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Crashed Page 7

by Dawn Robertson


  Avery had finally gotten off from work, and after a long ass nap and a steaming hot shower, he was ready to pick up Emily for their date at The North Turn. She loved the beach and they had a beautiful deck they could dine on, directly on the water. After dinner he planned on taking her for a walk down the beach.

  Stepping out of the shower he toweled off before picking up his phone and noticing a text message waiting for him.

  I’m ready when you are ;)

  His heart skipped a beat and his body flew into double time, getting ready at lightning speed so he could get back to Emily. Over the years he’d had a handful of relationships; hell he even thought at one time he’d marry his high school sweetheart, Zoe Woods. His mother had adored her to pieces, pushing him to choose the perfect southern wife, but the love just never came. Avery often blamed his youth, or maybe it was the fact he knew she was far too dependent on him at such a young age. Nothing healthy could have ever come from their relationship.

  His mind rewound to a year ago when Erin had broken his heart. He was just starting to think he’d maybe found someone he could build a future with. He hadn’t worn his heart on his sleeve like he did around Emily; he was cool and distant with the relationship despite his cloaked emotions. It had only taken two months for him to walk into her apartment to surprise her after a long seventy-two hour shift to find her in bed with another man. He’d sworn off dating after that.

  It wasn’t until Kelsey fixed him up on a blind date with Quinn that he’d given dating another chance. But she’d become clingy after two dates, and he just didn’t have the kind of connection with her to make tolerating it worthwhile. He hadn’t really called it off, not that there was anything to “call off” after two dates, so he simply ignored her. That was almost three months ago.

  But everything with Emily was different. He found himself in the position of being the clingy lover, and they weren’t even lovers yet. Not that he didn’t hope that would change soon. As cheesy and grade school as it sounded, tonight he planned to ask her to be his girlfriend. There was clear cut chemistry between the two of them; no one within a twenty mile radius could deny there was a connection. He just prayed it wouldn’t blow up in his face.

  Avery picked his phone up from the counter and typed her a quick text before heading for his car keys.

  On my way. Xoxo


  Avery pulled up to her apartment complex and headed toward the guest spaces when he noticed her standing at the curb with a chunky balding gentleman talking her ear off. She nodded and smiled as he continued to blab about whatever made him tick. Instead of parking to walk to her door, he pulled the truck up to the curb. Putting the truck in park, he jumped down, strolling around the back and coming to a halt at her side.

  The balding man had stopped speaking and gaped with an open mouth at Avery and his truck.

  “Your chariot awaits, my lady,” Avery joked, taking her hand and placing a tender kiss on each knuckle. It was at that moment her friend decided to beat feet.

  “See ya around, Em,” he said as he slunk off toward the staircase which led to the second floor of the building.

  “Aww, I think he’s heartbroken now,” Emily said with a sad puppy dog look, sticking her bottom lip out with a pout. “He means well, I think he’s just lonely.” She felt a pang of pity for her neighbor as Avery boosted her up into his truck. “So, where are we off to tonight, Hot Pants?”

  Avery laughed at her words. Hot pants? If there was one thing he loved about Emily it was her distinct ability to make him laugh at the drop of a hat.

  “I was thinking this little beachside favorite of mine, The North Turn. Ever been?”

  “You forget I was born and raised here. I love the North Turn. It’s one of my all-time favorites. Two thumbs up for an awesome choice, Mr. Martin. I’m impressed already, and the night is young.” She openly flirted with him as they made their way down Atlantic Avenue.

  Later as they walked down the beach, Emily holding Avery’s hand and her fancy tropical mixed drink in the other, they talked about their childhoods. So much of her youth had been spent on the sand they were walking on at that very moment.

  He started to slow their pace down, before coming to a stop and pulling her tight into his arms. “You know, Emily, it has only been what...a week?” he asked her as she looked at his face contentedly, listening carefully to every word he spoke. She nodded in reply to his question before he continued, “This has been the most fucking amazing week ever. I never thought I could find someone I am so...just comfortable with.” He leaned in and placed a sweet kiss on her forehead, then continued again, “I know I’m going to come off corny, but I would love to call you my girlfriend.” He watched her with his breath held, eagerly waiting for her to say something. Or even just act on the words he’d just spoken to her.

  “Well, Avery. Since we’re in middle school again, I would like, totally love to be your girlfriend.” She let out a short uncomfortable laugh before she continued, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be joking right now. Avery, I would love to call you my boyfriend. I think everything about us is absolutely perfect right now. There isn’t any place else in the world I’d rather be than with you, Avery Martin.”

  Before she could put her drink down, he wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up off of the sand. Instinctively, she tossed her cup while wrapping her legs around him. Looking deeply into his eyes, she ran her fingers through his hair, moving in to take his lips. The same place he was heading.

  Their lips crashed together in a passionate kiss. With a whimper, she slowly opened her mouth to allow him all the access he wanted. Her tongue followed his lead, stroking his mouth with the same desperate want passing through her body. As she ran her hands along his rigid, strong arms, a moan escaped from his throat. The sound of his primal desire triggered something deep inside her soul. Her kisses quickly became needier as he slowed their pace down, distantly aware they were still in public.

  Emily let her legs fall free as she slid down his body, briefly feeling the erection he was desperately trying to hide. It was then she looked up and realized where they were standing.

  Right in front of the house she’d grown up in.

  As her eyes raked over the white and blue exterior of the beachfront home, her body stiffened with memories. Memories she hadn’t been able to replay since her accident.

  Avery wrapped his arms around her in comfort while gently placing a small kiss in the crook of her neck. “Are you okay?” he whispered into her neck, trying to figure out what she was staring at besides an empty beach house.

  “Come with me,” she said, taking his hand and walking toward the worn wooden staircase which led to a faded white painted deck. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs, taking in a deep breath of the salty ocean air before starting the climb, gripping his fingers tighter with every stair she conquered. “I haven’t been here in so long,” she whispered as she took the last step onto the deck. Looking around, she felt as if it had been a lifetime since her feet touched the sun bleached wood. In reality it had only been barely two years. The last time she’d stood on the deck, she recalled Jared walking away, and never looking back. Avery was shocked to have a memory of him finally come to her mind. Confused, she remembered he’d left her only a couple of days after her parents had been killed. Rage boiled inside her as Avery wrapped his arms around her once more, trying desperately to comfort her, despite not knowing what was wrong.

  “I’m sorry, I just…I haven’t been here in so long,” was all she could say before a single tear fell from her eye.

  “Whose house is this, Emily?” he asked with a puzzled look on his face as he wiped a second lingering tear away with his finger.

  “This...” She motioned around before pointing at the house. “Is my house.”

  He felt a slight pang in his chest while he cradled her close, aching to give her what she needed, make her feel safe. He could feel her heart racing as he ki
ssed away the tears on her cheeks.

  Emily was putty in his arms. She thought she’d never be able to step foot inside her childhood home again, but having him by her side made the simple but emotionally taxing task possible.

  It was in that moment Emily began to think she needed Avery in her life. They had fun, they shared an amazing connection, and she wanted him around. This was a turning point. She was starting to think she needed him like she needed food or air and it scared the absolute shit out of her in every way imaginable.

  “I haven’t been here since...well, in a long time,” she spoke against his chest while he continued their embrace, rubbing his hands gently down her back with a sense of guardianship surging through him. Whatever she was dealing with, Avery knew it wouldn’t be something she would ever have to experience without him. He wanted to be her rock, her everything, her protector. And he would, no matter what.

  Emily’s thoughts turned to living in her childhood home again. She missed everything about it, the sound of the beach so close in her backyard, the sprawling deck she could spend hours on, and the privacy of the small beach she didn’t have to share with tourists. She wanted her home back.

  “I’m sorry. We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, Emily.”

  His words meant the world to her. He wouldn’t push her, and she respected and appreciated that. But after all these years, she finally felt the urgent need to open up about everything. God, I hope he doesn’t run. She sat down on the deck, slowly lowering her back against the worn wood and began her tale.

  “It was about two years ago, maybe a little bit longer.” She picked at her fingernails as he sat next to her on the deck, paying close attention to her every word. “It was dark out, and the rain had just started rolling in. My parents were in my mother’s car, a small mustang convertible, coming back from some fancy dinner my grandparents had put on up at the raceway.”

  Emily stopped to take a deep breath before continuing. “They were on the Dunlawton Bridge, heading toward beachside. God, only two miles from home.” He took her hand, running his fingers along hers, while his other hand fixed a strand of misplaced hair.

  “A drunk driver was coming over the bridge the wrong way. He hit them head on.” She exhaled sharply, while another tear sprang from her reddening eyes. “They died on impact. The driver miraculously lived. I wish he’d died instead, though. But you know what they say about drunk drivers, they always survive because they can’t brace for the impact.” Letting out a tense, sarcastic laugh, she looked into Avery’s eyes. She could see the pity written all over his face. She had learned over the years to recognize the look, but there was something mixed with the sadness he felt for her. Something comforting, welcoming. Something about his gaze felt like home.

  “I went through the house for about a week after they died. I tried to go through everything. I really did. But the day my ex walked out on me, and I was all alone in the world, I walked away from the house and never came back. Until tonight.” Her chest hurt as she continued to recall Jared’s voice as he left, ‘I just have too much on my plate to deal with all this.’ With that, he’d jumped into his black SUV and Emily never saw him again, until he’d shown up at the hospital and then again today. She’d hated him from the moment he walked away from her. Completely crushed by his lack of compassion in her deepest time of need. She didn’t know if she every truly loved him, but she never mourned the relationship they’d had. She’d just been too numb.

  “Until tonight. Avery, you helped me be able to come up here.” She turned to him and placed a tender kiss on his cheek before lying back against the deck once more. She stared into the distance, the orange sunset engulfing the sky, and she couldn’t help but smile among the sorrow which filled her soul. Her parents were watching over her. Maybe they would finally be able to smile with her now that she was finding happiness in her life.

  “Emily, I don’t even know what to say. God, you are so amazing.” He rested his lips against hers once more in a chaste kiss.

  “Then don’t say anything, just lie with me. I don’t need more than your arms right now,” she said while snuggling into his embrace, placing her head on his chest. His heart echoed under her ear as she placed her unoccupied hand on his taut abs, slowly running her fingers along the seams of his clothing. The waves crashed in the distance as the sun continued to set. While the night had not turned out as either of them planned, neither would complain. The ties that bound them together had strengthened that evening.


  The couple walked through the door of Emily’s apartment, never breaking the grasp of their hands. Kicking off her sandy shoes, she turned to look at Avery standing in her foyer with a clear look of uncertainty on his face. He didn’t know whether he should kick off his shoes and relax with her or head back out to his truck for the night. It wasn’t long before Emily answered the question for him.

  “Do you have anything you have to do tomorrow?” Biting her bottom lip, she swayed from one foot to the other, while eagerly waiting for his answer. She batted her big blue eyes at him while his lips turned upward in a seductive grin.

  “Nope. Not a thing. Why, ya got something in mind, Sugar?” He started kicking off his shoes while she drooled over the southern twang which could melt her into a puddle on the floor. No matter how much he spoke, it did it for her every time.

  “I was actually hoping you would stay the night with me, Avery.” She smiled up at him, catching his magnificent green eyes in a gaze. “I don’t want to be alone,” she admitted. It was nothing short of honesty. The night had taken an emotional toll on her. No matter how new their relationship was, she didn’t want to be left alone to her thoughts tonight.

  “I don’t think there’s anywhere I would rather be, Emily,” Avery answered her honestly. They could do nothing but watch movies, or hell, play board games and he would be perfectly content with her company. Everything was just so easy with her.

  “I’m going to grab a couple of movies from my shelf. We can watch them in my bedroom. I want to relax a little bit, if that’s okay with you.”

  He nodded, moving with her to the living room. He wanted to pick out a movie. After all, the last movie was her choice.

  “How about Fools Rush In?” Emily questioned. “It’s one of my all-time favorites.” He couldn’t help but agree to the 90’s romantic comedy when her face beamed with such enthusiasm about it. After the night they’d shared, he would have watched anything which would’ve kept that smile secure on her face.

  “You got something to sleep in, Avery?” Emily pulled open her dresser drawer and tossed a nightgown on the bed as she slipped her hot pink fuzzy slippers over her toes.

  “What the hell are those?”

  He laughed as she rounded the bed, bringing her eyesore house slippers into his view. She couldn’t help but join in his laughter. They were damn hideous, but damn were they comfortable. She didn’t make it a point to keep them around the house; everyone who’d visited over the years never let her live them down, so now they stayed hidden in her bedroom. “My house slippers. Aren’t they adorable?” She teased with sarcasm. “They are honestly, ugly as hell, but fuck they are comfortable!” She laughed, heading for the bathroom. “I’m going to get changed and wash my feet off. Feel free to get comfortable, I’ll be out in a few,” she said and disappeared behind the cream colored bathroom door.

  While Emily turned on the shower water, Avery paced back and forth in her bedroom, thinking of what the hell he would be wearing to bed. He finally settled on no shirt, and his boxers. Just like he slept every other night of the week. He shimmied his pants down and tried to ignore his erection. Just the idea of sharing a bed with Emily was enough to make his manhood do inappropriate things. Stupid dick. He thought while trying to tame his already growing hard-on.

  When Emily made her way out of the bathroom, her eyes flew to Avery lying on her bed shirtless. Helllllllllo, lover. She thought while approaching the TV.

bsp; Avery grinned, watching her quickly turn toward the television, away from him. It was then he noticed what she was wearing—a little nightgown which fell just above her knees. Not short and sexy, but not grandma length. In his mind, it left just enough to the imagination, and damn his was already going a million miles an hour.

  “You ready for Fools Rush In?”

  Emily turned, asking him while slipping off the hideous slippers, pulling the covers back slightly and hopping up onto her lifted queen size sleigh bed. Avery laughed at Emily’s effort. “You ever consider getting a bed closer to the ground?” She smiled and playfully punched him in the arm while settling in under the cream and pink floral print comforter.

  “I love my bed!” she answered playfully. “I mean, isn’t it completely gorgeous? It just goes in a beach house, right? That’s the look I was going for when I found it at Rooms 2 Go.”

  God, he hated that place. It had been a nightmare just trying to find simple furniture when he moved to Daytona. The women in that showroom-hell-hole had eaten him alive and spit him back out, but not before dropping over three thousand dollars on furniture. “It does go with everything in here magically. You sure you weren’t some kind of interior decorator in another life?”

  “God, you don’t know how much I would love to do that.” She was beyond serious. It had always been something which interested her. Between Pinterest and her own desire for crafting projects she would die to make a career out of it.

  The thought of a career change frightened her, but after contemplating her letter of resignation it had become a genuine idea. The sky was the limit for her future. She didn’t care who would support her dreams. It was clear her sister didn’t approve of much she did with her life, not that she cared what Amelia thought anymore, anyway. Change was starting to sound good, lots of change.


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