Her Tycoon Lover

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Her Tycoon Lover Page 43

by Sandra Field

  He sat down beside her and his hands began to travel lightly over her, stroking and caressing as they went, seeking out every erogenous zone.

  Feeling the shudders that ran through her, he drew back a little and asked, ‘Going too fast for you?’


  ‘That’s my girl.’

  While one hand lingered on her breast to tease a pink nipple between finger and thumb, the other moved down to her stomach. When his exploring fingers found the warm, satiny skin of her inner thighs and the nest of silky brown curls, she couldn’t repress a gasp.

  ‘Get ready for it,’ he warned softly, and, nuzzling his face against her breast, laved the other erect nipple before taking it into his mouth.

  Everything she had so far experienced paled into insignificance, and, turning her head from side to side on the pillow, she began to make little mewling sounds deep in her throat.

  The exquisite sensations he was creating were growing, tightening, escalating, until her entire being was concentrated on the release of that spiralling pleasure.

  When it happened, her eyes closed, her whole body rigid now, helpless in the grip of such intense delight, she cried out.

  For a while she lay quivering, before becoming quiet and still, utterly relaxed, lapped in a bliss as sensual and satisfying as warm, scented bath water.

  She felt a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose, and opened her eyes to find Gray looking down at her, his expression oddly tender.

  ‘Thank you,’ she said simply.

  ‘Has anyone told you you’re an absolute delight to make love to?’

  She shook her head.

  ‘Not even Jason?’

  Jason had never touched her so intimately.

  When, haltingly, she said so, Gray looked staggered. ‘I know you were holding back from total commitment, but surely you must have done some heavy petting occasionally? Just to keep him interested. To remind him what he was missing.’

  ‘No, we didn’t.’

  ‘You mean your relationship went no further than a few kisses?’

  ‘Yes.’ Her voice wry, she added, ‘Considering he’s now my brother-in-law, it’s just as well.’

  A look of relief on his face, Gray murmured, ‘Well, I’ll be damned! Unless he was getting his kicks elsewhere, he must have been hellish frustrated.’

  A thought struck her, and she asked a shade anxiously, ‘What about you?’

  Instantly on her wavelength, he smiled. ‘I didn’t miss out. Your body’s so responsive I believe I enjoyed it even more than you did.’

  A little embarrassed now, she was wondering why he’d chosen that way to pleasure her, when he added, ‘And it served to release a little of your tension. Now we can take things slowly, make our lovemaking even more enjoyable, so that you’ll never want the night to end.’

  She found it hard to believe that anything could be more enjoyable. In any case, as far as she was concerned her previous hunger had been well and truly appeased. She was sated.

  Watching her expressive face, he grinned. ‘Don’t you believe it. That was merely the hors d’oeuvre.’

  He rose to his feet and, untying the belt, stripped off his dressing gown.

  Watching him, she caught her breath and her throat went dry. Oh, but he was beautiful…virile…magnificent…Adjectives rushed into her mind, but none of them did him justice.

  He was every woman’s dream lover.

  Narrow-hipped and broad across the shoulders, his whole body as well-proportioned as any Greek statue, he carried not an ounce of spare flesh, and in the lamplight his smooth skin gleamed like oiled silk.

  Slipping in beside her, he added, ‘But before we start the feast, I suggest we experiment a little first to see what you enjoy the most.’

  ‘I really don’t think…’ she began. Then stopped abruptly as, with just the slightest pressure of a single finger, he brought the desire she had thought dead back to glorious life.

  When she awoke and opened her eyes, daylight was filling the room. A glance at her watch told her it was late morning. She was alone in the big bed, but she could hear the shower running.

  Remembering the previous night, she wondered what on earth had got into her. She could scarcely believe she had acted so completely out of character, abandoning herself so wantonly and passionately to a man she had only just met. A man she knew virtually nothing about.

  Yet she had. And though it went against all her principles to indulge in a short holiday affair, she found that for perhaps the first time in her adult life she felt like a real woman, glowingly alive and supremely confident.

  There was no way she could regret what had happened. It had been utter bliss. Gray had proved to be a fantastic lover. Generous and sensitive, he had known exactly what to do with his body and hers.

  She had heard lovemaking described as skyrockets and fireworks; a soaring flight to the stars; stepping out of a plane at ten thousand feet; and, most poetic of all, a little death.

  It had been all of those and more. A lifetime’s experience crammed into one night.

  Freshly awakened, and new to such pleasures, her body had welcomed his without restraint. In return he had been gentle and considerate, careful not to leave her bruised or tender.

  Afterwards, as she lay contentedly in his arms, he had said, ‘So I really am the first!’

  Feeling her face grow warm, she’d answered, ‘I’m afraid so. Do you mind?’

  ‘Far from it. However, I must admit to being surprised. Though you tried to make it clear you were a nice, old-fashioned girl, I wasn’t sure such a thing existed these days.’

  ‘If I really were a nice, old-fashioned girl I wouldn’t be in your bed now.’

  ‘But when you accepted my offer of a holiday, you didn’t intend this to happen, did you?’


  ‘So why are you in my bed? No, don’t bother to answer that question. I know why, of course.’

  Looking up at him through long curly lashes, she teased, ‘You consider yourself irresistible?’


  ‘Then why do you think I’m here?’

  ‘A backlash from Jason,’ he said. ‘After losing out on that score—’

  ‘This has absolutely nothing to do with Jason,’ she denied hardly.

  Gray was unconvinced. ‘Surely it must have. After years of celibacy, why let your hair down now?’

  ‘Perhaps I’d grown tired of being a virgin.’

  ‘You mean when you found you couldn’t swop that virginity for a wedding ring you decided to have some fun instead?’

  ‘No, that’s not what I mean.’

  ‘Then why me?’

  ‘I found you…attractive.’

  ‘You’re twenty-three. You must have found plenty of other men attractive.’

  ‘Very few. I suppose I’m just hard to please.’

  ‘Well, I hope you’re not disappointed. You’ve ended up with a holiday instead of a honeymoon and a lover instead of a bridegroom. It must seem a poor consolation prize.’

  Somehow the thought of what she had lost no longer had the power to hurt, and, refusing to be rattled, she said lightly, ‘As consolation prizes go, I think it’s a pretty good one.’

  She felt him relax, and the hand that had been lying on her ribcage moved up to caress her breast. ‘For that, you deserve a reward.’

  A little smile hovering on her lips, she was reliving that ‘reward’ when the bathroom door opened and Gray appeared, wearing a short robe, a towel slung round his neck.

  Newly shaved, his black hair plastered seal-like to his well-shaped head and his green eyes gleaming between thick, sooty lashes, he looked so appealing and virile that her heart turned over.

  ‘Good morning,’ he greeted her cheerfully, and, crossing to the bed, dropped a light kiss on her lips.

  He smelt of shower gel and aftershave, and tasted of minty toothpaste. She found that healthy freshness a powerful aphrodisiac.

  Lifting the towel t
o vigorously rub his hair, he told her, ‘Breakfast, or, rather, brunch, should be here in a minute or so. Would you like it in bed?’

  Feeling unwashed and tangly-haired, and needing to clean her teeth, she pushed herself into a sitting position and hastily refused. ‘No, I’d like a shower first, so I’ll get up. How much time have we got?’

  Discarding the towel, he said, ‘Plenty. We don’t need to leave for the airport until early afternoon.’ His eyes were on her breasts and, as though he’d touched them, her nipples grew firm under his appreciative gaze.

  Trying desperately to appear casual, she pulled up the duvet to cover her nakedness, and looked around for her robe. It was well out of reach.

  In spite of, or perhaps because of all that had happened the previous night, she felt suddenly shy, reluctant to get out of bed in front of him.

  ‘Please could you pass my robe?’

  Straight-faced, he said, ‘Of course. Though it’s so warm I doubt if you’ll need it.’

  He reached for the robe, but instead of handing it to her he held it ready, leaving her no alternative but to push back the duvet and climb out.

  Knowing she was blushing, Rebecca was glad he couldn’t see her face as she slid into it.

  Folding his arms round her, he drew her back against him and, proving he missed very little, leaned forward to blow on her hot cheek, making her blush even harder.

  Then, sounding remorseful, ‘My love, it’s a shame to tease you.’

  ‘If you really think that, why do you keep doing it?’ she demanded.

  ‘You look so enchanting when you blush, I can’t resist it.’


  His cheek against hers, his crossed hands busy inside her robe, he suggested, ‘If you want any help with that shower…?’

  Her breath coming quickly, and afraid that at any moment she might weaken, she said repressively, ‘No, thank you,’ and, pulling herself free, fled, followed by his soft laughter.

  Used to having a slice of morning toast and a cup of coffee, standing alone in her small kitchen, it was strange and exciting to be sitting opposite Gray while they drank fresh orange juice and tucked into crisp curls of bacon, maple syrup and pancakes.

  His disturbing sexuality leashed, he was a pleasant companion, quietly good-humoured, happy to talk or simply eat in companionable silence.

  Dressed in well-cut cords and a casual shirt, he still contrived to look like a man of authority.

  Her eyes lingering on his lean, suntanned face with its fine, straight nose and those extraordinary eyes beneath level black brows, she wondered how she could ever have thought him less handsome than Jason.

  He had a bone structure that would keep him looking good even when he was old, whereas Jason had the kind of matinée-idol looks that by middle-age would start to grow slack and pouchy.

  When the feeling of betrayal that should have followed this disloyal thought failed to arrive, she was surprised.

  ‘You’re looking very serious,’ Gray remarked, reaching to pour her coffee. ‘What’s on your mind?’

  ‘I was thinking about Jason.’

  His face darkening with a sudden anger, Gray burst out, ‘Damn the man!’ Then more quietly, ‘Love’s the very devil…’

  But did she still love Jason?

  Even as her mind started to frame the question, she knew she didn’t.

  The spell he had undoubtedly cast had faded and died, and so had her love. Otherwise she could never have given herself so completely to another man.

  ‘But if you can put your feelings for Jason aside, I hope you’ll find that coming with me is preferable to sitting at home alone.’

  She was about to tell him that she no longer had any feelings for Jason, when he went on, ‘Neither of us want any new emotional entanglements. Which means we’ll be free to simply enjoy ourselves with no danger of getting involved or asking more than the other person is willing to give.

  ‘It could work pretty well. Wouldn’t you agree?’

  It was only common sense, but somehow it sounded so cold-blooded that she felt chilled.

  As she hesitated he asked sharply, ‘You’re not having second thoughts about last night?’

  ‘No,’ she answered, her golden eyes meeting his.

  His faint sigh of relief was audible, before he pursued, ‘About the holiday?’


  ‘That’s good.’ He smiled his slow smile at her.

  She thought wonderingly that it was less than forty-eight hours since they had met, but in some strange way it was as if she had always known him, as if he’d become part of her life, necessary to her.

  No, she mustn’t let herself think that way. He was her first, and would probably be her only lover, so he would always be very special to her. But she couldn’t let him become necessary.

  After this holiday they would be going their separate ways and he would probably never give her another thought.

  All she had was the coming two weeks, so instead of repining she would enjoy every moment of them to the full and then, grateful for what fate had bestowed on her, let go…

  They were in a taxi on their way to the airport, when Gray’s mobile rang.

  Having excused himself, he lifted the phone to his ear and spoke crisply. ‘Gallagher…Yes…Yes…Excellent…Even better…Yes, we’re quite prepared to match that…Yes, straight away…Thanks for letting me know…’ With a glance at Rebecca, he added, ‘I will, certainly.’

  Dropping the small instrument back into his pocket, he told her calmly, ‘That was Scrivener.’

  ‘Has he come to a decision?’ she asked eagerly.

  ‘Yes. He’s carrying on, as I thought he would.’

  As she breathed a sigh of relief, Gray continued, ‘The really good news is that, instead of putting a limit on further injections of cash, he’s going all out. The sky’s the limit. Whatever it takes to really get the complex up and running.’

  ‘Oh, that’s great!’

  ‘It’s better than I’d dared hope,’ he admitted. ‘And it’s all due to you.’

  When she began to demur, he shook his head. ‘We both know it’s the truth. Scrivener said so too.’

  With a slight frown, as if the idea displeased him, Gray added, ‘He also said that if you were looking for a new post and had no objection to working in Boston, he would be delighted to offer you a job as his PA.’

  Surprise kept her silent for a moment, then she demurred, ‘But Jason told me he always has a male secretary and PA.’

  ‘That was because his last wife didn’t trust him. In the end, apparently tired of her endless jealousy, he divorced her.

  ‘But in spite of three previous marriages he’s still childless, so, needing a son and heir, he’s apparently looking around for wife number four.’

  ‘Marianne?’ she suggested.

  ‘I very much doubt it. Scrivener’s no fool. Marianne and the others like her fulfil a need, but they’re not wife material. When it comes to marriage he always chooses a woman with brains and character, as well as beauty.

  ‘You seem to have made a distinct hit with our Andrew, so if you were looking for a wealthy husband it’s my opinion you’d be in there with a chance.’

  Rebecca shuddered inwardly. There was no way she would want to marry a man like Scrivener.

  But Gray was going on, ‘You could do a lot worse. Apparently where his women are concerned he’s quite generous. It could be a marvellous opportunity for any woman who was willing to close her eyes to his extramarital activities, and simply enjoy the kind of lifestyle he can offer.’

  His cynical words hurt.

  Unwilling, however, to show it, she remarked lightly, ‘I’ll bear that in mind,’ and saw by his expression that for some reason her answer had ruffled him.

  Perhaps, still not fully convinced that she hadn’t been after Jason’s money, he’d been testing her?

  Gray, for his part, was wishing he’d never brought up the subject of Scrivener remarrying.
He’d been expecting Rebecca to protest vehemently that she wasn’t looking for a wealthy husband, and could never bring herself to marry anyone like Scrivener. Instead she appeared to be considering the possibility.

  He tried to tell himself that it didn’t matter a jot if she was.

  But somehow it did.

  Scowling, he wondered if she would contact Scrivener about the job offer, and take it from there. If she did, he only had himself to blame for putting the idea into her head.

  Unhappy with the situation, Rebecca was about to try and retrieve it when, noticing that scowl, she chickened out, and the journey to Logan Airport was completed in a not altogether comfortable silence.

  Gray’s black mood persisted until they had boarded the small plane and were taxiing down the runway ready for take-off.

  Then, having thought it through a dozen times, and coming to believe he had almost certainly misjudged her reaction, he turned to Rebecca and, giving her a smile, took her hand.

  Catching her surprised expression, he said, ‘You don’t look scared this time, but it’s a good excuse to hold your hand and apologise for my bad temper.’

  Her happiness restored, she smiled back.

  ‘Does that smile mean I’m forgiven?’

  ‘It would if there was anything to forgive.’

  ‘Generous woman.’

  He lowered their clasped hands, and his knuckles grazed her thigh, making her jump. ‘If you’re in agreement, I thought that in a while we might resume our game.’

  His eyes on her face, he waited, a slight smile tugging at his lips.

  After a moment she recalled how, on the plane, he’d brought her tea in bed and deliberately sat too close. Then his comment, ‘I’ve found it most entertaining, and I look forward to resuming later.’

  Demurely, she said, ‘Oh, that game. Well, perhaps this time, before we start, we should lay down some ground rules?’

  He raised a dark, level brow. ‘What had you in mind? Clothes on and hands off?’

  Boldly, she asked, ‘Where’s the fun in that?’

  ‘Well, provided you promise not to seduce me…’

  She pretended to think about it. ‘OK, I’ll go along with that, so long as I don’t have to stop you if you try to seduce me.’


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