Aydan (The Azziarin Series Book 6)

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Aydan (The Azziarin Series Book 6) Page 9

by Hannah Davenport

  “Shuttlecraft two, this is the bridge. You do not have permission to depart.”

  “Zi’an?” Riley heard fear in Karen’s voice, but she couldn’t help. With her head between her legs, she concentrated on breathing.

  “It’s okay.” He flew the shuttlecraft out of the bay.

  The bridge kept ordering them back to the ship, while Zi’an tried to fly the shuttlecraft. It wobbled from side to side, sometimes taking a nose dive before he leveled it off.

  Karen placed a hand on his shoulder. “Zi’an, you do know how to fly one of these things, don’t you?”

  Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes. Riley held her breath and waited for his answer.

  “Umm… I’ve flown one in a simulator.” His voice shook a little as he admitted the truth.

  Flashes of Aydan ripped through her mind. The shuttlecraft mangled on the ground. Everyone around him dead. Oh, god! This will be me!

  Riley sat up straight and looked ahead as death quickly approached. “Is there anything we can do to help?”

  “Tell me where you live?” His eyes shifted her way momentarily.

  Riley stared out the window. She could direct him to the general area. If they survived, they would have to continue on foot.

  The shuttlecraft descended too fast. We’re plummeting to our deaths. “Zi’an, slow down! We are going down too fast!” Riley grabbed the metal bar above her head as a scream ripped from her throat.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Aw, my head hurts.” Riley’s face twisted in pain as she felt the lump on the back of her head.

  “My arm will be black tomorrow.” Karen clutched her arm in a protective manner.

  Zi’an shook his head. “It wasn’t that bad for my first time.”

  As they neared the general area of Riley’s home, Zi’an had slowed the craft down, but the landing needed a lot of work. They bounced off the ground three times; the shuttlecraft took out several small trees before it skidded to a halt.

  “At least we’re not dead.” She shot Zi’an a painful, halfhearted smile. “Good job.”

  He beamed at her as he limped out of the shuttlecraft. Riley looked around the area. The sun had just made its first appearance, shedding light around them. “I know this place! Oh, my God! I know where we are.” She glanced at Zi’an with a huge smile on her face. “You did a great job!”

  “Thanks.” He gave her a toothy grin before looking around the area. “Your world is so different than mine.”

  “What’s yours like?” They headed away from the shuttlecraft.

  Zi’an scrunched his nose. “Barren.” The sound of his voice left everyone silent.

  They slowly limped along the wooded terrain for several hours until her house came into view. Riley took off at a dead run, needing to see her sisters. She forgot about her aching head, her bruised knee, everything but the need to get to them.

  She bounded up the stairs and threw open the front door. “I’m home!” Nothing. No sound other than the cat. She reached down and picked up Whiskers, the family tabby. She held him up and looked in his eyes. “Where is everyone?” He answered with a mewl before Riley set him back down on the floor.

  Karen opened the front door, but Buster almost plowed her over, trying to get around. He sprinted through the door and jumped up on Riley. With his front paws on her shoulders, she fell back against the couch. Buster rained licks down her face. “I missed you too, buddy.”

  When she finally freed herself, she faced Karen and Zi’an who stood in the living room. “I don’t know where they are.”

  Zi’an still eyed Buster with wariness. “It’s okay. He’s a pet, the family dog. Come over and pet him. He likes for you to rub his head.”

  Zi’an walked cautiously over to Buster while Riley searched the house for clues. Dishes were piled up in the sink. They were stained with old food that had started to mold. As she searched for other clues, the news finally sank in. She hunched her shoulders, and tears filled her eyes. Her chin quivered as she realized they’d been gone for a while. But where? Where did they go?

  The sound of Zi’an’s laughter drifted down the hall. She headed to the living room and spotted him sitting with Buster while Karen watched. Karen leaned over and whispered, “That is the first time I’ve seen him smile.”

  Buster licked his cheek while Zi’an rubbed his floppy ears. Instant friends. Had he ever had a friend before?

  “I’m glad to see him happy.”

  “I know.” Karen glanced at Riley. “I don’t think his father treated him very well.” She watched for a few moments and then remembered. “Where are your sisters?”

  Riley shrugged one shoulder while she wondered the same thing. One of two things could have happened. The gray monsters found them—she shivered at the thought—or Aydan… Riley narrowed her eyes and pressed her lips together as realization hit. He took them! That sorry son of a bitch took my family! She glanced around the living room before storming every room in the house. No sign of forced entry, nothing thrown around the room. There was nothing out of place, just abandoned.

  “What’s wrong?”

  The daggers that shot from Riley’s eyes made Karen take a step back. “That sorry asshole stole my family. He left me there and then stole my family! If I ever get my hands on him…” Her hands balled into fists as her chest heaved from anger.

  “He left you where?”

  Riley shot Karen a look of disgust although it wasn’t meant for her. “Near town, where the gray monsters kidnapped me. I watched him run away!”

  “The Tureis kidnapped you.” Riley spun around. Zi’an stood right behind her, his happy smile gone.


  “The gray monsters are called Tureis. I am a Turei.” Sadness blanketed his eyes, but Riley didn’t regret calling them monsters. Not after what they did to Karen and her.

  “They are Tureis; they are monsters. I don’t know what your mother was, but you must be like her. In my mind, you are too kind to be a Tureis, so you are not!”

  He lowered his head. “I don’t want to be like them.”

  “You are not.” Riley opened her arms and engulfed the young boy in a hug. He didn’t know what to do. It was as if he’d never been hugged before. He finally wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her back.

  When she drew back to look in his eyes, she let him hear the truth of her words. “When I talk about the Tureis and call them monsters, I am not talking about you. You are nothing like them, and I don’t consider you one. Understand?”

  He nodded as Karen joined in, the three of them huddled together in a group hug.

  Riley didn’t know this boy, but he’d saved her life, Karen’s life. She owed him big time. She couldn’t imagine enduring what Karen had been through, day after day of what she’d just experienced. Saving them made Zi’an part of the family.

  Riley looked around the dirty kitchen. “This place isn’t going to clean itself.”

  Karen chimed in. “I’ll help.”

  The two women got to work while Zi’an played with Buster.

  Riley built a fire in the stove and heated water. Karen washed dishes while Riley milked Betsy, who desperately needed it, and she checked the springhouse for meat. They all needed food.

  She and Karen worked together in the kitchen making dinner when Riley broached the subject. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No.” Karen never looked at her, she just kept working. She shifted her weight from foot to foot.

  “It may help.” Riley didn’t look at her, either, as she placed bread in the oven.

  Karen shrugged. “I’m sure they did the same to you. Only after a few times, I think they tried to impregnate me. Talking to Zi’an helped me focus on his situation instead of mine.”

  After dinner, which turned out amazing, Riley headed to the comfort of her bed. The covers lay in an unmade heap. After straightening them out, she climbed into bed and relished the feeling. With
her face resting on the pillow, she swore she could smell Aydan. Her hands clutched the sheets as she silently cried. She liked him. Really, really liked him. How could he leave her? How could he take her family away? Riley had no doubt he took great care of them. Kaley and Haley loved him dearly. They probably hadn’t noticed she was missing.

  The tears rolled silently down her face as she clutched the sheets hard in her fist. Why? Why couldn’t she find someone who loved her for her? What was wrong with her? She cried until sleep claimed her. She dreamed of blonde curls and blue cat eyes.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Aydan marched down the corridor with blood dripping from his short sword, death shining in his eyes. His jaw clenched as he marched with purpose while searching a Tureis vessel, killing everyone on board.

  Both Azziarins and Curazins searched for prisoners, checking every room, bay, and secret compartment. They had found a couple of females as they searched cells, dark rooms, and one breeding chamber.

  “I’ve found one!” Aydan pivoted and headed in Qan’s direction. As Toran’s second, he often led the Curazin raiding party. Either Qan or Toran did so, but never both at the same time.

  Aydan squinted in the dark room as his eyes searched the corners. Qan had knelt down to scoop someone off the cold stone floor. One sniff and Aydan knew it wasn’t Riley. Before he turned away, he saw the devastated face of yet another tortured female. If they did that to his Riley… He marched on, leaving Qan to tend to the female.

  Aydan entered another room. When the door slid open, a Tureis ran at him full speed, catching him off guard. They both tumbled to the ground, with Aydan landing flat on his back. He quickly rolled, pinning the Tureis underneath him. Aydan’s face twisted in silent rage as he gripped the Turei’s throat, his muscles straining with the force of his grip as Aydan pressed his rage into his hands. The Tureis grappled at his hand, struggling for breath. Aydan didn’t let up; even after he watched the life force drain away, he still squeezed.

  “Aydan, he’s dead.” With one last hate-filled sneer, he stood with a heaving chest. “Come on.” Aydan’s eyes shot to Nikkul who stood a short distance away. He reached down and grabbed his sword. They were almost finished searching the ship.

  Another ship and no Riley! “She has got to be somewhere!” Aydan slammed his fist down on the metal table. The force was so great, liquid sloshed out from mugs.

  That ended the second raid that day. Once again, they had boarded a Tureis ship, stormed the halls, and killed everyone in sight. Aydan enjoyed slitting their vile throats while he searched for his mate.

  Even though they rescued two more females, Riley was not one of them. Now they sat in the meeting room going over plans.

  Kavvan’s eyes shot to Toran’s, who’d been on this last raid with them. “How are the females?”

  “They are recovering.” Toran didn’t offer much, but he sent all the females to his healer for medical assistance.

  Aydan listened, but his mind focused on Riley. He’d seen the shape the females were in. They were thin, starved almost to death, and Aydan wondered if they would ever recover. Most had a blank look in the eyes from… he shook his head. He could only guess what the Tureis had done to the females.

  Every time he thought of his Riley having to endure such torture, his mood darkened to epic proportions. He’d kill them all! The only thing that brought a tiny ray of light to his dark world was the sisters. He had a duty to take care of them. Otherwise, he’d go mad.

  He listened as Kavvan and Toran talked, but he didn’t really hear. He didn’t say a word as he turned on his heels and stormed out of the room. He needed to make sure the sisters were okay.

  His quarters were chaos as usual. Belle tried, but she couldn’t control the twins. Her haggard look told him a lot. “I can’t find Kaley.”

  “What do you mean?” Alarm slammed into him as Haley hugged his leg.

  “I mean,” she placed her hands on her hips. “I can’t find Kaley. She’s gone. Missing.” She blew her bangs out of her eyes. “I don’t know how Riley did it. Those two are a lot of work.”

  He lifted Haley’s chin so he looked into her big, beautiful blue eyes. They were so innocent. “I’ll be right back. You stay with Belle.”

  He could tell by the sadness that crossed her face that she didn’t like it. But she didn’t argue, either.

  He spun quickly and left the room. Tired and hungry was not a good combination. He searched closets, rooms, anywhere a door would automatically open. No sign of Kaley. He searched the dining hall, the observation room. Nothing.

  He raked a nervous hand through his hair as he sought Padda for help. As he stepped onto the bridge, Aydan spotted Padda holding a sniffling Kaley. He narrowed his eyes. How did she get here?

  He softened his tone, trying to hide his anger at not finding his mate. “What is wrong with her?” As soon as Kaley heard his voice, she turned in Padda’s arms and reached for Aydan. He took the little female in his arms. “Kaley, what’s wrong?” They had all received translators, so he knew she understood.

  “Kiddy,” she cried. She had said the same thing for the past week. “Me want kiddy. Me want Mama.”

  He patted her back while she laid her head on his shoulder. Her tiny face snuggled into his neck. “I’m right here.” He stroked her soft curls. “And I’m trying to find your mama.”

  She leaned back and looked at him with sad, glossy eyes. “Me kiddy.”

  His mind raced, trying to decipher the meaning of her words. His eyes widened in surprise. “You want that animal at your house?”

  She nodded vigorously.

  “What is she talking about?”

  Aydan looked over his shoulder at Padda, who stood with his arms crossed, listening to the exchange.

  Aydan shifted Kaley’s weight. “Her pet.”

  “And it is a kiddy?” Aydan nodded. Padda quirked one eyebrow. “And it looks like you?” Aydan shot him an irritated glare, but Padda’s lips twitched with humor.

  Aydan stroked Kaley’s hair. “I’ll go get your kiddy.” She threw her tiny arms around his neck, hugging him tight.


  Riley sat on the swing in the backyard with her face turned toward the sun. They had just finished a late lunch. Whiskers lay on her lap while she stroked his head. She’d barely slept the past few days as evident by the bags under her eyes. Thoughts of her sisters and Aydan kept her awake at night. Not that she’d ever admit to missing Aydan, even though he dominated her dreams nightly. During the day, she could shove him from her mind for a while, but he always drifted back to it. He’d hurt her. He couldn’t talk to her, but Riley thought he cared. Her body had remained on high alert every time he grew near. Was it one-sided? Did he not feel anything?

  Shouts from the house startled Riley. Whiskers mewled, then jumped from the swing as she hurried inside.

  She froze.

  Her heart stilled before frantically beating again, its erratic rhythm pounding in her ears.

  Aydan stood in her living room. Her body hummed to life with the sight of him. The air rushed from her lungs as she stared at his glorious muscles. He looked fierce, not like the coward who had left her in the woods. Shaking her head, she cleared her lust-filled vision and took in the whole scene, not just him.

  Aydan stood in her living room with a knife held at Zi’an’s throat. Karen screamed in fear while she stood behind a chair, wringing her hands and jumping up and down. A blue alien stared at Karen with lust in his eyes.

  “Aydan!” Her voice a whip crack, sharp and sincere. His head turned sharply until his eyes locked with hers. “Put that knife down! You’re scaring Zi’an and Karen.”

  Aydan snarled his lip. “He is…”

  “My friend. Now drop the knife!” She stood with her hands planted on her hips, her jaw set with daggers shooting from her eyes.

  “He is the enemy!” Aydan’s face twisted with rage.

  “He is my rescuer.” She wanted to say
that Zi’an did what he would not do, but she held her tongue. There were more pressing matters. “Drop the damn knife and tell me where the hell my sisters are!” Her chest heaved with determination.

  Aydan lowered the knife, shot Zi’an a look of hatred and turned toward Riley. “They are safe.” His voice softened along with his eyes as he took a step toward her. “I have missed you.”

  “Whatever. Bring my sisters home.” Riley’s voice remained unmoved by his soft words. Dismissive. If Aydan missed her so damn much, then maybe he shouldn’t have left her there to be kidnapped.

  “I can take you to them. They are on my ship.” He took another step closer, but Riley held her ground. She would not retreat.

  Her sardonic laughter spilled out. “I am not getting on another space ship. Bring them back. NOW!”

  “What is wrong with you?” Aydan cocked his head to the side. He looked truly puzzled by her tone.

  “What is wrong with me?” She rounded on him and jabbed her finger in his face. “What is wrong with you?”

  The room fell completely silent as everyone watched and listened. Not that Riley cared. Let them listen! She shook her head in disgust. A lone tear welled up, but she forced it away. She would not cry in front of him. He did not deserve to see her tears.

  “Why are you so angry?” His eyes widened a little when he tilted his head to the side; he looked truly puzzled.

  “Why shouldn’t I be angry?” She shook her head a little in disbelief. Her eyes didn’t lie—she’d seen it all.

  “I promise, your sisters are safe.”

  “I don’t care if they are. I want them here,” she pointed to the floor in front of her, “with me.”

  Aydan’s face twisted in anger. He crossed his arms and took a big breath, almost as if he braced for something. “No.”

  “What do you mean no?”

  “If you want to see them, then you will come with me.”


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