Hugh Dalton Ben Pimlott, Jonathan Cape London 1985
Our Own People: A Memoir of ‘Ignace Reiss’ and His Friends Elisabeth K Poretsky, OUP London 1969
SOE Syllabus Lessons in Ungentlemanly Warfare World War II, Public Record Office 2001
To War With Whittaker: The Wartime Diaries of the Countess of Ranfurly 1939-45, Countess of Ranfurly, William Heinemann London 1994
In the Highest Degree Odious: Detention Without Trial in Wartime Britain A.W.B.Simpson, Clarendon Press Oxford 1992
The Thirties And After Stephen Spender, Fontana London 1978
Come into the Sunlight Nerina Shute, Jarrolds London 1958
The First Day of the Blitz Peter Stansky, Yale University Press New Haven 2007
Second Bureau Philip John Stead, Evans Brothers, London 1959
Intelligence at the Top Kenneth Strong, Cassell London 1968
Dunkirk: Retreat To Victory Major General Julian Thompson, Sidgwick & Jackson London 2008
Tibullus: Elegies tr. Guy Lee, Francis Cairns Leeds 1975
Problems of Social Policy Richard M. Titmuss, HMSO and Longmans, Green & Co London 1950
Hitler’s War Directives 1939-1945 ed H.R. Trevor-Roper, Sidgwick and Jackson London 1964
British Intelligence: Secrets, Spies and Sources Stephen Twigge, Edward Hampshire, Graham Macklin, National Archives Kew 2008
Sonya’s Report Ruth Werner tr. Renate Simpson, Chatto & Windus London 1991
Operation Sea Lion Ronald Wheatley, OUP Oxford 1958
Innocence To Die For Page 52