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The Rebel Bride

Page 25

by Piper Davenport

* * *

  Despite her perfectly sated body, Victoria didn’t linger in bed as long as she would have liked. Kissing Quincy quickly, she climbed off the mattress and opened the wardrobe, finding several gowns, but no undergarments. “Shit.”

  Quincy sat up. “What?”

  “I don’t have clean panties.”

  Quincy frowned. “Panties?”

  “Undergarments.” She looked under a pile of clothes without success. “Corset, pantaloons, etc. I don’t really want to put the blue ones back on.”

  He climbed out of bed. “I’ll check the bag.”

  Opening the bag retrieved from the cabin, Quincy rummaged through it, pulling out a fresh pair of breeches for himself, plus a clean shirt. “I’m not seeing a corset,” he said. “But I did find these.” He pulled out a pair of satin boy shorts in pale lavender.

  Victoria reached for them. “How terrible would it be to go without a corset, do you think?”

  “I, for one, won’t mind,” he said with a raised eyebrow.

  She pulled the underwear on and then looked through the bag in case he missed something. “This is so strange,” she mumbled.

  “What is?”

  “One item of every set is missing.”

  “One item?”

  “Yes. The bra for these is gone, but here’s the amethyst one from our wedding night. I can’t seem to find the amethyst boy shorts. Same with the green.”

  “They’ll turn up, sweetheart.” He pulled on his pants. “They probably just got put into one of the other bags.”

  She smiled. “You’re probably right. For now, I’ll wear this and leave the corset off.”

  They dressed quickly and made their way out to the barn. Jack Hillson was on guard duty and smiled when Victoria arrived.

  “How’s he been?” she asked.

  As soon as Rocky heard her, he whinnied and stuck his head out of the stall.

  “Very well, ma’am.” Jack grinned. “Ornery as ever, but otherwise seems fine.”

  She laughed. “Hi, boy,” she said as she stroked his muzzle. “Are you hungry?”

  “Captain Ford brought a few flakes and oats for him about ten minutes ago.”

  “Thanks,” she said.

  “Jack, why don’t you take a break? Come back in fifteen minutes,” Quincy suggested.

  He saluted him. “Yes sir. Thank you, sir.”

  Jack left, and Quincy got the food sorted out while Victoria took a brush and let herself into the stall. She checked Rocky’s eyes and saw that they looked fine.

  Quincy rested his forearms on the stall door. “I forgot to tell you that we’re going to be leaving tomorrow.”

  Victoria paused mid-brush. “Oh? Why so early?”

  “Safety, sweetheart.”

  “Ah. What about Rocky?”

  “He’s going with us. Don’t worry. Chris is arranging a stall for him on the train.”

  She walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss. “Thank you. I really would have hated to kill you.”

  Quincy laughed out loud. “Somehow, I knew you would say that.”

  “Do we have time to go for a ride today?”

  “Of course,” he said. “We’ll go after lunch.”

  Jack returned and Victoria reluctantly left Rocky’s stall.

  “Come on, sweetheart, you’ll see him in less than an hour.”

  Victoria scoffed. “When has a meal at the Wades’ ever lasted less than two?”

  “All right, Rebel, you’ll be here in less than three then.”

  “Okay.” She sighed and turned to the soldier. “Thanks, Jack.”

  He tipped his hat. “My pleasure, ma’am.”

  Quincy led her back to the house, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist. They stopped in the kitchen to wash up quickly before continuing on to the parlor.

  Hannah rushed over to Victoria and pulled her into a tight hug. “Hi! How are you? How’s Rocky?”

  “I’m fine and Rocky’s much better. Quincy and I are going to take him out for a ride after lunch. How are you?” Victoria laid her hand on Hannah’s belly. “I’m surprised you were allowed out of bed.”

  Hannah nodded. “It took some coaxing. I feel really good and since we’re leaving tomorrow, I want to spend as much time with Sophie as I can. I hate being so far away from her, and now we probably won’t see each other again until I have the baby.”

  “Will you give birth here, or in D.C.?”

  “D.C. Christopher won’t let me travel again after this trip.”

  Victoria saw him advancing on them. “Speak of the devil.”

  Hannah turned, and Victoria giggled at the look on Christopher’s face.

  “Not supposed to be standing, Hannah,” Christopher said in a warning tone.

  “I’m going to the sofa right now, Knight.” Hannah pointed to the couch. “See? Moving toward it.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her and followed the girls to the seat. Victoria sat down, and Hannah sat next to her. Christopher leaned down and kissed his wife on the cheek before he went to retrieve lemonade for them.

  “Irritating,” Hannah huffed.

  “Submission, Hannah.”

  With a look of mischief, Hannah reached over and squeezed her knee until Victoria squealed.

  * * *

  Quincy glanced at his wife in concern, relief stealing his breath when he saw her laugh.

  “She’s fine, Quinn,” Jamie said.

  Quincy sighed. “I’ll feel better when we’re away from the threat.”

  “Do you know who the threat is?”

  “No idea,” Quincy admitted.

  “Lunch is served,” Daniel interrupted from the doorway.

  Quincy went to the couch. Victoria grinned and placed her hands in his. “Hi, stranger.”

  He kissed her cheek. “Would you like to join me for lunch?”

  She bit her lip. “I’m not sure if my husband would approve.”

  “We won’t tell him.”

  “Oh, in that case, I’d love to,” she joked as she took his arm.

  “What was all of that with Hannah?”

  Victoria smiled. “I reminded her of something she told me and she didn’t like it.”

  Lunch ended faster than expected, and Victoria couldn’t hide her excitement to get back out to the barn and saddle Rocky for her promised ride.

  “Victoria! Slow down,” Quincy said with a laugh as he followed her out to the barn.

  Turning, she continued walking backwards. “I want to ride, honey. How about you hurry up?” He took off and quickly passed her. “You sneak!” she called as she ran to catch him, arriving at the barn out of breath and laughing hysterically. “That was mean.”

  Quincy wrapped his arms around her waist. “You said to hurry up.”

  “Yes, I did. Does that mean you’ll do everything I tell you to for the rest of our lives?”

  “Dream on, Rebel.”

  “You’re my dream,” she said with mock exaggeration.

  He chuckled and kissed her. The moment was broken by Rocky whinnying and pawing at the ground. “Let’s get the beast saddled.”

  Once mounted, Victoria headed for the lake.

  “Rebel! Stop,” Quincy called.

  She pulled up and turned Rocky to face him. “Why?”

  “It’s not safe, sweetheart. We need to go somewhere else.”

  “This really pisses me off, Quinn.”

  “I understand, but I need to keep you safe.”

  “I know that,” she said with a sigh. “I just hate that we are powerless right now.”

  “We won’t be for long. We’ll find out who is doing this,” he promised. “I have an alternative. Follow me.”

  * * *

  He led her east, toward the trees and through the entrance to a small grove. A narrow lane of foliage ran through a long arbor, creating a passageway of sorts, and Victoria admired the beauty of the sun peeking through the leaves and the shadowing on the ground as they continued through the makeshift tunn
el and out into a heavily wooded area.

  “Um, Gus. There’s nowhere to go. What are you doing?”

  “Clayton gave me a map...” Quincy glanced around. “Trust me.”

  She giggled. “Famous last words.”

  They rode slowly through the trees for another few yards and then the grove seemed to disappear. One minute, there were trees on every side, and then there was just a large expanse of meadow.

  “This is so beautiful,” Victoria whispered.

  “We’re not there yet.”

  “We’re going somewhere better than this?”

  He moved his horse to the left. “Yes, we are.” Riding a few more yards, Quincy pulled to a stop and jumped down. “We dismount here, sweetheart.”

  “Okay,” she said in confusion.

  Lifting her from Rocky, he secured their horses to a tree and grabbed the blankets he’d brought with him. Taking her hand, he led her down a tiny path. “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “You’ll see.”

  Within seconds they were in a small circular area, surrounded by trees. There was very little sun, other than the rays that escaped through the tops of the large trees, and Victoria felt as though she were in their very own natural cabin. She looked up and turned around a few times, enjoying the beauty of their private spot.

  “Honey, this is amazing,” she said. “And nice and cool.”

  Quincy laid out the blankets and then pulled her down next to him, kissing her deeply before settling her head in his shoulder. They lay staring at the sky, talking about their plans and dreams for the future.

  Victoria snuggled closer to him. “Tell me about the townhouse.”

  He kissed her temple. “No, I don’t think I will.”

  “What? Why not?”

  “Because it’s not going to stay the way it is, and I don’t want you to get an idea in your head of what it might look like.”

  She rested her head in her hand. “Why isn’t it going to stay the way it is?”

  He mimicked her movement to look at her. “Because you’re going to change it.”

  “I am? Why?”

  “Because I want it to be your home, sweetheart. I only lived there for a few months before the war started, so I didn’t really get used to it, and since we’re starting our new life together, I want you to make it the way you want it.”

  She smiled. “What if I like it the way it is?”

  “Well, then by all means, we won’t change it, but I have a feeling that won’t be the case. I can’t imagine it’ll be in the best of condition once my tenants move out.”

  “Perhaps you’re right.”

  “I’m always right.” He reached over to slip the buttons on her riding jacket. “You would do well to remember that.

  Victoria laughed. “Oh, really? And what should happen to me if at some point I forget that fact?”

  He slipped her jacket from her shoulders. “There will be consequences.”

  Hearing his sharp intake of breath, she looked up in concern. “What’s wrong?”

  “I failed to remember you weren’t wearing a corset.”

  Reaching behind her back to unhook her bra, she slid it down her arms, threw it to the side, and then lay down on her back. “So, tell me about these consequences.”

  She watched him unbutton his shirt and discard it next to her jacket. Reaching up to touch his chest, she was surprised when he pushed her hand away.

  “No touching,” he said.


  “You heard me, Victoria.” He kissed her shoulder. “You will obey me in this.”

  “Oh, really?” She raised an eyebrow. “Can I kiss you?”

  “No,” he said. “But I can kiss you.”

  “You are evil,” she said.

  “Hands above your head.”

  She bit her lip, but did as he demanded. He divested them both of the rest of their clothes and knelt between her legs.

  “I love it when you start here,” she admitted.

  “I know.” He kissed one thigh, then the other before kissing her clit gently. “I love how you’re bare.”

  She smiled, arching into his mouth. “I know.”

  Quincy gripped her thighs as he ran his tongue along her wetness. She couldn’t help but run her hands through his hair, but he raised his head and gave her thigh a smack. “No touching.”

  Victoria almost came right then and there, and whimpered with need.

  Quincy grinned. “You like that, hmm?”

  She bit the inside of her cheek and nodded.

  He sat up. “On your knees.”

  Victoria’s heart raced as she did as she was told and he tugged her hips back and slid into her.

  “Quinn,” she whispered.

  “Fast or slow, sweetheart?”

  “Fast,” she panted. “Definitely fast.”

  Quinn buried himself deep inside of her and Victoria dropped her head with a sigh. He continued to slam into her over and over again, but when he smacked her bottom, she nearly exploded.

  “Too hard?” he rasped.

  She shook her head, unable to speak, and pressed her bottom into him again. He thrust into her again and smacked her, harder this time, and she climaxed so hard and fast, she fell forward. Luckily, he caught her and guided her to the softness of the blanket, delivering one more thrust and then rolling them to their sides. He slipped out of her and pulled a blanket over them, turning her to face him.

  She kissed his chest. “That was amazing. I want that every day.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Your wish is my command.”

  “I could stay here forever.”

  “Oh? Why is that?”

  She drew a heart with her finger on his chest. “I love the seclusion.”

  “You do?” he asked somewhat surprised.

  “Absolutely. Does that surprise you?”

  “It does, as a matter of fact. I thought you enjoyed the city.”

  Leaning on her forearm, her hand splayed across his chest, she said, “I do, but do you want to know what my ultimate dream is? Well, my second one, anyway?”

  He stroked her back. “Tell me.”

  “I want to build a big house surrounded by trees and have pasture that comes right up to it so that my horses can be in my back yard.”


  “Yes, horses.”

  He looked at her for a moment and then smiled.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I was simply thanking God for blessing me with the perfect wife.”

  Victoria giggled. “I take it that sounds good to you?”

  “Yes. More than you could ever know.” He picked up a strand of hair and let it slip through his fingers. “How would you feel about Maryland?”

  “Anywhere with you would be fine. Why?”

  “We have all said that we’d like to live close together. We have so much room on the farm that we had talked about each building homes on the property and raising our families together.”

  She sat up, the blanket slipping to her waist. “I love that idea! I’m totally in.”

  Quincy stroked her arm. “So, if living on the land is your second dream, what’s your ultimate dream, Rebel?”

  “I already got that one.”


  She nodded. “Yep. My ultimate dream was a dark-haired hottie with the most stunning eyes ever seen on a human being.”

  “That was my dream,” he said in mock surprise.

  “What? That’s such a coincidence!” Leaning over, she kissed him. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For this. For doing everything in your power to make me happy. I never thought I’d ever feel so completely loved.”

  “I never thought I’d find someone to so completely love,” he said. “Now, my beautiful wife, we need to get back. We have a big day tomorrow.”

  “Just a few more minutes?”

  A few minutes turned into much longer, and Victoria couldn’t have been ha
ppier, but then it was time to go. Dressing quickly, they gathered their supplies. Victoria looked around wistfully. “I’m going to miss this little spot,” she said.

  “We’ll come back, sweetheart. I promise.”

  “I’ll hold you to it, because next time, I want to bring blankets and food and make love all day and night.”

  Quincy raised an eyebrow. “I thought Carringtons don’t camp?”

  “Oh, but I’m a Butler now, and if what we just did is classified as camping, then sign me up.”

  Quincy laughed and took her hand to lead her back to the horses.

  Returning to the barn, Victoria spent extra time rubbing Rocky down and giggled when he started to nuzzle at her pockets. “Sneaky little devil, aren’t you?”

  She pulled out a sugar cube and let him take it from her hand.

  “Are you almost ready, sweetheart?” Quincy called from the tack room.

  “Yes. Who’s on guard?”

  “I am, Mrs. Butler.” A young soldier stood just outside Rocky’s stall.

  “Hello, Jonathan. Thank you.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  The couple made their way back to the house and spent the next few hours in blessed solitude. Victoria had been distracted the first time she traveled to Harrisburg, and could scarcely remember the train ride, so she had no idea what was in store for them tomorrow and didn’t know how draining it might be.

  Victoria fed Rocky one more time before dinner and then checked on him before turning in early. She fell asleep in Quincy’s arms, excited and nervous at the same time about the adventures that lay ahead for them.

  WAKING JUST AFTER five, Victoria’s hand throbbed and she felt exceedingly restless. Quincy groaned as she pulled out of his arms and climbed off the bed.

  “Rebel? What are you doing?” he grumbled. “We don’t need to wake up for hours.”

  She leaned over and kissed him quickly. “Two to be exact.”

  He patted the mattress. “Come back to bed.”

  “I will, honey. I need to put some stuff on my hand.”

  He sat up quickly. “Are you in pain?”

  “A little, but I’ll be fine, Gus. Just give me a sec.”

  He threw the covers from his body and climbed out of bed. “Sit down, sweetheart, I’ll get everything for you.”

  She sat while he gathered the cream and bandages, and then he squatted down beside her and gently unwrapped her hand. “It looks much better this morning.”


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