Out of Centerfield (Washington Warriors Novel Book 1)

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Out of Centerfield (Washington Warriors Novel Book 1) Page 16

by Mertz, L.

  There’s a silence in the room as my words sink in with the team. Then just like a quick snap of your fingers they erupt in claps and congratulations at my decision. My face hurts from smiling at my choice and I make my way around the room getting hugs from every person in my baseball family. They all maybe rough around the edges but I know that this time they won’t disappoint me.


  The energy in the room is at an all-time high. I can’t believe we won. I can but I also can’t this is so surreal for me. I didn’t think I was going to catch that ball but when my feet landing on the outfield grass and the ball was still in my glove. Nothing can compare to that. Nothing. All the guys came by and congratulated me on the catch. After we finished celebrating we all hopped on a plane and headed home. I couldn’t wait to get home to Kelsey. She didn’t know I was coming straight to her place, but damn it we’d spent too much time apart recently. I don’t know what changed with her but I’m not complaining. We haven’t spent the night together again but that’s going to change tonight.

  It’s really late when I arrive at her condo. She had given me a key to her place a few weeks ago so I just let myself in. I make sure to double check all the locks. I know that the threat of someone breaking in is minimal but I won’t take any chances with her safety ever again. I walk down the hallway as silently as I can so that I don’t wake her, yet. Pushing open her bedroom door I see her body outlined underneath the blanket. Her ceiling fan is on making the room cool. I drop my duffle by her dresser and get undressed in the dark with only the moonlight shining through the curtains. After her attack she went out and got replacements for everything including most of her furniture.

  Her room used to have dark colored linens and have now changed to lighter, softer colors. It gives the room an airy feel and it’s comforting to be in here, with her. I don’t plan on leaving this room or letting her leave it for the next five days I have off until the first National League Championship Series game. I lift the blanket so I can get in the bed and Kelsey shifts some at my movement. Slowly I drop down into her new mattress and wrap my arm around her waist. AS if sensing me she turns to bring her chest to mine, laying side by side.

  “Mmmm…hey what are you doing here,” she questions me.

  “I wanted to see you.” I hug her tight to my chest dropping a kiss to her head.

  “Okay,” she whispers falling back asleep. I rub her back and run my fingers through her hair. She’s wearing a small cami top and a pair of panties. I don’t want to wake her but I can feel all the blood in my body go directly to my cock as I memorize the curves of her body with my hands. She moves her body closer to mine rubbing her pelvis against me. The sensation makes me suck in a breath.

  “Kelsey, are you awake?”

  “No,” she says as she moves against me one more time.

  Growling, I say, “Don’t start something you can’t finish.”

  “Fine. I’ll start and you finish.” She places a few kisses against my bare chest igniting my skin. I turn onto my back and she works her way across my torso using her hands and mouth. I’m dying and gasping for breath when she comes back up and kisses my neck. I can’t take the slow torturous pleasure anymore. Wrapping my arms around her I lift my hips and flip her over so she’s on her back. I reach down and grab the bottom of shirt lifting it up and off her body. Starting with her eyes I kiss her face and down her neck. I want to revisit my favorite place on this earth, her body. Nipping the tops of her breasts she sucks air through her teeth making a sound that keeps me moving. Her chest is heaving as I make my way down to her stomach kissing every inch memorizing every small detail. I reach the tops of her panties and remove them with a quickness that surprises both of us.

  I reach up with my hands stroking the inside of her legs, tickling her slightly. Running my tumb up between her lips I can feel the wetness coming though. I didn’t bother putting on any boxers when I came to bed so I’m very much ready to plunge into her soft core. “Condom?” I ask quickly.

  “No. I don’t want a barrier. I want to feel you.” She reaches down for me and I comply resting my face in her hands. Pulling my face up to hers we kiss softly as I work my fingers in her pussy getting her nice and wet for me. I adjust my cock fitting it against her and slowly enter. Her breath catches and I stop moving.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, it’s just been a little bit, but you can move now.” She tries to get me inside by lifting her hips from the bed. I push in as she lifts a second time taking her to the hilt. I start moving inside her slowly but with a force that makes my pelvis rub against her clit. Kelsey wraps her legs around my back pulling me closer. I wrap my arms around her back lifting her slightly, she arms wrap around my neck. She is fully wrapped around me as I get us both closer to orgasm.

  Kelsey moans in my ear causing all sorts of trouble for my concentrate on. “Johnathan…” her voice trails off as she lets go and lets the orgasm release through her body. I follow shortly after her pumping with a fury into her. After we are both satisfied we lay entangled in each other. I finally roll off and pull her to me, resting her head on my shoulder. I don’t fall asleep until I feel her go first. This woman has stolen my heart and soul and I don’t ever want to let her go. I need to find a way to keep her in my life forever. And I know just who to call.


  “Johnathan, my boy, come on in.” I wave him into my study at the house. When he called me earlier this morning I was a little scared and a little confused. He was very mysterious about what he wanted to talk to me about. “Sit down, let’s talk.”

  “Well, sir,” he starts.

  “Butch, not sir when it’s just us.”

  “Butch.” He’s looking down at his hands. “I wanted to get you permission to ask Kelsey to marry me.” At these words my heart burst full of love and joy for these two kids.

  “Evelyn…Evelyn get in here!” I yell.

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” she walks in scanning the room.

  “I’m fine, but our boy here needs our help.” I wink at Johnathan as the three of us come up with a plan for him to propose to my granddaughter.


  It’s the last game of the post season here tonight we decide who gets to represent the National League in the World Series. These last few games have been intense but it has kept me busy enough not to think about Johnathan, well too much. I still think about him. It’s really hard to not too when I am now working with my grandfather every day. He is doing a lot better after the stroke. He still has to do rehab a few times a week, but he is progressing every day and I’m still doing his job. My two uncles were not too happy when they found out that grandfather was leaving me the Warriors if he were to pass. Let’s just say they were surprised to say the least. I’m glad that I’ve had this opportunity to show everyone that I’m not just some little rich girl but that I can hold my own with the players and other owners.

  “Hey, Kelsey, let’s get down to our seats it’s almost time for the game to start,” Lauren yells from the front office. I am just finishing some last minute paperwork that we may need if we win tonight’s game.

  “Coming,” I tell her as I shut down the computer. My grandfather left for the seats a few minutes ago so he is down there waiting for us when we arrive.

  I kiss him on the cheek. “Hello, Grandfather. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m nervous as hell, I want this win I think as much as the boys do.” He kisses both Lauren and I on our cheeks.

  Stanley has already brought my beer and hot dog. Just because I’m management now doesn’t mean that I still can’t have my goodies. We stand for the National Anthem, Grandfather waves to the crowd and they all keep standing and clap for him. This ball club and their fans stand, they respect my grandfather so much. This game is crucial, the Washington Warriors and the Detroit Tigers are both tied coming into the seventh game. We have to win tonight to win the series.


  If I wa
sn’t nervous then this whole day would be wrong. I’m nervous as hell. Practice earlier today I kept messing up so bad that Skip had to have a talk with me and get me calm again. I haven’t seen Kelsey in a few days. As much as I wanted to keep her locked away in the bedroom the week between the NL East win and the NCLS games I couldn’t. She had to do management promotions and get things at the stadium ready. I’ve seen her but it has never been just us. I know that the thought of almost losing her grandfather almost killed her too. The stalker attacking her didn’t help much either. We have grown stronger since that incident and in a weird way it helped us both see how much we meant to each other. Lauren and Kevin are aware of what is going to happen tonight and so are my teammates. Lauren was supposed to take care of Butch for me and Kevin was helping with other things. Everything should work out; we just need to win this ballgame tonight.

  I was able to get Mom, Aunt Cindy, and even Annabelle to come to the game tonight. I’m so glad that my little girl is here. She is slowly beginning to understanding why I’m not home with her often, but she has come to Washington, DC to visit when Mom can come with her. She slept with me last night, I wanted her to, and we talked most of the night.


  “Yes, baby?”

  Growling at me, she says, “I’m not a baby, Daddy.”

  I start to tickle her stomach. “Always be my baby.”

  Through her fits of laughter, she asks me to stop which I do. When she calms down some and snuggles back up into my arms she asks, “Where’s Kwelsey?”

  “She’s at home, baby.”

  “Why is she not here? I miss her. She’s nice to me.”

  “She is staying with her grandfather right now because he isn’t feeling well, but you will see her tomorrow.”

  Jumping up, she squeals, “I will?”

  “Yes, you will, now come back her and cuddle with me and will have a good breakfast in the morning after we wake up, okay?”

  “Okay, Daddy. I love you.”

  “Love you too,” I say as I kiss the top of her head as she snuggles back. It was one of the best nights of sleep that I’ve had in a long time.

  “Hey, Myles, you ready, man?” asks Daniel Price. He’s been mentoring me this season. I think he’s done after this year; he may try and coach or retire.

  “I’m ready as I’ll ever be, I guess. I’m nervous as hell though.”

  “We all are.” He winks, smiles at me, and walks out to the dugout.

  Blowing a breath out, I grab my glove and head out myself.


  Okay, we are in the bottom of the sixth inning and the Warriors are up by two runs. The energy in the ballpark is full of excitement and it’s very tense too. It’s amazing how hard these guys have played all year. Johnathan is responsible for why we are now leading by two runs. He hit a home run and got another player in that was in scoring position. I would be fooling myself if I didn’t think that I didn’t miss him these past few days, but I do. I really miss Annabelle too. She is so sweet and every bit a three year old little girl. Johnathan was respectful when I asked him to give me space after Grandfather’s stroke. I couldn’t lose him yet and I need to be there for him and get him back to health.

  “Hey, Kelsey… honey?”

  “Yes, Grandfather?”

  “Where were you? You looked so far away just now.”

  “Oh, nowhere in particular. Just thinking.”

  “Well, I need to use the old man’s room so I’ll be back soon.”

  “Okay, Grandfather, be careful with the stairs.”

  “Hey now! I know how t o walk up stairs,” he says as he leaves.

  He thinks that I baby him too much and maybe I do, but I love him and I can’t help it sometimes.

  “Hey, girlie, are you okay?” Lauren moves closer to me to talk.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I guess I’m just stressed. I want these guys to win so badly and they all deserve it.” I let go of a breath that I’ve been holding.

  “I know girl, I know.” Lauren gives me a sideways hug and I lean my head on her shoulder. I don’t know what I’d ever do without Lauren either.

  Grandfather isn’t back yet and it’s time for the seventh-inning stretch. The entire stadium stands to sing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” but before we do that, the announcer states that there is to be a special performance on the field. I look over at Lauren and she just shrugs at me. I didn’t approve any special show or anything for today. Then I think of my Grandfather and I look at Lauren again. I can tell she knows something.

  “What do you know? And do not play dumb with me.” I’m almost seething with anger at her.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about,” she says smugly and turns her attention to the center field area.

  I hear music coming from the stadium’s speakers. All of the Warriors are on the field, and none of this is making sense to me. It’s Bruno Mars, “Marry You”. It’s not Bruno Mars’s voice though. I look at the centerfield again, and it’s Johnathan and he’s singing.

  What the hell is he doing? I look back at Lauren, she mouths to me, “Get on the field now”. I look from her to the field and back to her. Johnathan is still singing and moving toward the pitcher’s mound.

  I can’t hear anything except for him, and I feel Lauren or someone lift me over the field’s barriers and I start out to the pitcher’s mound where I now see my grandfather is standing. I stop walking and my grandfather is staring at me with a big smile on his face. I look back and Johnathan is a lot closer than I thought. I can feel tears running down my cheeks and a smile break across my face. He’s still singing to me.

  He stops and looks at me and drops down to one knee. The entire stadium is quiet.


  If I thought that singing in front of thirty thousand people was nerve wracking, this is worse. She is crying, but smiling at the same time. I’m trying to catch my breath before I start to talk. I know that her grandfather is all for this and some of it was his idea. He knows how I feel about Kelsey and has since day one. That old man is one smooth matchmaker. I pull the ring that he gave me out of my pocket and look back up at Kelsey.

  “Kelsey, I have loved you since I saw how you loved my little girl when you first met her. You didn’t have to accept her and myself, but you did and I love you for that. I want to live the rest of my life with you and I want to have more children with you. I don’t care where we live just as long as we are together. I love you. So, Kelsey, will you marry me?”


  The ring is gorgeous. It’s a family ring. It was my grandmother’s engagement ring from Grandfather. She’s now upgraded. It’s a simple one and half carat princess cut diamond with two smaller diamonds on each side. I have always loved it and everything it represents.


  Out of nowhere, I feel a small body crash into mine and wrap itself around my legs. I look down and see Annabelle and she is looking up at me and smiling. I kneel down to her level which is the same as Johnathan’s.

  “I miss you, Kwelsey. Plwease marry my daddy, plwease.”

  Hugging her I finally answer Johnathan. “Yes, I will marry you.”

  He puts the ring on my left ring finger and then grabs my face with both of his hands and pulls me in for a kiss and my how I have missed kissing him these past few days. I try to deepen the kiss and then realize that I hear a bunch of clapping and hollering and stop. I forgot for that brief moment that we are standing on the pitcher’s mound. I move my face away and start laughing and so does Johnathan, Annabelle, and my grandfather. Johnathan kisses me quickly one last time and Annabelle, Grandfather and I leave the field.

  I grab Lauren and hug her tight. “You knew, didn’t you? I can’t believe you hid that from me!”

  “Hey, what can I say? I have some good lying skills.”

  “So, I guess this means that we have to go dress shopping, right?”

  “Hell yeah we do.”

  “I love shopp
ing. Like being a princess,” says Annabelle, smiling.

  “I think I like that kid more and more,” says Lauren.

  We stay and watch the rest of the game. After that performance the team wins the World Series five to three. The team is celebrating on the field jumping around, fist bumping, and ultimately hugging everyone. They eventually head into the locker room to get cleaned up and change out of their uniforms and do some post-game interviews. I just stay in my seat and look around the stadium.

  I go and walk back to the pitcher’s mound, the temperature has dropped and I can feel the goose bumps on my arms. I have my eyes closed just feeling the hum of the stadium and listening to the city on the outside. I feel a warm body come up from behind me and wrap their arms around me. I lean my head back and I know that it’s Johnathan.

  “Hey,” he says into my ear, kissing it.

  I slowly turn around in his arms and place my chin on his chest looking up at him. I just stare into his eyes and I see happiness and peace. I don’t know what to say to him because I have so much to say.

  “Thank you and I love you, but I really need to know… how did you pull this off without me knowing?” I ask.

  He’s laughing. “I know the owner really well and when I told him that I would do everything in my power to make his granddaughter happy, he gave me the keys.”

  Smiling into his chest I just shake my head. “Grandfather helped you?”

  “As well as your grandmother, Lauren, and the team.”

  I look up at him, he is looking down at me his brown eyes meeting my green ones, and both of us are smiling. He leans down closer to me and I stand on my toes to meet him halfway for a kiss. He bites my lip and I open my mouth to him and when our tongues collide, I grab onto him harder. It feels like forever before we break both of us gasping for air.


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