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Caught in the Middle

Page 17

by Kira Barker

  I blinked, anger slowly fading into even more of that horrible burn in the back of my mind. And between my thighs. Irritation about people screwing with my schedule wasn’t enough to take care of that, and Jack’s mere presence made me fidgety all over again—not that I’d ever admit that.

  “You’re evil, you know that?” I asked, trying hard to sound put off, but I might as well have started rubbing myself all over him from the husky tones my voice picked up.

  Jack didn’t bat an eyelash, but his grin turned a little darker.

  “If that turns you on, I have nothing to protest about that. But you’re evading my questions, and that’s not usually your style.”

  “What questions? You can’t seriously expect me to be happy that you and Simon team up and decide who is good enough to make a move on me and who isn’t.”

  Jack snorted, but the look on his face was suspiciously bland.

  “Trust me—if we really did that, you’d likely spend your days in isolation right now.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He blinked as if he was surprised by my reply, which in turn made me wonder if his last statement had been supposed to be voiced aloud. Another issue I didn’t want to think about right fucking now.

  “Whatever,” I deflected, and the way I crossed my arms over my chest might have been only slightly defensive. “I’m a little on edge right now as you can very easily tell, so if you don’t want me to bite your head off, leave me alone.”

  “Just because I walked in on you? You can’t be mad at me for that!”

  “And I’m not.”

  He opened his mouth in protest, but then closed it again abruptly.

  “You’re mad at him.”

  Not a question but a statement, yet I still replied.

  “I’m not.”

  “Oh, yes, you are, but for some unfathomable reason you’re trying to hide it, and… shit.”

  My glare certainly wasn’t friendly, but it didn’t warrant the way he cut himself off. He looked downright apologetic, and if Jack was one thing, it was straightforward. He never backtracked.

  “This thing between you is getting more serious than just the occasional ill-timed bootie call, isn’t it?” he asked, a lot more cautious. Caution didn’t work well with my sunny disposition right now.

  “That’s none of your business,” I pointed out, maybe a little more harshly than warranted, and with a note of defensiveness that I really hated hearing in my voice.

  “Right, it isn’t,” he agreed, and seemed to mean it. “I just didn’t figure that you’re the type who, you know, doesn’t punch a guy in the face when he’s, well…”

  “Well what?”

  Jack’s eyes zeroed in on my face, and after a second or two he broke out into a stupidly wide grin.

  “Who works you into a frenzy and then doesn’t let you come.”

  I seriously considered punching him now, and while that might have been rewarding, violence by proxy certainly wasn’t the answer. His statement also made me wonder just how much in cahoots the two of them were.

  “How much did he tell you?” Then something else occurred to me. “Did he send you out here after me?”

  Jack’s beginning smile strengthened, and that did ungodly things to my body.

  “Nothing and nope, but you just confirmed it. And it’s the only reason I could think of for why you’re acting like a bristling cat ever since you stomped out of the bathroom.” He pursed his lips, and suddenly he was really standing too close to me, close enough that I could feel the heat radiating from his body, which made me shiver for reasons other than leaving my jacket inside. “You know, even if he’s acting like a prick and stringing you along, that doesn’t mean I have to. I’d be more than happy to lend you a hand there. Or tongue, or dick, or all three. I could fuck you right here, if you want to, with no one the wiser. Well, no one but Simon. He’s been watching us the entire time, but I doubt that he’d object.”

  Somewhere during that declaration, my eyes had latched onto Jack’s lips, and it was almost impossible for me to drag them back to his eyes now. Fuck, but this situation was starting to become impossible! Just listening to him talk like that fanned those now again-raging flames, and I’d never been known for my self-restraint.

  Taking a shaky breath, I forced myself to look away and shook my head.

  “Jack, I can’t.”

  “Why not? You’re not exactly bundled up for an arctic expedition here. Let me demonstrate.”

  Then he was standing behind me, his body pressing into my back, soft, warm fingers ghosting down my arms, then to my hips. One hand stayed, the other slid down to my thigh, then underneath the soft fabric of my dress, and I let out a harsh breath when skin met skin. Through his jeans it was easy to feel his erection pressing against my ass, and it was impossible not to grind myself back against him as that hand started its quick trail up my leg.

  “Jack!” I more groaned than said, the words I wanted to utter getting stuck in my throat when I looked toward the seating area inside, and, true enough, found Simon studying us over his bottle of beer.

  “Shit, you’re not wearing any panties,” Jack ground out when his hand confirmed as much, the need in his voice whipping my own pulse up further. Jerking his hips forward, maybe even in an involuntary motion, made my dress ride up enough that the denim of his jeans was now pressed directly against my ass. I’d just have to reach back, undo that zipper, and I was sure that a minute or two later I’d be one very happy puddle of goo. I knew that he wouldn’t take longer, and he wouldn’t tease me or let me hang, and suddenly the fact that I’d only had his cock in my ass but not in my pussy before turned to a glaring need that was impossible to ignore. I shuddered all over, which only grew worse when his lips appeared on the nape of my neck, pressing a series of light, hot kisses onto my skin.

  But I couldn’t. It was killing me right now, but I just couldn’t give in like that.

  “Jack, stop.”

  I made my voice as harsh and cold as possible, which still sounded like a husky whisper, but he stilled immediately, which left him pressed against me, his fingers about to discover that my underwear wasn’t the only thing that was gone.

  I felt him relax, then let out a long-drawn exhale, but that only ended up sending my nerve endings screaming from where his breath ghosted over the sensitive side of my neck.

  “Why?” he asked, sounding not a hint annoyed, but there was something in his voice that made my heart ache weirdly deep down.

  “Because I can’t. Because he told me not to touch myself, and I’m not allowed to come until he gives me permission, and there’s no way you won’t have me screaming in under ten seconds flat if we keep going.”

  I hoped that alluding to his sexual prowess would patch up whatever caused that weird tone in his voice, and when he started to chuckle low under his breath, I felt tension leave me. Not much, because I was still impossibly high strung on the physical level, but my mind quieted down. Had that been jealousy in his voice? No, couldn’t be, because if anyone had no cause for that, it was him.

  “He’s really pulling a number on you, eh? Simon, you cocky rat bastard.”

  His chuckle turned into a full-blown laugh, and I wasn’t exactly content when he stepped back enough to let the fabric of my dress settle between us again, although he was a little more reluctant to let go of me. I might have lingered a moment too long before I turned around, making sure that we weren’t touching but unable to put more of a distance between us than that. Looking up, I found his face slightly flushed, his eyes bright, but it was his smile that almost did the trick of making me abandon every single thing I’d vowed to myself just this afternoon. That he obviously respected my choices so didn’t help right then.

  “Wanna know what’s the worst about this? He’s been such a tease tonight that I’m sure he won’t change his mind until I go home. And instead of being able to work my frustration off tomorrow, I’ll spend the entire day at home, too
worked up to get some rest, unable to take care of it, and just because that sneaky little bitch stole my OR time.”

  Jack grinned, clearly amused by my mental roundhouse kick, and, infuriatingly enough, got out his phone.

  “What, my plight concerns you so little that now you have to check your texts? And send some?”

  I was ready to sock him a good one but he just kept grinning as he typed away, leaving me fuming in silence. His phone vibrated twice when replies came in, and I’d resorted to a pissed-off glower by the time he turned his attention back to me.

  “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem,” he remarked, sounding way too self-satisfied.

  “I agree—you don’t think. Period.”

  That made him laugh, and when he swept his arm across my shoulders and started steering me back toward the others, I had to fight a grin on my own. But shit, this was slowly going to kill me!

  Simon looked decidedly too smug upon our return, but I did my best not to give away just how much pushing Jack away had cost me. At least now enough time had passed so I could make an exit, or so I figured, until Kara put her scrawny ass down on the armrest of Jack’s chair.

  “What are you guys doing this weekend? Any grand plans for world domination?”

  “Why, do you need my moral support for yet another lazy Sunday at the country club?” Jack egged her on.

  “Nope, unless you’d otherwise sit home, alone, and wallow in your misery?”

  I wondered if that was the worst pick-up line in existence, but judging from how the guy she was apparently seeing had his hand on her knee, I figured it had to be genuine interest. It was so tempting to complain about my own situation, but I stopped myself short, lest Simon could accuse me of that moping he’d expressly told me not to do. That in turn made me wonder again just how much of Jack’s uncharacteristic show of affection was due to our recent activities, and how much it was Simon’s doing in the end.

  My train of thought was quickly derailed when Simon answered Kara’s question.

  “Sorry to disappoint you, but we already have plans. The three of us are going hiking tomorrow.”

  Now that was not what I’d expected to hear.

  “We are?” I inquired, turning to him, which, for whatever reason, gave him the excuse to smirk right in my face.

  “Unless you’d rather stay home and mope around the entire day?”

  My mouth was already open, about to ask him how he knew about my very recent change of schedule, but I cut myself short when I realized that it must have been the content of Jack’s infuriating slew of texts. It wasn’t hard to extrapolate from there where this was going, and I fervently hoped that it wasn’t just wishful thinking on my part.

  “I don’t mope,” I pointed out, although I sounded petulant enough to make myself wince. “But hiking sounds fun.”

  Kara stared at us for a second, and I was sure that she was checking her inner radar for possible euphemisms for said physical activity, but then shook her head.

  “I’ll never get why you think that outdoors stuff is fun. I mean, I get it with those two hillbillies.” She nodded at Jack and me. “But you? Didn’t we vote you ‘least likely to do non artsy stuff’ in high school?”

  Simon answered that accusation with a jovial grin.

  “People change. And the great outdoors has been inspiration for many lyrical masterpieces.”

  “I’m not bringing you cake if you lock yourself away in a cabin next,” she warned, then laughed. “Anyway, should your plans fall short, call me. Dan’s sister keeps reminding me that she wouldn’t mind me setting her up with some eligible bachelors, and they have an open bar up there. Not interested? Spoilsports.”

  I waited exactly long enough for her to sashay out of earshot before rounding on Simon, who looked completely nonplussed by my glare.

  “Hiking? Seriously?”

  “Remember that lake we were having a few beach parties at over the last couple of years?”

  I frowned, and Jack was only too happy to help, leaning across the table so he could join our little whisper session.

  “The one where you kept either excusing yourself or ended up falling asleep in one of the cars less than ten minutes after joining us?”

  “It was at least twenty that one time,” I pointed out.

  “That lake,” Simon confirmed. “Weather forecast is good, and most people barely make it ten yards away from the parking spaces. There are a couple of trails leading around the lake. Back there, we’ll be pretty much undisturbed and can spend the entire day doing whatever we want.”

  Now that did sound promising, if for one little detail. It rankled that a part of me even thought about objecting.

  “I’m not sure I can do this with the two of you.”

  That sounded rather obtuse, and Simon’s frown let me know that, so I was quick to lean closer and pitch my voice even lower.

  “I’m quite happy to accept you as my Dom, but I can’t do this with Jack. It was weird enough the first time, but after today I’m a hundred percent sure that I’m going to end up rolling on the floor, laughing, rather than play along. You understand what I’m saying, right?”

  His features evened out, and one of those almost sweet smiles returned.

  “We don’t always have to play just because we fuck.” Just hearing him say that gave me the best kind of goose bumps, but he wasn’t finished yet. “So far it looks like you’re really trying to hold your temper in check, and it must have cost you not to let Jack fuck you out on that terrace over there. Antagonizing me comes with punishment, but if you obey, you deserve a reward. If you can make it to that lake without succumbing to your baser nature, you deserve such a reward, and I think I can speak for Jack, too, when I say that we’ll make up for all that pent-up frustration you’re positively humming with. As equals, on common ground, no rules, no regulations. Sounds good?”

  I nodded, unable to keep myself from responding as quickly as possible. Who in their right mind would have been opposed to that?

  Jack’s laugh cut through the haze my mind was quickly getting lost in, pulling me back to the here and now. He’d leaned back during our quick conversation, giving us privacy, but now he was once again moving closer.

  “Don’t forget to pack some sunscreen and bug spray. But if you ask me, you can forget your panties any day of the week.”

  That got the sneer from me that it deserved, and I really hoped that Simon wasn’t filing that away for later use. Then again, if he planned on always rewarding obedience like this, he might find me very agreeable.

  Chapter 10

  In accordance with Simon’s plan to drive me insane by means of instant combustion, the guys had shared a cab with me on the way home. There hadn’t been any touching or even dirty talking involved, but more than once I had asked myself why I hadn’t just joined them right fucking then instead of agreeing to sleep at my own place. I’d been out cold as soon as my head hit the pillow, but still, waking up wedged between them would have been all kinds of neat.

  I woke up an hour early in the morning, uncharacteristically so, which left me too much time with my own thoughts as I showered, dressed, and ate breakfast alone. Marcy wasn’t home, and I’d forgotten to ask about her schedule. I was too excited about today to read, so no wonder that my inner monologue resembled a porn flick. By the time Jack called to let me know that they were waiting for me downstairs, I was ready on so many levels and couldn’t leave the house quickly enough.

  It didn’t come as much of a surprise to find the passenger seat of the car that was idling at the curb unoccupied, but it wasn’t like Simon to be sleeping in the back while Jack was driving. At my raised brows, Jack grinned and gunned the engine as he swerved back into the light morning traffic.

  “He was up until the early hours of the morning, writing. Said he was so inspired after last night.”

  I didn’t know whether that made me frown or laugh harder.

  “So glad that my plight gets his creat
ive juices flowing.”

  “Not just the creative ones,” Simon grumbled from the back, not even opening his eyes as he curled up more tightly against the window. Jack shook his head, grinning, while I was seriously considering reaching back and hitting Simon with something, but only for a moment. Instead, I filched Jack’s coffee from the cup holder and busied myself with staring at the city streaking by the windows.

  “You’re really serious about taking things to the next level with him, eh?” Jack broke the silence a little while later.

  “Kinda,” I admitted, then passed him the coffee as he held a hand out to me. Glancing at him, I saw that he was trying hard not to grin. “Why? Is it that obvious that I’m a little worked up still?”

  “You look like a bristling cat, just so you know,” he informed me. “I really don’t get why you let him put you into a situation like that.”

  I shrugged, not quite sure how to reply.

  “Because it’s fun, even if it’s terribly frustrating? And if you’re bothered on my behalf, you know how to make things right later.”

  “Counting on it, actually,” he grinned, and the playful leer he sent in my direction made me laugh.

  “Why did we never have sex before two weeks ago?” I asked, surprising not only Jack but myself with the question.

  “Well,” he started, then shut his mouth again as a light frown crept across his forehead. “Do you want the honest answer, or the reply you expect me to give?”

  “How do you know what I expect you to say?”

  “Because I know you like no one else does. Except maybe him, if you keep this up for more than a couple of weeks.”

  Had he just sounded a little annoyed? He didn’t look it, but there was a certain tension in the line of Jack’s jaw that made me wonder.

  “Hit me with both. I mean, you’re self-centered enough to believe that I’ve always been pining for you, so it’s only fair that you give me something to laugh at, too.”


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