Her Tycoon Lover

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Her Tycoon Lover Page 24

by Sandra Field

  ‘I’ll be there in a second,’ she answered, and pressed a hand over her stomach. Suddenly she felt incredibly nervous. Even her palms felt moist, and she rubbed them on her thighs to dry them. She was crazy! All this anxiety was because she wanted him to like what he saw. More than that, she wanted him to want what he saw. That way, when she rebuffed his advances, the laugh would be on him. And if that wasn’t nice of her, too bad. He had been laughing at her for too long.

  Knowing that she had taken all the time she could, Shelby took a steadying breath and left the room. In her lounge, Gray was waiting by the fireplace, his hands hidden in the trouser pockets of his dress suit. She must have made some sound, for he glanced round, his eyes automatically running over her. Hers did the same to him, and her heart turned over. He looked—magnificent.

  Then her gaze left his clothes and travelled to his face, and there in his eyes she saw what she had long been hoping to see, and it very nearly caused her heart to stop. As their gazes locked she saw the unmistakable heat and flames of a powerful desire. He wanted her. Even though she had been hoping to see it, it sent shock waves rippling along her nerves, heightening her senses, so that she could feel an electric intensity in the air between them.

  ‘Stunning,’ Gray declared simply, never taking his eyes off her.

  ‘Back at you,’ Shelby responded, holding his gaze and feeling the temperature rise as her blood heated up.

  ‘If it was your plan to make it difficult for me to keep my hands off you, you’ve succeeded,’ he added in that kind of male growl guaranteed to set her nerves fluttering expectantly.

  Shelby hastily reminded herself she was not supposed to get caught up in the moment, and ran a hand from her waist to her hip. ‘I’m glad you like it.’

  He walked towards her slowly. ‘I’m going to have my work cut out keeping my mind on my job tonight.’

  She was pleased she had achieved her first objective and knocked him off balance this way. Of course, she hadn’t meant to get knocked off balance herself in the process. ‘I thought I was your job, and your plan was to keep an eye on me,’ she reminded him, her breath hitching in her throat as he stopped mere inches away. Maybe this was not going to be as easy as she’d thought. She hadn’t taken the strength of her own responses into account.

  ‘By not looking at you. How can I watch your back if I’m watching your front?’ he asked her in that same seductive growl.

  He was good at this. She had to remind herself that he was the enemy here. Taking a deep breath, she regained some of her equilibrium. ‘Seems like you have a problem. Let me solve it for you. Take the evening off. I promise not to tell,’ she added in a confidential whisper.

  He shook his head regretfully. ‘No can do, sweetheart. I promised your father I’d take care of you.’

  The words were all she needed to get her feet back on the ground and return her pulse to normal. She was just a job to him tonight. He was under orders, and she knew how single-minded he was about obeying her father’s wishes. Her smile faded.

  ‘Ah, yes, the magic words. You promised Dad. Where would you be without them? When he says jump, your only response is to ask how high!’ she responded scathingly, turning towards the front door.

  ‘In respect of you, certainly. You’re a responsibility I don’t take lightly,’ Gray informed her with some impatience as they left the flat and took the lift down to the lobby.

  Shelby looked at him mockingly. ‘Sounds to me like the job’s getting to you,’ she taunted, but he merely shrugged the comment off.

  ‘I’ll survive. Cold showers usually help. It won’t be the first one I’ve taken because of you, Red,’ he added dryly.

  Her brows rose in genuine surprise. ‘I had no idea.’

  One eyebrow quirked her way. ‘A man has to have some secrets.’

  ‘So why are you telling me?’

  Walking through the lobby, Gray took hold of her arm as they approached the outside door. His steps slowed as he took an all encompassing look round before they passed outside. ‘Because now you’re intrigued,’ he told her, holding open the door of the taxi, following her in seconds later. Giving the directions to the driver, he sat back and glanced at her. ‘Women who are intrigued by a man come back for more,’ he explained and she tutted reprovingly.

  ‘Said with typical male arrogance. Anyway, should you be revealing your strategy like this?’ she asked, frowning as he turned in his seat to study the road behind them. Clearly satisfied with what he saw, he turned back and gave her a sardonic look.

  ‘You already know the best tricks, Red. You use them all the time yourself,’ he shot back.

  It was true. However, she had never actually tried any of her repertoire on him. She might have, had she known then what she knew now. When he had taken the initiative later she had simply followed her heart. He must be a hell of a poker player because she hadn’t got even the smallest inkling that in the first instance he had been attracted and in the second that it was all a ploy. Which had been his intention, and it was something she would do well to remember.

  ‘Why did you always hide this wild attraction you want me to believe you always felt for me?’ she asked out of curiosity.

  ‘You’re the boss’s daughter. Only a fool would mess with that situation,’ he responded dryly. She got his point, except for one thing.

  ‘I’m still the boss’s daughter,’ Shelby pointed out, making him grin.

  ‘True, but you’re not eighteen any longer. You’re an independent woman.’

  ‘And, as you can’t have the woman you really want, you’ll make do with what’s available?’ she rejoined sardonically and received a long cool look for her pains.

  ‘Let’s leave her out of this, shall we?’ Gray suggested in a voice that said she’d be wise to heed his warning. ‘Besides, getting involved with you could hardly be called ‘making do’,’ he added with wry laughter, and took yet another look out the rear window.

  Shelby rolled her eyes heavenwards. ‘I wish you wouldn’t keep doing that. It’s driving me crazy!’ she complained in mild exasperation.

  ‘Stop complaining or I’ll strangle you myself,’ Gray threatened lightly.

  ‘Come on, Gray, admit it,’ Shelby encouraged, twisting to face him. ‘You don’t really think somebody is going to shoot at me from a passing car any more than I do.’

  She was expecting a grin but he remained serious. ‘Not in this country, but we could be followed. An opportunist needs only seconds to act. I don’t intend to give him the chance.’

  Shelby couldn’t help but glance out the rear window herself. ‘Are we being followed?’ she asked nervously, wondering how she would recognise if they were.

  ‘No, so you can sit back and relax. All you need worry about right now is if your lipstick is still on. Leave the rest to me.’

  She subsided back into her seat and sent him a stony glare. ‘Don’t be so damned patronising. I have a brain, you know.’

  ‘Now would be a good time to start using it, then,’ Gray commanded caustically, setting her back up instantly.

  ‘You know what I think? This love of your life could see what you were like, and got out whilst the going was good!’ she gibed, and got his full attention. The chill in his eyes was awesome.

  ‘Don’t go there, Red. I won’t warn you a third time,’ he said in a soft voice that struck as hard as steel.

  After holding his gaze for a moment, Shelby looked away, swallowing a lump in her throat. She didn’t know why she was being so catty about this unknown woman. Which was a lie, because of course she knew. The woman had something she would never possess. His heart. It hurt, proving, if proof were necessary, that she cared. Loved him beyond reason, for reason would have told her to hate him a long time ago. Deciding she was a hopeless case, she sighed heavily.

  The remainder of the fairly short journey passed in uncomfortable silence and if it annoyed her that Gray regularly checked the road she wisely kept it to herself.

The hall housing the charity function was ablaze with lights and they joined the crowd mounting the steps, Gray taking a firm hold of her arm and keeping her close beside him. For the first time Shelby actually felt vulnerable for a moment. Her back was a clear target to anyone watching for her, and she was glad when they finally managed to get inside the relative safety of the foyer. So much for her intention not to buy into the situation.

  Thankfully, the instant they entered the ballroom she was greeted by numerous friends and acquaintances, and the moment passed off. Most of her friends were already gathered at their assigned table and, seeing the speculation when they saw the man accompanying her, she swiftly introduced Gray, though she fell shy of calling him her date.

  ‘How is it I can never find anyone who looks like you?’ her friend Nadia despaired as she shook hands. ‘Are you married?’

  ‘Nadia!’ everyone exclaimed at once amidst the general laughter.

  ‘How else am I to know?’ Nadia went on, unabashed.

  Gray laughed softly. ‘No, but I’m afraid I’m spoken for,’ he told her, giving Shelby a sizzling look at the same time, which sent goose-bumps all over her, even as she tensed at the message he had given out. Having taken her by surprise, she couldn’t gainsay him. They were, for tonight at least, an item. Damn him!

  Nadia sighed wistfully. ‘Shelby has all the luck. When she came in positively glowing I knew you were someone special.’

  Shelby’s nerves performed a wild lurch. Had she been glowing? She couldn’t look to Gray for help, for he had put her in this unenviable situation. All she could do was throw her weight behind it and make him pay later.

  ‘I can’t help it. He’s absolutely fabulous,’ she declared brightly, squeezing Gray’s arm and reaching up to plant a kiss on his cheek. It was as well she didn’t have to say anything else, for her lips were tingling from the unexpected pleasure and couldn’t have formed words anyway.

  ‘I know what you mean. I’d be glowing if I had a man like that holding my arm!’ Nadia exclaimed with a wicked roll of her eyes and everyone laughed again.

  The next few minutes were taken up with shaking hands and greeting everyone, but finally they gained a breathing space.

  ‘What are you playing at?’ Shelby hissed at him once they were seated and the teasing had passed on to somebody else.

  ‘I thought it best to make out we were an item,’ Gray responded, shooting her a quizzical look. ‘As you left the door open, I decided to get in first, remembering the last introduction you made,’ he added dryly.

  That brought a warm glow to her cheeks. ‘You’d annoyed me,’ she excused herself, and he smiled.

  ‘I annoy you a lot. Maybe if you worked with me, instead of against me, we could avoid these little mishaps,’ he suggested, and she knew he was laughing at her.

  ‘Thanks for nothing. You realise they’re going to be asking questions about you for ever,’ Shelby returned dryly, then frowned as she saw the mark of her kiss on his cheek. ‘Oops, it looks like I’ve branded you. Do you have a handkerchief?’ He produced one from his pocket, which she shook out and deftly removed the lipstick before handing it back. ‘There you are. All gone,’ she declared, then caught him watching her and raised her brows questioningly. ‘What is it?’

  ‘I know what your friend meant about you glowing. There’s something about you tonight that’s quite intoxicating.’

  Her heart did another of its spectacular flip-flops and she momentarily lost her breath even though she knew it was part of the role he was playing tonight. ‘You can stop now. Nobody’s watching,’ she told him, only to receive a swift, almost invisible, shake of the head.

  ‘Actually, darling, we’re being observed by people on neighbouring tables, so you might want to say something nice for a change,’ he corrected her assumption under his breath.

  The endearment set her heart trotting, but she realised why he had said it when a surreptitious glance around proved he was right. They were being watched. There was to be no relief tonight, it seemed. She had to play the role he had given her to the hilt. To which end she produced a flirtatious smile.

  ‘If I might say so, you’re looking quite sizzling yourself.’

  Gray rubbed the side of his nose, his expression wry. ‘I don’t believe I’ve ever been told I sizzle before.’

  She gave a tiny shrug, her body leaning towards him slightly. ‘Believe me, you do. It’s very sexy.’

  Blue eyes danced at her comment and his lips twitched. ‘You’re very good at this.’

  Shelby trailed her fingers along his arm. ‘So are you. Aren’t we a pair? We’re gold medal class in flirtation, but when it comes to relationships we’re pushed to come in last!’

  Gray captured her hand and turned it over, surveying the lines engraved there. ‘Are you still searching for Mr Right?’

  A tiny ache settled about her heart as she watched the only man for her trace his finger over her palm. ‘I think, when his ship came in, I was at the airport,’ she breezed lightly, making a joke of it so it wouldn’t hurt too much. Picking up her evening bag, she stood up. ‘I need to use the powder room.’

  Immediately Gray rose too. ‘OK, let’s go.’

  Unable to say anything with her friends looking on, she had to wait until they were in the foyer again before attempting to pull her arm free of his hand. ‘There’s no need to go with me. I know the way!’ she protested, to no avail.

  ‘Sorry, Red, you know the score. Where you go, I go.’

  Shock tore through her as she realised what he was saying. ‘You can’t possibly come into the ladies’ room with me!’ she argued, finding it hard to keep her voice down so as not to draw unwanted attention.

  ‘Want to bet?’ he shot back in grim amusement, and Shelby came to an abrupt halt outside the powder room door.

  ‘You can’t.’

  ‘It’s a risk I’m prepared to take,’ he informed her blithely, taking charge of the situation, pushing open the door and walking in, tugging her in his wake.

  The three ladies in possession of the outer room looked up in surprise.

  Gray turned on the charm. ‘Excuse me, ladies, but this young woman thought she saw something scuttling about in here, and I’ve come to check it out. If you could just step outside for a moment, I promise not to keep you more than a few minutes. Is there anyone in the other room?’

  The three ladies, who had gathered up their belongings in haste at the mention of scuttling, made for the door he held open.

  ‘It’s empty,’ one of the women said, answering his question, and received the full force of his dashing smile.

  ‘Thank you for your co-operation,’ he told them, closing the door and shooting the lock.

  Shelby pressed her palms to cheeks burning red with mortification. ‘I can’t believe you just did that!’ she wailed. ‘I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life!’

  ‘Then you’ve led a sheltered existence,’ Gray retorted, entering the other room, which was empty as he had been told, but checking out each stall to make sure. Reappearing, he stepped away from the doorway. ‘It’s OK, you can go in there now,’ he informed her, and she stared at him, totally stunned.

  ‘You couldn’t seriously have thought someone would be hiding in there,’ she protested, only to see him shake his head.

  ‘No, as it happens. However, you’ll think twice before you ever cast aspersions on my manhood again,’ Gray revealed, eyes starting to twinkle triumphantly as he saw understanding dawn on her face.

  ‘You…you…!’ she exclaimed, hands balling into angry fists. ‘You did this just to get your own back for this morning? What a mean, nasty, horrible…’

  A rat-tat on the door interrupted her harangue.

  ‘People are getting impatient,’ Gray reminded her, and she drew in a deep breath.

  ‘Thank you, but I no longer wish to go,’ she informed him in a frosty tone, whereupon he walked to the door and opened it.

  ‘Sorry, ladies. Everything is fine; t
he young lady was imagining things,’ he apologised to the small crowd waiting outside.

  Shelby had to run the gauntlet of speculative eyes yet again and wished the floor would open up and swallow her.

  ‘That was a rotten trick,’ she told him in an aggrieved voice.

  ‘Now you know how I felt,’ was all he said in response.

  Maybe, but she wasn’t about to admit it after what he had just done. ‘I may never forgive you.’

  He had the gall to laugh. ‘Never is a long time. Even you wouldn’t hold a grudge quite that long,’ he pointed out sardonically, making Shelby grind her teeth.

  ‘I’ll give it a damned good try,’ she countered, and caught a flash of his grin.

  ‘Now that I do believe.’

  She really did hate him sometimes. ‘You’re impossible.’

  ‘And you’re stunningly beautiful when you’re angry,’ Gray returned smoothly, stealing her thunder and twisting her heartstrings.

  ‘What…? I mean…stop trying to change the subject. I’m mad at you and I want to stay mad,’ Shelby harangued him, though her anger had suddenly vanished like magic.

  They had, by this time, returned to their table, and Gray held her chair out for her. She sat down but, before moving away, Gray bent down in an intimate gesture and nuzzled her ear.

  ‘Stay as mad as you like, sweetheart. I wouldn’t stop you for the world,’ he murmured, sending tingles down her spine and curling her toes.

  There was no getting away from it, she was a hopeless case where he was concerned, which gave him a heck of a weapon to use against her. The situation this evening gave him the opportunity to use a lot of unfair tactics. If she wanted to compete, she was going to have to take a leaf out of his book.

  The chance to do so came along much sooner than she had expected. Having waived the first course of soup, Shelby was quite ready to tuck in to the main course when it was put before her—until she had a whimsical thought.

  ‘Aren’t you forgetting something?’ she asked Gray, with her knife and fork poised over her plate. He quirked a questioning eyebrow in her direction. ‘This food could be poisoned.’


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