her next words wasn’t nearly as contrived as she would have liked. The memory of his kiss, the feel of his strong lips rubbing over hers, along her neck, fueled both her anticipation for the events ahead and the moment when she walked away. “You see the thing is, I like you. I really like you.”

  “And I like you, but—”

  “When we kissed back at the river,” she continued hastily, raising her hand from his thigh to his torso, “it made me uncomfortable at first, but now I’ve accepted it.”

  The heat that had begun to dilute his gaze was replaced by shock and he blurted in a thick voice, “You have?”

  She couldn’t release the laughter that came with his stupefied look, but she allowed a triumphant smile to blossom, knowing he would take it as a victory of another kind. “Yes. That kiss was really great. And I want to try it again.”

  Her hand reached his well-padded breast and his gaze shot toward it. He drew another loud breath. “Y-you do?”

  Kelsey leaned closer still, cupping his fake breast in her hand as she rubbed her own highly sensitized ones against him. She tipped her head back to focus on his mouth inches away and licked her lips. She couldn’t deny the honesty in her response. “Oh, yeah, I do. And that isn’t all I want to try.”

  “What, uh, what else do you want to try?”

  “Everything,” she purred, rising up to nip at his jaw. “I want you to show me things, Natalie. I want you to show me how it is between two women.”


  She leaned back and gasped. “You look stricken. Are you telling me you honestly don’t want to do that? Am I not attractive enough for you?”

  He nodded, his long blonde wig bouncing wildly around his head. “Of course, you are. You’re hot as hell.”

  She smiled
at his speedy response. Regret came into his eyes in an instant and she knew he’d spoken before he’d had a chance to think. What a pity for him, she thought sardonically, having to tell her the truth for once. “I thought you’d say that.”

  Releasing her grip on his breast, she reared back on her knees and fingered the smooth flesh and the cool edges of the small ring that adorned her navel. “You said you thought this was sexy. You said you wanted one for yourself, but I think the truth is you wanted your hands on mine. You want me, don’t you, Natalie?”

  His gaze fell to where she fondled the ring, stroking it sensually, purposefully goading him. The amber gold of his eyes darkened and while he had yet to voice a word, the answer was more than obvious. The reality of how badly he did want her had her blood humming and her pussy dampening with forbidden desire.

  “It’s okay to say yes, Nat,” she continued, her voice raspy with an arousal she couldn’t disguise. “I already told you that I want you too. I trust you. I really, really trust you. You’re so honest, so pure. I’ve never met someone as virtuous as you before. At the campfire when all the other women were talking about feelings and you said for you it was just about sex, that was so brave.”

  “It was the truth.”

  “Because you always tell the truth, right?”

  His gaze returned to her face and what looked like remorse flashed through his eyes. “I used to.”

  A tinge of sorrow tugged at Kelsey. She forced it away and recalled all the lies he’d told her, the way he’d allowed her to get close, to make her want him. To develop feelings for him. Having sex with him hadn’t been her plan for this night. The plan had been to leave him wanting and exposed. She would still do all that, after she showed him just how good it could’ve been between them if he hadn’t taken advantage of her trust. After she extinguished the need for him from her system once and for all. After she showed him how it felt to be used for a hasty fuck and then tossed aside. “Why did you stop, Natalie?”

  “A challenge.”

  It was the truth. Somehow she knew it, and it ticked her off all the more. “A challenge? Like a bet or something?”

  “Not exactly.”

  As much as she knew his previous answer to be a fact, something told her that this one was a lie. Or at least close enough to being one. Any sorrow she might have felt vanished. “I guess exactly what it was about isn’t important any more. As far as I’m concerned there’s only one thing that is important.”

  “There is?”

  The slight tremor was back in his voice and she took full advantage of it, placing her hands firm on his chest and pushing hard. He didn’t budge, but merely continued to stare at her. “Yeah, there is.”

  “Wh-what is it?”

  “Your name.”

  He blinked, astonishment lighting his face. “What do you mean?”

  She smiled harder, letting the animosity that ate at her for the way he’d treated her show in her smile. “Call me old fashioned, Natalie, but I like to know the name of the men I fuck.”

  “The men?” he gasped. “You know?”

  “Your name,” she demanded, pushing harder against his chest. “Tell me your damned name.” She shoved one more time and he allowed her to push him to his back. She hastily covered him, the mixed sensations of power and lust rioting through her veins and quickening her pulse.

  “Nate,” he finally supplied. “My name is Nate.”

  Kelsey nodded, glad he hadn’t supplied a last name or any other information. She could pretend indifference, but she wasn’t indifferent toward him. Not even close. And the more she learned, the more she would feel pain when this was all said and done.

  She leaned forward and tugged on the thick strands of his wig. “Well, Nate, this hair has to go. And so do these clothes.”

  He shook his head. “This is a bad idea.”

  “Are you afraid you won’t be able to get it back up again so soon?”

  Once more shock reigned in his gaze. “What do you mean, again?”

  The moistness in her pussy grew, the liquid heat of arousal filling her cunt as the image of him masturbating in the woods filled her mind. She would know heartache come morning, she already regretted ever meeting him, but right now she also burned to feel the length of his thick cock buried deeply within her.

  She laughed, high and throaty. “What? Did you really think I’d let you enjoy a free show without getting my own in return?”

  “You followed me?”

  “You watched me.”

  “By accident.”

  She nodded, already having guessed he had come upon her by accident. It didn’t change the facts. “You liked it.”

  She could tell he wanted to deny her words, but the truth—the mad beat of his heart beneath her hands and the arousal thick in his eyes—was too obvious to be denied. He nodded. “Yes. I liked it.”

  “Then what’s the problem? Afraid this might be about more than just sex? It isn’t, Nate. It’s just sex. That’s all I want from you. Just a quick fuck.”

  “That’s not your style.”

  Not even close. She never had casual sex. Feelings were always involved. Her feelings at least. That being the case, this couldn’t be called casual sex either, because while she denied it aloud, her feelings were very much involved.

  Not about to let those feelings show, she lowered her breasts to his chest and rubbed against him. She couldn’t feel his erection through his pants, but she knew he had to have one, hidden by some means. She ground her pussy against his pelvis and juices dripped from her sex to soak her panties as she mewled her want.

  “Yes, it is my style. It’s what I do. What I’ve always done. The things I said at the fire were lies. This is the truth. This is the real me. I don’t want promises. I don’t want pretty words. I don’t want a damned thing, but sex. And you’re going to give it to me. You owe it to me for taunting me so long, for making me want you until I couldn’t stop from touching myself, from making myself come.

  “Now say the words, Nate. Say yes.”

  His golden gaze glistened with raw appetite and still he shook his head in denial even as he rasped out the one word she ached to hear. “Yes.”

  Her smile grew and her sex gushed with heady wetness and warmth. She rolled off him and sat back, waiting for the show to begin. The show where he removed all his feminine layers and showed her the man he was. The man, who thought to fool her, to make her feel like an idiot. The man, who after she’d had her fun with, would feel like the biggest idiot of all. “I’m glad we’ve reached a decision. Now strip. I’ve already waited too long and have no mind for foreplay.”

  Chapter Six

  Things had moved seriously beyond Nate’s control. He shouldn’t be here in this tent with Kelsey, taking his clothes off. He shouldn’t be hard as hell and burning with the need to kiss her soft, sweet lips, to finally bury his fingers, his tongue, and his cock deep into the warm, waiting walls of her pussy. To prove Joe right with his assumption he couldn’t have a friendship with a woman he found attractive any more than he could last the weekend amidst a camp of women and not have sex with a single one of them. He shouldn’t be doing any of this.

  But he was.

  He jerked the pins that secured the long blonde wig in place free and tossed the thick mane of hair aside. His gaze locked on the heat of expectancy in Kelsey’s flushed face as he hastily went to work on removing his clothes. His hands shook and his fingers fumbled with the buttons of the jacket he had tossed on earlier this evening. He’d felt nervous since the moment he entered this tent, incredibly so, and that was strange as hell.

  Nathan Anderson did not get nervous about sex. He loved sex. Considered it as much a part of his life as eating and breathing. Though the past couple weeks had been an exception, in general it was an active part of his weekly routine. So why the hell were his hands shaking?

  He finally managed to work the last button free and shook off the jacket. He tugged the lightweight shirt over his
head, then dispelled of the dramatically padded bra. Kelsey’s tongue came out of her mouth, rolling slowly over her luscious lower lip as she gazed upon the defined muscles of his naked chest and abdomen. She’d looked eager before, now she looked voracious.

  The nerves he hadn’t been able to shake any better than he could explain evaporated under her appreciative gaze. He knew he had a good body. He worked out at the gym three days a week, ran laps around the neighborhood daily, and attended various sporting events to keep himself in shape. More than a few women had complimented him on his physique. Yet, not one of those compliments or his self-conceit could compare to Kelsey’s famished smile.

  He kneeled and reached for the snap of his pants, pausing when she continued to sit in silence, enjoying the show. As much as he loved her watching him, knowing how aroused it was making her, he wanted a little something of his own to look at. A little something more than the sinfully thin red lace bra that just barely concealed the dusky pink shade of her nipples.

  “I want you naked, too.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “You’re demanding in real life, huh?”

  Yes, in a lot of ways he was. Demanding of those he knew he had a right to be. Kelsey wasn’t one he had a right to be, however. He grinned. “Not at all. I just expect to get as good as I give.”

  Her lips twitched for an instant, then curved into a wide smile that revealed her sumptuous dimple. “Oh, you will, Nate. Trust me, you will.”

  Even as his cock pulsed in response to that incredible dimple and the thought his tongue would soon be upon it, licking it the way he’d dreamt of doing since they’d met, he felt there was something off about her smile and the playful glint in her eyes. It wasn’t something enough to stop him from removing the rest of his clothes. Sure as hell not enough to stop his fingers from itching with the need to reach out and touch when Kelsey disposed of her jeans a moment later to display a red lace thong that, like her bra, revealed more than it concealed.


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